Keep Me Awake

Put Two and Two Together — A Oneshot Collection Featuring SeKai


PG16  / 3533 words / romance, fluff / Sehun blames it on the hormones
                    list of people i'm dedicating this to: click me!

Hit me with your best shot.


", no." Sehun does not appreciate that his one and only friend, Byun Baekhyun (Park Chanyeol is not included because he's a pain in the and Zitao is a whiny so Baekhyun is practically the sane one in their group) and bursts into his room, carrying a sparkly top in his hand and yells, "OH ING SEHUN, YOU ARE INVITED TO THE MOST AWESOME PARTY IN THE HISTORY OF PARTIES!"

Sehun thinks that the most awesome party in the history of parties is not being crammed into Baekhyun's living room and drinking orange juice in the red cup ("Believe me, people will think that we're drinking beer, instead of orange juice since we're using red cups and we'll be having the reputation that we're bad boys. Isn't that great?" Baekhyun says with a cheeky grin). Another bad thing is him wearing a sparkly top that Baekhyun bought him the other day, making him want to hide himself in embarrassment.

Chanyeol's dancing in the center of the room, hoping he can impress Mrs. Byun (She just wants to make sure that Baekhyun will be throwing a safe party that does not involve drinking and using of drugs) but he has tripped on his feet a few times already, making Sehun cringe in embarrassment.

Jongdae, one of Baekhyun's friends from another school, is sitting right next to him with a party hat on his head whilst nursing himself with the orange juice. Sehun tries his best not to give a judging stare to him.

He sees Baekhyun jut out his lower lip in disappointment because of Sehun's answer before his eyes catch sight of Jongin, a classmate of Jongdae (He's forced to go to the party by Jongdae, Chanyeol says).

"Jongin! My boy!" Baekhyun calls out, making Jongdae and Sehun groan in frustration simultaneously, eyes rolling. Jongin turns his attention away from the red cup in his hand before his eyes lands on Sehun, whose breath seems to hitch ever so slightly.

The boy has a set of really nice eyes - they make him look sleepy but at the same time, it has a glint of playfulness and joy in them. His jawline is very evident, the fact that Sehun is sitting meters away from him and he still sees the sharpness of it. And his smile - , how can that smile become so beautiful?

Jongin eagerly approaches them and he turns his attention to Baekhyun and Jongdae, not even giving a pinch of his attention to the sulking Sehun. Baekhyun chats up with him before proceeding to introduce the awkward Sehun, who's practically gluing himself to the edge of the seat.

"So, Jongin – this is Sehun. Sehun, stop squirming in your seat. Well, anyway, this is Jongin. Say hi, Sehun-ah."

"I'm not a kid. I can say hi to him whenever I like." Sehun snaps, eyes narrowed down into a threatening glare but it only makes Baekhyun release a light-hearted chuckle before slapping him on the back for revenge, throwing him a glare for a good measure.

"Don't you dare embarrass me, you brat." Baekhyun stage-whispers and Jongdae and Jongin are staring at both of them with furrowed eyebrows, extending their confusion to the two boys but Sehun ignores them, deciding to nurse his own orange juice. He decides why he even bothered to go to Baekhyun’s party in the first place.

Chanyeol had finally came to his senses and finally stopped embarrassing himself in front of Baekhyun’s mother. He settles beside Sehun and he flashes him a Cheshire grin before looping an arm around his neck.


, , – why did he get stuck with these kind of people, anyway? He’s taking back what he said about Baekhyun being sane – he thinks Zitao might be saner than these two.

No wonder Baekhyun and Chanyeol are dating. He snorts when that thought enters his head but a (un)manly shriek slips past his lips when he feels something wet dripping down his shirt. He’s half-expecting to see Baekhyun with a smug smile decorated on his face but instead, he sees Jongin with a sheepish smile on his face with a half-empty cup in his hand.

God, now he reeks of orange juice and it is all Baekhyun (and Jongin)’s fault.

