

Final Chapter: [Chanyeol's Pov]

The next day, I was down stairs with mother.  She and I were cooking breakfast, as the two males were still in bed.  I kinda did feel like a wife to Kris,... So,... I wanted to help make breakfast.  "Umma?  Do you think that Kris will propose to me sometime soon?"  I asked as I stir the eggs.  "Hmm,... No idea dear,.. But, I am sure sometime soon he will."  She said as she patted my back.  "Umma?  How did Appa ask you?"  I asked as I kept sirring. Mother looked at me with a small, cute smile. 

I see where Kris gets his cute smile from.  "Well,.."

{Flash Back-Mother's Pov}

I was in my last year of Highschool.  His father was in his last year of college.  One day, He came over to the highschool, because he wanted to see if he should be a teacher.  So, he went through all the year's class rooms, until he found me in Math class.

He was teaching there, I learned alot from him,... He taught alot of things that the other teacher never spoke about.  He always kept looking at me. 

He was there for many weeks for training.  So he used Math class for it.  Always after each class he would ask for me to stay.  After all the students would leave, he would complement me on my Math, and sometimes my hair.  He made me feel happy.

On the last day of class, he wanted me to come to his office, since he was going to be working there for summer school, might as well give him an office.  When I came in, he had his nice suit on.  He asked me to sit down.

"Miss Zhu, Can I ask you something?"  He asked me.  "Yes, sir?"  I asked as he stood beside me.  "Have you any plans?  As in, like, getting married, going to college, ?"  He asked me.  "Well, I always wanted to get married, but, I might end up just going to college.  Because, I am sure my parents would like it."   I answered.  He looked at me with a smile.

"Miss Zhu?"  He asked. "Yes, Mr. Wu?"  I asked back.  "How about, you marry me?"  He asked as he held out a box.  A ring box to be specific.  He opened it up.  It was a nice, plain, but great looking diamond ring.  I held my face with my palms.  Trying not to fangirl.  I mean, I did have a crush on him,... I felt as though I was gonna faint.

His smile turned into a disapointing frown, which he closed the box.  Then, I looked at him.  "Y-yes!  Yes!"  I said to him.  Which his frown turned into the most happy face ever!  "You want to come to my house? I mean, well it's my parents' house, but,.. Would you like to meet my family?"  He asked.  I nodded.

I never knew he was rich though,.. So he brought me to a huge mansion.  And there, the wedding got blessed.  And my parents agreed too. 

{End Flash Back}

"And to this day, you are living in your gradparents' house."  She said to me. "Wow...."  I looked around.  I never knew anything about it!  "So, how did you meet with Kris?  You guys never actually told me."  She said as she put a sausage on the frying pan.  "It's a long story."  I said looking into the sink.  "You can tell me, secret stays with me!"  She said. I nodded.  "Ok,.. Lemme tell you before him and I met."

{Flash Back-Chanyeol's Pov}

When I was around seventeen,  My parents died from a fire in a company building.  And, my father was the presedent of the company.  My mother was head secretary.  They were on the top floor, when, a bomb of fire was spread across from an employee.  They tried to get out the fire,... but,... it was no use.  When they finally got to my parents' work place, they were almost ash.  Their bodies were still on fire.  And I was watching them get the fire out.  I was there when they were dead. 

I walked myself back home, feeling very depressed.  I let poeple pass me, or hit me as I walked the path back home.  I walked inside the house.  I sat down on the little couch we had.  Crying myself to sleep.

As I woke up, I see my Aunt beside me.  "I'm so sorry dear, you'll be staying with me,.. you can call me 'Aunt'."  She had a passionate smile on her face.  It made me smile. 

She helped me pack, and the next day, I went to my Aunt's house.  It was a two-story house.  But it was small.  Only one room upstairs along with a bathroom.  "I sleep downstairs most of the time, so, you can be upstairs."  She smiled.  I bowed.  And went upstairs to un pack.  This will be my home for now. 

