Pretend. I Hope.




Your POV

*A week later*

Thankfully, I had a peaceful one week to ‘recuperate’ from the incident. I just want some quiet time from all that. But unfortunately, it couldn’t last. This started to become hectic again. Not surprisingly, it all started with you know who. It’s always him who causes me any type of trouble. I have had such a great life, at least till he entered mine. Right now, I’m sitting here in this high class restaurant waiting for him to come. I guess I better double back a bit so that you can understand.

It all started this afternoon. Actually the whole morning was a little weird. For the whole day, through every single class, Hongki kept on staring at me. It felt creepy to being looked at continuously and something did not feel right. Expectedly, when school was over, Hongki came rushing to find me. I was making my home so I was pretty near the gates. He stopped in front of me, panting. Well the day is officially getting creepier. 

"What's wrong with you?"

"I need your help. Please." He said panting. 

I narrowed my eyes. "Why?"

"I'll explain later but can you please pretend to be my girlfriend for a week? This is a big favour I'm asking of you!"

I coughed. "Bwoh?! Why??? You can always ask someone else. Like Seohyun. Why me?"

"I'd figured you'd be the only one who'd understand. Please? I really need your help..." 

"Then explain. If your explanation is satisfactory, I'll think about it." 

He sighed and we sat down on one of the benches in the school garden. He started to explain quietly. "My parents want me to go for a marriage meeting and they only way they'll ever let me off is if I have a girlfriend. I lied, insisting that I had one. They didn't believe me as they never saw me bring home any girl. So they wanted to meet this girlfriend of mine. But I don't have one so I need your help to pretend to be my girlfriend for a while! I don't want to get married this young!" He said, looking at me with puppy eyes.

I tried to stifle a laugh. "And like I said, why am I the chosen one?"

"I thought that perhaps you'd be the only one that can understand. Not like any other girl who'd take it the wrong way. Please help me!"

I sighed. I should help him, right? It's not that I don't want to help him, but I have a feeling that this won't turn out well. I finally nodded hesitantly.

Hongki's face lit up and he grabbed my hands. "Thank you, thank you!" Then he realised he was holding my hands and he dropped them, turning scarlet red. "My parents want to meet you today so can you please meet me at xxx restaurant at 7?" I nodded again, unwilling. "Dress pretty okay? Like that time at my house." He said winking. 

I blushed but managed to retort, "So you admit that I looked pretty that time?"

He realized his mistake and scoffed. " Anyway, just dress nicely." He walked away, leaving behind an awkward silence.

And that's how I ended up here in this fancy restaurant in one of the private rooms. I'm not usually one who enters all these posh restaurants and I felt like an oddball. Let's just hope today would turn out okay. Hongki entered the room dressed in a black blazer, white shirt, skinnys and black-white sneakers. For some strange reason I did not want to look at him and kept my eyes down. Almost immediately after he had entered, his parents came in as well. Hongki shuffled into the seat next to mine.

"So you must be Hongki's girlfriend?" His mother asked stolidly. "How can my son have such a horrible taste in girls?"

I bent my head down. Grrr, stupid jerk, he probably only wanted me here to be made fun of. 

"Sorry, my wife is not really in a good mood. You must be Yoona?" Asked his father warmly. 

I nodded. "Although I must say, it's hard to believe that Hongki can snag such a pretty girl. Are you really his girlfriend?" 

I looked at Hongki out of the corner of my eye. I sighed and nodded. His mother seemed to have caught the look and became suspicious. "I don't believe you. Who knows, you might just be some girl he asked to pretend to be his girlfriend. I want you to prove it."

"" Hongki stuttered. 

"Kiss her. Right now."

"B...bwoh? But... We don't do it in front of people..."

"Do it and I'll believe you, if not, I'll arrange for the marriage meeting again."

Hongki bit his lip and looked at me pleadingly. I gave him a glare which probably went along the lines of: You're so going to die when I get you after this, and rolled my eyes. 

He leaned forward slowly. I really don't want to do this but I don't have a choice right?

I felt him place his lips gently onto mine. His lips were really soft and unconsciously, I started to kiss him back. I opened my mouth slightly and put my hand on his back. What the hell am I doing?! 

I could feel his father gape at me and his mother glare. I tugged on his shirt lightly. Hongki pulled away and gazed at me curiously. I could feel my face burning and I tried to avoid any eye contact with him. That reaction just now seemed totally wrong. Did I just kiss him back? Me? And I enjoyed it? Okay what the…I just admit I enjoyed it. ARGH. 

Mrs Lee sighed. "Fine, I believe you son. Maybe you'd want to go somewhere with.... um… your girlfriend? I need to speak to your father in private." 

The obedient son nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the restaurant onto the street. We started to walk towards the nearby park. We found an empty park bench and sat down. I shivered. Great, I'm cold. I rubbed my arms. I should have brought a jacket or even better, not have worn this dress. Hongki seemed to be talking on the phone with his parents. He hung up the phone and smirked. He then pushed me onto the bench till he was on top of me, both hands on the bench. I felt totally small underneath him. "So... Why did you kiss me back?"





hope this chapter was satisfactory though. :/

seems pretty boring. :(

getting writer's block

need some help ;)

comments guys!

slowly losing my inspiration... :(

so you all need to help me :D

my ideas come at weird times. :/

this one came yesterday morning when i was in church. >< 

God helped me. :D


trying to finish my stories quick so it doesnt get too naggy ;)

working a on a new fic staring taemin. ><

stay tuned hehe. :D


comments would be loved. 

no silent readers please!


do subscribe to my story!

i'll strive to make this better and more interesting! :D


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thecoolauthorstories #1
Chapter 29: I meant *Great*
thecoolauthorstories #2
Chapter 29: Cute ending, anyway I hope you write more Hong Ki and Yoona stories. I like how I read the sequel before the first story and now it felt a bit strange like I'm reading a backward book lol. But I enjoyed this story, geat job!
thecoolauthorstories #3
Chapter 23: This story is really good though I felt like you putting those random emoji like :) or xD seems really weird and doesnt seem natural. We dont want this to feel like a chat room when we read it. And why does this feel a bit like Boys Over Flowers at the beginning? I do like how you described Hong Ki in here though it was really realistic.
Im_Jiyeon #5
Chapter 18: Argh !!!! Spazzing ****** so cute^^
Im_Jiyeon #6
Chapter 6: Nice story!! Love it^^
Im_Jiyeon #7
Kinda feels like boys over flowers....
Ft island,I finally found youuuuuu!!!
Ft island,I finally found youuuuuu!!!
snsdrocks4orever09 #10
3 words to say to about your fanfic I love it. !!! Plzz make more. Xoxoxo