
The Rich Kid'$ Tutor


"hello?" kyungsoo frowns as he answers the call..


"k-kyungsoo-ah...did i disturb you or-" but kyungsoo cutted in not wanting to spend much of his time "no..just keep on going..i'm fine"


the girl on the line smiled "is it okay with you if you go here by saturday night? appa's asking if you can..but if you can't..then it's..alright" the last word turns out into a whisper.Kyungsoo sighed even though he doesn't want to come he sure by the next moment his own father would barge in inside of his room to tell him to go he just agreed.


"really?!" she beamed.


kyungsoo nodded his head " that all?"


"yes..thank you kyungsoo.."she said. "i love you" she added.


Kyungsoo stays silent until she decided to speak "i'll see you..bye"


"okay..bye" kyungsoo then ended the call and puts his phone back on his desk. his hands placed on his temple as he thinks of things. his future with the girl he's involved by now. his future without chohee..he hate to admit it but he feel defeated by luhan.


everything seems to be going well with luhan now..

and him..misserable.


not so long a knock was heard from his door "come in" the door of his room opened then closed as he sense a person behind him "what is it?" he asked.


"i-t's me"


the voice made kyungsoo's head furiously look back..kyungsoo stood up with wide eyes "chohee"


chohee smiled "long time..."

kyungsoo smiled and was about to run near her when chohee took a step back shaking her head as if saying 'no' to him. kyungsoo's heart fell "i..i just came to say something"she said.


kyungsoo gulped " it?" he asked, his voice soft and low.


"actually..i like you" she said and looks down " i think..i don't anymore.."


"then why?" kyungsoo asked.


Chohee's tears were starting to blur her vision as she sniffs..still confused if the things she's saying were true or not "i don't know..i just..can't-"


"is this because of him?" kyungsoo's voice was stern and firm.

chohee looks at the now upset kyungsoo "is this because of that jerk lu-"


"he's not a jerk." she defended luhan "he's don't know him to say things about him"she added.


kyungsoo scoffed making chohee to look at him, confused and offended "you don't know anything-"

"then tell me.." she cutted in.


kyungsoo was about to speak again when his phone rings..silence came in between..

he sighed as he look down "go" he said.


without even saying another word, chohee nodded her head before silently walking out of kyungsoo's room. she stopped walking as she looks back to kyungsoo's room..thinking, what's with him and luhan that it makes kyungsoo hate him since the beginning when actually they didn't knew each other..

since from the beginning, chohee knew something's going on with the two of them..


but for now..

she doesn't want to think of it..


as she needs to concentrate on thinking about luhan's kiss.



"you what?!"sehun asked almost shouting it out.


Luhan sighed. "why would you even kiss ms.pressy?" kai asked.


Luhan frowned "she has a name." he say rolling his eyes to kai who scoffed in return "and now you're getting too kind on her.."Kai said.


Sehun leans his face forward before putting his hands under his chin "hyung..don't tell're falling for chohee-ssi?" luhan looked at him..thinking on what sehun said. kai nodded his head with a hum catching luhan's attention "yeah.. or're just really a jerk that you're playing with her now?" Kai and sehun high-fived sharing out a loud laughter.


Luhan clicked his tounge "eyy! it's not like that!" he defended.


"then what?" kai asked still laughing..


sehun nodded his head "As for me..i won't kiss a girl if i don't feel anything for her..but for hyung.." he paused and eyed luhan with those suspicious eyes "urgh..luhan hyung's such a playboy"


"i'm not going to play with chohee's feelings" luhan said making kai and sehun to look at him, at the same time making them to shut their mouths.


luhan turned his head to the window.

Smiling as he thinks of the chased kiss..

staring up on the night sky as he remembered chohee's blushing face..


"i think i'm...liking her"

he whispered..


luhan chuckled "..for real."


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Chapter 20: Who's that girl? hmm. i just wish that Han's parents are not like kyung's parents :((
miraluhan #2
Chapter 18: He liked chohee . Omg
kimirina #3
Chapter 17: WAHHHH!!!!~~~ he kissed herrrrrr!!!!! OHHH YEAHHHHH!!!!! update soon!
Chapter 17: New reader here!

This is a great story!
miraluhan #5
Chapter 17: Hah finally luhan kissed her
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 16: Naughty boy lulu aren't you? Mmmmmmm
kimirina #7
Chapter 16: SAY NOOOOOOOO!!!! *le chants* KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! haha XD update soon!
Chapter 16: say no!
So luhan can kiss you!
Chapter 15: haha luhan so cweet update soon ;)
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf xDD i can't imagine a girl hitting Luhan's uhh... glory xD FOR REAL !! XDD great job author-nim !! xD