C.A.L.L. M.E. B.A.B.Y

Put Two and Two Together — A Oneshot Collection Featuring SeKai


C.A.L.L. M.E. B.A.B.Y
PG13 - PG16 / 5988 words (in total) / romance, fluff / It's either they're in love or they're in denial. There's no in between.

Oh shush, they love each other.

i. (c)ourtesy of oh sehun / 368 w / “So, who do you like more though? The teddy bear or me?”

“Jongin, it’s alright.” Sehun tries his best to hold back his laughter as Jongin scowls once the claw machine fails to grab hold of the teddy bear that Sehun has been eyeing for a while. They’ve been standing in front of the claw machine for 20 minutes already and a child is already peering at Jongin curiously because Jongin seems rather restless.

“Baby, I told you it’s fine–“

“No! I’m getting you that bear, no matter how much money I use.” Jongin growls as he inserts another coin inside the slot, the machine glowing back to life again. Sehun peers at him with an amused smile playing on his lips before he wraps his arms around the slightly shorter male’s waist, peppering kisses along his tanned and sharp jawline.

“S-Sehun-ah,” Jongin stammers, face turning red as his hand wobbly navigates through the machine, the claw missing the teddy bear once more.


“Jongin, no cursing.” Sehun bursts into a fit of laughter once he catches sight of the embarrassment displayed on his boyfriend’s face before he pushes him away from the machine, taking hold of the control stick instead.

He pushes another coin inside the slot, the machine lighting back to life before he navigates easily through the mess of toys lying inside the machine. Jongin watches curiously and his jaw drops when he sees how the claw easily fits over the wanted teddy bear, lifting it up and carrying it over to the space at the corner, dropping it with ease.

“What. The. ing. Hell.” Sehun grabs hold of the teddy bear, hugging it close to his chest with a grin plastered on his face.

“I still appreciate that you tried to win it for me though.” Sehun pulls him close, fingers playing with the hem of Jongin’s shirt before laying a kiss on his pair. A smile lights up on Jongin’s lips once receiving the kiss, wrapping a loose arm around Sehun’s waist to pull him close.

“So, who do you like more though? The teddy bear or me?” Jongin gazes at him with a hopeful expression, making Sehun snort.

“The teddy bear. Who do you think?”

“Oh, come on!”

ii. (a)mbitious / 405 w / They may or may not be dating.

“I think we should really date.”

“Not interested.”

“I think we look good together though.”

“I think you would look good with the trash can.”

“OOOOH, BURN. TAKE THAT, KIM JONGIN!” Chanyeol screams right beside Jongin, who is clenching his jaw due to irritancy. Sehun lifts up the corners of his lips into a smug smile before turning away, walking towards his next class.

“Chanyeol?” Jongin says through gritted teeth as he averts his attention to his forever happy-go-lucky best friend. Chanyeol stares at him with confusion before carefully dragging his question out of his lips.

“Yes? What is it, my precious best friend who is repeatedly rejected by Oh Sehun and today is like the fifth time and–“

“WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON, ANYWAY?” Jongin screeches but Chanyeol only throws him a smug smile before crossing his arms over his chest.

“I think I’m siding with Oh Sehun-“

“You’re not my best friend, anymore.” A frown appears on Jongin’s lips before he tries to drag his feet towards his next class, which happens to be Advanced Calculus.


“Oh, shut up.”


“Why can’t you date me?!” Jongin wails once he takes his seat beside Sehun during Chemistry class. Sehun rolls his eyes before turning his attention back to his book but he secretly moves his stool closer to Jongin’s as he laces their fingers together nonchalantly. Sehun doesn’t even have to take a look beside him to guess the grin forming on Jongin’s lips.

“Drop the act, Jongin. Everyone can guess that we’ve been dating for a long time already.”

“Aw, you’re no fun, Sehun-ah.” Jongin’s lips form into a pout before reaching over to sneak a quick peck on Sehun’s cheek, brushing his lips gently on it. Sehun wills himself not to smile as he tightens his hold on Jongin’s fingers, brushing his thumb occasionally over Jongin’s knuckles.