I need a job.  A close one.  So, I wondered the street, and found a cuddle shop.  I get enough money there, plus, my Aunt said I could work at a radio station.  So, I walked inside.  I applied for the job, they took me in.

I worked ther for about four years already.  My Aunt was sick. And one day.  A man walked in.  He looked sleepy, depressed.    He wanted to sleep, so I suggested it.  He agreed, and He gave me the money, and I put it in the register.

He and I walked into a room, and introduced ourselves.  Then, we went to sleep.

He looked really different after he slept!  He looked cute.  So, I wanted to sleep with him more.  But, it was my day off. I would probably never meet with him again.  BUT!  At the resteraunt!  We met again!  And since he didn't want to come back to China, he stayed over at my place.

{End Flash Back}

Wow, interesting!  really!  I think you two would be a great couple!" She clapped her hands.  All the sudden, Kris came downstairs.  "Hey umma!  And Channie!" Kris said as he hugged us both. "Lemme tell you a story about Kris when he was a little baby!"  Mother said.  Kris widened his eyes. "Please no mo-" Mother put her hand in the way of Kris's mouth.

"It goes like this!"

{Flash Back-Mother's Pov}

He was a cute little thing!  He learned to walk very well!  Although there is one thing that happened everytime we went to Incheon. 

We always took him camping.  We had bug spray of course.  He walked around everwhere on the camp ground.  And then, he started crying.

I ran to him.  It seems as though he was wet.  I lifted him, and he had a 'wet' spot!  Haha!  He peed himself!

{Flash Back Over-Chanyeol's Pov}

I laughed so hard when I heard that.  Father came downstairs.  "Hey kids."  He said as he grabbed the news paper, and kissed mother on the lips.  "Morning dear!"  Mother said. 

I looked at Kris who sat at the table.  "Kris!  I made breakfast for you!"  I said with a cute smile.  "Thank you!"  He gave me a little kiss as though I was his wife.  Why is my heart beat going so fast?  It has never gone this fast, even when I was in love with Kris,..  I sat down next to him.  He had a smile on his face.  It automaticly smiled back.  "What are you smiling about?"  He asked as he took a bite of toast.  "Because, you're smiling!"  I said cutely.  He smiled wider, I smiled wider.  He made a frown.  I made a sad face.  "Don't be sad."  He smiled. "I wont be! As long as you aren't!"  I cutely said to him.

When we got done breakfast, I helped mother clean the dishes.  Since it's breakfast, we clean the dishes.  At dinner, we put them in the dishwasher.  We usually are at work at lunch time, so usually mother has a sandwhich at lunch time.  But today, I want to help with dinner.  So, I am not going to work.  I like feeding my Kris.  I want to be a great wife, just like Mother.  Yeah, Mother said to just call her mother, and father said to call him father, so, that is why I am saying their names as like that.

"Chanyeol?  Aren't you going to work?"  Kris asked me.  "Sorry dear, I wanna help make supper."  I said with a cute smile.  He smiled back, and kissed me deeply.  He held my head and my back, so I wouldn't fall, and I put my arms loosely around his neck.  I wonder if Kris remembers that Mother is watching?  Oh, also Father?  I am embarassed now.  He stopped.  "Ok honey,.."  He winked at me.  "Stop it Kris,.. you're embarassing me,.."  I said as I tugged his sleeve.  Then, I straightened his tie.  "You want me to look good?"  He aske me.

"You always look good!"  I whispered in his ear.  He held my wrists and brought me closer to me. 

"Ehem,.. don't you need to get to work?"  Father said.  Kris looked at father, and nodded.  "Bye bye Channie."  He said to me as he kissed my cheek.  He held my hand as long as he could, and let go feeling my hand.  He blew a kiss to me from the door.  I blew one right back and waved.  And with that, he left.  I let out a sigh.