“Sorry about that, handsome.” Jongin is grinning cheekily at him and it takes Sehun only a second to realize that Jongin had apparently done that intentionally.

Well, what a bastard.

“Just go away.” Sehun snaps, obviously not in the mood as he grabs a couple of tissues by the table beside him but Jongin acts faster than him – he has gotten all of the tissues sitting there and he dabbing it rather messily at Sehun’s sparkly front shirt. His cheeks are heating up, as if the flames are it, as he dabs it repeatedly with a string of apologies falling from his lips. Sehun is almost convinced that what Jongin has done unintentional but he’s rather reminded of what Jongin had said to him before.

“I’m sorry – it’s just that I wanted your attention but you seem like you’re ignoring me so I thought this is the only way I could get your attention-“ Jongin rambles on with an ashamed frown playing on his lips and Sehun doesn’t know why but he feels his stomach churning uncomfortably and it’s tingling with some sort of excitement.

Huh, he didn’t feel like this before.

“I’m terribly sorry, I hope I didn’t offend you-“

“No, it’s alright.” Sehun speaks up and his pale fingers wrap themselves around Jongin’s tan wrist. For a split second, they hold an eye contact and there’s something that sparked inside of Sehun – what’s rather startling is that he likes it. Oh dear lord, what did Baekhyun even put in the orange juice that made him feel this?

“I’m sorry,” Jongin breathes out, obviously in a daze before he shakes his head, his own way of snapping himself back to reality as he abruptly pulls his wrist away from Sehun’s hold. A frown manages to crawl its way on his lips and he feels… disheartened when the coldness hits his skin, replacing the warmth he felt a while ago.

They spend an awkward silence before Jongin clears his throat, shaking his cup before settling it on the table beside him. Sehun glances up at him, the wetness of the top is sticking to his front and it feels really disgusting and gross but right now, he doesn’t really care because what’s more important right now is what Jongin is going to say to him.

“I, uh,” Jongin’s cheeks redden as he fingers with the hem of his shirt (“He’s so ing cute, oh my god.” Sehun thinks grudgingly) before gazing back at Sehun with a hopeful smile.

“Do you want to get out of this weird party?” Sehun couldn’t help it but let his lips turn upwards into a grin as he nods, standing up from the couch in excitement. He’ll do anything to get out of this boring party.


“What do you want to watch?” They’re snuggled up on Jongin’s bed with popcorn sitting on Sehun’s lap while the laptop is sitting on Jongin’s lap. They’re browsing through Jongin’s movies on his laptop and Sehun can see that Jongin’s finger always stops whenever they run into a Disney movie but he forcibly moves through the next movies with a visible frown on his lips. It’s so adorable and obvious that Jongin has a love for Disney movies, catching sight of a separate folder for those movies alone but Jongin seems like he’s trying to keep an impression on Sehun but choosing the folder with horror movies.

“How about that?” Sehun points out at Hostel and he sees Jongin visibly gulps so they decide to skip through the next movies. It’s been 30 minutes and they’ve been scanning through the same list of movies because every time Sehun points out a movie he likes, Jongin always makes an excuse not to watch it. He wonder why Jongin even kept a folder of horror movies in his laptop.

“All of these movies belong to Kyungsoo.” Jongin speaks, as if he read Sehun’s question in mind. Sehun pulls his lips downward in jealousy, wondering who exactly Kyungsoo is.

“Who’s Kyungsoo?” He tries to keep his tone low, hoping it can hide the jealousy in it but he noticeably fails because he can see how Jongin’s lips twitch up slightly.

“Just my roommate who is already taken.”

“By you?” Jongin snorts before secretly pulling Sehun close to his side (which is really not a secret since Sehun noticed it immediately and quietly fanboyed in his head).

“Hell no. He’s taken by another friend of mine, don’t worry.” He playfully winks at Sehun’s direction and Sehun feels weirdly hot under his collar, making him squirm uncomfortably in his position.

