Sickeningly sweet before bitterness

Girls' Generation and the Attack on Muggleborns

They all quickly headed to the Hospital Wing, more than eager to know aware of Sooyoung’s condition, specially a short girl whose hair had turned brown from worry as they headed there.

When they entered the Hospital Wing, they found Sooyoung sitting down against the headboard of one of the beds; they walked closer to her while Madame Pomfrey applied some ointment on her wound.

Every time Sooyoung groaned in pain Sunny’s hair turned a shade darker.

They were waiting patiently for Madame Pomfrey to finish and although she wore an expressionless face, the constant changing colors on Sunny’s hair gave away that she was in fact the most worried one of all.

“Calm down, Bunny.” Sooyoung said with a small smile as she extended her right arm, motioning Sunny closer. “Your hair is a deep black already; I like it better when it’s blonde.” When Sunny stood next to her the tall girl just took her hand in hers, intertwining their fingers as she smiled brighter at her, no longer groaning since Madame Pomfrey was no longer applying ointment but bandaging her shoulder.

“Just wait a few minutes Miss Choi, the pain will vanish just be careful about it.” Madame Pomfrey said and Sooyoung nodded, thanking her softly while the nurse was about to leave the room.

All the girls stood awkwardly at the tall girl who sat on the bed, not really sure what to do or say.

“What?” Asked Sooyoung suddenly after a few minutes of silence. “Am I not getting a hug or anything?”

The girls laughed at her comment, Sooyoung had always been a great mood maker after all.

While they were all laughing, Sooyoung had pulled Sunny by the hand that she was still holding and brought her close, the shorter one’s hair turned a bright pink as she was forcefully pulled towards her, the taller one wrapped her arms around the petite waist of the short girl.

“I’m glad you’re fine.” Sunny murmured once her embarrassment had started to decrease, her bright pink hair slowly turning a light blue, a signal that the shorter girl had started to calm down in the embrace of the tall girl. The rest of the girls felt as if they weren’t even in the room.

“I’m even gladder you’re okay, Sunny.”

They stayed silent for a little longer before someone broke it.

“Sooyoung…” Yuri called out, her head hung low.

“Yes, Yuri?” Sooyoung replied, her head peeking over Sunny’s shoulder.

“Thank you, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt if it wasn’t because you protected me and Yoona.” Yuri said as Yoona nodded along. “You’re awesome.”

“I already know that.” Sooyoung said cockily. “But it’s no problem really, it was weird but it was as if they were seeking out for you too.”

“That was really brave of you,” Yoona said. “You might as well have been in Gryffindor, ever considered it, Soo?” She continued teasingly, knowing just how much Sooyoung loved to be in Slytherin.

“I’ll consider it in the future.” Sooyoung replied playfully and all of them laughed along. 

“Mind letting me go?” Sunny asked, her body still glued to Sooyoung’s and her heir was now back to her characteristic yellowish blonde, although her cheeks were still tainted in pink.

“Nope, you’re staying here with me.” Sooyoung said jokingly, although she meant it 100%. The tall one eyed the rest of the girls and pointed with her eyes to the door, silently requesting all of them to leave her and the short one alone.

They all stared back at her, not quite getting it, all until Hyoyeon spoke up.

“Ugh, I feel so tired… I should go to sleep” She exclaimed loudly, she stretched out and yawned in an overly exaggerated manner.

The rest of the girls got it then.

Words of agreement resounded from the rest of the girls and before Sunny could even try to say anything Sooyoung tightened her hold on her.

“Stay with me for a while?” She mumbled quietly, the short one’s hair once again turned pink but nodded nonetheless.

“Yah, I didn’t know you were this clingy.” Exclaimed the Ravenclaw, trying not to give away the fact that she was really embarrassed, but her hair was too obvious, damn her metamorphmagus form.

 They all quickly headed out of the room as they bid their goodbyes, wanting to give the girls some alone time.

“Why don’t you want to let me go?” Asked Sunny, her arms never leaving Sooyoung.

Sooyoung sighed, the girl may be a Ravenclaw, but was a bit too slow when it came to pick up these hints when it involved herself, she could notice Taeyeon and Tiffany, Yuri and Jessica, Yoona and Seohyun, Hyoyeon and… however she’s interested in, but she couldn’t see just how much Sooyoung liked her.

“Because I want to hug you for a while, can’t I?” Sooyoung asked Sunny as she smelled Sunny’s hair discreetly, Sunny nodded and now that they were alone hugged Sooyoung even tighter.

They didn’t say anything after that, just enjoying the warmth the other gave away all until Madame Pomfrey had to kick Sunny out for staying in too long.



When the other girls stepped out of the room, they noticed Seohyun heading to the Hospital Wing quickly, distressed expression on her features.

“Hey Hyun” Asked Yoona as Seohyun got closer, she smiled at the slightly taller girl, but the latter didn’t look very interested in talking, since she rushed to Yoona and threw her arms around her, hugging her so tightly Yoona for a second felt the air leaving her lungs.

Although she wasn’t sure if it was for the force of the hug or because Seohyun was the one hugging her.

Yoona looked quite stunned, sure, but that didn’t stop her from taking advantage of the small skinship the younger one was offering on a silver plate, so she wrapped her arms around Seohyun’s waist, inhaling the scent of the younger one and loving the way the taller girl’s body seemed to compliment her own quite perfectly, just like a puzzle.

“I heard you guys got into a fight…” Seohyun muttered, her grip tightening slightly.

“Yes, we’re all fine, thanks for asking.” Hyoyeon said teasingly as the five of them watched the younger ones hug tightly right in front of them.