"You two really love eachother, don't you?"  She asked me.  I nodded.  "Hehe, now, we will start making dinner at around 3:30pm. ok?  Now, let's hear more stories shall we?  If my Krissie will propose to you, you should know alot about his past!"  She suggested.  So, we went onto the couch with a cup of tea.  "You want to know about how he got into the company?"  She asked.  "Ok!  I like hearing these types of stories!"  I said as I sip on some tea.  "Ok, so it goes like this...."

{Flash Back-Mother's Pov}

One day, Yifan's Father told him to get a job.  He was 21, your age, and he wanted him to get a job.  When he got to his father's work place, He asked if he could work part time there.  So, His father said. "Well, If Mr. He will let you."  So, they went to Mr. He's office, and applied.

At first he was a minor employee, like a sales man.  He got a nickname from the sale moderator.  'Kris' because he had a Kris knife, and he was as a knife tearing the sales.  Well, that was kinda good, I guess. 

He got higher up, and now he was a Middle Employee.  He was organizing boxes, and papers for the supiriors to sign.  He had fun wih this one, because he like alphabetically placing things.

After, he was in a pre-secondary class.  Which, he was a secratary.  He had the files and boxes for the supirior to sign and label.  He did so well in this job, he was moved to secondary employment.  And he was sent out to Korea for a meeting.

{End Flash Back-Chanyeol's Pov}

"Wow, my man has a history behind his work." I commented, drinking the last bit of tea I had.  I looked at the clock, it took thirty minutes for the whole story?  Didn't seem that long.  "Eyup!  Say,.. What were you doing yesturday?  I heard you weren't at home with Kris that day." She asked me."I was,... Getting a gift for Kris,... if he ever happens to ask me that big question."  I tried to hide my blush over this.  She laughed.  "What did you get him?"  She asked while smiling wide.  I look around. I whisper in her ear.  "It's a secret!"  I said.  She looked at me as she frowned.  "hah!  Fine!"  She crossed her arms with a smile. "You'll figure out on the wedding day!"  I said.

She smiled. "Ok!  Can't wait!  My little son might get married soon!"  She clapped her hands.

As it turned 11am, We were fixing some lunch to eat.  "So this is what it feels like to stay home all day?"  I asked. "Yup!  Usually I am alone though, so, I am very happy you stayed today!  It made me EVER so happy!" She said with a smile.  "Shall I call Kris? To make sure he is fine?"  I asked. "Hmm, it is lunch brake, go ahead!"  She said.  I clapped my hands while laughing.  "Thank you!"  I grabbed the phone.

I dialed his number.  It is ringing.

K: Hello?
C: Kris! How are you?
K: Channie! -Kisses- I'm fine!  How are you?
C: Good!  I wanted to make sure my darling dear was ok! <3
K: Ok!  Love you!
C: Love you too! 
K: Make sure you are ready when I get home!
C: Huh?

All the sudden, Kris hung up?  Why is that?  And what does he mean by 'Make sure you are ready when I get home'?  Does he mean dinner?  Thant must be it.  He must skip lunch because he wants to eat all the dinner that Mummy and I make!  That's why!  I knew he was sweet!  I love the heck out of him!

After mom and I are done lunch, I go upstairs.  I want to clean the room.  I take some chemicles from the laundery room, and some gloves.  I march inside the bathroom.  Yeah, It's been a week since I cleaned it!  You better get clean TOILET!

Of course, I clean the toilet first.  It takes forever waiting for the toilet cleaner to get done its job.  Then, I start on the sink.  Something dropped from the shelf above the sink, hitting me on the back of my head.

Things get dark,... I passed out,....


I finally open my eyes.  I see the ceiling.  I look around, I am on my bed.  Somone is in the bathroom.  I sit  up, my head really hurts.  I want to know who is in the bathroom.  I stand up, my legs are wobbly.  Then it gets back to normal.  I walk over to the bathroom.  I try to open the door, it was unlocked.  I walked inside, and saw Kris taking a shower.  Relieved.  "Krissie?"  I ask as I walk inside the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind myself. 

