You, Me and Us




Kris pov:

I sat in the living room as she washed the dishes, Chanwoo was next to me playing with his stuff toys and cars. Normally people in this age would let their kids watch some TV or even use electronic devices to keep them entertained but Rin doesn’t do that. Chanwoo doesn’t seem to be bothered by that as well. He is good at entertaining himself with his toys. I gazed at the back as she placed the dishes on the drying rack, I wanted to help but she insisted on doing the dishes. She is still stubborn, just like her brother. Being with her made me comfortable, I could finally breathe. After years of struggling, I can finally be at ease. The dreams and voices decreased dramatically the past week, now there I hardly have an episode anymore. I am finally happy all because of her. It never amazes me what she can do to me in the other lives or even now, I have to cherish her more than anything. She already slipped past me once and I wouldn’t let her go another time.

Chanwoo was happily playing with his car and I moved closer to him. “You like cars don’t you?” he nodded and handed me one. I shifted and sat on the floor instead and he followed sitting opposite me. He drove his car towards me and I followed him, he started making sounds like car driving pass.

“Vroom vroom.” He went on and on.

“Chanwoo.” He looked up at me. “What is this called?”

“Cha. Jadongcha! (Korean word for car) I nodded.

“Do you know what is it called in English?” he shook his head and sat up, I got his attention. “It’s called car.” He tilted his head to the side. “Try saying car.” I pronounced it slowly.


“One more time. Car.”

“Car.” I nodded and ruffled his hair.

“That’s it. Say it one more time, what is this?”

“Car!” he said loudly.

“Well done!” He smiled brightly. “Now in Chinese, it’s called che. Say che.”


“Try again, Che.” I said it slowly, with a smile on my face.

Che.” And I pumped my fist in the air.

“That’s right! How can you be so smart?” I squeeze his cheeks and smiled like a fool. He was too adorable. “Now can you repeat it? English first.” He thought about it first.

“Car.” I nodded and waited for the next on in anticipation. “Che.”

“Yes! You have to remember it okay?” I pulled him over and hugged him. There was a sense of accomplishment when he said those words, it was the same word but in different languages but still, the feeling was good. He giggled and pushed me backwards and I fell on my back. He climbed on me and sat on my stomach. I wrapped my arms around him and brought him closer to me before rolling side to side, making him laugh. I laughed along as well.

“Chanwoo ah, don’t play too hard.” Rin said from the kitchen, she was drying her hands. My eyes followed her as she went into the room.

“Oopff.” I coughed as he hit my chest playfully and I looked at him. I raised my eyebrows and eyed him. “You…come here.” he tried to escape but it was useless. I tickled him with my good hand and he collapsed laughing aloud.

She came out of her room with a little box and stopped walking. I noticed her figure near the door and looked at her, I blinked a few times. I thought I was seeing things but she just smiled a little, the tips of her lips were curled upwards just like Jongdae’s. She walked towards us and called out to Chanwoo.

“I think that’s enough. Come here.” I stopped tickling and he ran over to her. “Go and play with your cars first, eomma needs to do something for uncle.”

“Ne.” he sat next to her and played with his cars. She leaned over to kiss his temple before looking at me. Settling herself next to me as I sat up, she too my right hand.

“I need to see if it’s okay and change the plaster.” I didn’t say anything and watched her do her work. It made me remember the time she took out the bullet from Sehun’s lower back, it still amazes me how she and Yixing are so alike. Both so talented and skilful, they both got the beauty and the brains.

“It seems to be okay. Do you feel dizzy or hot?” she looked up and I looked into her brown obs. I really wanted to pull her in my arms that very moment and stay that way but knowing her, she will probably push me away. She doesn’t remember me.

“I don’t think so.” I said without breaking eye contact. I’m not lying if I said that I could look at her eyes the whole day, they were so mesmerising and they definitely had more life than the last time I saw her which is 2 years ago.

“That’s a good sign.” She said while looking at me before breaking eye contact. “Don’t over exert yourself.” She said and wrapped it up neatly. She packed her items back into the box and stood up.

“Chanwoo ah, you have to bath now. We need to go out and get groceries.” He turned to look at me as if he needed my permission. I nodded and he stood up before following her to the bathroom. If they are going out, I should follow them as well. I needed clothes while staying here and just to make sure they are okay. I went to the room and changed out of the pants into my jeans, his laughter could be heard from the bathroom. Curious, I went over and took a peak. He was splashing around in the bath with soup on his hair, he wore a bright smile. Rin was standing one side, she was wet. One could tell who the culprit was.

