You, Me and Us



“Noona.” I turned and Jungkook stood in front of me. “Here.” he placed a plaster on my cheek. “You got a cut too.” he smiled as he finished pasting.

“Thank you.” I patted his shoulder.

“Now can you tell me what’s going on?”

“What do you mean?”

“About you showing more expression and seem more like a normal human. I heard about your condition remember, you can’t feel but you were worried about me just now. Something is happening right?”

“I’m not too sure myself to be honest. It all happened after I regain part of my memories.”

“You got your memories back?” he asked wide eye.

“Shhhh, not so loud. Not all, just a bit. At least who I am.” He looked at me in disbelieve.

“Wah, I need to get used to you showing expression and your change in tone.” He looked down. “But, I prefer you this way.” he smiled.

“I take that as a good thing?” he nodded.

“A really good thing.”

We walked to the garden where the kids were playing. I couldn’t help but wonder what I would do for these kids. They are all so lovely and innocent, they never fail to make those negative thoughts go away. I decided not to have any lessons that day, so I spend the rest of the time watching them run around playing catch. The sun was setting and it was dinner time. We gathered the kids inside, got them to wash up before dinner. They were pestering me to make kimchi chige for them and so I made dinner.

“Dinner is ready!” I carried the huge pot of soup out to the long table in the living room and the kids cheered. The older kids helped to scoop out the soup into the bowls and everyone started eating. Seeing everyone eating well, I had a sense of accomplishment. I went back to the kitchen and picked up the tray I prepared beforehand and went into the room quietly. He was still lying down as I placed the tray one side. Just to make sure that he is okay, I placed my hand on his forehead. His eyes slowly fluttered open and I quickly retracted my hand.

“Sorry if I woke you.” I said softly and he turned to me. “I just wanted to make sure you weren’t having a fever.” He sat up slowly and I helped him, I didn’t know why but it was slightly awkward but then again it was comfortable, I don’t really know how to explain it. He leaned against the wall and looked at me, his eyes were trying to say something. It was like he is trying to tell me something important. He opened his mouth to say something but ended up coughing. I took the cup of water and handed it to him while I rubbed his back. He took a gulp and the coughing stopped, taking the cup from him I placed it back on the tray.

“Are you hungry? I made something light just in case. Blood lost may lead to loss in appetite.” I placed the bowl in front of him and placed the spoon in his left hand. “Try it.”

He looked at me once more before taking a spoonful of porridge. His hand shook a little as he placed it in his mouth.

“Is it okay?” I asked as my hands started to perspire. That only happens when I’m nervous, I froze a bit. Even if I don’t remember, my body remembers. My emotions were coming back bit by bit.

“It’s good.” He said softly and I let out a soft sigh of relief. He went for more, slowly scooping with his left hand. He seemed a bit uncomfortable using his left hand, a normal thing when people can’t use their dominant hand.

“Do you need help?” he carefully handed the spoon to me and I held the bowl in my hand. Taking a spoonful, I blew on it making sure it’s not too hot. A habit when it comes to feeding Chanwoo. I fed him in silence, only the laughter from outside could be heard. He kept his eyes on me, I could feel his stare but it didn’t bother me that much.

“Do you want anything else? We have some soup and fruits.” I said as I picked up the tray.

“I’m good.” He said not tearing his eyes away from me.

“If you need anything, just call. We will be outside.” I turned towards the door.

“C-Can you stay?” I paused at the door. “Can you stay here with me?”

“I can’t stay for long, I have to catch the last bus back.” I said as I went to put the dish in the kitchen and returned to the room. Chanwoo was inside and he sat happily next to the man.

“This is my favourite.” He lifted up a toy car, the one given by Changjo. He showed it to the man and he smiled.

“That’s a nice car.” He ruffled Chanwoo’s hair. Weird as it might seem but it was a nice scene to see. I walked in and he looked up at me with those eyes, they were filled with affection. He kept looking at me with those eyes, I felt a bit uncomfortable to be honest but overall somehow despite being a stranger being with him was comfortable. Which reminded me that I didn’t know his name. He mentioned it before but I couldn’t quite catch it.

“Eomma, can we stay tonight?”

“I don’t think so. Maybe next time.” he pouted as he quietly played with his car. I sat down and looked at that man, he was looking back at me.

“I forgot to ask, how should I address you?”

“Kris, my name is Kris.” he said. “What’s yours?” he asked hesitantly.

“My friends call me Rin.” he smiled sadly.

“I had a friend named Rin. She was the nicest friend I had.” he seemed so sad, I guessed something must have happened. Then I remembered, he called my name when we first met and he said that we look exactly the same. Was he referring to me or someone else that had the same name and similar facial features? I was starting to be curious and confused at the same time.

It was dark now and we had to catch the last bus before the bus service ends. I packed out things and grabbed my jacket. Just then, Jungkook came in with a long sleeved t-shirt.

“Noona, wear this. Yours is dirty.”

“It’s okay, I’m going home already.”

“Ayeee, just use it. You can return it to me when you come back.” he smiled. “Quickly change or you will miss your bus.” He said and shove the shirt in my face. Moving it out of my face, I walked to the door towards the toilet. “Oh, the toilet is currently full. Kid’s bedtime.” I walked back into the room.