"Ah!  Channie!  You're back!  I put you on the bed as soon as I got home!  You were sleeping on the floor over there."  He pointed at the spot.  "I was passed out, somthing hit the back of my head."  I pointed out as I opened the shelves that had a mirror covering it.  Ah, it was Kris's razer.  "Yeah, that was on the floor with you,..."  He said at me.  I looked at him as he smirked at me.  I smiled, then he did.  "Why don't you come in here?" He asked.  I laughed,

"I don't wanna let you see my body!"  I said.  He laughed again as he looks up, then back at me. "You're looking at me!"  He said.  "Nuh uh!" Truly I'm not.  I turn around, and walk out the door.  But he yelled.  "If you make a bubble bath?"  He asked.  Hmm, ok.  I can go with that.  "Put a towel around you."  I said to him.  He turned off the water, and did as I asked.  I turn on the bathtub water, and fill it with bubble gum bubble soap.  Kris's favorite.  I wonder why?  He doesn't know why....

He turned around, and I went into the tub after undressing.  He quickely walks in.  Both him and his father are very simple.  I guess that runs in the family.  But, I do want him to be a bit more less simple...  I mean, easy to come up with presents, but, ya know.   As he washes my hair, I play with the bubbles.  "You're gonna have to rinse off your body though."  He whispered in my ear, which sent shivers down my back.  For some reason, it made me feel uncomfortable sitting down, so I tried to get comfortable... ?

"Shh,... Stop moving."  He said as he places me on his thigh/knee.  I stopped moving as he washes my back.  "Ok, when I need to rinse, you will leave." I said.  "Ok."  He agreed.  He kissed my cheek.  "Thank you."  He said to me as he got up out of the bathtub.  "Hey, you rinse off." I said.  He chuckled, "Ok."  he went into the shower.  I looked into the bathtub water.  I saw something float near me.  I looked at it.  It is a ring.  I pick it up, and fully examine it.  I looked at Kris with a smile.

"What's this?" I asked trying not to look further from his face.  He looked at it like he had no clue whatsoever.  My smile turns into worry as he tries to say something, then stops himself.  Is this his girlfriend and boyfriend ring?  I don't have one.  Why does he only have one.  My eye brows turn mean as my eyes turn a bit red. "Whose is it?"  I ask with a jealously mean tone.  He never answered.  I got up out of the tub, and go into the shower.  I looked at him suspiciously.  I took his hand.

I put the ring in his hand.  I look at him one last time, and I walk out of the shower, and dry myself off.  Then, I put on my pajamas.  I walk out of the bathroom.

I bet that is his ring that matches his actual love.  I should have known.  He lied to me.  All the sudden, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around, and Kris is there.  He looked at me.  I refuse to look at him in the eyes, but he makes me.  He holds my hand and shows me the ring.

"Will you marry me?" 


I woke up?   Did I pass out again?  What happened before I did?  I know I walked out of the bathroom, Kris was talking about something,... and then it all went black?  I look around, I see Kris put a book away on the bookshelf.  "Kris?  What happened?"  I said as I tried to sit up.  He helped me up, and sat next to me.  "When I asked you something, you passed out,..." He said.  "What was the question?"  I asked.  "Promise you wont pass out again?"  He asked.  I nodded.  He took a deep breathe.

"Will you marry me?"  He asked with the ring from the bathroom in his hand. 

Is he being sincere?  I look at him in the eyes with disbalief.  But, could he actually love me?  Does he have a girlfriend?  All the sudden, his smile fades, and he closes his hand where  the ring is hiding.  I held his hand.  "Yes."  I said calmly.  He had a suprised face.  "Really?"  He asked with a smile.  I nodded my head.  "Beautiful engagement ring!"  I said as he put it on my finger.  "Sorry it isn't Diamond,.."  He said with a sad face.

