
The Rich Kid'$ Tutor




"Are you sure about that?!" suho gawked at her "but i thought you hate him?"


Chohee whined as she pouts her lips, softly pushing suho aside "is this safe? it's luhan we're talking here" he added. Suho knows what kind of a guy luhan is and for him, making chohee near luhan would be dangerous and he doesn't like the idea of chohee being luhan's tutor.


"come on..joon," chohee breathed out as she stood up firmly, looking straight into suho's eyes "what matters now is that i'm getting some paychecks here..and besides, i got on my back~"


Suho shook his head but a chuckled followed after, seeing how chohee just say's name with confidence. "okay..if you really want it..i'll let you" before chohee could celebrate, suho pointed his index finger close to her face that it touches the tip of chohee's nose "but, promise me you'll tell me when that luhan guy dares to harm you..arraji?"


"yes sir~"


the two of them chuckled as they make their way towards the parking lot.


"you know, i sometimes wonder if i could use a bicycle coming here to school.." suho blurted out suddenly.


"hmmp..?" chohee asked before taking a hold of her bicycle "if you want to why don't you?" she asked. Suho sighed, leaning his back on his car while playing with his car key"Tsk. i just know how my parents were like.." he sighed.


Chohee eyed suho sadly, she patted the guy's shoulder "you know, sometimes i think being rich is not good.."


suho's mood brightened with a chuckle escaping from his lips, chohee's words were right. he thought, being rich is not so good, ever since he was a kid, suho's parents were always the one who would decide everything on him, never giving him a chance to speak his mind out.


suho once, tried to play with his friends in mud during his childhood days, but because of his nannies, given by his parents, suho never had the chance to try it even for one time only.


luckily, since suho asked his parents if he could put the nannies and guards out since he's now a big man, a grown up one, facing his last year in high school. suho's parents let him be.


Suho sighed "but being like me is much more harder.." he heard chohee say.


"anyways, i need to go now..i still have some things to do.." she said before riding her bike, suho eyed chohee with a soft smile "yah, time don't get too sentimental it doesn't suit you well.." chohee laughed sneakily as she wave her hand on him before she starts to move her bicycle.


"Yah, chohee!" he called.


"what?" chohee asked after taking a brake.


Chohee chuckled at how suho smiled at her "later you'll b e surprised" suho shouted before giving chohee a wink.


"tss..." chohee shook her head "surprise?"


- - - -


After having a short journey with her bicycle, chohee finally arrived to's house, or more like ... mansion.


"wow, this is where that erted jerk lives in.." she mumbled as she scan the big gate keeping the lu residence to be safe, slowly, chohee walked towards the gate as she pull her bicycle along with her. clearing chohee pressed the bell.


"who's is it?" a voice spoke up making chohee to jolt on her spot.


"oh!" she bowed "anneonghaseo, i'm choi chohee, luhan....shi's tutor." she said before giving out a smile.


The guy looking fo scary a while ago disappeared just in a second as he applied a smile on his face, "oh, so you're the one's talking about" he said and nodded his head "sorry for keeping you out there..come in ms.choi" he said.


Chohee smiled and bowed her head before taking a step in..


the gates closed after she walkde in, then chohee put her bicycle on the parking lot just like what the guard had told her.


chohee was amazed at how can the lu family can afford to build a house big like this, it was way too big to the one she's currently living in at the same time, partially working. to the do family's residence.


after walking in freely inside the house, chohee was greeted by a middle-aged woman with a smile "hi, ms.choi!" she beamed. chohee smiled widely, "hello" she bowed "I'm luhan-shi's tutor and-"


"-oh..i know.." the woman chuckled "actually my son's not still here, but let me walk you up to stairs so you can wait him inside the room..okay" she said.


"you're luhan-shi's mother..?" chohee asked. the woman nodded.


no wonder why luhan looks so i know.. chohee chuckled to her mind before bowing 90 degrees "my respects'm choi chohee luhan shi-'s tutor..nice meeting you.." she said. smiled, sure, my husband's right..she's so adorable~ "okay..stop with that..anyways, let's go.."


As they go up the stairs, chohee noticed every pictures of luhan taken since he was a kid up to present. in one picture there's a little luhan with his friends. then there's also a picture of him, with the half of his hair were shaved.


chohee didn't even notice she was chuckling so loud until asked her "oh, sorry i just found luhan-shi's pictures...cute" chuckled "yeah.." they walked through the hall before taking a stop. opens the door of luhan's room "but now, he changed.." chohee walks in with a bow "if you don't mind,how did luhan-shi changed?" she asked.


"it's just..he became a way, that he's always inside here..not going out of his room. he doesn't like taking pictures with me anymore.." pouted her lips as her shoulders slumped down. but then she smiled again "but..anyways, my son will come here anytime i'll just go downstairs and prepare something.." she said and patted chohee's head before walking out of the room, leaving chohee inside.


"now..? where should i sit?" just as when chohee was about to sit on luhan's couch, the door opened with luhan standing by the door frame.


"oh, finally~" luhan tilted his head as he threw his bag on the side before closing the door.


"what are you doing here?" he asked.


Chohee sighed before taking her backpack off her "didn't told you about it?" she asked, "i'm your tutor so..let's start" she said before walking up towards luhan's study table.