“I’m single.”


“And interested in you.” Jongin says and Sehun feels even hotter under his collar as he tugs on it uneasily. Damn, this guy is really straightforward.

“How cute. How many people have you said that to?”

“Just you. Did it work?” Jongin grins at him cheekily and Sehun badly wants to just pin Jongin on mattress and kiss him-

Wait, what?

Did he just imagine himself doing that to Jongin?

What the actual .

“Yeah.” Sehun answers embarrassingly and Jongin lets out a laugh, his left arm wrapping itself around Sehun’s lithe waist. It’s just took them one night to get extremely comfortable with one another and considering the fact that Jongin is extremely shy and Sehun is an ice-cold prince, he really takes this incident as a miracle.

He feels himself snuggling close to Jongin as he pops a popcorn inside his mouth, chewing on it thoughtfully before glancing at Jongin.

“Let’s watch Disney movies.”


Sehun shakes his head, a smile on his face as he rests his head on Jongin’s shoulder.

Maybe he can like Jongin too.

“I have a confession to make.” Sehun is feeling restless, despite the fact that they spent all night watching different Disney movies on Jongin’s laptop. It’s already 2am and yet, Sehun is wide awake, feeling his insomnia kicking it in his veins.

Well, this is stupid.

He turns to Jongin, feeling tired yet restless at the same time, only to see Jongin had fallen asleep with his mouth open. But rather than finding it disgusting, he finds it strangely endearing and he feels himself pressing a feather-like kiss on Jongin’s forehead. He certainly doesn’t expect him to wake up all of a sudden with a jolt.

“Sorry, I fell asleep again.” Jongin murmurs as he snuggles closer to Sehun, arms immediately wrapping themselves around Sehun’s figure. Sehun denies the fact that his heart melted a bit at Jongin’s unconscious action.

“I’m tired.” Sehun whispers as he lays his head against Jongin’s shoulder, his breathing become uneven when he plainly registers the fact that they’re both so close to each other. It’s been a while since Sehun has experienced this kind of warmth emitted by someone else.

“Then go to sleep.”

“I have insomnia.” It takes a few seconds for it to register in Jongin’s mind before he opens his eyes wide with recognition, the realization dawning on him.

“Oh, that’s…” He frowns before settling closer to Sehun, peering at him through his bangs. Sehun thinks he’s so adorable with his unnoticeable actions.

“I have narcolepsy.”

“Narco… what?” Sehun is left dumbfounded when Jongin suddenly closes his eyes as if he’s done speaking to Sehun. He feels rather awkward by gawking at him in surprise before Jongin lets out a yawn, opening his mouth slightly to let out a hum.

“Narcolepsy. It’s a medical condition wherein I have sudden deep sleep attacks. It’s really irritating, I swear.” Jongin grunts as he raises his head slightly, choosing to sit in an upright position as he glances down at Sehun. Sehun lets out a cough as he follows Jongin’s action, feeling hyperactive about the fact that their shoulders are touching and the hair on his forearm is standing up.

“When does it occur though?” Sehun drops his voice into a whisper as he steals a glance at the tanned boy sitting beside him. Jongin looks even more exhausted if Sehun takes a closer look at him but he hides it easily though.

“Randomly. I take medicine but still, I feel and look extremely tired because I have these sudden attacks of deep sleep. It takes me a few hours before I wake up again.” Jongin heaves a sigh before laying his head on Sehun’s shoulder, making Sehun release a small squeak. It doesn’t seem to bother Jongin at all because he’s snuggling even closer to Sehun, trying to feel the warmth of the other.

“That’s… bad.” Sehun ends lamely and Jongin lets out a breathy chuckle, lazily lacing their fingers together and unconsciously making Sehun’s heart beat even faster than before. Damn it, Jongin.

“How about we do something? Since you can’t sleep and I don’t want to fall asleep again.”