“WAIT, YOU TWO ARE DATING?!” Chanyeol squawks, dropping his bag right on top of Sehun’s table, gazing back at them with bewilderment. Sehun rolls his eyes once more while Jongin stares back at him with his jaw dropped.

“You didn’t know?!”


“Oh, shut up, Chanyeol hyung.”

iii. (l)ifetime of falling in love / 513 w / It’s been years and yet, Sehun feels like he’s falling all over for him. 

Sehun wraps his blanket around his shoulders, his body shivering once the cold wind passes by his skin. He shuffles along the corridors, quickly spotting the stairway leading to the rooftop. He halts for a moment before a smile manages to form on his lips as he continues to walk towards the stairs, taking each step at a time and straining to hear the song playing.

Just in time, he can hear Ne-yo’s Part of the List playing through and his lips unconsciously form a grin as he fastens his pace, still keeping the blanket around his shoulders. He halts his steps before quietly pushing the door open, watching as Jongin does a sharp spin on his heels, the moves flowing through him ever so naturally.

Sehun leans his body against the doorframe, keeping a careful watch of Jongin’s moves as he easily danced along to the music, the fiery and power of each move sending Sehun into a state of euphoria. Jongin dances sharply and does each move with precision, as if all of the audience has disappeared from his view and all that is left is him and the music pounding in his ears.

Sehun will never regret falling in love with this boy.

It’s like the first time – the fiery eye contact exchanged when they met as trainees. It’s been years and yet, Sehun feels like he’s falling all over for him.

The song ends and Jongin finishes his moves with another sharp spin before landing on his feet, breathing out a small sigh of satisfaction. Sehun takes the chance to move forward, still letting the blanket drape over his shoulders before wrapping his arms Jongin’s waist.

Jongin visibly stiffens before he relaxes once feeling Sehun’s cold hands against his, blowing hot air on them to keep them warm. He turns around, quickly wrapping his arms around Sehun’s frame, reaching over to give a soft kiss.

“Why are you still up?”

“You were not in bed,” Sehun juts out his lower lip and Jongin releases a titter, pressing another kiss on Sehun’s pair before pulling him close.

“Alright then, princess. Do you want me to carry you instead?” Sehun automatically frowns as he lets his finger skim over Jongin’s waist, looking over at worry.

“What about your waist?”

“I’ll be fine.” Jongin says dismissively before crouching down, placing one of his arms under Sehun’s legs and the other at his back, lifting him with ease. A squeak falls from his lips as he scrambles to wrap his arms around Jongin’s neck while Jongin snickers in return.

This is Sehun’s favorite part of the night – he loves how Jongin would push him down on the bed and press loving kisses all over his face as he whisper sweet nothings in his ear. He loves how Jongin’s body would curl up against his and fall asleep in his arms. He loves how Jongin would possessively wrap his arms around Sehun and stay close to him with their limbs tangled with each other.

Sehun really thinks he will never regret falling for him.

iv. (l)udicrously annoying / 507 w / Jongin also wants Sehun to nip at his cat ears too.

“Jongin-ah,” Sehun purrs as his tail thumps against the sheets with a grin etched on his face but Jongin pays no heed of attention to the younger male. He continues to type on his laptop, completely ignoring how Sehun is pressing himself against his side and he keeps on clinging to his arm whilst purring. He takes all of his self-control not to pounce on the male but everything goes down the drain when Sehun starts nipping at his cat ear.

A groan accidentally slips past his lips and Sehun can’t help but let a smile play on his pair before continuing to nip on Jongin’s cat ear, trying to straddle his lap but Jongin successfully pushes him off, his face red with embarrassment.

“I–I’m still a–angry at you!” Jongin stammers as he tries to avert his attention back to the laptop but Sehun is seductively distractingly; he wraps his arms around his waist, taking a seat on the chair beside Jongin’s before placing a few kisses along his collarbones.

“I told you, I’m still angry-“

“Is it because of Zitao?” Sehun drops his voice into a whisper as he gazes back at Jongin, who’s gnawing at his lower lip, trying to restrain himself and not pounce on the pale cat boy beside him. Jongin doesn’t answer but he can feel Sehun snuggling close to him, his own tail curling against Sehun’s.