“Don’t look.” I said and my shirt, I wore a spaghetti strap tang top inside but still, I didn’t want them to see me in something that looks like an undergarment. I quickly took it off and put on his shirt. It was big but comfortable. I turned around and realised that Kris was looking at me. Did he see me change?

“You better get going.” Jungkook said and gave me a hug. “See you soon.” I patted his back.

“Remember no-“

“No dancing, no vigorous activity for 2 weeks. I know.”

“That’s good. Chanwoo ah, let’s go.” He stood up and kept his car in his pocket.

“What about him?” he pointed to Kris.

“You can rest here, the Eunjoo knows.”

“Wait.” he called out, looking a bit flustered. “I don’t stay around this area.”

“Where do you stay?” Jungkook asked.

“In the city, I came to do some research and this happened.” He lifted up his bandaged hand.

“Oh, then why don’t you follow noona, she is taking the bus back to the city.” He looked at me, his eyes glisten.

“If you have the energy too.” he stood up slowly and picked up his jacket at the same time. He placed it over his shoulders and walked towards me. I guess he was coming along. I said goodbye and we caught the last bus for the day, it was going to be a long ride back. Chanwoo slept in my arms, resting his head on my shoulder. It was pass his bed time. Kris sat next to me on the bus, we didn’t say anything.

“Where do you stay?” I didn’t know what made me asked him this question, I just felt some tugging inside.

“I-I stay in an apartment with my friends. There are 12 of us.”

“That’s a lot of you in an apartment. Isn’t it crowded?”

“It’s a penthouse so we have enough space.” I nodded. No wonder. He must have a good income to afford a penthouse.

“You should be able to get home right?” there was a long pause.

“Actually, I don’t have a place to stay right now. My friend’s sister came over because she ran away from home and we don’t have enough rooms left.”

“Can’t you share it with another friend?” I turned to him, he was looking back at me.

“We have 3-4 of them sharing a room each. I don’t think they would want to squeeze another person in the room. The guest room is also under renovation.”

“So you don’t have anywhere to go? How about other friends?”

“I-I don’t have much friends.” I blinked at him before looking away. For a handsome person like him, not having friends? That was something unusual. “And with this, I don’t know how to take care of it.” he lifted up his right hand. He sighed and looked down. He seemed so pitiful. And regarding the cut, I was the one who stitched it up, shouldn’t I be the one to be responsible for it? The more I thought of it, the more I thought I should do something.

“I don’t have an extra room. Is the couch okay?” I turned to him and his mouth dropped a little and his eyes lit up.

“That would be nice.” he smiled a little.

“Let me say this first, you only can stay for 4 days. After that you are on your own, my friends will be coming back and I don’t think they will like to see a guy in my house.”

“It will be more than enough.” he whispered.

More than enough? What did he meant by that? He had his eyes closed when I looked at him. He seemed a little sad, he isn’t really good at hiding his expressions. I had this feeling that he knows something, something that I don’t.

About an hour later, we reached the bus stop and got off. I shifted Chanwoo a little as we walked up the slope to the building. Like the bus ride, there weren’t conversation going on between both of us, we just walked quietly until we reached the building. We took the elevator up and I had to lean against the side railing as it went up. Chanwoo was getting too heavy for me to carry. It was a good sign that he was adapting well but then, I wouldn’t be able to carry him next time. I stopped in front of my apartment and keyed in my password.

“Give me a moment.” I said as we went in, I had to put my boy down first. “You can use any of those slippers if you want.” I went into my room and placed him down on my bed. Slowly and carefully I took of his jacket and changed him into his pyjamas and tucked him into bed. I quickly placed my jacket on my dresser and went out. He remained standing where he was and I glanced at him.

“You can have a seat first. I’ll clean up Chanwoo’s room.” I thought about it. Instead of giving him the couch, since he is injured and he did help me, Chanwoo’s room should have enough space for him. There weren’t much things to clean up, just some toys and papers lying on the floor. I stuck my head out and he was looking around the house from the couch.

“You can use this room. It’s a bit small but it’s cosy.” I said as I went to my cupboard and took out extra blankets and pillows. He stood up and walked into the room carefully as I laid down the blankets.

“Thank you.” he said and I looked up, he had a really grateful expression.

“No problem.” I went to Chanwoo’s cupboard and took out a set of clothes. “You can wear these, I don’t know if you can fit into them. They are Jungkook’s, his is the biggest or the loosest.” I handed it to him.

“The toilet is on the right, first door. There are extra tooth brushes in the cupboard above.” He nodded. “Do you need anything else? You can use the kitchen if you want.”

“I think I’m good.”

“Then good night.” I said and walked to the door.

“Rin.” I turned around. “Thank you again and Good night.”

I was a bit taken aback when he smiled at me. My body just froze on it’s on and my heart skipped a beat. I hummed a reply and closed the door behind me. I placed my hand on my chest and my heart was racing, this was something that never happened before. Never in the 2 years had my heart raced like this before and it was from just a simple ‘thank you’ and ‘good night’. I shook my head in hopes of shaking that feeling away and went to my room. I washed up and changed before slipping into bed with my little angel. I tucked one arm under my head as I his soft hair thinking about how much my life has changed. Slowly, my eyes drooped and closed.



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