“What should we do then?” They fall into a silent atmosphere before Jongin blurts out the first thing that enters his mind.

“I don’t know… kiss?”

“WHAT THE ?” Sehun almost chokes on his saliva and Jongin looks rather embarrassed as he rubs on his reddening cheeks. Sehun can practically feel his heart beating even faster right now and he’s afraid that he might die of a heart attack.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest that.” Jongin’s cheeks are reddening even more and Sehun takes a quick glance at him to eye him.

Jongin’s face is flushed with awkwardness and embarrassment as his bangs fall over his eyes, obscuring his vision. His fingers are still laced with Sehun’s and , , – Sehun shouldn’t feel aroused by this kind of sight that Jongin is projecting to him.

“Let’s just go to sleep.” Sehun is breathing hard and he quickly sinks down on the mattress, Jongin following him with a distressed expression dawning on his face. Sehun can’t bring himself to look straight at Jongin without imagining himself straddling Jongin on the mattress and taking off his clothes-

“ THIS.” He screams out of nowhere and turns his back on Jongin, feeling like he just lost a potential (and probably saner than Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Zitao combined) friend and he blames on it his stupid hormones.

Stupid hormones.


“Baekhyun, shut up.”


“Baekhyun! You’re going to wake them up!”


Sehun’s eyes snap open as he struggles to let his vision adjust to the sunlight slipping through the curtains of the window near them. When he tries to move, he feels something heavy around his waist as it pulls him backwards until he hits something strong. He lets out a squeak, turning his head and sees Jongin sleeping soundly beside him, brown hair tousled and his arm draped over his waist. Their legs are draped over each other and god, Jongin smells incredibly nice early in the morning-

“GOOD MORNING, SEHUN-AH.” He cringes inwardly when he sets his eyes on his friends, plus Jongdae, who’s flashing him a Cheshire grin. It takes him a few seconds to realize that this is not his bed and Jongin is beside him, what the ?

“What are you doing here?” He hisses, throwing daggers at his obnoxious friends (Jongdae is not included but still, Sehun is suspicious of him since Jongdae is a friend of Baekhyun) before craning his neck slightly to take a glance at the boy beside him. Jongin is starting to stir awake but his arm remains firm around his waist, making his cheeks redden in embarrassment.

“I told you they’re cute together!” Baekhyun squeals as he clings to Zitao’s arm, who remains rather impassive about the whole ordeal. Chanyeol is sending glares at both of them and Jongdae is still flashing him a smile, only this time, it appears to be creepier than before.

“What are you doing here? This is Jongin’s apartment.” Sehun drowsily replies, not feeling the urge to punch all of them (and yes, Jongdae is included, even if they’re not friends yet) because Jongin has woken up already, hair ily tousled as he leans close to Sehun’s chest, placing his head on it. Baekhyun is grinning as he tries to snap pictures but Chanyeol takes away his phone, sending pointed looks at the male.

“Jongin, wake up.” Sehun whispers, brushing his lips (by accident) on Jongin’s head and that’s the time Baekhyun shouts and literally squeals like a stupid fanboy he is. Jongin doesn’t seem to mind, in fact he’s grinning at Sehun before he leans forward to lay a kiss on Sehun’s cheek, murmuring, “Good morning, Sehun-ah.”

Sehun can feel the flames at his cheeks as he rubs on it repeatedly, feeling even crazier at the turn of events.

He doesn’t really know if he likes it or not.

“Uh, sorry about a while ago. I was half-asleep.” Jongin says lamely as he leans against the doorframe, waiting for Sehun to get his phone inside the drawer. Sehun simply smiles at him before pocketing his cellphone, walking forward until he reaches Jongin at the doorway.

“No worries. I liked it, anyway.” He lets out a cough, feeling self-conscious because he just admitted it that he liked it when Jongin brushed his lips against his cheek. Jongin’s lips turn upwards as he places his hands on Sehun’s waist, hands creeping upwards until it lands against the small of Sehun’s back, hands with his shirt.

