Chapter 9

Love or Respect

Hoya POV

"I did." I smirked. As I entered my room and started to laugh. I knew it was really mean to say that but I just couldn't help it. Maybe it was best to just keep it to myself. Then again she would of found out sooner or later...

"Hyung, what's so funny?" Sungyeol asked.

I laughed a little. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing."

"Then why was Sunshine yelling?"

"Was she really that loud?" I saw Sungyeol nod his head. "Then it's none of your business..."

"So Sunshine is awake? You think she can come watch us practice?" Sungjong asked.

"Mmm...I don't know Sungjongie. She did just wake up after all. And we might need to ask Sunggyu hyung." Sungyeol answered. "I doubt he's going to let he's going to let Sunshine come, because you know how he is..."

"But we can't just leave her alone..."

Sungjong was just being a whiner at that point on. It was a little a annoying, but honestly, I kind of wanted Mi-Sun to come as well. I didn't know why but I just can't get her out of my mind. She's all I think about now, from the moment when we almost kissed at the Ferris Wheel. I remember all of it. My heart was racing faster every second, the hesitation I had, my urge to pull her closer to me. At first I thought I was just going crazy. I was denying all of it, but now I know my feelings. When did I realize all of this? Two days ago. Three days after Mi-Sun entered that building.


It was late that night. We had came back from a "surprised" interview, that our manager scheduled for us. Mi-Sun was still out cold so we couldn't bring her...obviously. We thought about bringing her home with her sisters but none of them were home that night. So we called a nurse to just watch her for the night. During the interview, I wasn't really focusing well basically all of were but I was the one who really showed it. Few times I was spacing out or not even paying attention. All I wanted was to go home and see Mi-Sun. I was just glad this interview was private. No cameras. No fans. Unfortunately there were Inspirits waiting for us outside... after that interview, I wished that day had never happened...

We entered the dorm and saw the nurse sitting beside Mi-Sun. The nurse stood and bowed to us. "Welcome back sirs."

"Did she wake up while we were gone?" Sunggyu asked.

"Aniyo. I'm afraid she's been asleep ever since you left. She's in quit coma there." she said.

"Ah... I see. Well, thank you for watching her. How much—"

"Oh no need to pay. It's been a pleasure serving you fine young men. Good day to you." With that the nurse left, leaving us in silence.

We looked at Mi-Sun who was peacefully sleeping. Then Sungjong broke the silence.

"Hyung, is Mi-Sun still alive?"

"Ye she's still breathing." Sunggyu said with a sigh. "We're still going to have to wait..."

"It's been three days though. I don't like seeing her like this..." Sungyeol said.

"We all don't like seeing her like this. But what can we do? As long she keeps breathing, we're fine." L said.

"Although it's been three days. I kind of miss her saying my nickname..." Woohyun said.

"But I thought you didn't like it." I said.

"That's not the point. Okay yeah I don't like it that much. but you know I miss hearing her voice."

"It could of been worse. She just got lucky." Dongwoo said.

"I guess you can say that. But we still need to wait. Right now we have to get ready for bed." Sunggyu ordered.

As everyone headed into their rooms, I stayed behind and came over to Mi-Sun. "Please wake up. We want you back. I need you back. I—"

"Hoya what are you doing?"

I jumped and saw Dongwoo behind me.

"I-I was... just.... um...."

"Dude what is up with you today? First you blank out during the interview. Now you stutter while answering my question? Something's really wrong here."

There was no point in arguing. I hate to ambit it but it's true. Something is wrong...with me. " I don't know what's happening to me. I get this funny feeling every time I see her."

Dongwoo raised a brow. "What are you talking about?'

I rolled my eyes. There was just no point talking to him. Useless. "Never mind, forget it." I turned and faced Mi-Sun again.

"Oh. I see what's going on here. You're falling in love."

"Bwoh? No I'm not."

"Stop denying it. You know you are."

"I'm not denying anything." Dongwoo then started to laugh and I got a little mad. "Okay fine. Let's say I am in love. Prove it."