“You’re jealous of him? But why?”


“What?” Sehun furrows his eyebrows and Jongin awkwardly clears his throat before feeling his face turn into flaming tomato, if there’s such a thing like that.

“You were nipping his cat ear.” Jongin’s voice lowers into a whisper and he can feel his face turning into a scarlet red as he decides to play with the hem of his shirt, not trusting himself to gaze back at Sehun’s brown and soulful eyes.

But before he knows it, Sehun bursts into a fit of laughter, arms wrapped around his own stomach as he guffawed. Jongin can feel his lips turn down in annoyance before pushing Sehun away, too humiliated because really – who gets jealous when your ing mate decides that it’s okay to nip at other cat ears while you’re there?!

“God, you’re so adorable, Jongin.” Sehun says sweetly before bending down a bit, reaching over to straddle Jongin’s thighs with a lewd grin spreading over his face. Jongin just wants to cry out because Sehun is so ing seductive and no, that’s ing illegal-

“Do you want me to nip your cat ears then?” Sehun peers at him through his bangs and Jongin can feel his stomach churning and the butterflies coming alive. He hesitantly nods his head before he can feel Sehun nipping at his cat ears carefully as Jongin buries his face on Sehun’s broad shoulder, feeling the slight pleasure traveling through his veins. His own brown tail thumps excitedly against the floor and he can feel Sehun’s white tail draping itself around his feet.

“You’re so adorable, Jongin-ah.”

“I’m still angry at you.”

v. (m)ine / 418 w / Sehun just happens to be possessive, even in his sleep.

A serene smile plays on Jongin’s lips as he carefully watches Sehun’s chest rise upwards then downwards in a steady pace. Sehun has his arms secured around Jongin’s waist and his head carefully tucked on his shoulder, his breath ghosting over Jongin’s neck.

He can hear Kyungsoo shuffling around the dorm as footsteps echoed against the walls, accompanied by exhausted yawns and murmurs. Sehun continues to rest against his body and when Jongin takes another glance at him, he can feel his stomach’s butterflies flying around, sending tingles down his spine.

Sehun looks rather serene and composed, unlike when they bustle along the streets of Seoul, completely rushing to their next schedules. There is always an unsatisfied expression displayed on his face and in some times, he can see the lines of frustration and discouragement appearing on his face when he makes a mistake.

It’s a beautiful change, especially since it’s still early in the morning and most of the time, he’s being cranky but Sehun’s expression managed to calm him down. He leans down to press a soft kiss against his forehead, lips brushing lightly before the door slams open.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!” Baekhyun chants and repeatedly slaps Jongin’s cheek, trying to pull him out of his half-assed dreamland before they hear a low growl coming from the youngest male’s mouth. They both peer at him with curiosity when Sehun wraps his arms tighter around Jongin’s waist with a string of incoherent words falling from his lips.

“Mine.” Sehun murmurs, pulling Jongin closer (if that’s possible) and he almost straddles him with his arms wrapped around Jongin’s body frame possessively. “Mine. Mine. Mine.”

“God, even when he’s asleep, he’s still possessive of you.” Baekhyun rolls his eyes good naturedly before strutting out of the room with a sleepy Chanyeol trailing behind him. Jongin stays still for a moment before a grin appears on his lips, laying a kiss on Sehun’s cheek.

“I’m yours, baby.”

“Hm, did you say something?” Sehun stirs awake, staring at him with half-lidded eyes and a yawn slips out of his lips without much of his consent. Jongin raises a brow before letting out a snort, winding his arms around Sehun’s waist to pull him close to his chest.

“Nothing. Good morning, baby and I love you.” Jongin easily says with a mischievous smile lighting up his face as Sehun gazes back at him, muddled about the situation.


“Oh, let’s just go get our breakfast.”

vi. (e)uphoria / 554 w / Jongin has never been more thankful than anything in his whole life.

“Daddy!” Jongin steps inside the house and the first person he sees is a four year old boy staring back at him with a grin lighting up his face. He releases a small titter before crouching down a bit and opening his arms as the boy runs straight up to him, returning the hug.

