A friend in need is a friend indeed

Girls' Generation and the Attack on Muggleborns

A week had already passed since the first game of the season, today was the for the second game of the season, Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw or D-day as Sunny called it, since it was going to be her newest member’s first quidditch game.

Seohyun was a nervous wreck, her keeper uniform was already on and breakfast was already served on a plate just in front of her, yet she couldn’t bring herself to eat yet. What if she couldn’t stop any Quaffles coming her way?

“Seohyun, aren’t you the one who is always telling me breakfast is the most important meal of the day?” Sunny said as she watched her stressed keeper not even spare a glance to the plate before her.

“I’m sorry.” Seohyun replied numbly, she picked her fork up and started to eat slowly, clearly forcing herself to eat.

“Don’t worry, you’ll do great.” Sunny said with a smile as she watched the girl in front of her tense when a fellow Ravenclaw wished her luck by telling her ‘Not even one will go through you, right?’. “I’m sure none will go through you, I chose you among every person who tried out for keeper, okay? And I’m not biased, you were seriously the best keeper I’ve seen ever since I started playing, you might even be better than Taeyeon before you graduate.”

Seohyun blushed but nodded slowly.

Before she could reply to Sunny, Yoona sat down beside her, wearing her Hufflepuff uniform proudly as she smiled at Seohyun.

“Good morning, Hyun.” Yoona said as she started to grab food and place it on her plate. “Ready for today’s game?”

“I…” Seohyun started; nervousness clear in her inability to complete her sentences. “Yeah, I think so.”

“I’m sure you’ll do greatly.” Yoona said before starting to dig in. “I will give a fight and I want you to stop every single quaffle I throw your way, okay?” Yoona said as she smiled at Seohyun, the two girls were staring at each other deeply, completely lost in the eyes of the other girl before they heard someone clear their throat.

“Stop eye-snogging with the enemy, Yoona.” Hyoyeon said teasingly as she ate.

“Eye-snogging?” Yoona asked.

“I made that up,” Hyoyeon said proudly. “I know normally people say ‘eye-’ but you guys are too young for that.”

The other girls laughed and Yoona just blushed, Seohyun was deep in her thoughts and no one tried to bring her out, knowing she was far too nervous.

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” Yoona said with a smile, she wondered for a second if what she wanted to do will be okay, but she decided to it anyway, it’s not like she would’ve been able to control herself.

She leaned in and kissed Seohyun’s cheek, causing the latter to blush intensely, she stood up quickly, plate still in her hand and smiled at Seohyun.

“Good luck in the game, later.” And with that she left, not wanting to be teased by the rest of her friends.



Seohyun was flying in front of Ravenclaw’s hoops, ready to stop any quaffle that was thrown her way, an hour before the game she decided to meditate a little in order to push her nervousness to the back of her mind and had, thankfully, succeeded, leaving her ready for the game.

She noticed how the Quaffle was thrown in the air and a whistle could be heard, she noticed Ravenclaw’s and Hufflepuff’s chasers start competing for the quaffle, when she noticed the quaffle fell on Yoona’s arms, she frowned.

She took in a deep breath, her eyes never leaving the ball in Yoona’s hands as the older one neared to where she was, once Yoona was close enough, she threw the Quaffle in the direction of the third hoop, Seohyun flew quickly and managed to grab it with both her hands, she secured the Quaffle and threw it at Michael, who is one of Ravenclaw’s chasers as they all made their way to the other side of field.


“She’s good.” Said Tiffany to Sunny as she was waiting by the side, searching for the snitch.

“I’ve got a keen eye for talents.” Sunny said proudly before she sped off, trying to reach the rest of the chasers that were now near Hufflepuff’s hoops.

Tiffany was watching the whole field, she had to find the snitch, since the faster she got it, the faster she’ll finish and she could go cuddle with her girlfriend. She then noticed something off, both bludgers were flying in the same direction, she noticed their trajectory and realized they were heading towards Yoona.

“Beaters!” She exclaimed loudly, her megaphone voice being quite useful right now. “Stay close to Yoona, both bludgers are heading her way!”

The beaters nodded and did as told, Yoona smiled thankfully at Tiffany as now that she was protected from the bludgers.


Yoona was flying around, the beaters around her stopped the bludgers from possibly touching her, it was weird, the bludgers seemed to be completely focused on her, could they be cursed again? She didn’t know, but she was glad that Tiffany didn’t risk it.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts she didn’t realize Sunny coming on her right, the smaller girl tackled her strongly, causing her grip on the quaffle to falter and the small one grabbed the quaffle before she headed to Hufflepuff’s hoops, she raised the hand that wasn’t holding on the quaffle and made a motion Yoona couldn’t quite catch, and then the other two chasers from Ravenclaw placed themselves in front of Sunny and then went to the sides, forming a triangle as they were heading to Hufflepuff’s hoops, their formation allowed them to pass the quaffle between them every time a Hufflepuff chaser came their way and Yoona couldn’t help but smile knowing that Sunny was the one behind such a smart tactic.

