Puppy Love?

Hey guys. Before I start writing the chapter, I want you guys to know I start school again on wednesday and so I won't be able to update as much as I did over break, but I will try my hardest to find time to update so if I disappear, you guys know why. I'm sorry about it but please wait for my updates ^^ Now to the story...


"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." Sungyeol was holding my hand as we walked somewhere. Actually, more like him pulling me. We stopped at an old playground as he breathed out from running. "Anything?" Sungyeol asked. I shook my head. I looked around and it was just a simple wooden playground with a swing and a slide. Not much to it. There were better ones at the opposite end of the sidewalk. "Here, go sit on the swing." I sat down and Sungyeol began to push me lightly. "Anything?" I shook my head again. He ruffled his hair in frustration. "You know what? I'll go buy us some drinks. I'll be right back." And he walked off. I was still swinging and thinking. Then I realized that this neighborhood was really familiar. I facepalmed myself. It was my old neighborhood! Minwoo and I used to live in the old apartment a block or two down. Smiling, I realized where I was, but then wondered why Sungyeol would bring me here. 

"Childhood huh..." I thought aloud and tried to remember what I did here when I was younger. Then the memory hit me like a wave. "I remember..." I say to myself. I was at this very park the day my parents died. I was crying alone and it was raining. I sat under the slide to keep myself dry and I cried and cried and cried. Then a boy, maybe older than me, maybe my age, I didn't know, came to me and asked me why I was crying. I didn't tell him why but just kept on crying. He took my hand and pulled me out from under the slide. 

"What's your name?" the boy asked me. 

"My, my, m-m-mom said not, not to talk t-t-to strangers." I said, as I hiccuped from crying. 

"I'm Lee Sungyeol. Now we're not strangers. What's your name?" he said sweetly. 

"I'm K-Kang Eun-eun-eunhee." I kept on hiccuping. Sungyeol wiped my tears for me with his sleeve. 

"Don't cry. I don't know why you're crying, but don't cry. Let's be friends okay?" Sungyeol said. I nodded, not knowing anything better to do. Sungyeol then took my hand and lead me to a coffee shop. "Umma! Umma! Appa! Appa! Uncle! Uncle!" Sungyeol called to them when he entered with me. 

"Sungyeol-ah, what's wrong? Who's this?" his mom asked, as she dried him off with her sleeve. I saw his mom and started to tear up again. 

"This is my friend, Kang Eunhee. She was crying at the playground so I helped her." Sungyeol said. 

"You... Wha? Okay.." Sungyeol's mom said as she gathered her thoughts. She finally looked at me and then gasped a little. "You're so wet little girl. Where are you parents?" I didn't answer and began to cry again. "Ahh.. don't cry," she took my hand, "Come on, I'll bring you home and we'll clean you up." We all got into their car and Sungyeol was with me in the backseat. He held my hand and smiled at me. 

"My mom will make you all better. Now can you tell me why you were crying?" I shook my head. "Please?" 

My heart beat fast as I saw the scene replay in my head. I was scared and I felt Sungyeol squeaze my hand. "Umma... Appa... They... Died..." I said and started to cry again. Sungyeol teared and gave me a hug. I felt a little better after saying it out loud but I missed them. 

"Eunhee-ah, do you have anywhere to go?" his mom asked me. I shook my head and she sighed. "How about you stay with us for a little while, before you can stay on your own?" she said, as if speaking to herself, her husband and me at the same time. 

"That should be alright, I mean the poor girl has nowhere to go and no family..." Sungyeol's father said. 

I still didin't really understand the situation, but said yes. "I miss my umma..." I told Sungyeol's mom. 

She nodded, "I know, I know." We reached their home and Sungyeol's mom helped me wash up and gave me some clothes that Sungyeol didn't fit into anymore. From then on, I lived with them for a little while. Sungyeol and I really did spend our childhood together. We played together and did a lot of things together. He was like my first and only 'oppa'. He even gave me a necklace that was shaped like in an infinite sign that I always wore. But one day, when I came back from school and went home, no one was there. The house was empty but all of my stuff was packed. I was confused and saw a note on the floor. It said that they had to leave somewhere and they were very sorry, but I was on my own now. At this time, I was about 9 and now I had to live alone. I wandered the streets and found the park that I cried at that day, then walked past it and found an old apartment building. I went in and asked the lady if I could live there for a little while. She found out about my situation and let me stay for free, but once I turned 12, she said I had to start paying rent. At the time I didn't know what it was, but I agreed anyways. I lived alone for years until Minwoo came along...

"Here's your drink." Sungyeol handed me my drink. I glanced up at him with tears in my eyes. 

"OPPA!" I cried out and stood up and hugged Sungyeol. He gave me a bittersweet smile as he teared up himself. 

"You remember.." He hugged me again. We stayed like that for a little while as our memories played out in our heads. Then I got mad. 

