A Walking Embarrassment

Put Two and Two Together — A Oneshot Collection Featuring SeKai


PG16  / 3511 words / romance, fluff / Jongin thinks that Sehun is better than extra credits, anyway.

He is the epitome of awkwardness.


“Come on, Jongin. Please.”


“Come on, you’re my best friend and I love you so much and I’ll do anything for you because I love you that much so please do this for me, Jongin-“

“Shut up.”

“Come on! I’ll do anything for you!” Chanyeol whines as he clings to Jongin’s arm while they walk over to the non-fiction area with a trolley being pushed by a very exhausted Jongin.

“I’m not very easy to bribe, Yeol-“

“I’ll give you Sehun’s number.” Jongin halts in his steps and Chanyeol flashes a victorious grin because Jongin looks like he’s finally contemplating on his decision and maybe take pity on Chanyeol’s current situation and-


“ you, Jongin.” A smirk twists on Jongin’s lips as he passes by a section, slotting one of the books perfectly through the vacant space before moving along to the next section with Chanyeol trailing behind.

“Sorry but you’re not my type.” Chanyeol rolls his eyes as he fastens his pace, repeatedly jabbing Jongin in the ribs and kicking his shin whenever Jongin halts his move to return one of the books sitting on the trolley. Damn, he forgot how annoyingly persistent Chanyeol is when he wants something.

When Chanyeol had jabbed him the ribs for the ing fifth time, Jongin finally snaps, ready to crack Chanyeol’s skull with one clean move. He narrows his eyes into a dangerous glare but Chanyeol only snorts at the sight of it, rolling his eyes simultaneously.


“Do you know how much I hate you right now?”

“Aw, I love you too, Jongin. But seriously, don’t you want Sehun’s number-“


“Or at least, talk to him properly-“


“A date with Oh Sehun.”

Jongin swears he almost chokes on the air he’s breathing as those words enter his head.

A date with Oh Sehun? He doesn’t really know if he wants that to happen. Sure, he takes a liking on the blond-haired boy since his sophomore year but since he’s practically the epitome of awkwardness and a walking embarrassment, he decides that he’s contented with admiring the boy from afar.

But now, here’s an open opportunity presented to him and all he needs to do is say yes or no.


“I’ll throw in dinner, if you want! Who knows, he might be charmed by your personality and fall in love with you.” Jongin frowns, not finding the idea to be realistic, considering that rumor has it that Sehun is pinning over Zitao, his closest friend and god, he thinks that he can’t really compete with a scary-looking person like that.

“I don’t know,”

“God, Jongin – I want to punch you so badly right now.”

“Do you want me to accept the offer or not?”

“Okay, I was just kidding – I love you, man. Please don’t get angry at me but no homo though.” Jongin shakes his head before pushing the trolley once more, halting after taking a few steps to slot in the final book he has to return for the day.


“WHAT?” Chanyeol almost shrieks in joy, if not for Mrs. Cheon glaring at them, her glasses dropping a little until it reaches the end of her nose. They both bow their heads in apology before Jongin smacks the giant beside him, making the taller male whimper in pain.

“Keep your voice low, alright?”

“Sure, sure.” Chanyeol flashes him a mischievous grin and somehow, Jongin feels rather muddled and suspicious of the older male’s actions.

Damn it, Chanyeol.

“I hate my life,” Jongin moans dramatically as his head hits the counter, wanting to drift to dreamland because this stupid after school job is making him more and more exhausted every day. But then again, this will be worth it since what’s he doing is for his extra credits.

If only Chanyeol didn’t push his afternoon shift to Jongin’s hands, he would have been lounging in his house, eating junk food and watching Disney movies on a Friday but instead, he’s here. He’s blaming everything on Chanyeol now.

He slums in his seat, obviously showcasing his boredom. There are only a handful of people in the library and wait a ING SECOND-


Jongin never had the urge to just duck down and die on the floor because why the hell is Sehun here-

“Uh, excuse me?”


“Is somebody at the counter?” He can hear the hesitance in Sehun’s voice and he slowly – very slowly – rises up from his fetal position on the floor, lips forming an awkward smile. Damn, he hopes he doesn’t look like a or anything near that.

“Um, I just want to check out this book.” He nods his head, still wearing a smile as he turns around, walking towards the computer and stumbling over his own feet, making him almost hit the floor.

“Oh , are you alright?” The panic in Sehun’s voice is evident and Jongin can feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment as he turns to glance at Sehun, showing him another awkward smile before working on the computer. He tries his best not to gaze back at Sehun and types as fast as he could, hoping that Sehun is not annoyed by how slow he works.