He pats the boy on the back before pulling away to press a kiss on top of his head, inclining his head slightly to spot Sehun smiling at the sight of them. A five year old girl is playing with the hem of the white apron that Sehun has chosen to don on.

“Don’t I get a kiss too, daddy?!” The little girl screeches as she runs straight to Jongin’s open arms, pushing away her brother. Jongin lets out a light laugh before pressing a long kiss on top of her head, only to be rewarded with a grin on her face.

“Are you happy now, princess?” The girl nods her head with excitement before running off towards her brother, who screams back as he runs away. Jongin shakes his head out of his amusement before finally approaching Sehun with his arms open once more.

“Sweetheart.” Sehun’s eyes twinkle in happiness upon hearing that nickname slip past Jongin’s lips and god, Jongin thinks he must have fallen in love with Sehun all over again. Sehun easily slips in his arms before Jongin presses a kiss against his lips, letting out a sigh of contentment before pulling away slightly to press another kiss on top of Sehun’s head.

“How’s work?”

“Hell.” Sehun snorts before reaching over to pinch Jongin’s cheek, throwing his arms once more around Jongin’s body frame, peppering loving kisses around his face before they both hear someone making disgusted noises.

“Ew, papa is being lovey-dovey with daddy again!” Saerom screams as Jaesoo, her brother giggles beside her. Sehun playfully pulls them close to press kisses all over their faces, making both of the kids laughing and giggling as they try to push away Sehun.

Saerom and Jaesoo finally succeed in pushing Sehun away as they run off once more, giggling and pushing each other while running.

“Hey, don’t push each other!” Jongin calls from the kitchen before turning to his husband, whose hair is messed up, all thanks to the kids. Jongin’s lips form a smirk before laying a kiss against Sehun’s lips, pulling him close for an embrace.

“I’ll put the kids to sleep, alright?” Sehun numbly nods and a smile both breaks out on their faces, Jongin’s smile brighter as compared to Sehun’s.




“Can you hug me?” Jongin releases a light chuckle upon hearing his husband’s request, arms automatically finding themselves around Sehun’s waist, pulling him backwards until Sehun’s back lands against his chest. Their breathing is steady in pace and Jongin has never fell in love with his life now; he has a loving husband, two adorable kids and mostly, a family he always craved for.

“Sehun-ah, thank you.”

“For what?” Sehun turns around and Jongin presses another kiss on his pair, sighing softly in satisfaction and elation. Jongin smiles softly, pulling him close and his hair in a mild manner before muttering his words in Sehun’s ears, sounding like music according to the pale male.

“For giving me a family.”

vii. (b)eguile / 715 w / “You told me that you like cute things and guess what? I’m giving myself to you!” 

“Oh . What can I give him?!” Sehun squawks, feeling like his world is crumbling to pieces. He has never felt so devastated in his whole life, not until he can’t get any gift for his beloved boyfriend’s birthday.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes and Sehun wants to hit him and only himself because Baekhyun just proved himself to be very unhelpful for the past two hours. He doesn’t even know why he didn’t ask Zitao or maybe Chanyeol to accompany him to the mall.

“How about that?”

“He doesn’t like eyeliner.”

“How about that, then?”

“He has too many shirts in his closet right now.”

“Ugh, how about that, then?”

“He’s doesn’t like-“

“DAMN IT, SEHUN. JUST CHOOSE ONE AND GET OVER IT!” Sehun winces and he juts out his lower lip, finally giving up on life. He can’t believe he’s the worst boyfriend on the whole face of the Earth and his existence must vanish this instant–

Wait a minute.



“Please tell me you’re ing joking.” Zitao grimaces when he sees the bow displayed on top of Sehun’s head and damn it, he’s even wearing a box with ribbons pasted on the cardboard. Sehun’s lips form a frown, ignoring Zitao’s remark as he takes a look at himself in the mirror.

“You look ridiculous.”

“I look ridiculously amazing.” Zitao rolls his eyes before pushing Sehun out of his room, almost making him stumble over his own feet and kiss the ground.