Ravenclaw scored and finally placed themselves on the lead with just ten points, Tiffany and Ravenclaw’s seeker were searching quickly for the snitch, the quaffle was finally on Yoona’s hands once again and she didn’t waste any time in heading to Seohyun’s territory, she quickly avoided everyone coming her way, the bludgers that still tried to attack her stopped by the beaters that were still flying near her, she reached Ravenclaw’s hoops and she quickly shot, but instead of trying to score she threw the quaffle at Hyoyeon who shot straight to the hoops, she noticed Seohyun made an attempt to stop her, but the younger one’s broom stopped abruptly, Hyoyeon scored but Yoona noticed Seohyun couldn’t move.

The younger one started struggling, trying to force her broom to move, Sunny, Tiffany, Yoona and Hyoyeon glanced weirdly at her.

“Get back to the game, I’ll see what’s going on.” Tiffany said to Yoona and Hyoyeon, those two nodded unsurely but still followed the instructions of their captain.

“What’s going on Seohyun?!” Sunny exclaimed as she looked at Seohyun and then shifted her gaze to the front, where the other two Ravenclaw chasers were heading to the hoops.

“I don’t know, my broom isn’t moving.” Seohyun replied, her forehead had a clear confused frown. “Get back over there, I’ll see what I can do.” As she said that Sunny seemed to consider it, she noticed her two chasers were struggling in the front and finally nodded.

“Be careful, okay?” She said quickly and Seohyun nodded, before the short one quickly dashed to the other side.

“Maybe you’re too nervous, calm yourself down.” Tiffany said and Seohyun smiled at her caring friend.

“This is still a match, you know?” Seohyun said to Tiffany as she pointed at Ravenclaw’s seeker that was still flying around in search of the snitch.

Tiffany smiled at her before she sped off, searching for the snitch too.

She kept flying around when she suddenly noticed the snitch flying near the Hufflepuff’s hoops, she quickly flew in the direction of the snitch and beside her Ravenclaw’s seeker seemed to have noticed too.

Sunny noticed both seekers heading to where they were and couldn’t help but find curious the fact that right now basically every player, except for Seohyun, were on Hufflepuff’s side of the field.

Tiffany and that guy followed around the snitch, head to head as they tried to reach it, they pushed each other lightly, not wanting to lose their balance, as they tried to approach the snitch. Something weird caught the corner of Tiffany’s eyes and she couldn’t help but take a look, she noticed that both bludgers tried to attack Yoona once again and the beaters from Hufflepuff hit them out of the way with ease, but as if possessed, the bludgers changed directions and headed to the other side of the field, were only Seohyun was, her broom frozen.

Tiffany widened her eyes as she noticed both bludgers head Seohyun’s way, one hit Seohyun in the stomach and the other hit the broom, causing the younger one to fall face first to the ground, she was so absorbed in the horrible scene in front of her she unconsciously slowed down her speed and caused Ravenclaw’s seeker to catch the snitch.

Sunny cheered for her seeker as she noticed she caught it but when she noticed Tiffany’s face, she knew something was wrong; she followed her line of sight only to watch Seohyun hitting the ground. Hyoyeon and Yoona were in the middle of the field, surprised by the fact that Tiffany didn’t catch the snitch, but then they also noticed Seohyun on the ground.

The four of them quickly dashed to where Seohyun was lying face first on the ground, once they were off their brooms, they turned her around and noticed Seohyun’s nose and lower lip were bleeding, the nose was most certainly broken probably caused by the strong fall, and that the youngest was knocked out. Sunny paled at the sight, her hair turning a deep black out of worry for the younger one.

Yoona suddenly picked the girl up off the ground and carried her bridal style.

“Help me wrap her arms around my neck!” She exclaimed quickly, Hyoyeon who was beside her helped her with that and Sunny, who seemed to have realized what she was doing, helped her get on her broom.

Yoona quickly flew back to the castle, tears accumulating in the corner of her eyes but she quickly blinked them away, she couldn’t have a blurry eyesight right now, she had to get to castle and she couldn’t risk having an accident.

She had to get Seohyun to the Hospital Wing as quickly as she possibly could.

“Yoo-Yoona?” She heard a soft voice, she looked down and noticed Seohyun was opening her eyes slowly.

“You’re going to be okay, Seohyun, I’ll get you there in no time.” She said, although rather than to assure Seohyun of her safety it seemed as if she was assuring herself.

When she finally landed in front of the castle, she noticed how Seohyun’s eyes closed themselves again and she couldn’t help but spill tears as she ran with Seohyun still in her arms to the Hospital Wing.

Seriously I'm on a roll with this story... I wanted to study for my cell biology exam and ended writing this xD

Hope it's good and that you like it xD

As always, comment, upvote and subscribe if you like the chapter or the story for that matter :D

Until Next Time :)

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I'm gonna update on Wednesday 01/14, YOONHYUN'S COMING or not haaha


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Chapter 27: Author nim, please update this story again. You know our soshi never get tired with HP, LOL. Hyun really want to be Slytherin although she isn't and taeyeon always because of it >, <
Chapter 27: ♡
Chapter 27: I NEED MORE
Chapter 21: no TAENGO
Chapter 16: Baby seo is wild xD
Chapter 14: Ohh noo seo baby
Chapter 13: I love this story <3
I really love this story though i was hesitant to read it because it’s hasn't updated in a long time and that it’s not finished, but i seriously enjoyed it!
Authornim i like this story a lot pls update thanks
SWQ_1512 #10
Chapter 27: Ahhh!! The action is amping up now. Keep up the good work. Hwaiting!! I understand as a fellow college student the burden of work. You can do it !!