
The Rich Kid'$ Tutor




"Hyung want some ice?" Sehun tried to stop himself from bursting out but as soon as luhan look up on him, seeing how red his face is. Sehun brought out a fistful laughter, holding his tummy to calm his feels.


"Aisshh" Luhan cursed and took the ice pack from sehun before putting it on his glory.


Groaning as he lean his back, luhan clicked his tounge you'll pay for this .. he sighed trying to relax himself.


luhan and his gang were now on their private part of the school, their own room. which is only them and the ones who luhan would allow to come in can take a step inside. even the teachers were not allowed to have a look.


wanting to have a peaceful and solemn moment, luhan gave up cause obviously, his friends doesn't help him at all with them laughing at him like crazy.


"Anyways, that girl..her name's choi chohee..right" sehun nodded his head to kai.


"yeah, she's the student council's president" he added. Kai opened his mouth in awe as he whistle out the amusement he's having "that girl's something~"


Hearing what kai said, luhan scoffed and fluttered his eyes open "Something?" he laughed through his nose "Much better if it's nothing" he rolls his eyes on kai and lean back on his couch.


Kai chuckled, a childish luhan is now infront of them.


"Kai's right that girl is something..Wanna know why?" xiumin's voice was heard as he went out of the kitchen with the drinks he made, done putting the tray down, xiumin sat down beside luhan. "no thanks..and never will" with a tired tone of voice, luhan breathed out heavily.


but sehun likes teasing luhan. So, sehun grinned and nodded his head with a loud hum, catching xiumin's attention "go on~"


"well, choi chohee.." xiumin leans his arms forward, running his index finger in his chin "she's the student council's president, she's also the school's representative in sports and academic competitions.." he boasted, shrugging his shoulders before taking a sip on his coffee.


kai just whistled while sehun nodded, amazed by chohee "hyung..she's really something!"


"yeah..she's and also, she's different from the other girls inside this school.." kai added.


feeling annoyed already, luhan stamp the ice pack on the table before sitting up straight, catching their attention. "whats with the sudden topic about that girl...?" he continued "sorry to push those unicorns out of your head but please..shut up, even hearing her name makes me wanna go puke~" he groan and leans back cooly.


Sehun and kai high fived while xiumin just shook his head.


"anyways, hyung i know you.." luhan raise an eyebrow on the youngest. "what do you mean?"


kai and sehun shared knowing glance before looking back to confused luhan "we know you won't let it pass..that chohee, you up to something?"


after what kai said, luhan's frowning and annoyed face was replaced by a smirk, a very devilish smirk.


getting interested, luhan points his finger up, as if a light buld came out from it "aahh!" xiumin shook his head and sighed "not again" he murmured, not even wanting to join the conversation to have his alone time with his coffee.


"i'm already thinking of it.." luhan started..


yup, just like any other brat rich kid. luhan's not the type to let small things pass his way as long as he hates something about it.


luhan's face went closer to sehun and kai, the three of them having the same grins. luhan recalled chohee's face before saying "wanna go and have fun?"


- - - -


After having a talk with Chohee made her way towards the student council's office. since she's excused for the afternoon class, chohee doesn't bother herself to look whether she's late already or not.


heaving out a heavy sigh, chohee closed the door and was pleased to see the room empty since she wants to have a time with only herself.


"aigoo~" she breathed out and sat down on her place of the room.


thinking on the things she had talked about with, chohee rested her head, facing the window to think and to put her mind on its right way.


"I'm sorry didn't really want to hit him but sir...I'm sorry" chohee shut her eyes tight as she bows her head.


afraid that would kick her out of the school since she hurted his only son, not once but twice. also, knwoing how loves his son. chohee thinks he would do anything to protect his son but all the negative thoughts she have were crushed by, chuckling.


"stop it, sit up straight" he said. chohee did as he says.


"t-then...what is it?" she asked. sighed first before putting his glasses down, looking down in his hands "you know i trust you right ms.choi..and you know what i meant about that right?"


chohee could just nod her head.


"you know my son, han. before his grades were almost like yours but now..i'm afraid he might fail his last school year and all i want for him is a good future. i don't even know why he his grades were getting low.." sighed, depressed.


chohee pitied the respected man, she's not shocked with luhan's past. since she's the one who always fixes the list of students who were included on the school's top five students. luhan's name would always appear on the list.


but last year, during their thrid year. luhan's name were no where to be found..


"Chohee, please help my son. please tutor him, teach him, be his instructor." pleaded still on his calm voice "he won't listen to his teachers, i also tried to help him but he's always turning his back on us. maybe you could do something on him, knowing that you're not like the other girls and you being excellent, i'm sure you could help my son."


chohee just look down, feeling flustered, she smiled and bowed her head before rubbing the back of her neck.


",lu. you know i'm still not good yet." smiled, "stop being humble.." he nodded his head "okay, i won't force you if you don't want to. but chohee, please help my son..please be my son's tutor.."


"should i say no?"


"to whom?" chohee jolted on her chair as she push herself up only to see her friend, chuckling.


catching her breath with a thumping heart, chohee touches her chest and hisses the guy infront of her "YAH! how come you can sneak in without even me noticing it?!"


the guy chuckled before sitting on his place, beside chohee's since he's her vice president. "maybe because i'm cool like the wind?"


Chohee rolled her eyes on him with a mocking look but ended up with a soft chuckle "oh lay.."


Lay smiled at her, showing the deep dimples out. "hey unicorn can i ask you something?"


"you already did but what?" lay said while fixing the papers for the school's schedule for the year.


Chohee played with her pen as she continued "What if the person who helped you the most asked a favor on you..what would you do?". Lay chuckled before putting the papers down on his table to focus on chohee's matter "Seriously? isn't that obvious..?" chohee shrugged her shoulders..


Lay pouted his lips before answering " long as i'm capable of, i'd give in with the favor wince that person helped me in big time.."


"oh" is all tha t chohee could say..


lay smiled and shifted his attention back to the papers to do his work..


as the two of them busied their own with the paper works, chohee couldn't focus since mostly, her thoughts were focused to's favor.


if she'd say no, then she might offend and she doesn't want to hurt him since helped her a lot in different ways..


if she'd say yes, then would be happy but she would have to deal with the guy hated the most, luhan.









Hehe >///<

please excuse my type errors there..

also, thank you for giving a time to look on the fic.. *bows*



not gonna say anything else but THANK YOU ^^,

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Chapter 20: Who's that girl? hmm. i just wish that Han's parents are not like kyung's parents :((
miraluhan #2
Chapter 18: He liked chohee . Omg
kimirina #3
Chapter 17: WAHHHH!!!!~~~ he kissed herrrrrr!!!!! OHHH YEAHHHHH!!!!! update soon!
Chapter 17: New reader here!

This is a great story!
miraluhan #5
Chapter 17: Hah finally luhan kissed her
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 16: Naughty boy lulu aren't you? Mmmmmmm
kimirina #7
Chapter 16: SAY NOOOOOOOO!!!! *le chants* KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! haha XD update soon!
Chapter 16: say no!
So luhan can kiss you!
Chapter 15: haha luhan so cweet update soon ;)
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf xDD i can't imagine a girl hitting Luhan's uhh... glory xD FOR REAL !! XDD great job author-nim !! xD