Luhan who was just standing there at the side, watching her as she take a sit. "yah, are you just going to stand there?" luhan doesn't know if he likes the idea or not but as if his feet have its own mind, it led him towards the table where chohee is and settled down beside her, feeling tired.


"whatever you want.." he muttered before letting out a sigh..


- - - -


textbooks were spreaded on the top of table, as chohee stretches her arms before her neck. she yawned as she watch luhan answer the questions she made effortlessly.


Amazed at how good he is, she then gets confused on why did even asked her to be luhan's tutor..


as she was about to speak, a knock was heard before the door opened slowly,'s head came in view and automatically, chohee stood up before giving a bow as a respect "mom.." luhan called. smiled before putting a tray of snacks on the side "thanks" he said before giving his mother a short smile and returning back to focus on his answer sheets.


chohee then remembered what had told her, true. luhan looks so distant to his parents, or to her mother.


as she stare at's eyes, she then pitied the woman who was eyeing her son so dearly with a sad smile. as looks at chohee, chohee smiled "thank you for the snacks" she said. nodded before patting chohee's shoulder and went out of the room.


"uhh..." chohee cleared before sitting back down on her chair "your mother's nice.." she added.


Luhan hummed not even looking at her "and she looks beautiful...just like you" she blurted out making luhan to stop his pen and snapping his eyes on her "what?" he asked. Chohee shrugged "I just find you two really look alike..i mean, you kinda have some features of a girl-"


"-YAH!" luhan cutted in as he yelled and pointed his pen towards chohee "I'm it"


Chohee rolled her eyes "tskk.." she scoffed before popping some grapes inside . She heard luhan groaned before he continues on answering.


after a few minutes, luhan pushed the papers to chohee before taking a stand on his chair, "that was easy~" he yawned.


Chohee studied the papers and again, was amazed at how luhan answers can be so correct "yah, you know you're good..but why do you even need a tutor?" she asked but silence was the one who answered her. "yah luhan.." she called but nothing..


heaving out a frustrated breath, chohee turn around as she says "LUHAN-" she stopped.


luhan was already laying down on his bed, sleeping. seeing how tired he is, chohee sighed and creased her eyebrows, sure, luhan got the looks, and for a second chohee cursed herself as she dares to imagine luhan smiling so brightly at her.


the thought she had even gave her chills..


"tsk.." she shook her head before taking a look on the clock that says 8:30pm.. "need to go home now~" she whispered before clearing up the table..


before chohee could leave luhan's room, she left a note and stick it on luhan's lamp..


"liar...player.." she heard him say and when she look back, luhan was still sleeping, probably dreaming about something..she thought.


Shrugging the thought off, she went out of luhan's room. bid goodbye to and since hasn't arrived yet, and drive off to do's residence with her bicycle.


After having another short journey with her bicycle, chohee arrived to the do's house, she parked her bicycle on the back of the house and proceeded to the maid's quarters. chohee have only put her bag down when her mother walks in inside the room "yah! chohee..where were you?!" she whisper yelled.


Chohee smiled "sorry mom..i forgot to tell you tht i'l be home late.." she said..


Mrs.choi sighed before nodding her head "okay.." she said.


"oh, chohee .. don't change first..i need you inside the kitchen to look on the food i'm cooking..i'm just going out to buy something i forgot.." chohee nodded her head as she and her mother walks out of their room. chohee tied her hair in a bun as she walks in inside the kitchen, with her mother taking off the apron and giving it to her.


"be safe okay.." chohee said and mrs.choi nodded her head.


as the back door closes, chohee sighed. feeling tired already since she had a very active day.. since, chohee's mother works as a maid and the two of them were leaving under her mother's boss, she was also required to work.


but isn't that harsh, she had told chohee to work only on saturdays or in sundays since she's still attending school.


it's only her and chohee's mother that's too shy to take it.


letting out a loud yawn, since it was only her inside the kitchen, she didn't mind it though.. "tired already?"..or not.. chohee jump out of her spot as she turn around, but her feet tricked her and when she accpets the fact that she would fall down on the ground, a pair of arms rescued her..


opening her eyes, chohee's eyes grew big as she stare up on him, smiling down on her "miss me..?"






UPDATE ^ _ ^


hello, to the readers, sorry for updating late and if you ever find the chapter ugly..sorry too.

it's just nothing's coming on my mind..

sorry, it's just the prelims exams is just so...



Anyways, thank you for givign a time here..

sorry again (_ , _)*that's a bow*


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Chapter 20: Who's that girl? hmm. i just wish that Han's parents are not like kyung's parents :((
miraluhan #2
Chapter 18: He liked chohee . Omg
kimirina #3
Chapter 17: WAHHHH!!!!~~~ he kissed herrrrrr!!!!! OHHH YEAHHHHH!!!!! update soon!
Chapter 17: New reader here!

This is a great story!
miraluhan #5
Chapter 17: Hah finally luhan kissed her
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 16: Naughty boy lulu aren't you? Mmmmmmm
kimirina #7
Chapter 16: SAY NOOOOOOOO!!!! *le chants* KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! haha XD update soon!
Chapter 16: say no!
So luhan can kiss you!
Chapter 15: haha luhan so cweet update soon ;)
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf xDD i can't imagine a girl hitting Luhan's uhh... glory xD FOR REAL !! XDD great job author-nim !! xD