
The Rich Kid'$ Tutor




"kyungsoo..what are you saying?" chohee trailed off as she stares up at him, shocked. why all of a sudden he would ask such questions, it didn't even sound a question for her.


"we've talked about this already..are you-"


"-Chohee..i know if i talk to my parents right from the bottom of my heart, i know they'll let me be, they'll let us be." kyungsoo tried to please chohee harder as he take chohee's hand to hold. Chohee sighed, lowering her head before looking on her right trying to avoid to have any eye contact with him since another fact about chohee is kyungsoo's one of her weaknesses.


yes, she likes him.

but she can't be selfish.


What if mr.& won't allow kyungsoo to date her ?

What if they push them away from their house and send them off without even care..?


those were the questions that came first everytime she would think of kyungsoo and having a crush on kyungsoo.




He squeezed chohee's hand..


"chohee..please look at me and answer me.."


Chohee sighed before slowly pushing her head up to look at him. kyungsoo have a stern face yet soft gazing eyes that shines under the postlights of the busy streets of seoul. "I promise you everything's going to be fine"


Chohee shook her head and gently pull her hand off to kyungsoo's touch. "I don't know" she whispered.


Kyungsoo's heart crushed. being rejected for the second time around. "I don't know kyungsoo" she said.


Silence came in..

none of them dared to talk..

none of them dared to move..


Not until kyungsoo breathed out "Do you like me too?"


"huh?" with a snap, chohee's breath hitched as she look up. only to regret, the way kyungsoo's eyes gazes down on her is enough to make her stutter, to make her heart to pound crazily, to make her feel a little bit selfish for a while. "Do you me too?" chohee gulped and just stares up on him.


Kyungsoo couldn't handle the long silence anymore, he grew tired of waiting and was already pleading for answers from her.


With a groan "chohee-"


"-Oh!Chohee~" just for tonight, chohee thanks and praises him for coming in the right time.


She doesn't want to let it out.

she doesn't want to give any answers to him..

she doesn't want to say kyungsoo her feelings yet..




because she's scared..


Just like i said, she gladly thanks luhan for coming just in time. Chohee look ahead of kyungsoo and saw luhan already walking towards to where they're rooted. "O-oh...luhan" she stuttered catching up a short glance to kyungsoo before looking back to luhan.


Luhan and kyungsoo's eyes made contact only to glare with each other. Kyungsoo didn't bother to take the contact for long as he averted his eyes towards his side.


"chohee, let's go.." he said and took chohee's wrist.


dragging her on her way, making her to almost fall with her bicycle "Kyungsoo.." she gasped "can you-"


both of them stopped so as chohee's words were halted when a hand took the other wrist of chohee, finally making her bicycle to fall flat on the ground "my bike!" she exclaimed with wide eyes.


Kyungsoo turns around with narrowed eyes on him"let go.."


"why would I?"luhan scoffed before giving out a smirk.


"let chohee go"

"You let her go!"


"No! you-"


"STOP!" chohee yelled as she pulls her both wrist off to them. she was now panting, for she feels her blood rushing and boiling through her veins.


the fact that these two people beside her is almost shouting at each other with her in between them makes her ears hurt.


Chohee sighed loudly as she pull her bicycle up, "You two!" she snapped her head  and glared at both of them "leave me alone..." and with that she squeezed herself out in between them before riding her bicycle, completely living the two of them alone.



Chohee stopped moving as she felt the chains of her bicycle starting to went crazy. she pull her brakes and went off of her bike.


puffing and huffing air as she went on the park, almost near to the DO's residence.

she stopped on the bench to take a break and to take a look on her now damaged bicycle.


"life hates me.." chohee frowned, she let her bicycle to lean on the bench and kneels down to make it easy for her to fix whatever it needs to fix to make her bicycle keeps on going. "I'm sorry dad, i didn't mean to let my bike fall.." she sighed and shook her head.


the bicycle was actually the last gift she could ever have from her dad. it was given to her when she was on her elementary school days.


but since she would always call her father as the most epic dad in the world, he had bought her a bicycle that could only ride with a height that she was in her now. she was 7 back then and the bicycle could be riden by the height of a 17 years of age.


"i waited 2 years to ride this bicycle" she groaned and started redoing the chains.

"i hate that luhan guy!"


"why me again?!" chohee gasped and look back before tilting her head up with wide eyes as opened "Y-YOU!" she stood up like a snappy soldier and pointed her finger infront of him making the tip of her index finger touch the tip of luhan's nose.