After punching in the necessary information, he barely registers in his mind that Sehun is borrowing The Fault in our Stars by John Green, making him arch an eyebrow in curiosity. He passes the book to Sehun, who takes it almost immediately with a shy smile gracing on his lips, rubbing the nape of his neck as he exhales slowly.

“Why aren’t you at Zitao’s party?” Jongin suddenly inquires and oh god, he shouldn’t be butting in Sehun’s personal life or else, he might be framed as a stalker. To his surprise, Sehun has a smile on his face and it doesn’t look like he’s automatically judging Jongin for knowing about Zitao’s party.

“It’s later this evening but I don’t think I would be joining.”

“Why not?” Jongin gapes at him because Oh Sehun, closest of Huang Zitao is not even attending his party on a Friday night-

“Because I think I owe someone a date.” Jongin’s shoulders slump forward in disappointment but he tries to hide it as he shows him a fake smile. Maybe he’s not attending Zitao’s party because Zitao is his date. But then again, who will manage the party, if that happens?

“What’s with the long face? Don’t you want to go out with me?”


“W-What do you mean?” Jongin stutters embarrassingly, making him slap his own mouth, out of pure awkwardness as he feels his knees buckling and his head spinning, making him slightly dizzy and his eyes become unfocused. Sehun is grinning at him and he has his elbows propped up on the counter whilst tilting his head to the side a bit.

“Didn’t Chanyeol tell you? From what I heard, he’s paying for our date, yes?”

“And you agreed?”

“Why not? I like you so what’s wrong with going on a date?”


“W-What do y-you mean by,” Jongin halts and his cheeks are burning red by now, he’s so sure about that.


“Huh?” Sehun stares back at him, confusion clearly written on his face as he leans back, almost dropping the book the ground. He catches it with clumsy hands as he shows Jongin a sheepish smile before he places it back on the counter. God, can’t this guy get any more adorable than this?

“You know,” Jongin grips on the counter with his fingers as he ducks his head slightly to hide the blush on his cheeks. “Like as in like-like or like as a friend?”

Sehun’s expression suddenly becomes unreadable and it frightens Jongin to no end because what if I just ruined my future with him? Oh my ing-

“I like you a lot, Jongin. And it’s definitely not in a platonic way.” If it’s possible, Jongin would have died in happiness in his spot because his crush likes him back and damn, this is the best day of his life. He thinks he should thank Chanyeol for this.

“Oh,” Jongin responds, clearly speechless but then a thought passes by his mind, making him frown in realization. Sehun mirrors his action as he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

“You’re not lying, right? I thought that you like Zitao? Are you sure that you like me-“ Jongin didn’t get to finish his accusations and doubts when Sehun suddenly leans across the counter, grabbing Jongin’s collar at the same time to pull him close. Jongin can feel Sehun breathing hot air against his pair and Jongin is all ready to fall back to the floor, if not for the tight grip on his collar. He’s about to pull away when Sehun crashes his pair against his, lips moving in sync.

, , – this is really happening?

It takes Jongin a while to get his mind wrap around the fact that Sehun is indeed kissing him (and damn, he’s a great kisser too) and respond to the kiss. He hesitantly kisses back, trying to imitate Sehun’s actions and it’s enough to make the latter smile brightly. Sehun pulls him even closer before his tongue slowly tries to glide inside Jongin’s mouth, only to make Jongin panic and bite on his tongue by accident.

“!” Sehun yells, holding onto his mouth once he pulls away from the kiss abruptly and Jongin thinks he has never messed up so much in his life before this moment. He hangs his head, too uncomfortable to look straight at Sehun’s expression before mumbling a soft apology.

“I’m sorry – I didn’t mean to.” There’s a silence stretching between them and Jongin really, really wants to die right now or maybe pretend that he’s going to do something else to avoid this kind of embarrassment but then he feels Sehun’s hand landing on top of his own. He blushes at the contact as he becomes self-conscious all of a sudden before glancing back at Sehun, who is wearing a smile on his lips.

“It’s alright but in return, you have to kiss it better.” Sehun smirks as he presses a kiss against Jongin’s cheek, brushing his lips softly against the skin before pulling away completely. Jongin tries his best to will away the blush forming on his cheeks before he coughs awkwardly in response.

“You’re taking responsibility for the injury on my tongue.” Sehun playfully utters as he pats Jongin’s cheek with a grin playing on his lips this time. Jongin has never felt this so self-conscious in his own life because damn, Sehun is such a smooth talker and at the same time, he’s so ing adorable.

“When does your shift end?” Sehun tilts his head to the side in inquisitiveness as Jongin tries not to dwell in the past incident before leaning against the counter with his elbows propped up on it. He

“Maybe around four?”

