
The Rich Kid'$ Tutor



Chohee's POV:


"Chohee..are you sure you're alright?" i look up and saw mrs.won, the head maid of the house.


Slowly, i push myself to stand straight, i fixed my uniform for today's event before i look up to give mrs.won a closed smile "Don't worry mrs.won, i'm fine" i said. Mrs.won didn't looked satisfied as she sighed through her nose, her eyes filled with concern.


I chuckled and nodded my head "Don't worry mrs.won, i'm fine..i'm just sleepu but i can do my work here properly." i said.


after a several sighs, mrs.won nodded her head "okay.." she continued after patting my back "if ever you'd feel bad..come to me and i'll talk to if you could get rest early..okay" I nodded my head and bowed before taking the tray on the counter to give guests some drinks to drink on while waiting for the main part of the event.


many people came, people who have big names in business industry.

rich people.

people who have power.




people who have everything that i don't.


Seeing these kinds of people makes it hard for me to believe that i could get a chance to be with kyungsoo. he's so up while i'm so down. he's a high standard while i'm a low one. *sighs*


I turn to my right and saw suho with his tux on "Chohee..i've been looking for you all the time" he said.


I plastered him a closed smile as i bowed my head "Anyways, i've been so outdated for some time.." he groaned and took a glass of champagne on the tray i'm holding in. he gulped and a frown followed by "urgh.."


I chuckled "it's your fault".


he put the now empty glass back on the tray "i hate drinking things like that" he clicked his tounge as he continues with a smile on his face " know-"


"-junmyeon! you're there i've been looking for you and-" a middle aged woman in her elegant dress came in view and her hissing stopped when her eyes caught my figure "oh,,not again. junmyeon didn't i told you already you should keep in touch to the ones who's on our level"


I lowered my head. i heard suho's groan "mom she's my friend" suho's mother hissed "whatever, i want you there back to our table. i want you to meet my friend's daughter, i'm sure her level matches yours..don't make me wait for too long"


After a couple of seconds, i felt a touch on my shoulder making me to look up.

Suho's eyes shows sadness and pity as he looks down on me "i'm sorry for that" he said.


I lowered my head and blinked my eyes fast to prevent tears from coming out. i cleared my throat and look up on him before giving him a smile "It's's true anyways." i breathed out heavily "i-i'll be going now..i still have some work to do" i excused myself and went towards the garden located at the back of the house where i know it's safe because it's just me in here.


i gripped on the tray hard as i bit he lower part of my lips.

I don't want to cry.


"kyungsoo.." i heard a voice. i wondered around and saw kyungsoo with a girl standing infront of him.


I gasped, i don't know what to do. until i decided to just run out of this silent garden but when i was about to run off a hand pulled me behind the thick bushes making the tray with the glasses to fall to the ground making a soft thud.


I gasped and a hand hovered over my lips making it hard for me to speak.

My breath hitched.

My eyes widened.


I struggled but then i look up only to stop on struggling.


Why is he here?

Oh, i forgot..he's one of those people.


"quiet" he whispered. the position we were in makes it for me to get uncomfortable. i push his hand off my lips as i narrowed my eyes on him "why did you drag me here?!!" i hissed. "sshh!" he tries to cover my lips again but i slap his hand making him to glare his eyes on me "Just quiet they might-"


Both of us gasped when we heard some rustling of the grasses letting us to know there's someone coming.


Luhan pushed my body down to the ground along with his body with his hand cupping my lips and the other supporting my back.


"is someone there?" i heard kyungsoo's voice.




I was about to push luhan but my energy got drained when i heard the gil's voice again "Kyungsoo maybe it's just the wind..come let's get back there..abboji's might looking for us"


is she the one?

The one that is right for him.


I didn't even realize i'm tearing up already until luhan looked at me. we heard some rustlings until it faded. silence and my muffled crying filled the garden lightened only by the moon's light.


"Chohee?" luhan's eyes were fixed to mine.


I just look at him as my tears continued from falling "w-why are you-"


i can't take this anymore..i'll let this out even just for tonight. it's already too much for me to handle it and to hide the pain inside of me. I threw my arms around luhan's neck making his words to got cut off. I burried my face on his shoulder as i let it out..




We stayed in there without any words to say. without any reasons to explain. just there, i felt thankful for luhan's presence.


he didn't pushed my away when i threw my arms around him.

instead he hugs me back and even pats my back.


he didn't complain..

instead he gave some comforting words that i myself didn't expect he could says such soothing words.


"I'm sorry" was the first one i told him as i pull myself away from him. Luhan sighed. i can only just look down on the hand while i sit infront of him. luhan stretched his back and legs and i can sense a pair of eyes looking down on me, probably eating my soul.


