Don't Lie, Bright Eyes

Put Two and Two Together — A Oneshot Collection Featuring SeKai


G  / 654 words / romance, angst / This is who they are

Oh, the bitter taste of regret.

He’s all ready to let Sehun’s name fall from his lips when he sees him wrapping his arms around Luhan with a grin displayed on his lips. All of a sudden, his tongue feels heavy in his mouth and the words that are supposed to slip from his lips are gone. Gone with the wind that passes by them.

They’re gone, as if they weren’t there in the first place.

He turns around, feeling the chills running down his spine as he forces his feet to walk away but it seems like they’re made of lead. But still, he manages to walk away, his heart broken recklessly by one sight.

He’s supposed to be the one taking over Luhan’s position – he should be the one who is wrapped around in Sehun’s lanky arms right now and not him. He should be the one who pulling him close and brushing his lips against Sehun’s pair, delicate fingers gripping onto the material of Sehun’s shirt. He should be the one who’s whispering, “I love you,” against Sehun’s thin lips as he pulls him into his whole world and drown themselves into the ocean of oblivion.

He should be the one.

But instead, there’s someone else who has stolen his place.

He takes a sip of his coffee, his back leaning against the edge of the counter as his eyes scan the dining area. There they are – Jongin’s arms loosely wrapped around Kyungsoo’s waist, his chin tucked on the other’s shoulder with his eyes trailed on the shorter male. It feels hard to gulp down the hatred and the strange gnawing feeling in his chest that deeply disturbs him as he continues to watch them feed each other and Kyungsoo animatedly talking about his day to the tanned male.

Words are hard to fall from his lips whenever this kind of sight greets him and his heart falls unceremoniously to his feet while his stomach twists into all the directions unimaginable.

He downs the coffee, feeling the bitterness of the taste pass swiftly through his tongue then down his throat. He takes feeble steps away from the scene, even though he’s dying to run away as fast as his feet could take him away.

His voiceless screams are filled with pain because he can never own him.


Time is turning to the brittles of sand in his hands and no matter how much he grasps it, little bites of it fall from the gaps of his fingers.

Empty gaps that could have been filled by his tanned fingers but instead, they are filling another’s gaps.

He tries to escape past the pain and agony caused by this despairing twist of fate. But instead, he’s forced to watch how those tanned fingers who are supposed to be gripping on his hand now and flashing his largest smile at him is turned to another. He watches miserably as the older male falls into another’s arms because he failed to catch him.

Oh, how bitter regret tastes on the tip of his tongue now.

This is who they are – Oh Sehun, who’s miserably head over heels to Jongin but keeps his mouth sewn shut, too afraid to hear screams of rejection that could break him apart and taste the regret every single time on his tongue.

Kim Jongin, who has wretchedly fallen in love with the pale male, only to get his heart stomped and crushed on repeatedly when he sees him possibly falling further in love for another because he fails to let those words fall endlessly from his lips.

They missed the whispers of confessions carried by unbearable stretches of silence between them. They missed the lingering eye contacts and fingers brushing against the arm a second longer than necessary. They missed the way they would have said, “I love you.”

Because this is who they are – afraid and with no more reassurances running through their veins.

 author's notes
↳ this is a drabble made in 30 minUTES WHILE ROLEPLAYING, i'm sorry. i'm a bad author, i know sobs. ;; please give me your love ehe ♥ anyway, i barely got the time to write nowadays bc my dad is monitoring my activities on the pc anD HE CAN'T SEE THAT I'M WRITING SEKAI OTL. i have to stay away from kpop for a few days so he'll be less suspicious otl. but still, pls give me your lovely feedbacks because they are the ones who actually brighten up my day ehe. thank you! ♥

p.s: the title is from dreaming alone by against the current ft. taka from one ok rock. I SWEAR, IT'S A BEAUTIFUL SONG. PLEASE SUPPORT THE BAND - I HONESTLY THINK THEY'RE UNDERRATED AND ALL OF THEIR SONGS ARE GREAT TEEHEE. ♥ /shameless advertising i'm sorry huhu ;;/

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Chapter 15: Loved it <3
Chapter 14: Aww this was sweet :)
Chapter 11: Aahhhhh the feellssss~ <3
Chapter 10: Finallllyy a happy ending...after soo much angst..its a happy ending!!
Chapter 5: It's soooo flufffyy~
Chapter 2: Jongin is soo cutee~
Chapter 22: This is the cutest (oneshot)I ever read about SeKai <3
Chapter 22: Yesssssss they married!!!!!!!! The first part was like sooooooo cute!!!!! Please write more!!
Chapter 20: Awwweeeee this was so beautiful
Chapter 17: This was awesome