Stupid, unsupportive best friend.

Sehun huffs, ready to sulk when the door suddenly slams open, revealing a maddened Jongin with Kyungsoo trailing behind him with a slight grimace on his face. But they both halt in their steps when they finally catch sight of Sehun wearing a box with a bow on top of his head, resembling a gift box.

“Uh, Sehun?”

“YOU’RE HOME!” Sehun screeches, almost stumbling over his own feet but he doesn’t really care because his own beloved boyfriend is back from practice and that’s the most important thing as of now.

“What are you even… cosplaying?” Jongin looks downright muddled while Kyungsoo snickers, moving away to give the couple some private time. Sehun is eternally grateful that Kyungsoo can take a hint and be helpful in some sort of way.

“I’m your present.” Sehun beams at him, the bow falling on the floor but he pays no heed of attention to it since it’s making him scratch his head in annoyance because of that. Jongin arches a brow and before he knows it, a softened smile appears on Jongin’s lips as he reaches over to press a soft kiss on top of his head.

“Thank you, baby. You made my whole day brighter.”

“Wait, wait! I have something else to say.” Jongin halts his movements before tilting his head to the side in wonder and confusion, giving Sehun the chance to say his words. Sehun grins at him before letting the words slip out of his lips that he’s been practicing a while ago.

“You told me that you like cute things and guess what? I’m giving myself to you!” An awkward silence hangs over them as Jongin appears rather flustered about the situation.

“I–I have no idea how to interpret that statement.”

“What? But why? I’m offering myself to you as your awesome present!”

“Look, Sehun, you don’t understand…” Jongin trails off and Sehun furrows his eyebrows, clearly an expression of annoyance before a realization snaps inside of him.



“Oh, I–I think I get it.” Sehun blushes and he wants to smack himself for sounding so… erted. Damn it, that’s so far from his plans in surprising Jongin.

Jongin smiles instead, trying to ease down the awkward atmosphere before he reaches over to press another kiss on Sehun’s pair. Sehun takes off the box before throwing his arms around Jongin’s body frame, kissing him repeatedly while clinging his whole weight onto him.

“I think you can interpret my words in two ways, whichever you want.” Sehun whispers as he pulls Jongin towards their room, his face red but he’s smiling rather bashfully, making Jongin return the gesture.

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to get hurt or anything-“

“Oh, shut up and kiss me already.”

viii. (a)ttics : the best place to make out / 709 w / According to Jongin, horror movies are the best. Okay, maybe not.

"Do we really have to watch the movie here?" Jongin whines as Sehun bends over the DVD player, inserting the CD containing the Hostel movie. Jongin halts his complaints for a minute, spending the ten seconds to ogle his best friend's (but of course, he denies this as much as he can although he does think how it would feel if he were to it).


"Huh?" The said male snaps out of his reverie and he can feel the heat crawling from his neck up to his cheeks but he's somehow grateful because Sehun decided to have their movie marathon in their attic and it's damn dark inside the place. 

Sehun takes his position on the couch beside Jongin, immediately curling his body against his. Jongin quietly and mentally cries because Sehun is so near and yet, he's so ing far from his reach right now. And yes, that was definitely cliché as hell.

The movie starts up and Jongin wants to scream his head off and run downstairs because Hostel is just a gruesome movie that can flip Jongin’s stomach upside down. But he can’t – not when he promised that he would accompany Sehun while they watch this stupid movie that will probably sent Jongin vomiting his insides out because it’s so gross and disgusting.

Sehun almost screeches as he clings onto Jongin’s arm and god, Jongin isn’t even paying attention to the movie but he’s enjoying every single moment to it because it’s not every day when your possible crush clings to your arm. He lets Sehun rest his body against his, feeling his body heat traveling through their skin-to-skin contact, enough to make Jongin dizzy with happiness.

“Jongin, Jongin, Jongin.” Sehun whimpers and Jongin holds him close, trying to calm down his best friend who is breaking down and also his heart, which is racing in a fast rate that is not even considered healthy.