I was expecting her to tell him off but instead, she took up the shower head and started spraying water at him making him squeal. Normally parents wouldn’t do what she did maybe only some but still most parents wouldn’t do that as it will make the whole bathroom wet and messy.

“You like it?” I caught a tinge of playfulness in her tone as she asked Chanwoo who was enjoying himself a lot. Leaning my head against the door frame, I just stood by the door and watched them play.

“I think that’s enough, you will catch a cold. We will continue this battle next time.” she turn off the shower and grabbed the towel. He stood up in the bath tub and raised his hands up in the air. He caught me looking at them and smiled. She carried him and was about to come out when I stood in front of her.

“I’ll take him, you should change.” I took him in my arms and cleared my throat before looking away. I glance at her and she looked back at me not catching what I was trying to drive over. I could feel my face turning hot and I coughed.

“You are wearing white.” Her eyes widened and I immediately looked away.I walked to his room with him in my arms, I think she got it. A white top plus water means see through and I’m glad I walked away before my head started to play with me. I placed him on his bed before fanning myself, I couldn’t get that image out of my head. I am a man as well.

I took a few breathes before going through his wardrobe. For a kid, he had a lot of clothes and it was all the latest fashion. Why I am not surprised?  He gets spoilt by his 6 superstar uncles, his twin uncles and I believe his only auntie. He is just plain adorable, I don’t think anyone can resist him. I took out a plain white long sleeved shirt and black jeans. I took a kids trench coat out, the weather is becoming colder. I changed him and dried his hair. Let me say this first, I have not done this before not at all. This was my first time but it made me feel like I’ve done it a million times.

There was a knock on the door.

“It’s open.” I said as I did the finishing touches on him, he was one handsome boy. She came in wearing a long top with leggings. She let her hair down and had a coat on one arm. One word to describe her would be gorgeous.

“Eomma see!” he climbed down his bed and ran to her.

“Wah, who is this handsome kid? Where is my Chanwoo, have you seen a boy this tall?” she asked him and he laughed.

“Eomma, it’s Chanwoo!” he pointed to himself and she kissed his cheek.

“I know.” she stood up and caught my gaze. “Is there anything you need?”

“Some clothes would be good.” I scratched my head. “I wanted to come along and get some stuff that I’ll need but my shirt is stained in blood.” I pointed to my pill of clothes at the side. She walked to the cupboard and grabbed another t-shirt. “Just throw it in the washing machine later.” She tossed it to me and I caught it with my good hand.

“Thanks, I’ll be out in a minute.” I pulled off my top and put on the new shirt. Grabbing my coat, I walked out of the room. They were already wearing their shoes and I slipped into mine before putting on my coat. We headed out to the supermarket on the way we stopped by those street stores so I could get some clothes and undergarments. At the supermarket, she would say that she wouldn’t buy a certain let’s say snack. But when we move to the next section, she would go back and buy that snack. I observed her and I found it fascinating, she is really different compared to 2 years ago. We paid for the items and I helped carry them and we walked back home.

While walking I noticed that Chanwoo is always on her left, even if he was at home he would be on her left. I walked slightly behind them in case anything happens, after that incident I got more cautious. I kept a look out for any suspicious people when suddenly someone held my fingers. Chanwoo held my fingers in one while he held Rin’s hand in another. Smiling I held his hand and started swinging it a little as we walked down the lane. Though there weren’t a lot of people around, there were pedestrians who would stare at us and whisper among themselves.

“Such a young couple!”

“They got really good genes, I’m jealous.”

“The guy is handsome. I would be jealous but the girl is so pretty! They look good together.”

All sorts of comments could be heard and it made me feel good. People were picturing me as the father and I had to admit, I loved it. Thinking of having a family with her was really what I hope will come true. In our past lives, we didn’t manage to start a family, we wanted too but never had a chance too. I glance at Rin hoping to see her reaction but she seemed to be oblivious to it.

“Are we there yet?” Chanwoo asked and she turned to him.

“Not yet, just a little more.”

“I’m tired.” He said and stopped walking.

“Chan ah, just a bit more.” He refused to move. She was about to carry him when I stopped her.

“Let me.” I said and bend down to hold him in my arms. I lifted him up and he rested his head on my shoulder.

