Chapter 13


Chapter 13: [Kris's Pov]

I thought about Chanyeol's words all night.  To the point, that, I never went to sleep.  I bit my lip all night as well, and I started to taste blood, I hope he doesn't notice it.  But, each word I thought, I bit harder.  I have no idea why.  'Because, I am me.'  I have no idea why that makes me bite my lips.  Let me see, he is handsome, Kind, clean, y,.. I do have to say that.  When I saw his chest while we were taking a bath, it was nice,... He has nice skin indeed!  Hehe! Hmm,...

I look at the clock, It is about six in the morning.  I forgot to set the alarm,... I can see that.  Chanyeol tightened his grip on me.  So, I got closer to him.  He was mummbleing in his sleep.  He is cute,..  His eyes flutter open. And I quickly stopped biting my lip, but hiding in under my top lip.  He looked at me.  He had a smile.  He leaned to kiss me.  I still hid my lip.  So, his eyes were closed.   He popped my lip out, and kissed both lips.  He deepened it, but then he stopped.

He looked at my lip, he had a worried face on along with scared.  He felt my lips.  "Why have you been biting your lip?"  He asked me.  I shrugged.  He smiled.  "hmm,... does my little Kris want some morning kisses?"  He asked 

Morning Kisses- When Chanyeol goes on top of Kris and kisses the daylights out of him.

I slowly nodded.  His smile widened.  He went on top of me, and started kissing me.  He put his arms around me as he kissed deeper, but yet, soft and gentle.  I could feel love in his kisses.  I love him,....

As he kisses me, he is literally making my air disapear.  I don't need to breathe,.. I'll breathe his air.  He plays with my hair,"Alright,... Let's go to work now."  He said.  "Shower first?"  I asked.  He looked at the time, he shook his head.  "We need to get going."  He said.  I pouted.  "Fine."  I said as I threw myslef up,

After I was done getting ready, I went downstairs.  Chanyeol was eating.  I sat next to my mother.  "Umma?"  I asked she looked at me.  "Do you love Chanyeol more than me?"  I asked.  "Of course not, dear."  She said as she kissed my cheek.  "Then, why did you make breakfast for him?  and not me?"  I asked.  She sighed.  "Because, I thought you would take longer, I am so sorry,...."  She said as she sat down next to me, hugging me.  "Can Umma,...  Make me,... some toast?"  I asked.  "You can eat at the office, if we don't leave now, we will be late."  Chanyeol said to me.  "Don't worry, dinner will be the best  when you come home!"  Umma said to me.  She lightly pecked my lips, and got up to put the breakfast dishes away.

~~When We Got to Work~~

While I was signing papers, I heard my boss from afar yelling.  I get up, and look out the door.  He is yelling at Chanyeol.  He yelled one more time, I heard what he said.  "You're Fired!"  With that, Chanyeol fell on the floor.  I run to him.  I pick him up.  "Chanyeol?"  I said.  He moved my arms away,, and he ran to the one-stall bathroom.  I knock on the door.  I feel a hand on my shoulder.  I turn around, and it is my boss.  "Guess was Kris?"  He asked.  "What sir?" I asked.  He whispered in my ear.

"You're Fired too."

---To be Continued--- 

Yes!  I know, Short chapter indeed.  But!  I wanted to add some suspense to it!  >:D  Also, thank you 1,000+ veiwers.  30 subscribers.  4 up voters, and all the comments!  I love the comments.  Any how,

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Well, see you next time!

*Waves as she disapears*


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At over 3 years old, thank you for the 99 subscribers! It really means a lot!
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I have read this before! Because my sister is one of krisyeol's shipper, so she suggests this story to me~
I wish I could read more krisyeol ^~^
swizzle #2
Chapter 22: I love 20 chaps more because i could see more their romantic scenes!!! Please
Kriseol6 #3
Chapter 21: Love this story!
aki-nakahara #4
Chapter 21: Thank you for this. Thank you.
Chapter 21: Aww that was really cute!
Chapter 21: Please make a sequel!! :)
Chapter 20: It is really cute! And sequel pleeeeeeaase! ~ ^^
Chapter 17: What's gonna happen? Don't tell me qifan and yifan is gonna end up together and not krisyeol. Can't wait for the next chapter.
jenkc06 #9
I love your fics and Krisyeol too, thanks for update...hwaiting!
Chapter 13: what's wrong? why they got fired?