"EEW!!" he shouted and slapped chohee's hand off him.

he wipes his nose with the back of his hand, eyeing her hand in disgust "no one dares to touch me or to even lay a dirty finger on me!" he added giving too much emotions on the word dirty.


Chohee scoffed and puts her hands on his hips

"you were actually the reason why my precious bicycle became like this!"


Luhan breathed out with a smuggy smile while putting his hands inside his pockets "I actually saved you there. i don't owe you anything" he said.


chohee looked at him, he does makes sense with that she thought "and besides, you look like in trouble earlier so i minded to help in..i guess?" Chohee was taken a back at his statement why would he help in, why does he care when he doesn't have to? she look up on him, shutted, shocked, lost in gaze.


maybe luhan's really not that bad.

maybe he also have a heart like a normal people has.


but naw...


"-but you still look stupid though" slowly, chohee lowered my head with a hissing sound.


she heard him utter a short chuckle making her to glare up on him "what are you doing here anyway? from what i know your home is designated to the other side of routine not in you perhaps..followed me here?" she asked as she kneels back down.


Luhan copied chohee's position, he was now kneeling beside her eyeing the bicycle as she started fixing the chain "yup" he said. transparent stupid jerk. ''and what made you follow me here"


luhan hummed "maybe because you might get by this hour" chohee looked at him with a not so amused look in her face, "seriously?" Luhan shrugged his shoulders and pointed on the bike "continue" he said. she shook my head with a sigh before  taking her eyes back on my bike.


after a few more minutes, chohee move the pedal and finally, it was now working correctly without the chain going out of its place.


"woohoo~" she beamed as she takes a stand.


luhan stood up as well "wow, you really do know a lot of things just like an all around old man in a countryside" he said and crossed his arms over his chest.


"i'll just take that as a compliment" chohee says as she look for her handkerchief "tch..where is that hankkie-"


once again, she was shutted when she saw a plain white folded clothe. chohee looks up and saw luhan with his usual expresion on "here" he simply said and push the clothe further to chohee's face "take this" he said. For a moment.


i thought i just saw his face sparkling under the moon. she thought.


luhan's eyes were so shiny.

and she only notice it now that he really does have a healthy skin, i wonder what's his soap.


Luhan sighed and took chohee's hand in surprise before placing his handkerchief on her palm. the gesture made chohee feel warm for a moment and she herself feels comfort. "just as usual..stupid" he mumbled and let the clother rest on her palm.


he put his hands inside his pocket before having out a sigh "anyways..go home.." he said.


Luhan smirked before leaning down "you might get tonight" he whispered and winked before walking out of the park.


before he could go out of her sight, luhan halted and turns back with a smile that chohee thinks the brightest he could ever give out "see you tomorrow tutor-nim!" he shouted and waved a hand before turning his back on her and walks further before making a left turn that it made him to finally went out of picture.


now, I know what should i chohee is kyungsoo's weakness.. huh.


Chohee was lost in thoughts again as she just stare on the neatly folded clothe on her palm.

maybe, he's just a jerk with a hint of humanity. 


"oh well.." she shrugs the thought off and wipes the greesy oil on her hand, using luhan's hankkie.. she pulls her bicycle along with her and included to take a walk since she's alreay near from the place she calls workhome station.


from the corner, kyungsoo was watchign them behind the big light post. he knows that Luhan knows he's there. but he can't dare to move towards her. he thinks that it's not a good time to catch up things with her, she's mad at him.


and that's one of the things that kyungsoo wishes she would never be at him.


whatever you do luhan...i'll make it impossible for you to come closer to chohee..


that i promise.


UPDATE ^ _ ^

that feeling ..

Aigoo~ anyways, another short update *mianhe~*

Please excuse my type errors..

thank you for reading and waiting politely for the update :)

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Chapter 20: Who's that girl? hmm. i just wish that Han's parents are not like kyung's parents :((
miraluhan #2
Chapter 18: He liked chohee . Omg
kimirina #3
Chapter 17: WAHHHH!!!!~~~ he kissed herrrrrr!!!!! OHHH YEAHHHHH!!!!! update soon!
Chapter 17: New reader here!

This is a great story!
miraluhan #5
Chapter 17: Hah finally luhan kissed her
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 16: Naughty boy lulu aren't you? Mmmmmmm
kimirina #7
Chapter 16: SAY NOOOOOOOO!!!! *le chants* KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! haha XD update soon!
Chapter 16: say no!
So luhan can kiss you!
Chapter 15: haha luhan so cweet update soon ;)
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf xDD i can't imagine a girl hitting Luhan's uhh... glory xD FOR REAL !! XDD great job author-nim !! xD