"It's a perfect blue colour, I wouldn't like it any other way!  You put your heart into it!"  I said as I hugged him.  Wow, so I wonder when We will get married?   "Ah, how about a week from tomorrow?  Is that a good day?"  He asked.  I grabbed out my planner.  He is on the other side, so he can't see it.  I quickely right 'Love' in a heart I drew on the day.  "Yeah, I'm busy that day."  I said with a smile.  "Busy doing what?"  He asled as he looked at my planner.  He spotted the date.

He chuckled. "Ok.  Do you want want Aunt to come?  You would have to go over there right?"  I asked.  "Unfortunatly,... She can't come.  She is in the hospital, nothing serious.  Just, they want to make sure she stays well."  He said.  I nodded.  "Can we tell mother and Father?"  I asked.  "They are sleeping right now, how about in the morning?"  He suggested.  "Ok!"  I agree.  As a good wife-to-be would.  Now he is sitting on my side, so I gently rest my head on his shoulder.  "We can't see eachother for a week?" He asked.  I looked at him.

"You want to do this traditionaly right?"  I asked.  He nodded.  "Then yes."  I said.  "This is gonna kill me then,... not seeing you for a week?  I'ma go crazy."  He said as he plays with my hand.  "Well,... kiss me all you want tonight!  Just think this way,... when we are married, we can-"  He stopped my sentance.  "Uhm, yeah,... ok, I get it."  He said with a smile.  I rested my head on his shoulder again.  He turned off the lamp light, and opened the covers, we both went inside as we cuddled with eachother all night.

{Day 1- 6 Days left}

I am with Mother picking out the best suit I can find, lets see, I am pure,.. so, I can where white.  I suggest to Mother that I want to embrace my purety, she was ok with it.  So, I kept trying on different suits, until one sparked my imagination.  This is the one, and I know my mother will argree.  I button it all up, straighten my tie, and go out of the dressing room onto the platform.  I turn around slowly, mother was clapping.  "You found it!  That is perfect!" She said.

So, I bought the suit, I hope Kris will love it.

{Kris's Pov}

Since we heard that Mother and Chanyeol are going to the suit shop near home, me and my Father went to one more aways like deep in Beijing.  They have a good variety.  I am sure he is wearing white, although, I am pure, I want to wear Black.  It suits me more.  So, I tried on a whole bunch of suits, until, I found one that I knew both my Father, and Chanyeol will love!  It'll make Chanyeol melt for sure!  So, My dad did like it, so I bought it!

Then I called Siwon:

S: Hello?
K: Hyung!  This is Kris!
S: Ah! Hello! What can I do you for?
K: Uhm do you think you can do a little marriage for me?
S: China? or Korea?
K: SJM is in China right now, correct?
S: Yeah!  Ok!  Beijing? You and Chanyeol, right?
K: Yeah!  Cool! Thanks!
S: What day?
K: A week from today.
S: Alright!  Tell Chanyeol, the day before, a practise wedding, he needs to be there.
K: Ok!

We said our goodbyes, and I called up Chanyeol.  I hope he is avaliable.

C: Hello?
K: Love! 
C: Krissie!  How are you?
K: Good, good, Siwon wants you to come to his church a day before the wedding for a practise wedding.
C: Ok!  Love you! -Kiss-
K: Love you too! Bye bye! -Kiss-

With that we ended the call.  I can't wait to see Chanyeol after this week is over.  I am probably actually gonna get a little bit crazy.  I love Chanyeol very much.  I wonder,... what is Chanyeol and Mother doing?  Mother might be making a cake right now, but, is Chanyeol at work? Or shopping?  Is he ok?  I wonder,...

{Chanyeol's Pov}

Well, Mother is making a cake right now, she said she wanted it to be a suprise.  So, I went out shopping.  Things for the wedding, things for presents, ya know, some things!  He likes simple, but yet certain things.  I need to get him what he wants!  I wonder, would he like cologne?  Or would he like something else?  Hmm, maybe something that can't run out and is meaningful?  Ah, my love?  I am sure he would say that, but, I heard from Mother that he loves to open the presents.  Although he never made a Birthday list.