“Are you sure?” she looked at me worriedly.

“I’ll be fine. Chanwoo ah, you must hold on tightly.” He tighted his grip around my shoulders and I started walking. We continued walking and soon the building came into sight.

“Just a bit more.” I told Chanwoo. Just then I stepped on something hard and looked down. She continued walking.

“Mei!” I looked up.

“Uncles!” Chanwoo shouted and waved. They looked in our direction and their eyes widened. I didn’t expect to see them here neither were they supposed to see me. What was I to say to them? That time in China, they were really pissed and insisted on talking her with them. We made become like that. I doubt that they are happy to see me. I started walking slowly while trying to think of an excuse to make.

“Uncle Dae!” Chanwoo greeted and I placed him on the ground. As soon as his feet touched, he ran to them and hugged their legs making them smile.

“Hey there little one, how are you?”

“Good.” He said and Soryong carried him. Rin was just standing there with them looking at Chanwoo.

“Do you know him?” Daeryong asked Rin cautiously. She turned to me and I looked back nervously, my hands started to sweat.

“This is Kris. He kind of helped me and Chanwoo yesterday at the orphanage. Something happened.” She pointed to my hand.

“What do you mean something happen?” she then explained the whole event to them and they were really worried.

“I’m fine really, thanks to him. Can we go up first?” they nodded and went into the building.

“Wait,” Daeryong stopped. “He is coming as well?”

“He is staying with me for a few days.” She said as the lift came. I looked at them and nodded. I will probably get interrogated later. We went into the house and I brought the bags of groceries to the kitchen. I started to take out the items and sorted them.

“It’s okay, I’ll handle it.” she said and took the bag of greens from me. “You shouldn’t exert yourself.

“It’s nothing, I want to do something to help.” Her brothers came into the kitchen with rolled up sleeves.

“If you want to help, then go and play with Chanwoo. Nothing too rough.” She pushed me out of the kitchen. I took off my jacket and placed it on the sofa before sitting with Chanwoo. I started to do whatever he asks and played with him. In the midst of playing, I taught him things in English and Chinese. He was a smart boy. A delicious scent drifted from the kitchen and they made dinner. I took my jacket went to the room.

“Chanwoo ah.” I called out and he looked up. “Let’s change first.” He nodded and ran to me. I changed him out of his clothes and dressed him in just a t-shirt and shorts. He ran out and I changed into the clothes I just bought. A black shirt and track pants. I placed the clothes that doesn’t belong to me in a corner making a mental note to throw it into the washing machine later. My phone vibrated and I looked down at it. It was from Xue. She asked where the hell I was and if I forgot that today was the rehearsal for the wedding. I closed it and shove it into my pocket. I couldn’t be bothered by it now. The only thing that was occupying my head was Rin and why she couldn’t remember me or Yixing.

“Appa!” I jerked in shock, I was too absorbed in my thoughts.

“Appa? Come out! Appa!” he continued calling. I walked out slowly and he smiled as he saw me. “Appa! Quickly.” He waved me over and I walked towards him.

“Chanwoo?” I turn to her. She wore a shocked expression. “What did you call him?”

“Appa.” She locked eyes with me and my heart started to speed up.

“No, that’s not your appa.” She said calmly. “Chanwoo that is another uncle.” She emphasize on the word uncle. It did disappoint me to be honest, that probably shows how much I wanted to be his father or at least in a way be related to her in a way.

“Aniya that is appa!” he said and hug me. “My appa!” he clung unto my neck and I didn’t know what to do. He has a father, his real father but here he is calling me his father. She probably wouldn’t be feeling good about this.

“Chanwoo ah.” I pulled him away. “I’m not your appa. You can call me hyung or Kris okay?”

“No! appa!” he stomped his feet and went back to hug me. I tried reasoning with him and giving him more names to call me but he insisted on that one word.


He was so stubborn that at one point I just gave up. I looked back at her and shrugged, I did try my best and talk him out of it. He was just like her and Lay. They are really stubborn, it probably ran in the blood.

“Let’s go and wash hands before dinner.” I carried him to the toilet as she set the tables. We ate dinner in silence with occasional conversations here and there. I felt really awkward sitting across them. I picked my food slowly, it’s not easy using my left hand. She went through the trouble to help cut up my food into smaller pieces so that it was easier for me to eat and I was thankful for that. After dinner, I wanted to help wash the dishes which she totally rejected. The twins also signalled me to follow them and I was left with no choice, it was time to face the questions. I followed them into Chanwoo’s room and they closed the door behind me.

