How He Felt, How She feels

Call Me, Text Me
Soo Hee looks at Ji Yong shocked to have heard something so devastating. She pulls her arm to her side that was resting on Ji Yong’s shoulder. Soo Hee walks a couple steps back. Ji Yong lifts his head up.

“I’m so sorry, Yoo Bin didn’t say anything about this,” Soo Hee says with mixed emotions of guilt and confusion.

Ji Yong moves back against his car, which closes the car door. He puts his hands in his front pockets and looks at Soo Hee.

“I proposed to her,” Ji Yong says calmly.

Soo Hee felt a sharp pain in her chest making herself to move the hand that rested on Ji Yong’s shoulder to her chest, the area that pumped her life but was already so broken. And now from hearing such news, her heart, mind, and soul lost all hope from being restored of what she thought her love was to be found. As she looked into the eyes of the one man she truly thought she would only love, her nose started tingling and felt like swelling from saying a word, her eyes filled with tears which streamed down her cheeks dripping from her chin.

Ji Yong rushed towards Soo Hee with such puzzlement and confusion running off from his face. He placed his hand under her pale face and brushes off the tears away from the face he knew which he had never seen shed a single tear ever since they’re known each other.

Soo Hee quickly moves away from her position still with tears running down her new red puffy eyes. Ji Yong’s hand were not bracing her face anymore stood there where he felt as if he felt a sharp pain in his heart that was already so dead but felt something from this moment, pain and regret of some kind.

“Soo Hee, what’s wrong,” Ji Yong says with much concern written all over his face.

Soo Hee wipes her tears with the back of her right hand, but still expressed a face of what her heart was feeling at that moment. She didn’t know why she was crying, but she only knew that she was always going to be Ji Yong’s best friend because his heart only had Yoo Bin, only her love filled his heart. She knew that he proposed to her friend Yoo Bin because he loved her so much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. But she didn’t understand why they have broken up.

“Why,” Soo Hee uttered, “why did she break up with you Ji Yong?”

Ji Yong looks away with anger in his eyes, which inflicted more pain to Soo Hee’s heart.

“I guess she didn’t love me as I thought she did,” Ji Yong says.

He places his right hand over his eyes and with his forefinger and thumb he squeezes his nasal area between his eyes that he closes tightly from having to have tears from falling from his eyes. Soo Hee started filling her eyes with tears of regret and starts to exhale short breaths as the tears came down from her eyes. Ji Yong lets out a harsh quick sigh and looks at Soo Hee. His face now forming a sorrow expression and his lips twitches as he tries to speak.

“She told me she didn’t want to get married,” Ji Yong says shakily, “she said she was sorry and she said marring is going to hold her away form her dreams.”

Then tears came running down his face as he spoke again.

“She said she was already so close to her dreams she couldn’t drop it by marrying me.”

Soo Hee couldn’t take it anymore seeing Ji Yong’s tears that she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. Now smelling his scent she wished that time would just stop so Ji Yong could be in her arms forever.

“I’m so sorry Ji Yong,” Soo Hee says while crying, “I should have been here when you needed me most.”

Ji Yong wrapped his arms around Soo Hee’s tiny body. Then closes his eyes and felt a tingle in his empty heart.

Soo Hee never felt so close to Ji Yong until now or maybe she just missed being with him and knowing his presence by her. She then felt a vibration on her leg. Startled from it she moved away from her position and no longer holding onto Ji Yong. Ji Yong reaches in his picket and took out his cell phone and flips it open. Soo Hee notices that Yoo Bin has the same exact phone and feels another sharp pain in her heart. She remembered that she was only going to be Ji Yong’s friend but it seems she already wasn’t in that position anymore for she was gone so long with no utter contact with him and never know such commotions had happened to him which he had to endure alone.

“Uh, it’s my buddy,” Ji Yong says with a smile forming from the corner of his mouth, “he says he needs me at the photo studio, you wanna come?”

Soo Hee still in the sad state she is felt a little light now, seeing Ji Yong not so sad anymore couldn’t respond to his question. Then she felt a vibration coming from her purse. She takes out her cell phone and Ji Yong stares at her still waiting for her response. Soo Hee slide her phone up and it was from Yumin telling her to get her over at the conference meeting about her clothing line agreement and said that her bodyguard was coming down to get her.

Soo Hee couldn’t believe she completely forgot she had the meeting with so many things that just happened. She looks at Ji Yong who was still waiting for her response and tells him she has to go somewhere too. Ji Yong with a disappointed reaction said,

“It’s alright, maybe next time.”

Soo Hee really wanted to go, she really did but knowing that Yumin was going to kill her she’d have to miss out one Ji Yong’s photo shoot of something.

“Do you need a ride, I can take you there,” Ji Yong offered willingly.

Soo Hee lets out a breath and smiled softly, but had to refuse his offer.

“I got a ride already and maybe your buddy really wants you to hurry over there at the studio,” Soo Hee replies.

Ji Yong looks at Soo Hee with a calm soothing expression of relief and gets in his car. Ji Yong waves good-bye and drives around her to get to the road and leaves off down the street.

Soo Hee then walked back to the steps of her house but then felt a vibration and looked in her hands. She slid the phone up and it was Ji Yong making a funny pose where his left hand was on the steering wheel and his face not looking towards the camera and looked as if he was screaming like he was going to fall off a cliff.

Soo Hee let out a giggle and reads the caption underneath the photo which reads:

[hope this cheers u up...i don’t wanna c u like that again or else I’ll look like this in a car accident XP –Ji Yong]

Soo Hee slid her phone back down and smiles. Waiting for her ride to come.

okie dokie...well i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter...thanks for reading agian...i think i'm going to add a couple more characters along in the story to make things more

please do leave comments...about anything... : D

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 25: Though I'm not a fan of WonderBang... You, author-nim, really impressed me! I love the story!!!!
mudkip118 #5
wow, interesting, really.
I read this in 4 day and Im in love with this story it's so heartfilled
i really like your story its reall wow im speechless...
xIntellectualBadass #8
Haha , I remember reading this on winglin !
namwustar #9
new reader xD<br />
great fic! I love it, and I do love this HeeDragon couple <3333<br />
too bad I can't see TooBin together, but well... overall this story is good ^~~^<br />
<br />
keep writing a good one ^~^
I'm not a huge HeeDragon fan since I prefer GD with Sunye and Sohee with Taeyang, but I like this fic! ^^ I really love the title for the last chapter too, made a lot of sense.