“We should go on a date sometime soon, yes?” Jongin whispers as he pulls Sehun close to him, his lips turning into a smirk as he tilts his head to the side in confirmation. Sehun rolls his eyes at Jongin’s personality turning 180 degrees – he realizes that Jongin can be adorable and amazingly y at the same time. He doesn’t know which side he should opt for.

“Maybe. You don’t even know my number, idiot.”

“Then give it to me. Or I’ll ask it from Baekhyun hyung. I’m sure he’ll be more than glad to give it to me.” Jongin flashes him a Cheshire grin as he pecks Sehun on the forehead, a good bye kiss for now. Sehun lets out a breathy laugh before nodding his head.

“I have your number, anyway. I’ll just text you.” Sehun says easily as he wraps his arms around Jongin comfortably, laying his chin on Jongin’s shoulder. Jongin doesn’t even question how Sehun grabbed hold of his number because he’s doesn’t really care at all.

“Thanks for last night. I had fun.” Sehun utters with honesty lacing around the tone of his voice as Jongin walks him to the doorway. Jongin simply smiles as he opens the door but still, he keeps his hand around Sehun’s waist, refusing to let go. Sehun rolls his eyes once more at Jongin’s childishness and clinginess.

“Me too. I’m serious about being interested in you though.”

“Really?” Sehun arches a brow and Jongin grins at him, nodding his head.

“Of course. To be honest, I’m not really interested in dating other people but when it comes to you, you easily sparked interest in me.”

“I’m glad you poured orange juice on me last night.” Sehun admits and they both let out a light laugh, shaking their heads at the incident at Baekhyun’s party. After they finished laughing, an awkward atmosphere dawns on them as they both wait for the other to speak up his good bye first.

“Don’t forget to drink your medicine, alright?” Sehun whispers out of nowhere, making Jongin blink at him dumbly.

“You know, for your narco…”

“Narcolepsy.” Jongin ends with a fond smile on his lips as he releases Sehun from his hold around his waist. Sehun nods and fingers at the hem of his shirt, trying to muster up the courage to ask the question bothering him since last night.

“If I kissed you last night,” Sehun blurts out all of a sudden, catching Jongin by surprise. “Would you have fallen asleep?”

“Maybe. Or maybe not.” Jongin inches closer to Sehun until he has him pressed up against the wall beside the doorway. Sehun’s breathing is uneven again but this time, out of pure excitement and anticipation.

“Why don’t we try to find out?”

“Just don’t fall asleep on me while we make out.” Sehun grumbles before crashing his thin pair against Jongin’s, making both of them stumble off the wall in pure amazement and shock as they try to navigate themselves back to Jongin’s room. Jongin hums in agreement as he pushes Sehun on the bed, hovering over him in ease as he pins Sehun on the mattress.

Sehun has never been happier to attend Baekhyun’s most awesome party in the history of parties since he’s able to score a hot and adorable date.

Or maybe a hot and adorable boyfriend.

He doesn’t really know but one thing for sure, he thinks he likes Jongin already.

 author's notes
↳ this oneshot is stored in my blog since last year anD I ONLY COMPLETED IT LAST NIGHT SO YAY. i really hoped you guys enjoyed it and please leave your feedback! ehe. c':

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Chapter 15: Loved it <3
Chapter 14: Aww this was sweet :)
Chapter 11: Aahhhhh the feellssss~ <3
Chapter 10: Finallllyy a happy ending...after soo much angst..its a happy ending!!
Chapter 5: It's soooo flufffyy~
Chapter 2: Jongin is soo cutee~
Chapter 22: This is the cutest (oneshot)I ever read about SeKai <3
Chapter 22: Yesssssss they married!!!!!!!! The first part was like sooooooo cute!!!!! Please write more!!
Chapter 20: Awwweeeee this was so beautiful
Chapter 17: This was awesome