Drunken Confessions at its Finest

Put Two and Two Together — A Oneshot Collection Featuring SeKai


PG13 / 1710 words / romance, crack, fluff / Drunk Jongin isn't very romantic, to be honest.

Jongin definitely at drunken confessions.

"This is seriously stupid,"

"Yes, we know that."

"...Have I told you how stupid this is?"

"Damn it, Jongin - just drink up and call him!" Jongin winces visibly as Chanyeol pushes the tequila in his hands, some of it falling onto his shirt and ew, now it's sticking to Jongin's body. He makes a face at the wet spot as he takes away the tequila away from Chanyeol's clumsy hands, sporting a grimace on his face upon the strong smell reaches his nose. 

"I don't think this is a good idea."

"Jongin, please, since when did we not give you very fabulous and awesome advices?" Jongin shoots Baekhyun a look, narrowing his eyes as he points an accusing finger at the shorter male.

"Have you forgotten that you forced me to cross-dress with you so you can ask Chanyeol out-"


"Yeah, that was really embarrassing," Jongin lets out an unattractive snort before he shrieks as Baekhyun tackles him to the ground, the tequila falling over his new shirt, damn it. Jongin needs to re-evalute his life and maybe go back to the past and slap some sense into his past self so he won't make friends with these two idiots.

"Come on, you , just drink up!" Chanyeol repeats his words as he forces Jongin to open his mouth and downs the shot of tequila down his throat while Baekhyun manages to strap him down onto the carpet using his body. The tanned male chokes on the said drink, almost spitting some of it on Baekhyun's shirt but (un)fortunately, he manages to stomach the drink and his head feels a bit lightheaded.

After three shots, Jongin is already giggling away as he flails his arms, hitting Baekhyun's face effectively and also manages to send a kick up to Chanyeol's groins. The two idiots (as Jongin dubs them to be) are groaning in pain and probably pedalling back to their pasts and probably regretting their choices right now to get Jongin drunk and call Sehun to confess his true feelings to him because hey, who likes the class drunken and sweet confessions, right?

"Is he drunk?"

"I don't know, Chanyeol. Maybe he's still so ing sober right now." Baekhyun spits out angrily because Jongin has been slapping his face for what seems to be like 10 minutes already and damn it, his slaps hurt like a .

"It's probably the right time to call Sehun-"


Chanyeol tunes out his boyfriend's complaints as he quickly grabs hold of Jongin's phone, scrolling through his contacts before tapping on the name 'Oh Sehun, my prince ♥' (Jongin is being too obvious about his crush on his best friend, really). He quickly calls the said boy before handing the phone to the already drunk Jongin lying on the floor with a dopey grin on his face. Chanyeol makes sure to set it to loudspeaker so they can hear the exchange between the two.



"Are you drunk," Sehun pauses before continuing his question with a deadpanned tone.


"SHHH, SHUUUUT UUUP OH SEHUN!" Jongin keeps on dragging his words, which happens to be very annoying, as he pushes Baekhyun off of him (who managed to doze off on top of him - what the ) as he sits up, settling his back against the couch. Jongin can imagine Sehun rolling his eyes in irritance but he'll probably store away this memory, just to blackmail Jongin to make him buy bubble teas.


"I'm going to hang up-"

"I LIIIIIKE YOUUUUU OH SEHUUUUUN." Jongin slurs his words, almost making it not understandable if Sehun wasn't used to Jongin's drunk habits. Silence looms over the phone and for some reason, Jongin wants to throw up - no, not because of the tequila he was forced to drink - but because of the fact that Sehun might reject him and WHAT IF HE DOESN'T TALK TO HIM ANYMORE?!

Just when the words are about to tumble out of Sehun's thin pair, Jongin swiftly ends the call, immediately curling up into a ball beside the couch. He never felt the urge to just crawl into a hole and die because of shame and fright and damn it, this is all Chanyeol and Baekhyun's fault.

Even when he's drunk, he knows this is a very stupid idea to get drunk and confess to Sehun.

"He hates me,"

"God, Jongin, shut up."

"He hates me so much right now."

"JONGIN, GET YOUR TOGETHER!" Luhan sends a slap to the younger male's head as Jongin almost stumbles to the ground, whining about how Luhan is such an to him.

(Well, Luhan has always been an so what's new about that, really.)

"FACE THIS LIKE A MAN!" Luhan screams at him, catching the students' attention who were passing by the hallway. Jongin just wants to kick him up to his balls but he's too nice (and tired) to even do that to his... friend. He settles by just rolling his eyes as the baby-faced male pushes him across the hallway towards their classroom. 

But Jongin doesn't want to see his best friend right now, not after what happened the day before yesterday. He wants to crawl into a hole and die or maybe just go and punch Baekhyun and Chanyeol for giving him some lameass advices. His drunken confession isn't even romantic - heck, he was even the one who hung up on Sehun!