"YAH!" I screamed and held my hand up about to hit him. He cringed and closed his eyes. My hand fell to my side. "Why did you all leave me?" 

"Oh... That... My mom and dad are very sorry about it, it was just, my dad's work had been too much and we had to move and it happened all so quick we couldn't come get you. We had to leave at that moment so we packed your things for you, left you a note and left. We're all really sorry." Sungyeol explained. 

"Wow.. You guys... Do you know how hard it was for me to live alone?! For that long too... And plus, it was hard to pay rent sometimes..." I said. 

"We all realize that and are extremely sorry. If you'll forgive us..." Sungyeol gave me a hopeful smile. 

"Yeah, I guess I have to. You did 'save me' that day." I smiled and hit his arm playfully. 

Sungyeol chuckled and I smiled. I haven't been with him and years and it was all hitting me hard. "Here's your drink." he handed it to me. I took it this time and opened it. 

"How come you didn't say anything that day you come to the shop?" I asked. 

"Honestly, I had no idea that it was you at first. Don't you think it's funny how you got a job at the place we kind of met at?" Sungyeol let out a small laugh. "Anyways, I didn't know it was you until we started working together. When you told me your name, I thought of you, but didn't know that you were you." I laughed and continued to listen. "And then you started to do things you did when you were little, like play with your fingers or mumble to yourself when you're thinking or bite your lip when you're bored. You did that alot when there were small amounts of customers. I watched you a lot that first day I came back and thought it was you but wasn't 100% sure. But then I saw it." 

"Saw what?" I asked. 

"The necklace I gave you for your first birthday with our family." Sungyeol smiled. 

"Oh..." I smiled and touched the necklace I was wearing. I never took it off and sometimes forgot it was there, but I remembered when I started to remember the story. 

"You still have it." Sungyeol took my hand. I nodded and smiled at him. 

"Eunhee-ah..." Sungyeol said, and stood up. I stood up with him. 

"What?" I asked. 

"I really missed you." he gave me a small smile. "When I was away, everyday I thought of you and wondered how you were. I worried about how you were living." 

"I missed you too. Sometimes, I cried because I missed being with you and your parents." I said. 

"I'm so sorry." Sungyeol pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back. 

"It's okay." He let go of me and smiled. "Heh. I have my Sungyeol Oppa back now. Remind me to thank your Uncle when this break is over." 

"Huh? Oh.. Actually.. He didn't tell me to come. I kind of just wanted to." Sungyeol said. 

"Mwo? Really?" I said. 

"Yeah. It was break, and I was bored, and suddenly I remembered my Uncle's coffee shop. I asked him if I could go and work there over break and he told me I could. He also said there were only two workers there so I would be a big help and so I came." Sungyeol explained. 

"Wow.... Is this like.. A coincidence?" I laughed. 

"Or fate maybe?" Sungyeol chuckled. I stuck my tongue out. 

"Okay well, I think I should head back. You too. It's getting late." I said, starting to walk back. 

"Wait," Sungyeol said, "It is getting late, I'll walk you back. I don't want something to happen to you." Sungyeol said. I nodded in agreement and began to walk but Sungyeol pulled me back. I was about to ask him what was up until I felt his lips on mine. My eyes went wide and I pushed him away from me. 

"Sungyeol-ah, what are you doing?" I asked. He didn't answer and pulled me in for another kiss. This time, I didn't push him away and I felt myself melting into it. My heart beat faster and faster and I felt myself getting all bubbly inside. My eyes closed slowly and I wrapped my arms around Sungyeol's neck. We were still going at it after a minute or two and that was when my conscious came back to me. What was I doing? Minwoo was my boyfriend. How come I'm still kissing oppa?!?! 


Hello again! :D Ooh.. Plot twist ish? xD Comment and tell me what you think will happen next :] Hehe~ I hope you all have a happy new year~!

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 25: youngmin and kwangmin? LOL
btw, new reader~~~hohoho~~~
I love your story~~~~ X'D
Chapter 25: LOVE LOVE LOVE the ending ^^ First MinWoo now YoungMin and KwangMin? Haha, they might bring twice the happiness to her daughter, and maybe... twice the trouble too? XDD
nalgaewings #3
Awwww you guys <3 Your comments mean so much to me. I might do one but it'll be later because I have these other ideas in my head and I want to finish my maid one first. xD Sorry~
crazykpoper #4
mind if u have a sequel please? :3 im kinda like a new reader :P it took me only 2 days to read depite how busy i was XP i love this fics XDDD
Ahaha! Funny youngmin and kwangmin xD hahaha sequel please?? :))
Youngmin and Kwangmin :))
My 2nd Bias heheh
Please Make A sequel Phuuuuuuleaseee.........
Im sure you can make it great like this story ^^
Omgggggggg you need more views and subs!
Keke.. Cute ending ^^
Kwangmin and Youngmin ^^
Kyyaaa!! Seqeul xD
Awesome~~ sequel!! Sequel!! Lol~~~