11- The feeling of SadPiness T-T

Oh Sehun Had Changed My Life?!?!

"Oh gosh! Hey Trash-hee! Get it?" One of the girls at the hallway laughed out. 

"Hey, I heard you have money problem, is that right?" 

Jinhee had now finally get what there're talking about. Her. Some students might have seen Jinhee with her mom outside the schoolgate the day before. Great. Just Great. Don't they have anything else to do? Jinhee wondered if Sehun had heard about the rumors about her mother yet. Aish! Why do I even bother wondering whether he heard it or not?  Lee Jinhee, you really gotta stop this weird thought that's coming to you! *sigh* I wonder what else would be happening, today.


"Hey maknae-ah! did you heard about the rumors saying that Jinhee's mother is really really poor! Should we do seomthing about it? I mean, you obviously like--" "HYUNG!" Sehun annoying whined at his Kris hyung. He heard about the news, and was a little upset with it. Not that because Jinhee was poor, but the fact the everyone is insulting her family status. Sehun had never been like this at all. He was the type that wouldn't ne interested in girls. But however, Jinhee proves it wrong somehow. I wonder how she's doing?


"Hyung, do you think she'll be okay? I mean, i--" "I think she could handle it, V. No offense, but she's quite strong now this time round." Sighing, V wasn't like this though. How he really wish he could turn back time.


"Okay Class! Today a new science teacher will be teaching you guys temporarily for only 2 weeks, so don't make him feel uncomfortable, alright? And I think that he will be here any minute now so behave." with that the teacher left. "Oppa! Do you know who's coming to teach us?" A girl cutely nudged Sehun who is sitting beside her. "Molla." Sehun said in a monotonous voice. But in fact, he really didn't know. At the moment, a middle-aged man who looks like he's in his 30 came. Yes. He do look young.

Jinhee was shocked to see the man that is going to be her science teacher. Tears mentally form inside her head. It couldn't be...How--why---what!--- Many thoughts were running inside her head like something is going to be destroyed soon. "Now class, let me instoduce myself then after this you all intoduce yourself to me, sounds good? Okay, My name is Heo Gyeonghwan, and I'm sure you all have heard of me. Now its your turn." Then students got up and itroduced themselves. It was Jinhee's turn. She got up, but instead of speaking out her name she goes up to the board and wrote her name on the board instead. "Lee Jinhee? Right? This name seems familiar. Well, let us get to studying, shall we?" So the lessons starts. Yeah, Lee Jinhee, it's so obvious now. What's next?

As time was passing Sehun was the only who noticed Jinhee's sudden expressions, but decided that it would be best to leave her alone. He didn't know why but he feels like he needed to.



Sehun decided not to hangout with his friends today, but walked with Jinhee to to her workplace. Wait! She doesn't have a work anymore, only morning shift left. Sighing, she walked to her apartment. Her apartment was quite far. "Hey Icy, shouldn't you be heading to work?" Sehun started to strike a conversation first. Jinhee didn't say anything so Sehun conclude that Jinhee must've been feeling really bad to not go to work. But even though how bad her mood was, she would still go. Maybe she wanted to see her mother?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2afuN6KR2w&list=PLzJ-q6eknzFtmCz90gAyyFW_camy_GMp7&index=5 (play while reading. xie xie)


Woah, what am I feeling? why do I feel glad to be walking with Jinhee? I mean, I alot of the girls at school walked with at school everywhere except I didn't feel anything special or weird, but why is this Jinhee able to do this? He was walking with Jinhee back home. He really like the feeling. "You know what Icy, I wondered sometimes why you're quite bipolar? I mean, last time at the Lotte World you were happy, and the next thing at school when you saw me, you barely wanted to smile." "Me? Bipolar? Puh-lease, It's true, though." Jinhee admitted, "But, seriously, Icy? Where did you get that name from? I feel like a cartoon character." Jinhee let a giggle. "That's because you are. You're pre---" Sehun mentally slapped himself, "Y--You're pretty c-cold most of the time." Sehun thought he was going to die of nervouness and stuttering. At the moment, a limo stop before them. It was Mr. Heo Gyeonghwan. He lowered his window and saw us. "You two haksaeng(student) need a ride? eh? Lee Jinhee, right? You really reminded me of someone I used to know. Any way, hop on-" "No thank you sir. We'll just walk. We should be home soon." Sehun quickly told him but in fact Jinhee's apartment was still far. After that they left and so did Mr. Heo. 


