Chapter 17


Chapter 17: [Kris's Pov]

After we were done eating, I sat on the couch, well, really laid down, on my side, while watching TV.  "Hey, make some room!"  Chanyeol said as he lifted up my head and sat down.  Uhm,... now my head is in his lap.   I look up at him, and sit up right.  "I'll lay on the bed."  I said.  I walked to the bed, and laid down on my stomach, crossing my legs and putting them up and down.  "You taking a shower?"  He asked me. "Naw, you can do it first,  I am just gonna sit here,.." I said.

He nodded, and then he went into the bathroom.  Yeah, I was bored, but,.. I rather just keep to myself right now, I did kinda cheat on him when he was in the building.  So, I might as well call Qifan.  Yeah, I saw his number on his vest, so,... I dialed the number.

Q: Hello?  Who is this?
K: It's me, Kris.
K: Good, good,... say, uhm,.. you wanna talk for like fifteen minutes?  Chanyeol wanted to take a shower by himself,... so, I am bored.
Q: Ok!

So after fifteen minutes of talking, we say our goodbyes, and hang up.  I looked at the clock,... 4am  Wow.  We stayed up late, I am amazed that the TV had channel listings.  But, it did.  I noticed Chanyeol come out from the bathroom.  He had a towel drying his hair.  He sat next to me after he was done.  "Hey,.."  He said as he kissed my cheek.  "Hi,.."  I said as I snuggled against him.   He saw my phone, and noticed I just called somone.  "Who did you call?"  He asked.  "Somone called me."  I said.  Lying to and about my boyfriend? Uh oh.

"Ok."  He said as he turned off the lamp light.  We laid down together.  "Wait, you never took a shower!" He said as he put the light back on.  I nodded.  I grabbed my phone, and brought it to the bathroom.  Along with pajamas.  I walked into the bathroom, and there I saw Qifan in the window.  What a window creep.  I walked up to the window, and opened it.  "Qifan?  What are you doing here? Spying on me?"  I asked.  "Nah,... Just wated to watch."  He said with an evilish face.  What a ert.  I closed the window, and put the curtains over it.

I start the shower.  All the sudden, I feel a pain in my stomach.  I put the lid over the toilet, and sit on it.  I put my hands on my stomach, and trying not to make loud pain noises.  Why should I have to bother Chanyeol?  I lied to him, I lied about him, he is probably sleeping by now.  We have a big day at the office tomorrow, we have alot of things to do around the house after work.  We need to put up Halloween decoration around the house and outside too.

How can I be in pain and do all that stuff?  I don't want Chanyeol to do it all by himself,.. that's too much work!  I fill the bathtub with water and soap, so I can relax.  Maybe I can just sit here for ten minutes.  I sit down in the tub and close my eyes.  I opened them back up, because I hear a sound come from outside the door.  Like somone was knocking.  "Who's there?" I asked. "Chanyeol,..."  He said.  "Come on in!"  I said with a cute voice.  He came in and laughed.  I looked at him.

"Cute voice." He said pinching my cheek.  "Uhm,.. look the other way please."  He said as he was about to pull down his pants.  I look at the water instead.  After about thirty seconds, I hear the toilet flush.  "You didn't look, did you?' He asked.  I got red cheeks and look down. "No."  I said cutely.  "You're just too cute!"  He said kissing me on the lips.  "See you in bed soon?"  He asked.  I nodded. "Good, because we have some Good night Kisses."  He said as he walked out laughing. 

Good Night Kisses- When at night, before Chanyeol and Kris go to bed, Chanyeol gives a huge kiss.  And of course, Kris Kisses back. 

I got done my shower, and dried off.  I decided, I will wear my robe tonight instead of pajamas.  Becuase last night, my Pajamas kept me hot all night, that I had to take them off.  Well speaking since it is only 4:30am, We'll probably not sleep.  So, I went out of the bathroom. I sat down beside Chanyeol.  He looked at me.  "Hey,.."  He said as he sat up, and kissed my cheek.  I waved.  I noticed Qifan in the window, so I waved.

"Who are you waving at?"  He asked. "Qifan."  I said pointing at him.  Chanyeol looked, "Where?"  I noticed that he left. "Ah,... he left."  I said.  He looked at me as if I was going crazy or something.  I shrugged.  I laid back on the pillow.  He turned off the light, and Good Night Kissed me.  "Chanyeol,... I'm not sleepy,.."  I said as I yawned.  He kissed my hand as I actually fell asleep. 

That Morning

   I woke up when I heard the alarm clock go off.  Ya know, 5:30am, like an hour since I went to sleep.  I looked around, no Chanyeol, he wasn't anywhere in the room.  Maybe he is helping our neighbor again.  So I grabbed my phone, and I got a text. From Luhan.

L:  Hey!  Wussup?  How is Chanyeol?
K:  Good, how are you?
L:   Good, you?
K:   Great!

Chanyeol walked into the room, so I stopped texting.  He had a disapointing face.  I look at him questionly.  "You kept me up all night, take this."  He gave me a pill and a cup of water. "What is it for?"  I asked.  "You were caughing and sneezing all night."  He said, "I called the office, and told them we aren't going in today, they were fine with it, now, you need more rest."  He said to me.

I nodded, and took the pill.  I laid down, and closed my eyes.    I tried to fall asleep, but, I just can't. Chanyeol sat beside me, I could feel it.  So, I pretended to be asleep.  Chanyeol started talking though.  "I love you,... I'm sorry though,..."  He said as he kissed my forehead.  Sorry for what? SORRY FOR WHAT?? Was the medication poisined?  Am I gonna die?  Is Qifan gonna die?  Is HE gonna die? AH!


To be Continued!

Haha.  What's gonna happen next?  What do you think?  COMMENT! >:D

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I have read this before! Because my sister is one of krisyeol's shipper, so she suggests this story to me~
I wish I could read more krisyeol ^~^
swizzle #2
Chapter 22: I love 20 chaps more because i could see more their romantic scenes!!! Please
Kriseol6 #3
Chapter 21: Love this story!
aki-nakahara #4
Chapter 21: Thank you for this. Thank you.
Chapter 21: Aww that was really cute!
Chapter 21: Please make a sequel!! :)
Chapter 20: It is really cute! And sequel pleeeeeeaase! ~ ^^
Chapter 17: What's gonna happen? Don't tell me qifan and yifan is gonna end up together and not krisyeol. Can't wait for the next chapter.
jenkc06 #9
I love your fics and Krisyeol too, thanks for update...hwaiting!
Chapter 13: what's wrong? why they got fired?