“Shhh, it’s alright.” Jongin drops his voice into a whisper and before he can even comprehend his actions, he’s leaning down, eyes closed and his lips puckered–

“What are you doing?” Sehun’s hot breath ghosts over his pair and Jongin almost falls over the couch in shock and embarrassment but he holds his ground, a sheepish smile spreading over his features. Sehun is gazing back at him in confusion and damn it, he never had the urge to just slap himself for being such an idiot.

What is he even thinking? It’s not like they’ll end up making out on the couch, not giving a damn about the movie and he’s not even sure how Sehun swings and–

“If you wanted to make out, then why don’t you say so?” His jaw drops as Sehun takes his chance, straddling his thighs effectively with a roguish smirk playing on his thin pair, sending Jongin’s stomach to flip and roll and all that crap. He gulps down the lump in his throat, not trusting himself to speak when Sehun places both of his arms against the sides of his head, leaning in close to taunt him.


“Oh, shut up. You and I both know that we like each other. Sheesh, I don’t even like Hostel – I’m just using this as an excuse to confess to you and probably end up making out with you.”

“Are you ing serious?! I almost ran out of the attic because–”

“We both know you won’t do that since you’re too much of a chicken to actually have the guts to do that.” Sehun’s brown eyes glimmer in a playful way before slotting his pair over Jongin’s perfectly, hands sliding down to place them on Jongin’s broad shoulders. Jongin pushes him away slightly, not even trying to give a respond to the kiss before leaning his forehead against Sehun’s.

“You’re not kidding with me right now? You really like me?”

“Uh, isn’t it obvious? I practically rejected every confession I’ve gotten and I’m still waiting for you to ask me out, you idiot.” Sehun’s eyes soften before pressing a trail of kisses along Jongin’s sharp jawline, making Jongin release a sigh.

“Are we still going to watch the movie or–”

“Will you please stop talking and just ing kiss me?”

“Alright, sheesh.”

ix. (b)lessing in disguise / 800 w / They hate each other. Or maybe they like each other. They're not exactly sure.

"Wow, this is all your ing fault."

"Why is my fault?" Sehun scoffs while Jongin grits his teeth, watching as the snowflakes slides down the windshield, adding more to the pile of snow surrounding their car. 

Sehun has his arms around his own body, shivering slightly due to the cold but still, he decides to place all of the blame on Jongin.

"This is all your fault!"

"Wow, how childish of you to blame all of it on me." Jongin rolls his eyes, grunting a bit as he slammed the horns, hoping that the traffic will clear up soon but just being looking over at the windshield, it's obviousd that the cars are bumper-to-bumper.

Jongin wouldn't care if it was Kyungsoo right beside him right now but instead, Baekhyun insisted that they should go together and bond while they go grocery shopping.

Ah, hell.

"I wish it was Kyungsoo who went with me instead."

"Well, I wish it was Luhan hyung who went with me instead."

"Do you have a death wish, Oh Sehun?" Jongin raises his fist, glaring straight at the male but instead of cowering in fear, Sehun simply sticks out his tongue, pressing himself immediately against the side door, shivering even more. He doesn't even know why he simply wore a shirt with a lightweight jacket draped around him.

Surprisingly, they managed to stay silent but the bumper-to-bumper traffic is exhausting and Sehun feels like he's going to die anytime soon since he can feel the coldness gnawing on his skin.


"What do you want?" Jongin's lips turn down into a frown, keeping a careful watch of the traffic to see if there's any progress. Sehun badly wants to just swallow down his words but if he doesn't voice out his request anytime soon, he'll probably freeze to death.

"Can I hug you?"

"What the ?!" Jongin accidentally slams the horn and they both wince once hearing an angry father screaming his head off at them. Sehun sinks down his seat, feeling rather embarrassed and a bit humiliated for asking the damn question.

"I don't want to hug you!"

"I'm cold."

"I don't-"

"Please? Jongin, I'm so cold." Sehun whimpers and for a second, Jongin's eyes soften a bit before he clears his throat, holding out his hand with hesitance hovering his face. Sehun grabs hold his hand before crawling towards his lap in a fast speed, sending Jongin into a wave of shock.


"Stay still." Sehun instructs in a feeble voice before winding his arms around Jongin's waist, burying his face on Jongin's shoulder. 