Sehun wonder about Jinhee's expression and saw that her eyes were watery with tears of sadness. "Jinhee what's wrong? Why are you--" "I don't know anymore! How could this happen in my life? Waaaeeee!" Jinhee let out the cry she was holding. "How could he do this? HOW? WHY? WHAT IS THIS!?! AHAAAAAA!!!" JInhee was crying really really hard. She looked at Sehun with a shocked expression. "YOU! SEHUN! Answer me, how could he not at all know anything. I don't understand! I reminded him of someone he USED TO KNOW?!? WHY??" Jinhee repeatedly hitted Sehun's chest out of anger and frustration. Sehun caught her both wrist and pulled her into a hug. "Jinhee-ah, don't cry, hm? No matter what the consequences is, I will always and forever be by your side. So please stop crying, hm? I really can't stand to see you like this. Not At All! Think about it. If you cry and your mother knows about it, would she be happy?" Sehun asked her, and for the first time in his life, he had used a very sweet voice and a sincere tone to her. Jinhee shooked her head in response. "Exactly, so please stop this." Sehun slowly lowered his gazed to her eye level, but then suddenly on her lips, without knowing, he slowly tilted his head as if wanting to kiss her, before he could set his lips onto hers, he suddenly realized what he was doing. He quickly stood up, ran away from her leaving Jinhee dumbfounded and at the same time shocked at what had just happened. "Yah, Lee Jinhee, what were you doing standing so still at the moment? This is so unlike you!"Jinhee scolded herself. True, normally, if there's people who initiate something like that to her, she would definitely, teach them a lesson.


"Aaaiiissshhhh!!!!" Sehun shouted in frustration. He went to the E.X.O HB(Hangout Base). "Yah! What's wrong with you maknae! Because of you, I lost in this game!" Baekyhun whined. Suho came and asked what was wrong, and Sehun told his hyung the story of what had just happened to him. "YOU WHAT!?" All the members shouted in unison. "I know. But now, what if she thinks I weird or erted or would never wanted to see me again? Aish hyung, Eottokke-" "I know how, just act like it never happens. That's the best thing you should do. But be confident if you do it, arraso?" Luhan suggested and Xiumin and the others agreed. 


It works. Sehun followed Luhan's suggestion and it works. Jinhee didn't avoid him at all. But he was quite upset when Jinhee told him that he wasn't her first kiss.

It was luchtime, Jinhee decided to skip lunch since she wanted to studying more for the upcoming test. She went to get her books in her locker and when she closed the locker door, she met eyes with someone who's familiar to her. "Hee-ah, we need to talk." V said with a stern tone. "Don't call me that. I have nothing to say with you. Let me go." Jinhee turned around and was about to walk away and V spun her around and pulled her into a hug. "Don't go. I don't want to let you go again. I really regret my decision back then, but please could you give me another chance? A chance to change? For you? Jebal." V sadly spoke out. He was feeling really really bad for what he had done before. "Tch. Don't go? Regret you decision? A chance? Do you think I'm stupid? Tae, you do know that I don't know you. So please let me go." JInhee freed her herself but then was being pulled and back by V and their lips crashed together. Jinhee tried to break free from the kiss, but V was stronger, so she had to kick his legs hard. Finally they broke the kiss, Jinhee furiously shouted at V. "You don't know me?"

"That's right, I don't."

"So why did you called me Tae just now? You were the only one who used to call me that, remember? And to said that you forgot."  Jinhee was strucked. But was able to put up with it. "So what? That doesn't mean I know you though. So why don't you just get out of my sight and-" 



Sehun was in the cafeteria eating when suddenly he thought of Jinhee. He didn't now why, but he would never miss a day without thinking about her. "Hyung, have you seen Jinhee?"

Tao turned to him after he  finished his lunch. "Hyung! Really? Jinhee? Again?"

