
The Rich Kid'$ Tutor




"Arrgghh!!!" chohee smiled as she stretched her arms. tired but happy that finally, all the paper works were done already just in time.


It was already dark when she and lay finished.


Starting to clean up the office, lay put his backpack around his shoulders and turn to look at her "hey, i'm done are you?" he asked.


Chohee looked up and spared lay a soft smile "not yet, you can go first, i still need to do things in here" lay frowned and pouted his lips "I can wait, i can't let a girl go off alone at this hour" chohee chuckled before softly smacking lays arm "yah! do you think i can't fight whoever they know i'm also the school's representative in judo right" she boasted more making lay to click his tounge..


"eeyy..tsk you think being you is all~" chohee chuckled "anyways, i'll still wait"


chohee sighed "go now, i can take care of myself, thanks anyways. also have you forgotten you're late for something?"


confused, lay look on his wrist watch, after that a gasp escaped from his lips "AISH!! i'm late!" he yelled.


"see? go now.." lay nodded and sprinted his way towards the door but halted just as when he was about to take another stop "are you sure you'll be fine?" he asked worried.


chohee smiled and nodded her head "i'll be.."


the two waved at each other with a wave on their hands.


as soon as she was left alone, chohee signed "now i only just need to put this up~" singing the last word out, she put her bag around her shoulders and took the box filled with files on the floor. planning to put it on top of her table.


Chohee halted as she heard some footsteps coming from outside.


she turn her head but saw nothing but only an open door and empty hall "lay?" she called but silence were the only thing who responded her.


"maybe just the guards" she shrugged off before continuing her way towards her table but then again just as when she put the box on top of her table not just steps were heard but also murmurs starts to make her feel anxious and getting start to be scared.


chohee gulped and gripped on the straps of her bag "w-who is there?" she asked and made her way towards the door, slowly.


"are you sure she'll not recognize us?" kai whispered as he hide behind the wall.


sehun sighed "we're covered with mask for luhan hyung's sake.." kai groaned and realized how loud it is that it made him and sehun to yank their body together, sehun hissed kai and covered kai's mouth.


"s-she's here!!" sehun whisper yelled feeling unsure if ever they'd continue with their plan or not.


"i think i'm just tired.." they heard chohee sighed. chohee's steps could be heard, nearing from them. sehun already released kai from his grip. when they think it's time,sehun and kai jumped infront of chohee making the girl to widen her eyes and a gasp escaping ..


"w-who are you??!!" she stuttered and backed off.


kai and sehun shared knowing nods before taking chohee's arms.


"WHAT THE--" but before chohee could finish her words and made herself to be dragged by kai and sehun, chohee threw her books away and the next thing she did made sehun and kai to be surprised.


chohee exchanged their positions, she was now the one who held their arms, and without thinking it for the second time around. chohee gripped on it tighter and with a one smooth move, sehun and kai's body were now laying down on the ground.


groaning as sehun and kai hug their arm, chohee puffed some air out "stupid kids!!" she muttered.


making her way towards her books, chohee smirked. before leaving the two male alone, chohee let out a mocking laugh "yah! you two..tell luhan that he's not a man enough to make you come here to pick on me"


" these days, tsk tsk tsk~" with a smirk on her face, chohee made her way out of the hall.


sehun cursed and stared towards the way where chohee just turned and disappeared from his sight " that girl.." he cursed and stretched his back.


Kai groaned, pushing his upper body up "I just remembered a fact about her now." sehun turn to look at him "what?"


Kai sighed blankly "I just remembered it now, she's our school's represenative for judo and martial arts.." and ended his sentence with a soft sigh.


sehun clicked his tounge "eeyy...that girl.."


sehun and kai sighed for the same time, still sitting on the cold ground, straing blankly to nowhere.


but thir silent time where interrupted by a shadow hovering from behind. sehun and kai gulped as they heard luhan's voice.




- - - -


"WHAT?!!!!" "SHE SAID THAT??!!!!"


luhan punched the table hard making a loud thud, xiumin snickered as kai and sehun shrug their shoulders before turning back to luhan.


"man, we're hurt here.. i just realized she's the school's representative in judo sports and stuff~" kai waved it off but luhan could not just let the thing she said to him..


not man enough..?






with heavy breathing, luhan closes his eyes and started to massage his temples "i'm going to kill that chohee!"


sehun yawned "but hyung, i think chohee's a tough girl~" luhan snapped at him making sehun to raise his hands up "base on experience~"


sighing heavily, luhan gritted his teeth i'm so not over with you yet.


"so what are you up to now?" luhan heard xiumin asked "manly deer" sarcasm filled xiumin's voice followed by snickers, making luhan to throw a pillow on him, but xiumin caught it and a smirk went out of his lips.


"aisshh" luhan clicked his tounge before looking away from him "not now...i'll still need to think of something that i'm sure she had no thing to keep herself safe.." he muttered.


kai scoffed "so what are you gonna  do..? her"


that made luhan to let out a fistful laugh, he lean fis face forward with a mocking look "do you think i'm that low?" he chuckled "I don't even want to lay a finger on him..eeww~" he shook his head and rested his back on the couch.


a sigh went out of luhan's lips.


it's his first time to get into something like this, even though he knew that chohee would always be different from the other girls, he couldn't let himself to get humiliated by just a girl.


hello, it's luhan we're talking about.


he's used by girls adoring him, giving themselves voluntarily to him, but for chohee.


he's just some random guy with no good things to do.


and luhan would do anything just to make chohee regret the things she did to him, from hitting him and his baby up to the not man enough issue she started.


luhan make those things to happen.



UPDATE ^ _ ^

Please excuse my errors and thank you for reading,,


^ _ ^


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Chapter 20: Who's that girl? hmm. i just wish that Han's parents are not like kyung's parents :((
miraluhan #2
Chapter 18: He liked chohee . Omg
kimirina #3
Chapter 17: WAHHHH!!!!~~~ he kissed herrrrrr!!!!! OHHH YEAHHHHH!!!!! update soon!
Chapter 17: New reader here!

This is a great story!
miraluhan #5
Chapter 17: Hah finally luhan kissed her
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 16: Naughty boy lulu aren't you? Mmmmmmm
kimirina #7
Chapter 16: SAY NOOOOOOOO!!!! *le chants* KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! haha XD update soon!
Chapter 16: say no!
So luhan can kiss you!
Chapter 15: haha luhan so cweet update soon ;)
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf xDD i can't imagine a girl hitting Luhan's uhh... glory xD FOR REAL !! XDD great job author-nim !! xD