Seohyun blushed at the girl’s statement, she let go of Yoona and stepped a bit back.

“Sorry, how are you?” Seohyun said as she blushed, Yoona on her side was cursing Hyoyeon under her breath.

“We’re okay but Sooyoung got hurt.” Said Yuri this time, Seohyun’s eyes turned wide and she was about to run to the entrance of the Hospital Wing if it wasn’t because Yoona stopped her, wrapping her arms around her waist, back-hugging her.

“Sooyoung is with Sunny, let them be alone for a while.” Taeyeon said calmly. “Yoona, you should tell Seohyun everything that happened; we’re tired.” The rest of the girls, as if on cue, yawned and Yoona squinted her eyes at her older friends.

“Yeah, I’ll accompany Sica to her dorm.” Yuri said as she rounded Jessica’s shoulders with her arm.

Hyoyeon, Tiffany and Taeyeon looked at each other and Hyoyeon then realized just how awkward would it be for her to be with them as they all headed to their dorms, especially since she was sure Taeyeon would offer to accompany them all the way to the Hufflepuff basement, which was about eight floors away from the entrance to the Gryffindor Tower if she may add, she was sure it was going to be really awkward for her since she’ll be the third wheel while those two looked at each other in that sickly sweet way of them and she’ll be stuck in the middle.

She had to escape.

“I… I need to go to the bathroom, don’t wait for me, I’ll take a while.” And she fled before anyone could tell her anything.

After a few seconds of silence in which everyone was aware of why Hyoyeon had actually ran away for, Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at each other, the older of the two closed her eyes for a second, gathering all her courage, she was a Gryffindor bloody hell!

“I…” She started and everyone looked at her, she cleared before continuing. “I can walk you to your dorm, if you’d like.”

“I’d very much like it.” Tiffany said almost immediately, her husky voice turning Taeyeon’s brain into jelly and her bright eye-smile melted the Gryffindor away.

They bid their goodbyes to the girls, before they headed to the Hufflepuff basement, looking at each other in that sickeningly sweet way Hyoyeon had predicted.

“Did you see Taeyeon’s expression once Tiffany spoke?” Yuri said with a teasing smile. “It was almost brainless.”

“Well, Tiffany is part veela, you can’t blame Taeyeon.” Yoona said to Yuri.

“But aren’t veelas supposed to allure men?” Seohyun asked innocently to her friends.

“I’m sure Tiffany would rather allure Taeyeon than anyone else.” Jessica said simply as she rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder.

“Besides, I think it would work almost the same way with gay women.” Yoona replied, Seohyun and Yuri nodded, understanding.

“Gay?” Asked Jessica, a confused expression on her face.

“Oh, that’s how you call people who are attracted to other people of their same gender in the muggle world.” Yuri clarified, remembering her lover wasn’t very well informed of muggle vocabulary.

“So we’re gay?” Asked Jessica with a cute expression.

“Yes, we’re gay, in fact, I think we’re all gay.” Yoona said this time.

“Specially Taeyeon, right?” Asked Jessica, this time with a playful smile on her lips.

They all laughed but nodded along.

“Well, I’ll take this sleepy head to her dorm before she accidentally over sleeps and skips a few classes tomorrow.” Yuri said with a small smile to her other muggle born friends. “See you.”

Jessica waved at them and before they knew it, it was just Seohyun and Yoona.

“Uh…” Yoona started, not really sure what she wanted to say. “Should I tell you everything… while we walk to your dorm?”

Seohyun shook her head immediately.

“Hufflepuff’s dorm is in the basement, near the kitchen corridor while Ravenclaw’s dorm is above the spiral staircase, and the spiral staircase is on the fifth floor, I am not letting you walk all that just for me.” She said. “It’s just easier if I accompany you to your dorm and then I walk to mine.” She stated matter-of-factly.

Yoona laughed slightly and shook her head.

“But I want to take you to your dorm, I don’t mind walking for top to bottom in the castle, okay?”

Seohyun blushed but nodded nonetheless.

All the girls were calm and happy for a moment, enjoying the last few weeks of calmness they’ll have, although they weren’t aware of it.

Sorry for taking so long, I have been studying all week long, so so sorry for no updating before.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter although it was still a bit of introduction of characteristics I haven't mentioned before

I'll point them out just in case you missed them

-Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun are muggleborns (so yeah if you see the title of the story you can imagine what's going to happen to them xD)

-Sunny is a metamorphmagus

-Tiffany is part veela

All of this will be really important in one point, in this story every little detail has a reason (just like how I sorted them in the houses xD) and next chapter will be a bit more Hyoyeon focused and for those who were wondering if Hyoyeon was going to be forever alone... no she won't, just wait and you'll see ;)

Until Next Time :D

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I'm gonna update on Wednesday 01/14, YOONHYUN'S COMING or not haaha


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Chapter 27: Author nim, please update this story again. You know our soshi never get tired with HP, LOL. Hyun really want to be Slytherin although she isn't and taeyeon always because of it >, <
Chapter 27: ♡
Chapter 27: I NEED MORE
Chapter 21: no TAENGO
Chapter 16: Baby seo is wild xD
Chapter 14: Ohh noo seo baby
Chapter 13: I love this story <3
I really love this story though i was hesitant to read it because it’s hasn't updated in a long time and that it’s not finished, but i seriously enjoyed it!
Authornim i like this story a lot pls update thanks
SWQ_1512 #10
Chapter 27: Ahhh!! The action is amping up now. Keep up the good work. Hwaiting!! I understand as a fellow college student the burden of work. You can do it !!