Tug of War

Put Two and Two Together — A Oneshot Collection Featuring SeKai


PG-13 / 1523 words / fluff, romance / A jealous Jongin is always cute.

Let's have a tug of war.

Sehun watches from the bench as Jongin stretches his arms upward, his shirt riding up and revealing a silver of tanned skin before it disappears as his shirt goes down once more. Sehun gulps down the lump in his throat as he tries to avert his eyes elsewhere, away from his boyfriend’s very amazing body. But he simply can’t and he suffers as he watches the tanned male stretches his limbs perfectly, considering the fact that he’s a certified ballet dancer, but his stupid shirt keeps riding up.

Sehun mutters curses under his breath as the words, “The Lord is testing me”, keeps on appearing every time he watches Jongin‘s silver of tanned skin that keeps on teasing him.

“Sehun, I know you’re currently for your boyfriend but really, stop ogling him like a ert when you’re in a public place.”

“Shut up, Luhan.”

“Hyung. Luhan hyung. Damn it, why do you keep on forgetting-” Luhan’s words are cut off when Jongin manages to slide in beside Sehun’s seat, arms automatically wrapping around his Sehun’s pale and lithe waist.

"What were you guys talking about?" Jongin asks smoothly, gazing back at the two males sitting beside him.

“You- oof.” Luhan lets a wince slip past his lips as Sehun not-so subtly aims his elbow to the elder’s ribs, making him feel a shortage of breath. Jongin raises an eyebrow in pure amusement and a glint of mischievousness appears in his eyes as he leans forward to press a kiss on Sehun’s bony shoulder.


“No.” Sehun deadpans as he tried to ignore the butterflies flying in his stomach, his fingers habitually slotting between the spaces of Jongin’s fingers.

Luhan releases a snort before he stands from the bench, aiming a slap on Sehun’s thin arm as a smug smile forms on his pink lips.

“Later losers. I already see my precious Yifan from here. Yifan, baby!” Luhan rushes away, leaving the couple behind, snickering in amusement when Yifan just throws a deadpan glance at the blond boy before letting Luhan cling to his arm as much as he wants.

Jongin nuzzles his boyfriend’s neck, taking in his natural scent before pulling away to card his fingers through Sehun’s newly-dyed hair.

“Why did you dye your hair to black? Brown suits you more, in my opinion.” Jongin whispers as he pulls the younger closer, dropping a kiss on the corner of his lips, tracing open-mouthed kisses along his defined jawline afterwards. Sehun sighs in satisfaction at Jongin’s sweet touch as he bathes in the shower of kisses that Jongin is giving him.

“I don’t know – I kinda missed my black hair so I dyed it back.” Jongin hums in response as he pulls the younger in for a slow kiss, closing his pair on Sehun’s lower lip, tugging on it gently and grazing it with his teeth. Sehun emits a sound of contentment as he attempts to climb on the tanned male’s lap, not until someone lets out a cough, forcing them to break apart.

Soojung lifts up the corners of her lips into a grin as she darts her eyes towards Sehun, whose face is flushed as he fingers with the hem of his shirt, trying not to meet the girl’s gaze on him.

“Hey Sehun!” Soojung entirely ignores Jongin, who stares at her, slack-jawed. Sehun raises his eyes at the intruder and manages to form his lips into a polite smile as he mumbles his greeting. She takes a seat beside Sehun and animatedly talks to him, making focus his whole attention to her, instead of his boyfriend.

 Jongin narrows his eyes into slits as he tries to divert Sehun’s attention back to him but Sehun is too engaged in his conversation with Soojung to notice his subtle gestures. He can practically feel his blood boiling when he sees the flirtatious smile on Soojung’s lips as her fingertips drag along his thin arm.

“Soojung-ah, I think Jinri is calling for you.” Jongin quickly cuts in their conversation when he notices Soojung trying to make a bolder move on Sehun, who remain clueless.

Her face falls as she stands up slowly, bidding goodbye to the black-haired male as she directs her attention to Jongin with a scowl painted on her pretty face. He pretends he didn’t see it as she stomps her way towards Jinri, who’s watching the scene unfold before her with her hand clasped over as she giggles.

“I don’t really like her,” Jongin confesses as he gains Sehun’s attention once more, his lips moving along Sehun’s collarbone to place a few kisses on it. Sehun bites back a laugh before slipping his fingers back to the spaces between Jongin's fingers, the pad of his thumb gently running over the tanned male's knuckles.