He's too busy contemplating about his life decisions, not even realizing that Luhan has stopped pushing him and WAIT A ING MINUTE-



"Hey, you . What's with the long face early in the morning?" Sehun is still ing smiling at him and Jongin is so damn muddled because first of all, why is Sehun's smile so bright and beautiful- okay, maybe that was an unrelated question (but really though, Sehun's smile is so ing beautiful that it irritates Jongin because why can't he have that kind of smile too, damn it).

Back to the topic, why is Sehun so... nice to him right now? Isn't he supposed to be screaming at him or maybe curse at him because he just hung up on him two nights ago? Jongin narrows his eyes in suspicion, not choosing to answer his best friend's question and just stare at him curiously. 

"Uh, why are you looking at me like that, Jongin?"

"He's probably having ual thoughts about you."

"Chanyeol, shut up. It's too early for your ." Jongin tunes out the blabbering from his friends as he tries to run an escape plan because he might bricks soon and he can't handle that kind of embarrassment when Sehun grabs hold of his wrist and drags him out of the damned room. He tries to squirm free from Sehun's grip but the pale boy is holding onto him tightly, too focused on dragging him to who knows where. 

Jongin only realizes that Sehun brought him to the locker room when he feels the metallic lockers being slammed against his back as Sehun uses his lithe body to cover any kind of escape that Jongin is planning. Damn, this guy is smart as hell. 

"Are we not going to talk about the fact that you called me two nights ago and basically confessed to me," Sehun halts as he pushes his body more against Jongin (Oh my god, Oh Sehun is so near me. Damn it, he smells so nice and he looks so hot - what the actual is this?).

"And you also hung up on me before I can even tell you what my answer is."

"I'm sorry. Oh god, don't kill me, please." Sehun rolls his eyes as he pulls away but Jongin only backs up against the lockers in fear. Jongin lowers his head, peering through his bangs and his heart drops to his stomach when he sees the slight tug on Sehun's lips as he rests a hand on the tanned male's waist.

"Well, do you want to know what my answer is?"

"No - I mean, yes, of course." The chuckle coming from Sehun's lips is enough to make the slightly shorter male go weak at his knees. He could barely stand because of how much his knees are shaking right now. So much for looking suave and cool in front of his best friend / crush.

"I really like you too, Jongin. For quite a while now."


"Damn it, Jongin. Don't shout like that!" Sehun's cheeks are burning, probably because of embarrassment and shyness because he still has that adorable smile imprinted on his lips. Jongin just wants to wrap his arms around Sehun and give him a squeeze because he's so damn happy right now.

"Are we boyfriends now?" Sehun shyly asks and Jongin wants nothing more than to pounce on the boy and probably hug him and never let go. Yes, that's the perfect plan. Jongin simply flashes him a grin as he loops an arm around Sehun's waist, pecking his lips once, twice and maybe many more times (he can't keep track of how many times he practically praised Sehun's sweet lips). 


"God, don't do that. You sound drunk." Sehun whacks him on the head, earning a pout form the older male as he clings onto the pale boy's waist before leaning in to peck Sehun once more on the lips. 

"But you like it when I'm drunk. Wasn't my confession romantic enough for you?"

"No," Sehun snorts as he wraps an arm around Jongin's shoulder, pulling him close to his side as he lifts the corners of his lips into a teasing smirk. "But I managed to record it though."


"You owe me bubble tea, you dork." Sehun is smiling widely now as he lets out a hearty laugh, enjoying the look of sheer terror and embarrassment on Jongin's face.

He should definitely thank Chanyeol and Baekhyun for making Jongin drunk that night.

 author's notes
I WANTED TO MAKE AN UPDATE BEFORE I GO BACK TO SCHOOL ON JUNE 8 SO I'M SO SORRY IF THIS IS SO TY OMG. (I tried my best, istg). I've been wanting to write something fluffy/cracky (basically bcs twitter is torturing me for the amount of sekai on my tlist damn it) but I can't find my muse ;; NOT UNTIL I SAW THIS VIDEO HELL YEAH. If you haven't watched it, YOU'RE BASICALLY MISSING THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR SEKAI SHIPPING LIFE LOL. I'm in love with this video and I'll probably go and make gamer!sekai bcs why not ;; Anyway, leave your feedbacks please! xx

p.s: talk to me on twitter? c: I'm lonely omg ;; and I fback, just mention me!
p.p.s: this isn't betad btw (lmao since when did my oneshots even become betad---)

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Chapter 15: Loved it <3
Chapter 14: Aww this was sweet :)
Chapter 11: Aahhhhh the feellssss~ <3
Chapter 10: Finallllyy a happy ending...after soo much angst..its a happy ending!!
Chapter 5: It's soooo flufffyy~
Chapter 2: Jongin is soo cutee~
Chapter 22: This is the cutest (oneshot)I ever read about SeKai <3
Chapter 22: Yesssssss they married!!!!!!!! The first part was like sooooooo cute!!!!! Please write more!!
Chapter 20: Awwweeeee this was so beautiful
Chapter 17: This was awesome