"it's alright...i guess?" i let my eyeballs to look up on him and i jolted when he caught me looking at him.


Luhan chuckled "anyways..w-why are you here?" i asked.


"Duh~ because i'm invited" he sarcatically said. i puffed some air and uttered some words "i meant here..why are you in here behind the bushes..? the party's in the front not in here" i said and looked at him.


Luhan sighed and for a moment i saw a hint of sadness in his eyes, "nothing..i just thought being here would save me from being in there"




"how about you..what's with crying?" my tounge struggled for words as i wonder my eyes around the place seeking for some reasonable answer. As expected, luhan hates waiting "urgh..nevermind" he said before looking on his side.


i look at where he is looking and i gasped, seeing some of the glasses broke into pieces. "omo!" i exclaimed.


panic overcame to me that i crawled over and didn't realize that there could be some broken glasses around the area until i flinched when i felt a stinging electricity on my knees and palms "ouch!"


Luhan pulled me back "Aish! stupid as always" he hissed.


he groaned and puts my body infront of him, "give me your leg" he commanded "no" he clicked his tounge and i tried to get my legs away from him when luhan added more force making it had for me to fight him "Stubborn!!" he shutted my rantings and stopped my strugglings when he pins me down to the ground.


both of my wrist on my sides as he hold them with the half of his body hovering over mine.


Luhan sighed and sat up before pulling my arms and i was already sitting infront of him, calmly. I watch him as he take a hankie out from his pocket and i flinched when it touched the surrounding of the wound on my knee. luhan clicked his tounge "stay still" he hissed.


I bit the lower part of my lips and do as he says.


I watch him and he caught me looking at him when he stopped moving his hand "Hand" he said. I gave him puzzled look and heard him uttered some words before he took my left hand to his own. i admit, i felt my cheeks blushed. who wouldn't, i mean he's luhan. every girl's dream boy.


except me.


"are you one of the catering staffs..?" i heard him say.


i just look at him and he gave me a short glance before looking back on my hand. luhan sighed "or you're one of the maids here?" he added.


I gulped "o-oh...that.." i stuttered.


"i-im one of the maids in as my mother" i say. Luhan hummed and nodded his head.


he put my hand down and took the other..


After a few more seconds, i heard him sighed and he puts my hand down on my lap. "there..all done" he said. i look at him "t-thank you.."i stuttered.


Luhan chuckled and stood up, my head followed him by moving upwards to get a look on him. he puts his hands inside his pocket and also, i admit it too. he looks like a demi god in a tux. i sighed when he looks down on me. i even thought he would help me up. i stood up on my own and fixed my uniform. 


I was about to pick the tray on the ground when luhan stopped me by blocking my way "what?"


"just leave it there..i'll be responsible for it" he said.


is this real?

is he really luhan..?


I blinked at him for a few good times and watches him as he goes. but then as i realized something "Luhan!" i called.


Luhan looks back "what?"


I walked towards him and stopped a few steps away from him "c-can you please keep this ..a secret. it's only you and a few close friends of mine knew about this. i'm asking you a favor, please keep this as a secret..will you?" luhan hums as if he was thinking.


i gulped the lump formed on my throat as i grew anxious.. "p-please.."


Luhan looked at me and i was surprised..


he smiled.


"okay~" he said and gave out a wink before he turns to a corner completely getting out of my sight. My shoulders slumped as i heave out a relieved sigh. as i recollected the things he does to me earlier. a smile formed to my lips. he isn't that bad.


maybe..i can be friends with him..

Luhan's nice..


but then the smile on my face slowly faded.. as i remember something..


who is she?

Update ^ _ ^

Annyeong readers~

sorry for keeping you guys wait for too long..

i hope you'll like the update.

and please excuse my type errors..

that's it for today ")

Thank you~

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Chapter 20: Who's that girl? hmm. i just wish that Han's parents are not like kyung's parents :((
miraluhan #2
Chapter 18: He liked chohee . Omg
kimirina #3
Chapter 17: WAHHHH!!!!~~~ he kissed herrrrrr!!!!! OHHH YEAHHHHH!!!!! update soon!
Chapter 17: New reader here!

This is a great story!
miraluhan #5
Chapter 17: Hah finally luhan kissed her
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 16: Naughty boy lulu aren't you? Mmmmmmm
kimirina #7
Chapter 16: SAY NOOOOOOOO!!!! *le chants* KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! haha XD update soon!
Chapter 16: say no!
So luhan can kiss you!
Chapter 15: haha luhan so cweet update soon ;)
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf xDD i can't imagine a girl hitting Luhan's uhh... glory xD FOR REAL !! XDD great job author-nim !! xD