"Well... one I've been noticing you've been acting weird ever since we got back from the amusement park. Two, you're always the first to "volunteer" to watch Mi-Sun over the night. Three, you're always the last to go to bed even if it's not your night to watch her. Four—"

"Alright, alright. I get it! Geez." I sighed. "Do I really act like that? Man what do I do?"

"You got it bad."

"Not helping." I groaned.

"Just doo what you have to do. You love her right?" I just nodded my head. "Then go for it. Make your move."

*End Flashback*

So yeah I plan on telling her, but just not right now. It's still too soon. The time has to be perfect. At the right moment. I just can't believe I'm in love. I wonder how she's going to react when I tell her...

"Hyung! Snap out of it!!"

I shook a little and saw Sungjong waving his hands in front of me. "Yah! Will you cut that out?"

"Sorry  hyung, you were daydreaming again. We have to go soon."

"I wasn't daydreaming" I mumbled. As I grabbed my stuff, I knew I had just lied.

When I left my room, I saw everyone gathered around Mi-Sun. She was smiling when she spotted me. I smiled back and came over.

"Are you sure you're fine to go out this early?" Sunggyu asked.

"Yah! Mature One stop being so worried. I haven't been outside since five days ago. I think I'll be okay." Mi-Sun said.

"If you say so. But you're going to have to change since you're going out in public. You don't want people to see your scars."

Mi-Sun then looked at us as if she did something embarrassing.

"What's wrong Sunshine?"

"I...don't have... extra clothes right? So...I have to go home and get some. Can someone come with me?"

We all looked at each other. We were all silent till Dongwoo blurted. "Hoya would like to go with you!"

I looked at him and punched him the arm. What the heck was he doing? If he thinks I'm ready to confess, then forget it. I'm not. Dongwoo you better sleep with one eye tonight. I guess he got my message because he started to move away from me.

"Um okay... Hoya are you coming with me or what?" Mi-Sun looked at me. So did the others. Dongwoo tried to hold in his laughter.

"Sure I guess so" I said. Why did I just agree to this?

"Alright let's go then." She got up and headed for the door.

"Be careful now." Sunggyu called.

"Yeah I know." Mi-Sun looked at me. "Kaja."

I followed her and as soon I was about to close the door, I heard Dongwoo say, "Have fun, Hoya!!" I gave him an evil glare and went outside. It was hard to believe I had to walk Mi-Sun to her home again. I didn't mind though. Besides I guess having alone time with her is kind of nice. Plus I really wanted to do some other things with her. Ever since she was in her coma, I was practicing how I was going to tell her how I feel. That I want to be more then just friends. Was it really necessary to practice? Well yeah kind of. I didn't want to make a fool of myself. Every time I tried I sounded so stupid. Luckily I did this where none of the guys would hear me. If they all saw what I was doing, I would of never let it down.

The walk this time didn't take that long. Mi-Sun did live next door after all but we didn't talk as much. Well I didn't. Mi-Sun did most of the talking. All I did was just nod my head and just laugh a little. While we were nearing her place, I really wanted to tell her that I love her but at the same time I didn't want to. My mind just kept going back and forth. Today was just perfect. Maybe I should tell her now...

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All I did was add the poster who was created by GalaXY Postershop. So nothing really changed. :)


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great job!
Oh My Gosh, my two favourite groups chilling together?! Amazing...I like this story a lot, it's really interesting how all of her sisters are dating idols...XD
HHMLove #3
OMG. I am jealous of Mi-Sun. What is happening???
HHMLove #4
OMG. This is so interesting. Wonder what will happen if i am her...
HHMLove #5
I want to be MI-Sun. :)) How i wish that it will really happen to me.
littlelamb86 #6
er....what does the last part actually mean?
Nambunny #8
beuobva;iewufbp83q;iba. vhbbhhye<br />
Nambunny #9
Umm..\/\/\/ thats supposed to be a keyboard smash. But my iPod has auto correct so. Yea.
Nambunny #10
not that I don't appreciate fast updates. .___.<br />
when shrieks naïf)(48hvdt79!dsv?$&j$)c7<br />
I wanna know what happens nextttt