"I don't really like her, as well." Sehun shrugs, his shoulders lifting slightly as he leans his body frame against Jongin's, a smile filled with amusement takes over his features. Jongin narrows his eyes at his boyfriend before huffing slightly, wrapping his arms around Sehun's lithe waist in a more possessive manner.

"Then why did you allow her to touch you like that?" The corners of Sehun's lips quirk up into a smirk as he leans forward to land a kiss on Jongin's cheek.

"I would have stopped her if she got any bolder."

"But did you even noticed how she was looking you hungrily? , I was so ready to take you away-" Jongin's words fall into a blur when Sehun lands another kiss on Jongin's lips, effectively shutting him up for the moment. Jongin sighs against his mouth in contentment before curling his hand at the nape of his neck, pulling him even close, not until they felt a bunch of balls being thrown at their way.

"Stop it with the PDA!" They hear Luhan's voice from a distance and they break apart, a laugh slipping past Sehun's lips upon seeing Jongin's pissed off face. He manages to pull Jongin off his seat before grabbing onto his hands, entwining them with his own pale digits.

"How about we have some warm-up before we play later on?"

"Play?" Jongin looks damn excited as he tries to pull Sehun closer but Sehun plants his hands on the older male's chest, pushing him away slightly with a pretend disgusted look imprinted on his face.

"Not in that way, you ert. I mean, we're going to play tug of war later, right? Why don't we pull on each other to see who's stronger?" Jongin's shoulders drop in disappointment but he recovers quickly when he hears Sehun's words, quickly entwining his digits with the male in front of him. He bends his upper body backwards and Sehun does the same, their fingers still entwined. 

They try to make the other fall by trying to pull on their hands, trying to drag the other but Jongin seems to0 be winning every single time. He playfully lets go of Sehun's fingers, making the pale male fall on the ground with a thud, a pained look painted on his face.

"I hate you."

"You love me." Jongin says smugly before crouching down to pull his boyfriend close to him, landing another kiss on his lips. Sehun sighs contentedly as he pulls Jongin to his lap - Jongin lets him do whatever he wants.

"You know what," Jongin starts as he pulls away from the kiss first, swiping his thumb along the now plump lower lip of the younger boy with a smile on his face. "You're so sweet, nice, and friendly. But seriously, when it comes to you, I feel like having a tug of war with the rest of the world."

"And why's that?" Sehun leans forward to let his head fall on Jongin's shoulder, who willingly wraps his arms around Sehun. Jongin makes an annoyed expression before glancing at his boyfriend, who's waiting patiently for his answer.

"Everyone seems to like you a lot. Like Soojung and Zitao."

"That's only two examples-"

"Joonmyun hyung, Baekhyun hyung, Chanyeol hyung, Yixing hyung-"

"Why are you only naming guys?"

"Do you want me to mention Miranda Kerr then?" Sehun simply sticks out his tongue in reply and Jongin laughs, nuzzling the smooth and pale neck belonging to Sehun.

"All I'm saying is that everyone takes a liking to you because well, you're very likable and amazing. That's why I get aparnoid most of the time when someone tries to make a move on you. I feel like I'll lose you in a second." Sehun softens at his confession, his eyes lowering slightly to meet Jongin's embarrassed gaze. He gently pecks the corner of his lips, smiling slightly as he laces their fingers together. 

His next words practically melt Jongin's insides.

"But you seem to forget that you're the one who always wins when you're having a tug of war with the rest of the world."

"Are you sure?" Jongin meekly meets his gaze and Sehun chortles, pecking the top of his head affectinately, his eyes filled with so much sincerity and love.

"Positively sure. You'll always be the winner for me."

 author's notes
↳ i have no idea i was writing bYE. (leave your beautiful comments! i actually like all of your comments so don't think that i'm actually ignoring them. ;;) 

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Chapter 15: Loved it <3
Chapter 14: Aww this was sweet :)
Chapter 11: Aahhhhh the feellssss~ <3
Chapter 10: Finallllyy a happy ending...after soo much angst..its a happy ending!!
Chapter 5: It's soooo flufffyy~
Chapter 2: Jongin is soo cutee~
Chapter 22: This is the cutest (oneshot)I ever read about SeKai <3
Chapter 22: Yesssssss they married!!!!!!!! The first part was like sooooooo cute!!!!! Please write more!!
Chapter 20: Awwweeeee this was so beautiful
Chapter 17: This was awesome