“What are you doing here?” they went straight to the point.

“I can explain-”

“You aren’t supposed to find her. You never were and this includes the others.”

“I came across her a month back, they looked too similar I couldn’t get her out of my head.” I looked down. “These 2 years, it wasn’t easy for me, Lay, Chen and even the 2 kids. Lay insisted that she was still alive because her body wasn’t found, saying it’s their sibling connection. Chen was blaming himself for not helping her, not protecting her when he could. Kai is wallowing in guilt because he didn’t realised what a jerk he had been and Sehun, he lost a friendt.” I let out a sigh and tears came as I sat on Chanwoo’s bed.

“I was going crazy.” I buried my face in my hands. “She was all I could think off. She appeared in my dreams, I would hear her voice in the house, everywhere. I tried, I really tried to forget her and accepting the fact that she was gone but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t let go.” I cried out softly.

“You should have treated her better.”

“I didn’t know! I couldn’t remember at all, I missed those hints and got mixed up with another. I made a promise with her that I'll always remember her. But I didn’t and I regret it so much. Not being able to remember her until the last second, watching her die in front of me again was a torture. I wanted to die with her. Then she appeared again, I couldn’t just let her walk pass me like that. Not again.” tears were falling down my cheeks.

“So I followed her and that’s how I’m here now. She has the birthmark.” I wiped my tears away and thought about yesterday’s event. I lifted her shirt and there it was the birthmark of a rose and I bawled my eyes out. I sniffed before whispering. “The others don’t know about it. Only I know.”

“Rin is no longer the same Rin as before.” They said seriously. “We hid her away from you all because we wanted her to live her life without you all in it. She already had a hard time before and we were not willing to let her go back.”

“Please, I-I just want to be with her.” I looked up at them. “I want to be with her. In the past lives, we couldn’t be together-”

“It’s not that easy.” Daeryong shook his head. “By just saying that you want to be with her. We are not the ones who can accept you only she can. We are guiding and helping her that’s all.”

“I don’t think it will be that easy for her to accept you. It took her 2 years to remember us.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“After that accident, she lost all her memories. Everything, she couldn’t even remember her name or age. She started from scratch with the help of the others and that’s where she is right now. She forgot about us too so she definitely forgot about you all as well.” Soryong said. “It’s only recently that she remembered us. Part of her memory is not with her.”

“Let me try.” I stood up and faced them. “I’ll make her remember me.”

“We don’t want her to remember. You can call us selfish but those memories weren’t worth remembering.” I felt a stab in my heart. “We don’t want her to go through all that pain again.” I looked down in despair.

“Please, I don’t think I can go on without her.” I lifted my head. “I really cannot-“ I chocked on my words and I was desperate, I really wanted to be with her.  I couldn’t imagine not being with her, it would be hell for me.

“It’s not up to us to decide. It’s whether she will accept you. From what I know, Teen Top won’t be around until another 3 days.” They looked at each other. “We only can give you 3 days, nothing more. If she doesn’t remember you, I’m sorry but you have to let her go.”

“I’ll take that chance.” I whispered. “I’ll do anything to-“ The door opened and I turned around to wipe my tears away.

“Appa, play with me.”

“I’ll be out soon.” I said and he nodded before going out.

“It seems like our nephew likes you a lot. 3 days, remember if she doesn’t remember you have to leave.” They made their way to the door.

“Wait,” they turned back to me. “Thank you.” they nodded and went out. I stood in the dark room and sorted out my thoughts.

3 days.

I have 3 days to make her remember me. It was a gamble but I’m taking that risk.

“You can do it.” I told myself and made my way out.

I had to make her remember.






Sorry for the wait! I'm trying to get all the chapters down so I can update faster. 



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Chapter 24: That girl would be so spoiled!! And definitely overprotected
Chapter 23: I'm so happy right now! They deserve each other after everything they went through in all their lifetime..
Chapter 20: NOOO!! What the heck!!
Chapter 17: Why is it happening again?! Let them love each other in peace!
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Chapter 13: Yes finally!! The reunion is near!
Chapter 10: A step closer to her.. I wish Lay knows too so his sorrow will lessen..
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Chapter 4: So close, yet so far... I hope he's breaking the engagement off!