Puppy Love?

The next morning, I woke up wondering what time it was. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up. My hair was a mess and I blinked a couple of times. Crash! What the! I ran out of my room and some some of my plastic dishes on the floor. How... The bowl started moving. I lifted it up and there was Minnie. "Oh! Minnie! So it was you.. I was scared for a second!" I lifted him up and he my cheek. Giggling, I played with him a bit before changing. Today was the day I tried to find Minnie's owner. "Hwaiting!" I held up a fist. 

Walking into the streets of Seoul, I began to ask around. I walked up to a woman and asked if this was her puppy. She said no. I walked up to a man and asked if this was his puppy. He pet it, but said no. I walked up to a little girl and asked if this puppy belonged to her. She said no also. This went on for who knows how long and I asked almost everyone in the streets. At the end of the day, I sat down on a nearby bench and sighed. "You don't belong to anyone, Minnie. Where did you come from?" I lifted him up and he gave me an innocent look. "I guess you have no choice but to stay with me." I smiled and put him on my lap, his back. 

"Miss?" a man called to me. 

"Neh?" I looked up at him, giving him a slight nod. 

"I think you have found one of my puppies." he smiled. 

"Oh? So this is your puppy! I've finally found the owner. Here you go." I handed Minnie over to him. 

"No no no. You may keep this puppy." he told me. 

"Really? You'd let me?" I asked, smiling at the puppy. 

"Yeah. It's not trouble at all. I have another 5 at home." he smiled. 

"Wow.. Gamsahabnida ahjussi~" I bowed. 

He just laughed and smiled. "This puppy has a name." he said, while petting Minnie on the head. 

"Tell me? I'd like to know. All this time I've been calling him Minnie." I laughed. 

"You'll find out soon enough." he gave me a kind smile. I was confused but I smiled back anyways. "Take good care of him."

"Neh! Gamsahabnida!" I called after him as he walked off into the night. "So now you're my puppy, Minnie. I'm so glad. I have so much to tell you about myself." I smiled and pet him all the way home. 

Once inside my dirty house, I placed him on my bed and sat across from him. "Why don't we do formal introductions?" I laughed at my goofiness or awkwardness whatever you wanted to call it. "My name is Kang Eunhee. Nice to meet you." I took his small paw and shook it. "What? Your name is Minnie. Well hello Minnie. I'm 16, Minnie and I live by myself as you can see. I take care of myself because my parents died when I was young. I work in a cafe to earn money to pay for this apartment. I do get lonely sometimes so I'm really glad you're here with me now Minnie." I smiled at my new friend and lay down next to him. Minnie moved from his sitting position to a laying position. Then, he crawled on top of my and my chin. I giggled and pet him. "Minnie, let's be best friends okay?" I smiled and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep. 


The next morning, I woke up with a heavy feeling on me, as if something extremely large was on top of me. I groaned and turned to my side. Then I heard a thump. I opened my eyes and looked at the ground. There in front of me was a boy, with an adorable face, and he was bigger than me, but he was.. he was.. OMIGOSH! HE WAS ! I screamed and suddenly this boy woke up. He sat up and smiled at me, sitting criss crossed. I stared at him with wide eyes. "W-who are you? And why are you in my house!" I said, extremely scared. This boy didn't answer and instead, crawled over to me and my cheek. "Ewwww.... And ... What happen to Minnie? Minnie!" I called, getting out of my room. "Minnie! Where are you?" This boy then bumped into me, just like Minnie did when I found him. "What.. What are you doing? Get up!" This boy did as he was told. "What's your name?" I asked. 

"M...Minwoo!" Minwoo said, his voice coming at like a screach. It was as if he'd never spoken before. 

"Minwoo... Minwoo... Minnie?!!? Are you my puppy?!" I asked, hoping the answer was a no. Minwoo nodded. OHMYGOSH MY PUPPY BECAME HUMAN! THAT'S TOTALLY NORMAL! >~<;;;


HELLO! Another update :] YAY You finally meet Minwoo xD What will happen now? To them? How will Eunhee take care of this boy.... dog... boy.. xD SUBSCRIBE AND FIND OUT! ^^~

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 25: youngmin and kwangmin? LOL
btw, new reader~~~hohoho~~~
I love your story~~~~ X'D
Chapter 25: LOVE LOVE LOVE the ending ^^ First MinWoo now YoungMin and KwangMin? Haha, they might bring twice the happiness to her daughter, and maybe... twice the trouble too? XDD
nalgaewings #3
Awwww you guys <3 Your comments mean so much to me. I might do one but it'll be later because I have these other ideas in my head and I want to finish my maid one first. xD Sorry~
crazykpoper #4
mind if u have a sequel please? :3 im kinda like a new reader :P it took me only 2 days to read depite how busy i was XP i love this fics XDDD
Ahaha! Funny youngmin and kwangmin xD hahaha sequel please?? :))
Youngmin and Kwangmin :))
My 2nd Bias heheh
Please Make A sequel Phuuuuuuleaseee.........
Im sure you can make it great like this story ^^
Omgggggggg you need more views and subs!
Keke.. Cute ending ^^
Kwangmin and Youngmin ^^
Kyyaaa!! Seqeul xD
Awesome~~ sequel!! Sequel!! Lol~~~