Post-it Notes

Put Two and Two Together — A Oneshot Collection Featuring SeKai


PG-13 / 1851 words / fluff, romance / Sehun thinks it's cute when someone leaves him a post-it note every day.
dedicated to
opikonew, CuTAEpie, and nemolisp (because i see you guys commenting every now and then hihi. ♥)

There's always something good about life.

“Stupid Luhan,” Sehun mutters as he tries to aim a kick at the elder’s leg, but Luhan just throws him a smug smile, quickly dodging his attack.

“I heard that.”

“I meant for you to hear it, anyway.” Sehun scowls as he fastens his pace, leaving a laughing Luhan behind. He pulls his coat tighter around his lithe frame, hoping he can get warmer but the cold wind is too strong, just like any other day. He heaves a sigh of relief once he steps inside the building, the coldness reducing to another level.

He trudges his way towards his locker, muttering a “Hi,” to his friends as he walks past them. He stops in front of his metallic locker and he feels his heart race, trying to calm down his nerves as he enters the code. He swings the locker open and right there, on top, is a post-it note.

Correction: another post-it note.

His lips curl up into one of his rare smiles – smiles that are reserved for these little notes he gets nowadays – as he hurriedly but gently removes the sticky paper off the locker. He lets his eyes scan over the written words, smoothly inked out on the post-it.

(You mean a lot to someone (a.k.a me) so don’t forget to smile! :) )

A chuckle slips past the seam of his thin pair as he puts the post-it inside his notebook, placing it as firmly as he could. He closes his notebook with a smile, his whole day immediately brightening up.

“You’re definitely in love with this…” Luhan scrunches his nose in thought as he glances down on the newest post-it that Sehun has been receiving for the past weeks. Baekhyun can’t help but let a snort escape his mouth, Sehun acting as quickly as he could by glaring at the shorter male.

“It’s cute how you have a secret admirer but seriously,” Baekhyun pauses to take a bite of his sandwich. “Why you?”

Sehun makes sure to throw his crumpled tissue at the idiotic face that belongs to Byun Baekhyun.

Chanyeol releases a laugh before leaning over to ruffle the youngest male’s hair, only to knock off Baekhyun’s drink onto the said male’s lap. Baekhyun shrieks and tries to hit the giant, only to have another drink spill on his blazer because his hand accidentally make contact with Luhan’s drink.

Sehun makes a sound at the back of his throat that sounds like a snicker as he bites down on his apple, watching with amusement as the elder shout at Chanyeol. He’s too busy laughing about how idiotic Baekhyun is when he barely feels someone sliding up the seat beside his.

“Hey,” Sehun completely stills in his seat upon feeling the tanned male’s breath against his ear, his stomach doing weird flipping and crappy stuff like that. He turns his head stiffly and he catches sight of Jongin’s grin taking over his features, his smile is so, so, so painfully near to being damn blinding.

“Hi.” His voice raises to a squeak, making the rest of the table, except for Jongin, halt their actions in mild curiosity. Upon taking note of the situation, Luhan covers his mouth with his hand, stifling his laughter while Baekhyun is flashing him a Cheshire grin, completely ignoring that his pants and his blazer are soaked with drinks.

Sehun pointedly ignores them but his cheeks become dusted with pink as he tries to maintain eye contact with the tanned male. Jongin raises an eyebrow at his strange behavior but he makes no move to question as he decides to sling his arm over Sehun’s broad shoulders.

Sehun can feel his heart hammering against his ribcage and he wouldn’t be surprised if Jongin and the rest of the table can hear it. It’s been going on for months with this… this crush he has on Jongin (although he still remains in denial that he likes the boy, even though the evidence is written all over his pale face).

“Are you busy later?” If Sehun have paid more attention to the male, he would have noticed how the other’s fingers are shaking in nervousness or how he keeps on letting his teeth graze over his lower lip, making it slightly red. But he didn’t, even though he’s gazing back at the older male with amazement and longing.

“Uh, I don’t think so.”

“Great then. So, uh, do you want to go out- I mean, hang out and get some bubble tea?” Chanyeol snorts in the background and Jongin shoots him a dirty look but Sehun doesn’t seem to catch anything as he dazedly nods his head in response. Jongin’s whole face brightens up as he takes Sehun in his arms, pulling him for a swift hug before he glances down at his watch.

“I have to go – I’ll just pick you up at your last class, okay?” He presses a peck on top of Sehun’s head, brushing his lips slightly before pulling away completely to flash him a heart-stopping smile. Sehun thinks he’s probably dead right now and is seeing heaven for the first time because WHO THE HELL HAS THAT KIND OF SMILE? IT’S SO ING BEAUTIFUL-

“Why the hell are you so clueless?” Luhan aims a crumpled paper at his direction but Sehun expertly dodges it, sticking out his tongue in victory. Baekhyun seems to snap back to reality because he’s screaming his head off at Chanyeol, who looks downright terrified as he attempts to wipe Baekhyun’s pants with numerous tissues.

Luhan rolls his eyes at the youngest male before shaking his head with a tilt of his lips, forming a half-smile.

