for the sake of friendship

It's you, It's only you

                Time’s running out, still Ryeowook couldn’t find EuMee. Ryeowook got contacts from EuMee’s staff friends, but none of them knew where she is right now.

                “Any news?” Ryeowook asked Sungmin. Sungmin shook his head. Ryeowook just covered his face with his hand. “I don’t think we can find her”

                The other Super Junior members watched Ryeowooks’ vanity. They know EuMee could have left any time now. They just couldn’t stand to see their dongsaeng being like this. Leeteuk went towards Ryeowook.

                “We may be too late” Ryeowook said looking at his hyungs. “I’m so stupid, hyung...”

                “Don’t say that...” Leeteuk said firmly.

                “I am, hyung, why else would she leave if not of my stupidity???” Ryeowook said miserably. “Ever since we’re kids, I’m so stupid to just let her go like that...  now it’s even worse”

                “Yes, you’re stupid” Heechul said, the others looked at him in surprise. “You’ve become stupid because you are blinded by your emotions”

                “Cheer up, Ryeowook we’ll do something about it” Hankyung said softly.

                 Ryeowook hears the word ‘cheer up’ and a particular park came to his mind. A park where he plays in his childhood days... a park that would cheer him up whenever he’s down, a park... where he used to patiently wait for his best friend to come back. Ryeowook suddenly smack his forehead.

                “I know where she is” Ryeowook said making his hyungs surprised at him.

                Some of the super junior members go with Ryeowook to accompany him to Incheon.  Ryeowook was really mad at himself not thinking of the park where he and EuMee usually play... He knows EuMee will go there whenever she’s sad.

                EuMee sat on the swing... waiting for her ride to Incheon national airport. She already called a cab to take her there... she’s just waiting for the car. She looked around... it was quiet... she clasp a letter on her hand.

                “Wookie-ah...” EuMee whispered. She really wanted to see Ryeowook for the last time, even though it hurts, but for the sake of friendship... she wants to see him... Just then, she hears a vehicle engine stopped in front of the park.

                As soon as the super juniors reached the park, Ryeowook immediate got off the van with really high hopes. He really wanted to see EuMee... He knows she’ll be waiting at the swing... just like she did way back then when she was wafting for Ryeowook to come and play with him.

                Ryeowook run towards the swing to find...



                No one sitting there...

                Ryeowook looked around, hoping to see EuMee anywhere... but she’s not. He thought, EuMee was there waiting for him... he hoped EuMee is there, waiting for him... But he’s wrong again. Ryeowook sat at one of the swings where he usually sat when he was a child. Leeteuk, Sungmin, Yesung, Eunhyuk, and Donghae went towards Ryeowook.

                “I thought... she’d be here” Ryeowook said blandly. His hyungs just looked at each other; they don’t know what to say.

                Ryeowook gripped on the chains that hold the swing, and he felt a soft object on his hand. He looked at it and found a rolled special paper on the chains. It was colour white with peach... Exactly EuMee’s favourite. Ryeowook snatched it and unroll the paper. It says...


                My Wookie-ah,

                                By the time you read this letter... I would be in the airplane already... so I guess this is     goodbye... Wookie-ah, even though you don’t want to return the feelings I feel for you, it’s okay.    Not as lovers... but for the sake of our friendship. I still want the same way we treat each other               back then. But you know I’m impressed you found this letter... it must mean you looked for me.               So you do care... so please go to our favourite snack shop when we were still kids, there’s                something you have to claim there.


                “Yah, where are you going?” Yesung said. Without hesitation, Ryeowook stood up and ran towards the exit of the park. This confused his hyungs even more.

                Heart pounding, Ryeowook reached the shop where he usually buy his afternoon snacks together with EuMee.


(A/N: The end is near!!! find out what will happen! ^^ comments are appreciated~~~~)

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Chapter 22: Ahhh i cried :') beautiful story~
The story was so sad and touching, but thats what a good story is! And I may have felt so sad and heartbroken(even if it wasn't actually me), but the storyline was maginificent!!! I love your stories, its romance, yet angst which I usually anjoy reading(for some reason)~
Loved the story~ <3
This was so good and so sad. It's great!!
Kyaaa~~ So cute! I've been dying for a Ryeowook fic for practically my whole existence!! D: But my need has been fulfilled, so great job! ^^
I really love this story, I really was looking for stories with Ryeowook because he is my bias, so I'm really happy with this story, it is really awesome.
bunny_24 #7
bunny_24 #8
Unni~~~ I love this fic!! I finally found a fic with wookie in it!! RYEOWOOK  hah im so biased<3 unni HWAITING !! * fist pump* <br />
* jumps In joy and squels* 