
The Rich Kid'$ Tutor



"Waaaahhh~~~~" luhan chuckled as he watches chohee in awe. even the thing happened earlier made him feel even more fluffy inside.


"aahh!!!!" luhan cried as he hold chohee's hand that's gripping on his left ear. "okay..okay..i won't!"

chohee released luhan's ear.. she nodded her head with a smile on her face "okay i'm not really in the mood to study..i think i need some time to chill and relax-" she stop just as when she turns to look at luhan who has his eyes on her..looking at her face so dearly.


"w-what?" she asked and touches her face "w-what?!"

Luhan sighed and clicked his tounge "you know'" luhan breathed out heavily.


Chohee then suddenly felt guilty for pinching luhan's ear "h-hey..are you mad? i'm sorry for doing that on your ear.." she poked luhan's arm continiously. "luhan-"


luhan have his hands on chohee as he look down on her eyes.."let's go" he said and followed by a smile. a smile that's making chohee's heart feel different.


"yah..luhan..are you going to come here or what?" chohee's voice took luhan out of his own thoughts. he look up and saw chohee standing by the shore as if waiting for him to come along. luhan chuckled "wait for me!" he shouted.


even though his first intention is to use chohee for his childish play with kyungsoo..even him himself cannot point out the reason why he's doing this..all he knew was he's enjoying this. not that he's sure kyungsoo's down by now..but because he's having chohee with him..alone.


Chohee started running all over the place..she doesn't care anymore all she wanted to do for now is to be free from all the stress..


the heartbreaks..

the pain..

the duties she need to do..

and him..kyungsoo.


"Luhan look-"




"AHAHAHAHA!!!!" chohee have her eyes shut, her fists into balls and now..she opens her eyes only to glare at the laughing dear " should have seen your-"




now it's time for chohee to laugh..luhan's dumbfounded face suits him..well as a matter of fact everything suits to his face as for what chohee thinks.."talk to yourself..lulu" she puts her tounge out and started teasing luhan to come and get her.


"aish..don't let me catch you!" he shouted..


time passes by fast and now the two of them we're seated on the sand..soaked by the salt water due to playing to much..waiting for the sun to completely disappear.


it's silent..only the wind and the water can be heard. the silence they have between them wasn't suffocating..neither awkward. it's more of a..calming and relaxing. The kind of silence that chohee's been wanting for so long since everytime it became silent for her..all she could think of is none other than kyungsoo..




she heard luhan call for her "what?"she asked.


Luhan smiled "what do you think of me?"he asked.


"hmp?" chohee thought for a while and looked at him..luhan then turn to look at her, their eyes looking at each other.."like seriously?" chohee asked..luhan nodded "honestly?" she added.


luhan chuckled "honestly."


Chohee turned to look back on the scenery infront of them..she chuckled "honestly..i don't care much about you and your 'famous group pf friends~' and you know..maybe because you're all one of the reasons why the school's always so noisy.."


luhan clicked his tounge "tss..meany" he uttered.


Chohee chuckled "yeep..but hey that was before" she nudged luhan's side making luhan to look at him confused "then what do you think of". Chohee smiled "a good person"


good person


that two words kept on ringing on luhan's mind..the sincerity on her words and her smile made luhan's insides feel guilt. if you only knew he thought. "I hate your bold're so cocky and full of yourself..but you know what now that i'm feeling comfortable around're a good person..luhan"


Chohee turned to look back at him and was surprised..


because the next thing happened..

luhan's soft lips were touching hers..


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Chapter 20: Who's that girl? hmm. i just wish that Han's parents are not like kyung's parents :((
miraluhan #2
Chapter 18: He liked chohee . Omg
kimirina #3
Chapter 17: WAHHHH!!!!~~~ he kissed herrrrrr!!!!! OHHH YEAHHHHH!!!!! update soon!
Chapter 17: New reader here!

This is a great story!
miraluhan #5
Chapter 17: Hah finally luhan kissed her
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 16: Naughty boy lulu aren't you? Mmmmmmm
kimirina #7
Chapter 16: SAY NOOOOOOOO!!!! *le chants* KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! haha XD update soon!
Chapter 16: say no!
So luhan can kiss you!
Chapter 15: haha luhan so cweet update soon ;)
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf xDD i can't imagine a girl hitting Luhan's uhh... glory xD FOR REAL !! XDD great job author-nim !! xD