
The Rich Kid'$ Tutor


"So it's saturday tomorrow..wanna go out?" Chen, the joker asks as he lean forward with his arms on top of his desk.


Lay chuckled as suho could only shot him a glare "if you don't know yet, you're still not done with what ms.chohee gave to you" he said. Chen then groaned before sitting back straight "Oh! gawd! when is the deadline?" he asks.


" still have two days to do them" he said.


Chen then tap his table "ASA!!" he then walks towards suho's table and sat down on it "so wanna come for some fun?" he wiggled his eyebrows as he nudges suho's side.


Chohee let out a sigh as she shakes her head "excuse me..if you don't mind i'm here and i can hear you chen" she sang out chen's name making chen to look at her "aww..but ms.pressy we've all been working for the upcoming event, don't you think we too needs a break?" he whined.


Chohee chuckled before standing up, putting her books back inside her bag "nope. you guys can go take a rest i'm going to give you all considerations since chen's right-"


"-SEE! even chohee likes it!" chen then happily runs towards chohee with his arms open, ready to trap chohee's small figure into a tight hug. but before he could even land on her, two pairs of arms pulled chen's arms while dragging his body away from chohee "Off to ms.chohee, no skinships" lay said.


"ouch! you're pulling my arms off!!" chen shouted.


Suho grunted "stay still chen"


chohee lets out a chuckle "anyways, suho and lay's works deadline postponed. you two needs to submit your works on wednesday while you chen..still on monday" Chen then stopped struggling as he darted his eyes on the girl infront of him "but since your mom called and says that you'll be going out to seoul this coming monday..leave your work on my table i'll continue it."


"Really?!!" chen's eyes lit up.


Chohee nodded "anyways..i'll be going home bye!" 


As soon as chohee's figure went out of the room, suho and lay freed chen from their grasp. Suho sighed so as lay "as always..chohee's so kind" he said.


Lay nodded with a hum before turning his head to the side only to glare at chen "Sneaky"


chen stuck his tounge out as an answer.


- - - -


"Chohee!!" she didn't bother to look back for she knows who owns the voice who is calling her.


"Chohee please wait up" he breathed already jogging his way as he tries to catch chohee. "Chohee" kyungsoo was panting and sweating due to the sudden run he just made only to catch up chohee who is obviously trying to run away from him.


"chohee please don't avoid me" he pleaded. the way he holds chohee's wrist isn't so demanding neither hurtful.


it was soft.


and longing..


" to me" kyungsoo's voice sounds like a soft spring music for chohee. slowly, she look up only to meet those dark brown eyes, staring back down on her. chohee could see sincerity in his eyes and she wouldn't thought of it again since she knows kyungsoo's always true to her.


she trusts him..

but the real reason why she keeps avoiding kyungsoo is because she's too shy..and sorry.


"I'm sorry" she started before looking back down to the ground "Its just that i don't know how to approach you, how to face you or what should i say. after what happened-"


"-Chohee i understand. I hope you would understand me too..i'm sorry" kyungsoo then puts chohee's wrist down with care as he take off his hands away from her wrist. Kyungsoo chuckled making chohee to look up on him "w-why are you..." kyungsoo shook his head.


maybe laughing things out would make heavy things lighter "its just that..i realized that i'm kinda rushing you" he sighed "sorry for that chohee.."


Chohee smiled "no.."


"anyways" he puts his hands together behind "I'll give you time"


chohee then started walking as kyungsoo followed her, side by side. without even running away from one another. Kyungsoo smiled as chohee just hummed cluelessly "time for what?" she asked.


Kyungsoo then puts an arm around chohee's shoulder, she didn't flinch nor tries to move his arm away since it's a normal gesture they do as best of friends "To think.."


"for what?"


Kyungsoo frowned "don't act silly know what i'm telling about" he said.


Chohee bit her lower lip tch. she sighed "kyungsoo you know-"


but before she could even finish on what she's trying to say. kyungsoo hushed her as he changed position. he stood up infront of chohee both of his hands on top of her shoulder. with a stern look kyungsoo clicked his tounge, giving warning to chohee "think about it chohee...i'm giving you time to think. it's better than to say no. please.." chohee's heart warmed when she noticed how kyungsoo's face turned into stern to soft one..


kyungsoo breathed out "just give me...chance"




chohee could just look back at him..she doesn't know what to say but for one thing that she's sure.


she likes it.


Kyungsoo then smiled, breaking the formed silence between them "i'll go now...see you later ms.pressy" he chuckled before pinching chohee's nose. kyungsoo walked backwards while waving a hand on her before turning his body around to walk on the corner and completely out of chohee's sight.


"should i just admit....I like him too?"



Update ^ _ ^

Oh my gosh..

i'm so dumb >_<

Sorry for the short chapter updates..

and i know that the updates aren't too good..

I'm sorry..

but i'm going to be a better me

so i can do this story better..

thank you



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Chapter 20: Who's that girl? hmm. i just wish that Han's parents are not like kyung's parents :((
miraluhan #2
Chapter 18: He liked chohee . Omg
kimirina #3
Chapter 17: WAHHHH!!!!~~~ he kissed herrrrrr!!!!! OHHH YEAHHHHH!!!!! update soon!
Chapter 17: New reader here!

This is a great story!
miraluhan #5
Chapter 17: Hah finally luhan kissed her
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 16: Naughty boy lulu aren't you? Mmmmmmm
kimirina #7
Chapter 16: SAY NOOOOOOOO!!!! *le chants* KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! haha XD update soon!
Chapter 16: say no!
So luhan can kiss you!
Chapter 15: haha luhan so cweet update soon ;)
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf xDD i can't imagine a girl hitting Luhan's uhh... glory xD FOR REAL !! XDD great job author-nim !! xD