There's Always Tomorrow

Put Two and Two Together — A Oneshot Collection Featuring SeKai


PG-13 / 759 words / angst, es!au / Jongin tends to fall every time but Sehun is always ready to catch him anytime (Jongin thinks it's supposed to be the other way around).

I'll never let go of you.

“I’m tired.” Sehun’s voice falls into a hushed whisper as he curls his body against Jongin's side, a shaky sigh slipping past his lips as he buries his face on the tanned male's broad shoulders. Jongin doesn't do anything to push Sehun away, only turning his head, expression faltering into a softened look, replacing the stoic look he's wearing a while ago. They sit in silence, their breathing falling into a steady pace before the older male slips an arm around the lithe waist of the other, cringing ever so slightly when Sehun emits a groan of pain.

Jongin's breath hitches as he lets his slender fingertips wrap themselves around the hem of Sehun's shirt, raising it just a little, only to pull it back down in an immediate manner.

The blossoming bruise planted on the milky skin belonging to Sehun is enough for the tanned male to let a wince slip past the seam of his lips as he gawks at Sehun with a confused and pain-filled gaze.

“The client beat me up,” Sehun’s voice falls once more into a hushed whisper as he gently moves closer to Jongin, seeking for some comfort and warmth whilst eyeing the steady reaction of the other male, “he called me a worthless and he repeatedly pushes himself inside of me. He sent me out of his apartment with a small amount. I’m sorry if I didn’t make much this night – I’ll do better.”

That’s when Jongin sees himself breaks down.

He stares at the worn-out look clouding over the younger male’s face as some bruises on his arms become more evident in Jongin’s eyes. His thin pair looks swollen and the eye bags under his eyes can serve as some proof that he’s exhausted already.

The question is, exhausted of what?

That’s what Jongin fears so much.

He knows he shouldn’t have dragged Sehun into this hellhole – Sehun deserves so much better. It’s too late for Jongin to realize that when Sehun had muttered the response, “yes,” to his ears, that’s the beginning of the end.

Sehun shouldn’t be here – he should be staying in this dump that they call as their home. The decrepit apartment that is worth of the money they earn each month. Sehun should be with Luhan, his ex-boyfriend, and not with Jongin right now.

He had already corrupted Sehun’s whole being already yet, he feels like he’s slowly destroying every single fiber in the younger male’s existence.
Jongin doesn’t deserve him – Sehun deserves the whole world and Jongin thinks he’s isn’t worthy of a quarter of the world.

“I’m sorry,” Apologies fall out of Jongin’s mouth as he gently pulls Sehun close to him, hands already finding their way to the other’s face and his cheekbones with the pad of his thumb, “I shouldn’t… You should be… Why did you like me?”

Jongin is a blabbering mess as he buries on Sehun’s shoulder, hands falling to the younger male’s shoulders and gripping unto them with all his might and with all his strength. Sehun freezes in his spot and he feels the guilt crawling its way up to his chest as he stares down at the vulnerable male in front of him.

“Jongin, please don’t feel guilty.” Sehun’s slender and long fingers gently run through the other’s brown hair, it with ease and providing a fluttering sensation in Jongin’s stomach.

“I chose you because I’m in love with you and not with Luhan anymore. I’m willing to go through thick and thin, just for you.”

“But why me?” Sehun softly lets a sigh escape his lips before landing a soft kiss on Jongin’s thick pair, heaving a sigh of contentment and satisfaction whilst murmuring under his breath.

“I love you. I love you so ing much. I don’t think I need a reason why I need to fall because when people fall,” Sehun pulls away before pressing his thin pair against Jongin’s forehead, lacing their fingers together, in the process, “they simply fall. That’s it.”

Jongin stares back at Sehun, feeling absolutely lucky because he feels reassured that Sehun won’t leave him. Not now and definitely not in the near future.

“I’ll try my best,” Jongin murmurs under his breath before tightening his grip on Sehun’s hand, it with the pad of his thumb, “to give us a better future. I’ll do anything, just for you.”

“You have all the time you need,” Sehun pulls his lips upwards before gazing back at Jongin’s brown orbs with a loving gaze.

“There’s always tomorrow.”

 author's notes
↳ first oneshot is up! wrote this between classes so it's... uh, y. heh. please do leave your thoughtful comments!

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Chapter 15: Loved it <3
Chapter 14: Aww this was sweet :)
Chapter 11: Aahhhhh the feellssss~ <3
Chapter 10: Finallllyy a happy ending...after soo much angst..its a happy ending!!
Chapter 5: It's soooo flufffyy~
Chapter 2: Jongin is soo cutee~
Chapter 22: This is the cutest (oneshot)I ever read about SeKai <3
Chapter 22: Yesssssss they married!!!!!!!! The first part was like sooooooo cute!!!!! Please write more!!
Chapter 20: Awwweeeee this was so beautiful
Chapter 17: This was awesome