“That’s too long.” Sehun whines as he wraps his arms around Jongin’s neck, lips forming into a pout. Jongin resists the temptation to just crash his lips against Sehun’s pair and make out with him until his shift ends.

“Can’t we just make out instead of you working here?” Jongin almost chokes on his own saliva upon hearing Sehun’s suggestion. What’s worse is that Sehun is wearing an innocent-like expression and damn, who can resist that kind of face?

“Can’t, I have to fill in Chanyeol’s time. Maybe later… baby.” Jongin inwardly then outwardly cringes at his temporary nickname for Sehun, feeling even more embarrassed than before when he sees the edges of Sehun’s lips turn upwards into a grin.

“You sound y when you call me that. But okay, I’ll be a good boy until your shift ends. But after that, I’m dragging you to my apartment.”

“I thought we’re having dinner?”

“Do you even like Mcdonald’s?” Jongin arches a brow, urging Sehun to continue before the latter heaves a sigh in resignation before shoving a couple of coupons in his hands. Jongin peers at them with a frown written on his lips.

“Please don’t tell me this is Chanyeol’s treat-“

“Yes, he shove them to me yesterday and told me to treat you well.” Sehun rolls his eyes before pulling back the coupons, shoving them back in his pockets as he leans back on the counter to show a Cheshire grin at Jongin. Jongin grins back before laying a quick peck on his pair, pulling away with a satisfied hum.

“So, are we going to Mcdonald’s or to my apartment?”

“I would rather eat you out instead.” Jongin cringes inwardly then outwardly because what the actual . He’s not really good with these stupid pick-up lines but Sehun is practically grinning at him, eyes twinkling with mischievousness before he shrugs nonchalantly.

“I’m not the one who suggested it but then again, if you want to do it, I’m all ready to comply.” Jongin doesn’t answer as he simply ducks under the table, quietly fanboying and screaming internally because god, Sehun is really a y yet adorable guy and he mentally gives himself a pat on the back for his good taste. He stands up once more before cocking his head to the side, leaning at the counter once more.

“I’m topping you.” Sehun rolls his eyes in a playful manner before emitting a light laugh, shaking his head.

“Whatever you say then, baby.” Sehun bites back another laugh from escaping his lips as he tips his head forward, pressing a quick peck on his lips once more. Jongin hums before pushing him off slightly, shaking his head as he tips his head to the side.

“Save all your energy for later.”

“And here I am thinking that you’re innocent.”

“Not my fault that you .” For the first time since they started conversing, Sehun’s cheeks heat up as he throws a punch at Jongin’s shoulder, muttering a strong of incoherent words as he stalks off with Jongin smiling behind his back. He should really thank Chanyeol for pushing his afternoon shift to Jongin’s hands.

“So, did you get laid?”

“Oh, shut up.” Jongin rolls his eyes as he returns the trolley and Chanyeol is guffawing behind him. Some students are glaring at them but he ignores them as he walks towards the counter, stunned to see Zitao and Sehun standing in front of the counter while laughing. He frowns as he approaches them, trying his best not to shift his glare at Zitao.

“Jongin!” Sehun yells in happiness before throwing his arms around Jongin’s neck, giving him a squeeze. He’s astonished that Mrs. Cheon hasn’t shouted at them for making so much noise inside the library. Zitao is eyeing them with a mischievous grin plastered on his face but Jongin entirely ignores him as he presses a quick peck on the side of Sehun’s head.

“Finally, you guys are together. It’s been years since he’s been pining on you, I swear. Do you know he jerks off-“

“That’s enough information, er.” Sehun glares at Zitao, who backs away with the same type of grin still plastered on his face. Jongin wills away the blush on his cheeks because of Zitao’s sudden revelation before Sehun lets go off with his own cheeks turning red. Even before Jongin can make a remark about it, Sehun passes the book he borrowed yesterday with the blush still on his cheeks.

“You didn’t even read it,” Jongin states as he walks off to the computer, punching in the necessary information before laying the book that is needed to be returned back to the shelf. He walks back to Sehun, who’s fiddling with his blazer mindlessly, glancing at Jongin with innocent eyes. It’s hard to believe that this adorable guy is the beast he had five rounds with in Sehun’s apartment.

“I read that a thousand times already.”

“Oh, then why did you borrow it?”

“So, I have an excuse to talk to you.” Jongin grins as he kisses Sehun on the cheek, pinching it softly with his fingers.