{Day 2- 5 Days Left- Chanyeol's Pov}

I walk to the store, I need to by decorations for the wedding.  I just love decorations, they show meanings.  I walk around everywhere.  I have always actually wanted to get married in a more colder climate, so, I might get some icy stuff, it'll go well with the white walls, and the blue carpet Siwon has.  I really wish the days could go faster but, I doesn't.  I am not allowed to go to work either,.... Don't want to accidentaly bump into Kris, actually I do, but, I can't really...

{Day 3- 4 Days Left- Kris's Pov}

Well, it is the third day now, I am really going crazy, the maids that come after my work say there is alot of pulled out hair everywhere.  But, it doesn't seem that I lost hair, but ya know.  I always apologize.  I am eating a bit more than usual, I hope I can still fit in my suit.  I wonder what Chanyeol bought me?  I know that I bought him a great present.  One that can never run out, and one, you will always have.  Yeah, not only my love for him.

But, a meaningful one.  Something, if you loose, you will never get it back.  Who knows, maybe I am just talking about my love.  My love for him is from right here on earth, to the end of space.  Space is endless, so is my love for him.  It is priceless.  No amount of money can take away my love for him.  If he ever cheats on me, My love will still go far, but, I would still love him, although, far apart from the end of space.  Less far, more closer to me.  But yet, I will still love him.....

{Day 4- 3 Days Left- Chanyeol's Pov}

Today, I look for jewelry to put on.  Nothing too shiny, but, not too dull.  Simple, but yet complicated.  Mother made me some stuff, also, I have a box that My mother had.  She said if I were to ever get married, to put it on.  Even if it is a Man to a Man marriage.  Since I am said woman, I will put it on.  A beautiful Tiara. It is beautiful platinum, with diamonds, rubies, and other beautiful Gems.  It matches my Suit very well.  I hope that Kris will love it....

I walk over to the jewelry store, just in case I find something that sparks an interest that Kris would like.  I see a beautiful golden bracelet.  Mother said she would pay for it, since, she is royal in all.  She gets a special discount, and she is rich, so, she has alot of money. I then walk over to the make up section of the store.  Anything that might make Kris like?  Ah, well, I found perfume, he loves Strawberry.  Maybe a tad bit of lip gloss.  There we go, that is perfect.  Want to keep things natural.

{Day 5- 2 Days Left- Kris's Pov}

Today, I go see if I could find any flowers that Chanyeol likes.  He really does like flowers, so, I want to make sure, he isn't alergic to anything.  Aunt would know alot about it.  Although she is in the hospital, I mine as well try to ask.  So, I grab my phone, and search the contacts.  I found her number, and I click on it.  It rings.

A: Hello?
K: Hello! 
A: Ah! Kris!  How are you? Sorry I can't come to the wedding, Siwon said he would live brodcast it for me,.. though, You wont be able to see me.
K: Ah! cool!  I was wondering, Is Chanyeol alergic to anyflowers?
A: Nope!  That is why he really loves them!
K: Ok!

With that, the phone call ended. I got some flowers that are Blue.  He seems to really like the blue colour.  It is a great colour, I do agree.  I bring all the flowers to Siwon's church to place them, well I can't go inside since Chanyeol is decorating.  "Thank you!" Siwon bowed.  "You're welcome Hyung!"  I said to him as I bowed.

Then, I went back to work.

{Day 6- 1 Day Left- Chanyeol's Pov}

Today is the practise wedding.  The other one helping is Qifan.  Since I know him well.  We reasoned the thing about cheating me likeing a girl or whatever, and we became good friends.  I wonder why he even likes Kris though?  Doesn't he know I like him?  I mean, He is very atractive,.. Kris I mean.  So, after Qifan and I are done, Kris will come in here when I leave to also do a practise wedding.  So, Siwon calls Qifan up, and I walk down the isle.  I reach Qifan, he helps me up.