"Yeah, since when were you 'that' interested in her. I mean, her sense of style, her looks, I don't think she would be your style of girl?" Chanyeol joined in.

"Hyung! Just tell me alright? I didn't see her eating lunch yet. So...." Sehun whined. He ignored whatever his hyungs said and only cared about knowing where jinhee would be.

"I think I saw her skipping lunch and decided to go and study for the upcoming history test I think. And I think I also saw her wi-" Chen informed plainly as he got cut-off. Sehun got up and went to look for Jinhee. Since it's a History Test, he wanted to make a bet with her, too. This way, maybe he could get to do things he wanted her to do. But then, he saw a scene in which he wish he would never even seen it.

As Jinhee turned around she met eyes with Sehun who stood there shocked. "S-Se-Sehun...it's not like what you think." "Oh yeah! So this is the reason you skipped lunch, you just wanted to see this bastard? I know you better than this! I can not believe you at all. You're more than just bipolar, you're just a worthless girl which I should never met in the first place!"


"Don't! Lee Jinhee, I never would've thought that you could do something like this. I guess I judged you too fast, Lee Jinhee."

Then Sehun dashed out of the scene.

Is he mad? Why is he mad? Well, at least things wouldn't get any worse.

>>>>>FAST FORWARD>>>>>

In the morning the Exo boys came into the school, and they were welcome by a large flocks of the female high school.

"Our maknae here, wanted to announce something so please pay attention." Kai spoked. He then gestured Sehun out. 
"I wanted to tell everyone about something. But I wanted Lee Jinhee to be right infront of me."

"Okay, Oppa. I'll bring her here." 

In no time Jinhee was standing before Sehun. She had questions as to why he was doing this for she had no idea.

"Everyone, listen carefully, from today onward, Lee Jinhee here must NEVER EVER set foot on MY territory EVER AGAIN, got it? Lee Jinhee, this is your last day. Alright, hyung, let's go." And so after they left, all the fangirls begin insulting her cursing and making fun of her. "Hey Trash-Hee! Are you sad because Sehun Oppa just humiliate you infront of everyone or are you sad because you just lost a rich guy right through you fingertip? AHahahahahh~"

Jinhee didn't understand why, but she felt like she wanted to cry. How could Sehun do this to her? Why exactly?

After school, she walked home, alone. Not that because she never walked alone before but because feel her heart empty. And now she could only think of Sehun. "Sehun....Could you jsut tell me why?" She sighed and walked home sadly. Her mother sad that but decided that it's best to leave her daughter alone first. "Why is my Jinhee feeling sad again? It couldn't be because of him right?" Her mother murmured to herself whereas Jinhee left into her bedroom.


Hi guys! I miss you guys. I could update because I was studying for the exam but now I had finshed and back in writing the fic for you guys again. This is a long chapter for me since, i never wrote it this long before. By the way, Heo Gyeonghwan, don't mistook him for a korean comdedian okay. I just happen to find his name more appropriate. It's so sad that Our Luhan had filed a lawsuit against SMENT. But I, as his fan, support his decision, plus, I'm not his boss anyway so no doubt.  But don't worry that I'll ended this fic jsut because of Luhan, because I've always wanted to write an Exo fanfic so I want to give it a shot, not quickly ended it. Not when you guys wanted me to update. Anyway, thanks. I also want to say that I really missed my precious, cute dongsaeng. She had stopped studying with me now. *sigh* Cutie Dongsaeng-ah~I hope you know this. This Unnie/Hyung here really missed you~ Annyeong~


Jungkookie-ah, you're so cute~



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vitey_sanhong #1
Chapter 1: Tahh hyung tmr I will told you at school
luckylove11 #2
Chapter 23: Update soon
micchan863 #3
Chapter 23: Pleazzzzzzzzz update soon~♥arigatou author nim for updatin' this chapter ,ne? ~gambatte soe daisuki dayo★☆★☆★~
exodaily #4
Chapter 20: wait...WHAT?! that's it!! please continue...
heykpop6 #5
I absolutely just love your chapters, don't stop writing, please don't.
Chapter 16: please update