09- This Girl is Unpredictable

Oh Sehun Had Changed My Life?!?!

“Aish! I really wonder how a poor girl like you could attend our school. Especially, as if you were following Sehun-oppa every single time.” Miyoung said while dragging Jinhee out to the school’s backyard where everyone rarely goes there. This time Miyoung and her gangs were together, disgust with the poor girl. “If this is only about your bias, then I’m not interested. And what are you even talking about? Some people like you should use your brain, too, you got that?” Jinhee spatted at her. She was really annoyed of Miyoung every time she bullies her. “Tch. You got guts, huh? Well, we’ll see about that. You want to know why? It’s because of this!” Miyoung threw out a bunch of photos to Jinhee who was staring at her. To her surprise, it was the photos of the day she and Sehun spent at the Lotte World. “You know, I warned you before, but how come a trash like you couldn’t understand. Didn’t your poor helpless mother taught you to obey those who were higher than you? You know? You and your mother-” *SLAP* “Don’t you dare to describe my mother just as you pleased! You-” *SLAP* “Girls, get her.” Miyoung commanded. All the girls were ready and so they launched an attack. The first came at Jinhee, and she dodged the girl’s punch sending her back a fist punch on her arms. Jinhee was fighting back with the girls, and it took Miyoung by surprise. “What? Never seen a fight before?” Jinhee consciously sneered. Miyoung nodded at few of her girls, and the girls were starting to take weapons such a long sticks and stuffs. Miyoungs’ girls were about 10-15 who is somehow good at fightings, too. They were hitting, beating, and slamming her like there's no tomorrow. There weren't many students left at school since class was all over or today. Jinhee was bleeding on the head, bruise on her face, her arms and legs. "Girls, destroy that bag of hers." "Got it!" So they grabbed Jinhee's bag and start cutting, kicking, and steeping on it. "Okay girls, that's enough. Yah, trash girl! Listen and obey me, alright?" Miyoung shouted. She walk over to the beaten-up-girl, grabbed her hair and pulled it hard. "If you do, then I might not go to the extend to kill you. Got it?" "Tch. B*tch like you don't deserve to be obeyed." Jinhee spatted as she smirk. Before Miyoung and her gangs left, she went back to kick the girl since she was in a lying state. But before she could, it was blocked. "-v--V o-Oppa..." "Don't go all Oppa with me. So scram off while I'm being nice!!!" V shouted in anger and all the girls fled away off sight. "Jinhee-ah, gwaenchana?" V spoke in panic while examining her physical body. It hurt him to see her like that. It hurt him so much to the point that his heart was almost shattered. "Gojo! I don't want to see you." Jinhee said while trying to stand up. "Let me go!" "You think I would after what those jerks done to you?" "Like you ever care about it?" Just that one sentence was enough for V. He knew it himself. Jinhee-ah, mianhe.  Jinhee's eyes were suddenly teary. Refusing to let him see her tears, she left in a difficult state. "My bag....*sigh* great, even my bag." She muttered as she looked around a bit. She left. Jinhee, could you at least give me another chance?Her aprtment was quite far, too. It was qutie late. She tried stopping the bloods from flowing but it was no use. She was losing too much blood. She tried to fight back with the pain, she wasn't going to be weak a girl, no, never. She had no desire to lay down because of her pain, it was only like that until she was trying to fight the dizzy feeling , but ended up fainted on the side of the road infront of her apartment.

Sehun's POV

I was driving my car back home after hanging out with my friends. It was 7:48 P.M. Maybe checking her out abit is okay. With that he left and drove his way to her house. Jinhee. Something about this girl is always making me happy. Strange. He thought.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa94F5P6WFY&list=PL4901A6DF8972C8E2&index=30 (play this while reading. Thank you.)

Once I arrived at her apartment and I left the car, but as if regretting to see her abit. I stared at her for a bit. "JINHEE-AH! Jinhee, gwaenchana? Jinhee....Jinhee!" I grabbed her key, unlocked the door and wennt inside. I lay her down on her bed. I went to get her a bowl of water, a towel, and the AID kit. I soaked the towel into the water and squeezed the water out and then I began cleaning her wounds and applied the ointment and the treatment. "Icy, you already have my number but didn't even called me. I know you never wanted to be a weak girl. But sometimes, you just had to. This girl is unpredictable." Actually, I don't know what am I feeling toward you right now, but at least, be safe. You're different from any other girls, that is why I like y--wait. Yah! Oh Sehun, what's wrong with you? You do not just thought that. No! Never. Aish! it's so confusing!I thought to myself.

>>>>>FAST FORWARD>>>>>

---The next morning---

Jinhee woke up from her sleeping. She found someone lying beside her sleeping in a sitting position. Who's he? That's when she found out that is was Sehun. She sighed and looked at the time. "Oh sh*t! I'm so gonna be late!" She quickly shower and dressed up, and of course, in the bathroom. She take one last look at Sehun, little did she know, was smiling. 


Yah! Oh Sehun! Don't worry. She must've left for her morning shift. That's right. But she's still unwell. Aish! I worried too much. What's happening to me?

"Yah! Maknae-ah! What's with the expression?" Kai asked.

"Hey, he must be thinking about that Jinhee girl." Chen claim in a funny tone which everyone ended laughing.

"Sehun-ah. She'll be fine. It's not like she'll disappear. Besides, it's not time for class yet anyway." Suho reasoned. True. But to Sehun, he wasn't feeling okay. But he was wrong. That moment, Jinhee walked into the school and into the class getting ready. Sehun quickly followed.

"Wow! Never thought that that was our maknae." Luhan satisfyingly spoke.


"Hey Icy!" Sehun called over to her with a half smirk half smile expression. Jinhee turned around and led out a tiny smile. Since when is my name was Icy, Sehun? She reply inside her head.

Just seeing you already brighten up my day. They both thought at the same time.


But someone else surely didn't enjoyed the scene display before her. Lee Jinhee. Don't you even dare, trash! 


(Hey guys! Hope this chapter is okay.)


Oh Lay~~~ You're just funny now. 

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Here, I maybe impatient a bit, but I hope you guys would comment this fanfiction of mine. I love reading it and your opinion would really help me. Thank You All


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vitey_sanhong #1
Chapter 1: Tahh hyung tmr I will told you at school
luckylove11 #2
Chapter 23: Update soon
micchan863 #3
Chapter 23: Pleazzzzzzzzz update soon~♥arigatou author nim for updatin' this chapter ,ne? ~gambatte soe daisuki dayo★☆★☆★~
exodaily #4
Chapter 20: wait...WHAT?! that's it!! please continue...
heykpop6 #5
I absolutely just love your chapters, don't stop writing, please don't.
Chapter 16: please update