I have arranged Best woman, that would be Qifan, he is like a little girl!  Haha, and Kris has selected Luhan to be the best man.  And, Kai to be the ring holder.  Haha.  Anyways.  Siwon speaks, we do what we are supposed to do.  Siwon said for us to kiss.  I look at Qifan, really?  Do I HAVE to kiss him?  Oh well.  I hope he is a good kisser.  I get closer to him, and he places a soft kiss on my lips.  Wow, Does Kris secretly kiss Qifan?  I mean, he is a great kisser.

Just like me of course.  Siwon claps. "Now, go in there, so Kris doesn't see you."  Siwon said to me.  I bow, and I go inside the back of the church.  Siwon yells for Kris to come in. 

{Kirs's Pov}

I walk in, and stand at the alter.  Qifan walks down the isle with Mother and Father, and Luhan.  Qifan reaches the alter, and I help him up.  Siwon does his talking, asking questions, and we answer.  It kinda does feel as though I am marrying someone that got married to Chanyeol just now.  I was listening in, not watching.

At the end, Siwon says for us to kiss.  Since me being the man, I give him a kiss, as he kisses back.  It felt like Chanyeol for a moment, so, I put my arms around him, and kiss deeper.  "Uhm,... I hope you don't do that on the wedding day."  Siwon said.  I quickely stop kissing when he said that.  Oh, I know Chanyeol is listening in.  I hope he isn't jealous!  But, I have a good reason, right?  I haven't kissed anyone is six whole days.  Not even mother for going to sleep!  I slept at the office!

{Day 7- 0 Days Left- Reader's Pov}

As Kris straightened his tie, waiting for a Chanyeol to come out of the double doors, he looks around.  He is five minutes late?  Kris starts to worry.  He looks at Siwon.  "It is normal for the 'bride' to be late?"  He asked Siwon.  "Only on TV Shows Kris."  He said back to Kris.  Oh no!  Oh no!  Kris thought.  What could be happening?  Did he change his mind?  Or,..  Did his suit mess up? Hair? He thought.  He looked at Qifan that is standing beside him.  "Please, go see what is happening?"  He asked him

{Meanwhile- Chanyeol's Pov}

"Luhan!  Luhan!  Come here!"  I said.  I really feel stressed a bit.  I have no idea why.  "What's wrong?"  He asked me.  "Can you get me my shoes out of the room over there,... I left it near were Kris is,..."  I said. 'Oh! Ok!"  All the sudden Qifan comes in.  "Qifan!"  I said as I ran to him.  "Go get me my shoes along with Luhan!"  I ordered.  He had a suprised look on his face.  He ran out of the room really fast with Luhan.  Now Mother and Father are left here.

Luhan and Qifan run back in, they both have one shoe in their hand.  They sat me down, and helped get my shoes on and tied.  Qifan got up, and bowed.  He ran back out of the room.  "Are you ready now?" Luhan asked.  I nodded.  "I am."  He helped me up.  He brought me close to him.  "I hope so."  He said.  He gave me a soft kiss on my lips.  What is it with people liking people that are in a relationship?  I shrug, and walk with Luhan and Mother, and Father.  We then reach the double doors.

This is it, my moment of truth.  I look at both Kai and Luhan that are holding the doors.  I nod, and they open it.  I see a nervous Kris over at the alter.  He's so cute.  I walk down the isle, holding Kris's blue flower bouquet.  It looks so cute.  I see people and even Kris looking at all my jewelry.  I blush as I look down.  I reach the alter, where Kris helps me up.  I smile at him, and then face Siwon.  He also has a smile. 

"Marriage, Marriage is a thing that is very special.  Marriage binds two pieces of paper into a folder.  In this case, Brings two people together in harmony, and pureness, and faithfulness.  Marriage,....

Do you, Wu Yifan, Take Park Chanyeol, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I Do."

"And do you, Park Chanyeol, Take Wu Yifan to be your Lawfully wedded Husband?"

"I Do."

"And do you both, promise to be one with eachother, for all the years that you're alive?  Until one dies, or both?"

"I Do."

