Chapter 25

Love or Respect

Mi-Sun POV

Yesterday, just got me so pissed. Well that wasn't until I went to school. When I saw Hoya that morning, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that I really felt uncomfortable seeing him after what had happened. I just couldn't look at him. Not even for a second. Also I had cried for the last 24 hours. I thought I had no more till I saw him. All of my sisters kept asking me why I ended it. I just said that I didn't want to talk about it. It was the end of that topic. Going to school was where I wished I took off of not only Hoya, but the rest of Infinite. Of course that didn't happen. Since my spring break was spent with them, all their fans, or should I say all of the girls in my school kept asking me questions. "How was your time with Infinite?" "Are they cute in person?" "Oh Mi-Sun, you're so lucky, can you introduce me to them?" Boy they were so annoying. All I wanted was a non-Infinite question day. Was that to much to ask?

When I entered the school the next day. I carefully looked around for any crazy fangirls. So far no one was there. That's what I thought, till someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a huge group of girls behind me. Let the questions began. Each minute of my life was just pain hell. Every note that was passed to me, I automatically crumpled it up in my fist and gave the girl whoever gave it to me an evil glare. These girls just wouldn't leave me alone. Even at break, they followed me everywhere. I had barely had time to eat my lunch. I was so hungry but I just had to run away from stupid and crazy Inspirits. I just wanted peace.

When school ended, I was so pissed. More worked up than yesterday. Thank god for the bell to ring. I ran out of the classroom and thought "I'll just get my books and straight home."

As I was walking toward my locker, someone grabbed my hand.

"Yah! Let me go!!"

"Quiet will ya! Relax it's me." It was Hoya.

"What are you doing here?" I sneered.

"We need to talk." He took off his sunglasses.

"We have nothing to talk about!!"

"But you misunderstood everything. I swear. Just let me explain—"

"What's done is done. You don't need to explain anything. It's over." I started to walk away but looked at him again. "And if your going to follow me all day, just give up right now." I began to walk again till Hoya pulled me into an empty class room and locked the door. "Yah! Open the door now!!!"

"Not until you give me a chance to explain."

I didn't let him so I tried to open the door myself, but Hoya ended up cornering me against the wall. I tried to release from his grip but I couldn't. Was he always this strong. "Give me one good reason why I should listen to you."

"So that you can finally understand what really happened. I know you're hurt... and I want to make things right."

I saw it in his eyes that he really meant it. I sighed. "Alright. I'm listening, but it doesn't mean I'll forgive you."

As I listened to his story, I soon realized what a fool I was. I hate to ambit it but it's true... I'm an idiot. So when I heard him say "She's only a fan." it turns out he was caught by paparazzi with a crazy fan who trying to kiss him.

"So you see? It's just one big misunderstanding. My feelings are for you and only you." Hoya finished.

I was silent for a moment then looked down to hide my tears. " I'm so stupid... I was such a fool."

Hoya lifted my chin and wiped my tears. "No you weren't. You were just confused." He gently placed his lips on mine. The best part about this one, is that there was no interruptions and he was never going to leave me ever again.

When we released from the kiss, we looked into each others' eyes.

"So do you forgive me?" Hoya asked.

"Do I really have to answer that?" I smiled. We laughed a little.

"I miss seeing your smile."

"Then I'll smile for you whenever you want me to."

"Is that a promise?"

"If you want it to be."

"Then close your eyes. I have a surprise."

"You know I hate surprises." I pouted.

He chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll love this one. Close your eyes and hold out your hand."

I did what he told me to do. I felt him slide something onto my finger. Hoya told me to open my eyes again and I was amazed in what I saw. "Oh my gosh... Hoya... it's beautiful..."

"This promise ring is one of a kind. Like you."

"I absolutely love it. Komawo." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Your welcome, my Sunshine."

Hoya and I walked home. I had asked him how he passed all his fans. Of course he teased me, but who cares, I'm the one who loves him. Infinite and all my sisters were all waiting outside, which I questioned. My sisters, seeing me with Hoya again, attacked me by hugging me to death. That's right. All of us are now officially with an idol. We do regret that we broke our father's promise but it's best to be happy then be miserable the rest of our lives. I still question why he made us make that promise in the first place. My father must of had his reasons right. My sisters were all shocked when they saw the ring Hoya had given me. s were surprised as well to see it as well. Guess Hoya went shopping on his own. The ring was gold and had a purple gem. When I took it off, I noticed it had something written inside. It read: Saranghae.

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All I did was add the poster who was created by GalaXY Postershop. So nothing really changed. :)


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great job!
Oh My Gosh, my two favourite groups chilling together?! Amazing...I like this story a lot, it's really interesting how all of her sisters are dating idols...XD
HHMLove #3
OMG. I am jealous of Mi-Sun. What is happening???
HHMLove #4
OMG. This is so interesting. Wonder what will happen if i am her...
HHMLove #5
I want to be MI-Sun. :)) How i wish that it will really happen to me.
littlelamb86 #6
er....what does the last part actually mean?
Nambunny #8
beuobva;iewufbp83q;iba. vhbbhhye<br />
Nambunny #9
Umm..\/\/\/ thats supposed to be a keyboard smash. But my iPod has auto correct so. Yea.
Nambunny #10
not that I don't appreciate fast updates. .___.<br />
when shrieks naïf)(48hvdt79!dsv?$&j$)c7<br />
I wanna know what happens nextttt