Jongin stays still, his breathing uneven and he can feel his heart poundinga against his chest, as if it's trying to get out of his ribs. Jongin doesn't even know why he's feeling so clammy and nervous because it's just Oh Sehun and Oh Sehun is nothing special.

(Or maybe he is special but Jongin is still in his denial mode.)


"Uh, thanks for a while ago." Sehun wraps his jacket around his figure, lifting up the two bags of groceries with ease while Jongin slumps, faking his tiredness by pretending he's having a hard time lifting up the bags. Sehun rolls his eyes in a playful manner as he stands before Jongin, head  tilted to the side with a grin.

Jongin thinks Sehun's smile is really nice. Like really, really nice.

They both walk up to the apartment they share with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo with Luhan and Chanyeol dropping by most of the times. Jongin feels a weird ache in his chest whenever he glances at Sehun's hands, wanting to hold it badly.

God, they just hugged and now, Jongin can feel himself turning jelly whenever Sehun is near him.

They arrive in front of the apartment and even before Sehun can reach for the doorknob, Jongin drops his bags and wraps his arms around Sehun's body frame, pulling him as close as their bodies would permit. Sehun accidentally drops his bags on Jongin's feet and it takes all of Jongin's self-control not to scream in pain.


"Just let me hold you for a while, please?"

"I feel like I'm in a K-drama right now."

"Shut up and don't ruin the mood." Jongin snorts as he pulls away, his cheeks are scarlet red and his lips are lifted up into a small smile. 

"What's with the sudden hug?"

"Just checking my feelings for you." Jongin tries not wince because of the heavy weight of the groceries on his feet before he catches sight of Sehun's grin spreading on his features.

"What's your conclusion?" Sehun looks a bit hopeful and somehow, that manages to warm Jongin's insides. Right now, he absolutely wants to make Sehun happy, even if it's through mere words for now.

"I think I like you."

x. (y)ours, now and forever / 999 w / “God, this is not a TFIOS movie, Jongin.” 

“He said that he loves you.”

“Yes.” Jongin feels like he’s going to shrink in his seat soon and probably vanish from the face of the Earth because of the complete embarrassment he is feeling right now. Kyungsoo gazes back at him with a deadpan expression plastered on his usual face.

“And what did you say?”

“I, uh…” Jongin trails off, obviously too humiliated to put the words together to form the explanation needed.

“You what? Damn it, Jongin – just te-”

“I told him, “Okay then.”” Kyungsoo stares back at him with eyes rounded and his jaw slightly dropped and god, he has never felt so ashamed for his actions before until now. He feels like Kyungsoo is starting to judge every single fiber of his whole being right now.

“Please tell me you’re ing kidding-“

“Not really.” Kyungsoo palms his face, letting out a frustrated groan and even before the realization slaps him across the face, Kyungsoo starts kicking him on the shins out of pure frustration, of course.

“God, this is not a TFIOS movie, Jongin.” He doesn’t respond to the rant as he slinks down in his seat, humiliated and disappointed at himself. It’s still fresh in his mind how Sehun’s expression gradually falls after hearing Jongin’s response and he can practically feel the cold air slicing through his atmosphere.

Damn, Jongin is really idiotic at some times.

No wait – correction: Jongin is really idiotic at all times.

But this time, he doesn’t really know how he should fix up his mistake.


Somehow, Sehun manages to dismisses their previous awkward conversation and proceed on with their regular routine for the day. But still, Jongin doesn’t fail to catch the disappointed look thrown at his direction whenever Sehun thinks that he isn’t looking straight at him.

You seriously ed up. Jongin thinks, wanting to just slam his forehead against the wall repeatedly until he gets a concussion. They’ve been together for two years already and yet, no ‘I love you’s are exchanged until that night.

Jongin tries to use the excuse that they’re both dancers – they can express their feelings through dancing so why do they need to say those three words, anyway? But sometimes, the famous saying, “Actions speak louder than words,” doesn’t really necessarily add up in this kind of situation.