"You may,.... Be Husband and 'Wife',... You may Kiss Wu Chanyeol. And Wu Chanyeol, may Kiss Wu Yifan."

Siwon steps away.  Kris gets closer to me, holding my waiste, as he gives me a true, pssionate Kiss... After He is done, everyone claps.  "I am a Wu now." I said.  Waved at Aunt from the camera.  "Now, a few words to eachother?"  Siwon asked.  Kris nodded, "I will go first."  He said.

"When I my ex-girlfriend said she loved me.  I really believed it.  The same hour, her other boyfriends came.  She said she much rather her other boyfriends though.  She said that she will sell the ring I gave to her.  I really fell that day.  Then a few days later, Mr. He said I needed to go on a buisness trip to Seoul, South Korea.  In Incheon.  I found where Chanyeol worked at.  When I saw you, I felt a spark in my heart I didn't feel when I 'fell in love' with my ex-girlfriend.  I had this feeling in my heart, I had never felt.  And when a girl came in one day saying that she was your girlfriend, my heart crashed,  it was that same day you told me you loved me, and we were a couple, we were more than something.  It made my heart die.  So much, I went back here in China.  I wanted nothing from you anymore.  But, when you came to me, and when you apologized,... There was something different.  My ex girlfriend never apologized, not even sarcasticly.  That is when, I knew you actually did love me.  That was when I really really wanted you more than ever.  And when My parents excepted you, I was even more happy.   I know, I am cheesy, but,... that is about everything I can say."

When I heard all those words,... I was sad.  Happy, but sad. I never had a story like that, I don't have as much to share with him.  I don't have much to say,...

"Well, I don't have as much to say as Kris but.  When before I met him.  My life, wasn't great.  My Parents died in a fire at their company, I watched them burn.  The bomb of fire.  I happened to walk in right as soon as they died.  I was young then.  Seven teen.  For my family, yes, that is quite young.  My Aunt cared for me,.. When she was sick, she still cared for me.  And when I met Kris, I knew, I had to talk with him, see him, every single day.  I loved him.  I developed a crush on him.  And when that girl came in, she was my best friend that was in Japan, I have no idea why she was like that, she never told me.  But, I never want Kris to cry.  As long as we both live, I want Kris to always have a smile on his face. I will try my best.  I am moved by the words you spoke about Kris.  And, I really love you.  And I will always love you.  From here, to the end of space!"

I start to cry?  Why?  He holds me. Everyone claps.  I can even hear Aunt clap all the way from Korea.  "I say, those were powerful words!"  Siwon said.  "Now, you want some cake? Wine?"  He asked.  I nodded.  "Who will drive us home?"  I asked.  Siwon looked at Henry playing the piano.  "Me of course.!"  Siwon said.  Oh, I thought that He wanted Henry to,... eh.  I don't mind, either one, I trust both of them.  My mother's cake looks great though.  I can't wait to dig into it!  I look at Kris, he holds my hands tightly.

We do everything traditionaly,...


Ok everyone,... that is the end.  I might make a sequel if everyone wants me to.... I hope you had fun reading!
I hope it was all funny, and romantic!  Please tell me everything you feel!

Bye Bye!

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I have read this before! Because my sister is one of krisyeol's shipper, so she suggests this story to me~
I wish I could read more krisyeol ^~^
swizzle #2
Chapter 22: I love 20 chaps more because i could see more their romantic scenes!!! Please
Kriseol6 #3
Chapter 21: Love this story!
aki-nakahara #4
Chapter 21: Thank you for this. Thank you.
Chapter 21: Aww that was really cute!
Chapter 21: Please make a sequel!! :)
Chapter 20: It is really cute! And sequel pleeeeeeaase! ~ ^^
Chapter 17: What's gonna happen? Don't tell me qifan and yifan is gonna end up together and not krisyeol. Can't wait for the next chapter.
jenkc06 #9
I love your fics and Krisyeol too, thanks for update...hwaiting!
Chapter 13: what's wrong? why they got fired?