Chapter 6

Love or Respect

Mi-Sun POV

As we were walking toward the Ferris Wheel, butterflies were in my stomach. I kept biting my lip and was quiet till we got there. I thought my legs were going to give out because they felt a little wobbly. None of the Infinite members were noticing how I was feeling right now. I just don't understand why. I mean it's just Hoya. He's no different from the others. He's an idol and an idol he shall forever be but I always get nervous for some reason when I'm around him. It makes no sense at all. I don't get nervous around the other members, but why Hoya?

We arrived to the Ferris Wheel and we encountered with Big Bang. I tried to hide but Kwan Ji-Yong, or G-Dragon, had called my name.

"Oh...hey Ji-Yong..."  I shyly said.

"What are you doing here? he asked with a smile. His other members came from behind. "Your family doing okay?"

"Ye, we're doing fine. I'm actually with this Idol group here because there was a contest at my school."

"Ah, your school too. It's a shame we didn't choose your school. If we knew that is."

I faked laughed. "So you're here with a fan?"

"Well we were...till we lost her..." Taeyang said. "We've been looking all over the place. You haven't seen a girl with a BB shirt on have you?"

"Uh... nope... I don't think so... sorry" I answered.

"Aish... Where could she of gone?" Daesung whinnied.

"My legs hurt from all this walking" Seungri cried.

"Well who's fault was it to let her out of our sight in the first place?" TOP asked angrily.

"GUYS!" GD shook his head then looked at me. " Sorry about this, but we have to find someone. And fast..."

"Yeah I know. I'll let Chung-Hei know I saw you. She's coming home this weekend."

"Great thanks. See ya later Mi-Sun." He left with his other members.

I sighed. "Yeah...see ya..."

"You okay, Sunshine?" Dongwoo asked. All I did was nod my head.

"How do you know him?" Hoya asked.

"He's my eldest sister's boyfriend..." I answered.

"BWOH?!?!" they all said.

"G-Dragon, leader of Big Bang, is your sister's boyfriend? Dang." Woohyun said.

"Y-Ye, but I don't like talking about it." I looked down so they couldn't see my tears. Plus I didn't;'t really want to talk about it.  "Oh look it's our turn."

Without knowing what I was doing, I automatically grabbed Hoya's hand to get on. As the ride was in motion, I kept staring at the window. Thinking about my sister, Chung-Hei, was giving me thoughts about liking an idol. "They are to busy with their schedule, so how can they keep up with their partner?" I was having all these questions in my head till I heard my phone buzz.

Hoya-I'm always here to talk to you.

I looked at him and smiled. "You know I'm right in front of you. Why didn't you just say something instead of texting it?"

"I didn't want to bother you. Besides, you looked like you were in deep thought. I really hate it when your sad." 

"You worrying about me?"

"What? A-Ani. Me? Worrying? I don't do that."

"Okay. No need to be all offensive about it" I teased.

"Well It's not just me, the others worry about you too."

"Ah, so you are worrying about me"

"Will you stop saying that..."

"But I'm right aren't I."

"Sunshine, you are too much."

We laughed till we heard the Ferris Wheel come to the stop. I looked at the window again. "Waa! Look! We're at the very top!!"

Hoya POV

 As Mi-Sun was looking out the window, I couldn't help but smile. She was like a little five-year-old but cuter. I was glad she was having a great time, because the blindfolding part was actually my idea. That part was added this morning because I wanted Mi-Sun to be really surprised. Thanks to me, she was but that wasn't the only reason why I did that. Ever since she texted me that night, I couldn't stop thinking about her. When were walking to the entrance, I wasn't thinking at all but  I had the urge to hold her hand. It was killing me so I did and I just couldn't let go of her. I was going to realize my hand so that when she took the blindfold off she wouldn't know it was me, but my mind just kept telling don't let go of her.

Soon I realized I was having second thoughts. Was I falling for her? No, I can't, it's like falling for a fan... but then again she's not a is it wrong? But she's so cute...wait did I just think that...aish, what's wrong with me?

"Since we're up here, want to take a picture?" Mi-Sun asked as she took out her camera. "Plus the view's great."

I nodded and sat next to her. I got closer but I hesitated my arm and wrapped it around her waist. Did I just hesitate? As soon as I touched her, Mi-Sun jumped a little. "You okay?"

"Yeah, f-fine... Anyways ready?" She held the camera in front of us. "1...2...3!"

One picture, turned into a dozen. Some were cute, some were funny, I swear I had forgotten I was still with her."

"Okay last one...awesome." Mi-Sun smiled as she went over the pictures then turned to me. "By the way, who's idea was it to blind fold me when we got here?"

I froze a little but then thought maybe she should know the truth. "You want the honest answer...?"

"Why am I going to hate his guts?"

"You might..."

"Oh come on. Just tell me."

I was about to say it till the Ferris Wheel started to move again. Mi-Sun jumped a little like she did last time but screamed a bit. She got a hold of my arm and seemed scared. "It's okay, we're just moving."

I didn't realize how close Mi-Sun was till she looked up at me with a worried look. Man, she looks so cute...wait did I just call her cute again?! I didn't know what it was but something was telling me that I should kiss her...right now. Did I want this? I don't know but I just can't resist. I started to lean towards her. She did same. Then I thought "Maybe I should..."

Mi-Sun POV

The Ferris Wheel totally creeped me out so I grabbed Hoya's arm.

"It's okay, we're just moving." he told me.

I looked at him, soon realizing, I was staring right into his eyes. My heart pounding hard against my chest and I couldn't feel my legs. I was still holding on to him. Why couldn't I let go. Hoya was leaning towards me and the shocks made do the same. Was I going to...

Our lips were an inch apart, the doors had opened and the employer said. "Okay kiddies time to get off, please watch your step and enjoy the rest of your day."


As we waited for the others to get off, we just stood next to each other awkwardly. I couldn't believe I almost kissed him. I thought I prayed to God that this kind of stuff shouldn't happen. This can't be happening to me. Why did I feel like I wanted it to happen? No. It just can't happen. First the socks, now an almost kiss... what's next?

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All I did was add the poster who was created by GalaXY Postershop. So nothing really changed. :)


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great job!
Oh My Gosh, my two favourite groups chilling together?! Amazing...I like this story a lot, it's really interesting how all of her sisters are dating idols...XD
HHMLove #3
OMG. I am jealous of Mi-Sun. What is happening???
HHMLove #4
OMG. This is so interesting. Wonder what will happen if i am her...
HHMLove #5
I want to be MI-Sun. :)) How i wish that it will really happen to me.
littlelamb86 #6
er....what does the last part actually mean?
Nambunny #8
beuobva;iewufbp83q;iba. vhbbhhye<br />
Nambunny #9
Umm..\/\/\/ thats supposed to be a keyboard smash. But my iPod has auto correct so. Yea.
Nambunny #10
not that I don't appreciate fast updates. .___.<br />
when shrieks naïf)(48hvdt79!dsv?$&j$)c7<br />
I wanna know what happens nextttt