“What do you mean by clueless?” Sehun darts a muddled look at the elder, who playfully shrugs his shoulders and leaning his back against the chair, only to fall on the ground upon realizing that they’re sitting on a bench.

Sehun rolls his eyes at his three friends’ idiocy.

Sehun runs out of the classroom upon hearing the last bell ring for the day, right after his teacher had bidden them his goodbye. Every step he takes has a bounce as he walks his way towards his locker to put back his books. He halts his steps when he sees someone swinging his locker open and sticking a post-it note on top.

He attempts to take a step closer and he feels his heart stop at the sight of Jongin’s side view of his face. Half of his face can be seen since his hoodie is going quite a good job in covering the other half. He hurriedly fastens his pace and he feels his breath get stuck in his throat when Jongin turns to his direction.

Jongin’s eyes widen comically as he gazes back at Sehun in surprise and embarrassment as he tries to move away, only to be stopped by Sehun’s pale digits circling his wrists. Sehun tries to steady the uneven beating of his heart but it's so ing hard when he has his fingers around Jongin and Jongin isn't even trying to pull away and-

"Sehun?" He hears Jongin's voice and he snaps back to reality, realizing that his fingers are already off of Jongin's wrist but Jongin is standing right in front of him, invading his personal space. He tries to ignore how his heart is ready to push past his ribcage, due to his rapid rammage in his chest. He holds out his hand and gently laces his fingers with the tanned male's digits, surprising the other but he keeps mum about it. 

"Are you the one who's been giving me post-it notes for the past weeks?" Jongin didn't answer, his lips pressed into a thin line but the pink on his cheeks gives him away as he directs his attention on the marble floor instead. Sehun tigtens his hold on Jongin's fingers and Jongin unconsciously tugs on his hand, almost dragging him closer. A smile manages to find its way to Sehun's thin lips as he allows himself to take half a step closer to Jongin.

Jongin raises his eyes, meeting Sehun's calm gaze on him before he finally heaves a sigh, nodding his head meekly. Sehun can't help but feel like his chest is going to burst in a matter of seconds. He shyly takes a step, his forehead meeting directly with Jongin and he can feel his own cheeks heating up in embarrassment and nervousness. Jongin diverts his gaze to the floor but he keeps a tight grip on Sehun's fingers, unknowingly rubbing his thumb across the pale male's knuckles.

"I actually like it. All of those notes," Sehun heaves a small sigh and Jongin meets his gaze with a smile playing on his lips. "Really make my whole day brighter."

"Really?" Jongin murmurs as he raises both of their hands, landing a peck on Sehun's knuckles. Sehun's lips stretches into a grin as he pushes his body closer to Jongin, his other arm, wrapping itself around Jongin's small but sturdy waist. Jongin would be lying if he would say that his heart didn't melt at the sight of Sehun's beautiful smile playing on his thin lips.

"Yeah," Sehun's voice lowers into a murmur as he shyly reaches over to brush his pair against Jongin's, his heart beating crazily against his ribcage inside his chest. He hesitates whether to deepen it but when he feel Jongin's fingers curling themselves at the nape of his neck, he lets himself fall into the kiss, his arms automatically wrapping themselves around the slightly shorter male's neck. 

Jongin pulls away first; his whole face flushed as he takes Sehun's fingers in his own, a smile lingering on his lips. Sehun directs his attention to the post-it and makes a move to grab it, flipping it over to read the next message.

(I think you're flawless and breathtaking. Are you still up for our bubble tea date? ;) )

Sehun rolls his eyes at the message but he pockets it anyway with a grin spreading over his features. Jongin raises an eyebrow as he tugs Sehun forward, wrapping his arm around Sehun's lithe waist instead.

"So, are you still up for our date?"

"So you really thought it was a date from the start?" Sehun teases him, prodding his arm with his index finger, making Jongin's lower lip jut out in habit. He swats Sehun's finger away and leans over to give him a quick brush on the lips, a smile on his lips.

"Well, it can be a date or soon-to-be date?"

"Is there such a thing like soon-to-be date?"

"Of course, there is." Jongin snorts as he pulls Sehun closer to his side, the pads of his fingers pressing against the silver of pale skin of Sehun's waist.

"Well, I want it to be a date then." Sehun murmurs as he plays with the hem of his blazer, refusing to meet Jongin's playful gaze on him but he feels his insides practically melted when Jongin presses a kiss against his neck, sighing in contentment.

"A date it is, then."

 author's notes
↳ it's #happykaisooday but i wrote sekai instead. OTL well, anyway, i hope you enjoyed this oneshot! leave your lovely feedback please! :)

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Chapter 15: Loved it <3
Chapter 14: Aww this was sweet :)
Chapter 11: Aahhhhh the feellssss~ <3
Chapter 10: Finallllyy a happy ending...after soo much angst..its a happy ending!!
Chapter 5: It's soooo flufffyy~
Chapter 2: Jongin is soo cutee~
Chapter 22: This is the cutest (oneshot)I ever read about SeKai <3
Chapter 22: Yesssssss they married!!!!!!!! The first part was like sooooooo cute!!!!! Please write more!!
Chapter 20: Awwweeeee this was so beautiful
Chapter 17: This was awesome