Jongin sighs exasperatingly, thinking about how he can fix up the awkward mistake he made. Sehun’s birthday is tomorrow and god, he doesn’t even have a gift yet–

Wait a minute.

Jongin halts in his steps, eyeing the shop with interest. His feet quickly makes its way inside, scanning the amount of pets displayed inside the cages but his heart leaps out when he sees a small gold Labrador with its paw placed on the glass.

He gazes back at the dog and he can feel his insides melt a bit, partially because of the puppy’s adorableness and partially because of the expected reaction he’ll get from Sehun. A grins splits on his face before turning to the cashier.

“How much is it?”


 “Okay, you can do this, Jongin. You’re the man. He’ll love your present the best.” The puppy barks, panting as it tries to get out of the cage. Jongin shushes it before he starts rapping his knuckles on the door, only for it to swing open and his knuckles meet Sehun’s forehead instead.

“, I’M SORRY!” Jongin shrieks, dropping the cage on the floor before cradling Sehun’s head, placing kisses all over the injured area. Sehun releases a light titter before gently pushing him away, deciding to press his lips against Jongin’s.

“It’s alright – it wasn’t your fault.” Sehun laughs and Jongin’s stomach twists and turns and well, all that crap that they talk about in the movies and books. He thinks he should really say those three words now.

Yes, he should definitely say it.

He should say those words, like right now-

“Happy Birthday, Sehun-ah!”

Okay, that was a nice try. Jongin sulkily thinks before he grabs hold of the cage, ing the cage in Sehun’s arms. Sehun glances back at him with wide eyes and a grin spreads over his features before gently putting down the cage, opening it to let the puppy out.

“Oh my god, he’s adorable, Jongin.”

“How do you know that it’s a guy?” Sehun rolls his eyes playfully before patting the puppy, giving it a slight squeeze as the puppy barks enthusiastically. Sehun looks rather elated as he gives the puppy a kiss on top of its head before turning his head to Jongin’s direction, words ready to fall from his lips when Jongin easily beats him to it.

“I love you, Sehun.” Sehun stares back, imitating the look that Kyungsoo gave him a few days ago when he deliberately scolded Jongin for being such an idiotic and also for breaking Sehun’s heart. Jongin waits impatiently for Sehun’s response, switching his weight from one foot to the other but Sehun only gazes back in surprise.


“Are you serious?”

Well, that was an unexpected response.

Jongin only lowers his head before moving closer to Sehun, quickly enveloping him in an embrace.

“I’m sorry if I didn’t say it back. I was too dumbfounded and I was just scared of being committed but I thought it over and I just-“

“Jongin, are you crying?”

“WHAT, NO. NO, I’M NOT. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING-“ Sehun releases a light laugh before returning the embrace, his body vibrating due to the laughter emitted by the pale boy. Jongin embarrassingly wipes away his tears before burying his face on Sehun’s clothed shoulder.

“I’m glad you said it back though. I thought our relationship is not mutual.”

“I love you, Sehun. I love you so much, damn it.”

“Okay, I get it. I love you too. And thank you.”

“For the gift?” Sehun simply grins before pressing his lips against Jongin’s for a quick second.

“Yes, and also for reassuring me that you love me.”

 author's notes
↳ HAHAHA HELLO THERE MY READERS. sorry for not updating so this is my gift to you AND OFC, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OH SEHUN! basically, my last drabble (let's pretend that my last one is a drabble lmao) is dedicated to Oh Sehun yehet. it's still Sehun's birthday in KST so I MADE IT HAHAHA. please do leave your feedback! thank you! xx

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Chapter 15: Loved it <3
Chapter 14: Aww this was sweet :)
Chapter 11: Aahhhhh the feellssss~ <3
Chapter 10: Finallllyy a happy ending...after soo much angst..its a happy ending!!
Chapter 5: It's soooo flufffyy~
Chapter 2: Jongin is soo cutee~
Chapter 22: This is the cutest (oneshot)I ever read about SeKai <3
Chapter 22: Yesssssss they married!!!!!!!! The first part was like sooooooo cute!!!!! Please write more!!
Chapter 20: Awwweeeee this was so beautiful
Chapter 17: This was awesome