“How classic and cliché.” Sehun scowls in response before squishing his cheeks in revenge, making him emit a light laugh upon seeing Jongin’s face. Jongin rolls his eyes before removing Sehun’s hands away from his cheeks, laying a kiss on his palms on both hands. Sehun’s face goes red upon Jongin’s sweet gesture as he pulls his hands away from Jongin’s grasp, lowering his gaze in embarrassment.

“You know what,” Sehun starts as he leans against the counter, holding onto Jongin’s hand in his own, blowing warm air on it before continuing his sentence.

“It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.”

“Are you seriously quoting John Green to me now?”

“It’s a cute line, anyway. Besides, you’re Hazel Grace and I’m Augustus Waters.”

“Why am I the girl?!” Jongin complains, pulling his lips into a frown but Sehun only laughs as he lands a kiss on Jongin’s cheek the on his nose then on his lips. Jongin’s lips lift up a bit at the sweet gesture.

“Because I’m manlier than you.”

“I call bull to your statement, Mr. Oh.”

“It’s true!”

“Oh, right,” Jongin twists his lips into a smirk as he tilts his head to the side. “Who topped between us again?”

“ you.” Sehun spats with no real bite in it, only making Jongin grin even wider in response to Sehun’s insult.

“I would love to but we’re in the library, sweetheart.” Sehun rolls his eyes in a playful manner before smacking Jongin’s shoulder as he mirrors Jongin’s smile on his face. Jongin thinks that Sehun has a really beautiful smile and god, he’s so in love with this boy. He pulls him close before pressing a kiss on top of his head.

“Hey, do you know that Augustus died, right?”

“Then how about we try Paper Towns instead?”

“I don’t think Q and Margo end up together.”

“Then how about Looking for Alaska.”

“Sorry but Alaska died, if I’m not mistaken.”

“I’m not really happy right now.” Sehun juts out his lower lip into a pout and Jongin melts at the sight of it. He would never get tired of Sehun’s adorableness and inquisitiveness.

“Don’t worry, we can write our own love story.” Jongin nuzzles his neck and Sehun releases a laugh, pushing his head away as he tries to lower the volume of his laughter, considering that they’ve been attracting attention from other students inside the library.

“You’re so cheesy. It makes me want to barf.”

“Not a very romantic thing to say, Sehun.” Jongin emits a chuckle as he pulls Sehun close to him, pressing multiple kisses all over his face. Sehun grins at the kisses received before he leans close to Jongin with his eyes twinkling as he loops his arms around Jongin's neck.

"Did I tell you how much I like you?" Sehun murmurs as he raises his head, lips turning into a softened smile. Jongin easily mirrors his action before laying a kiss on Sehun's pair, coupled with a hum of complete satisfaction.

"You told me that a lot. And do you know how much I like you too?" 

"I think Chanyeol told me enough though. And well, other things, as well."


"Kim Jongin! Keep your voice down!" Jongin cowers in fear when Mrs. Cheon's head pops out from behind the door leading to the back room, glaring at him with her famous narrowed eyes. He mutters a low apology as he turns to Sehun, who's sporting a smirk as he his head to the side.

"Apparently, Chanyeol told me that you in the shower when you think of me."


"Jongin! Get out!" Mrs. Cheon yells at him, glaring at him even harder as he nods his head in defeat, dragging Sehun with him with a rough grip on his wrist. But instead of yelping in pain, Sehun flashes a grin at him as Jongin drags him out of the library with a slight pout on his face.

Once they are out of the library, Sehun immediately pushes him against the wall and crashes his pair against Jongin's, softly as he presses his body against his with his hands travelling along his pristine white uniform before slowly ing the buttons. Jongin grunts in response as he pushes Sehun off of him before dragging him toward an empty classroom, pushing him inside as he locks the doors. Sehun whines softly before latching his mouth against a column of Jongin's neck, on it eagerly.

Jongin thinks this is definitely better than returning books back to the shelves and wasting his mornings and afternoons there.

Who cares about extra credits? 

His boyfriend is definitely much better, anyway. 

 author's notes
↳ this is a 3k oneshot filled with tiness otl. i omg. this is definitely pretty much a fail. /hides. i still hope you guys will leave your feedback! ehe. < 3

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Chapter 15: Loved it <3
Chapter 14: Aww this was sweet :)
Chapter 11: Aahhhhh the feellssss~ <3
Chapter 10: Finallllyy a happy ending...after soo much angst..its a happy ending!!
Chapter 5: It's soooo flufffyy~
Chapter 2: Jongin is soo cutee~
Chapter 22: This is the cutest (oneshot)I ever read about SeKai <3
Chapter 22: Yesssssss they married!!!!!!!! The first part was like sooooooo cute!!!!! Please write more!!
Chapter 20: Awwweeeee this was so beautiful
Chapter 17: This was awesome