


Yoona's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar room. Where am I? I sat up. The room was large and spacious, facing the dock, but there was no one. I must be at Hongki's house. My room never faced any water. It doesn't even face the road. I looked down and blushed. Someone had changed for me. My black dress was hanging on the chair. 

I got out of bed and poked my head out of the door. The house was quiet. I crept down the staircase. It was empty. Where'd all the people go? I heard sounds coming from the kitchen, or at least I think it was the kitchen. I entered the kitchen cautiously. 

"You're awake." I turned towards the voice. Hongki was sitting at the bar drinking a bottle of juice. 

"Where's everyone? The house seems so empty. I thought you're rich but you don't even have a maid?"

"Of course I have maids. But every Sunday, we let them off for half a day."

"I see..."

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something to eat?"

"Okay... Who helped me change?"

"One of the maids. You can't go to sleep wet..." 

Eh, he's caring about me? Since when? In what world? 

"'ll dirty the bed."

I knew it. How can he be caring about me? Hongki was doing something behind the bar. I heard some sizzling sounds and a while later he set a couple of plates in front of me. There was French toast with egg, bacon and sausage. 

I took a bite. Surprisingly, it was pretty good. "It's pretty good for someone who only knows how to irritate people."

"Thanks... Wait... Yah!" I ignored him and continued to eat. He smiled. It was a strange smile. One, I've never seen before. It was an eye smile. I looked up and stared into his eyes. It wad glimmering with amusement and some other look. Some weird look though. It's like how you usually look at people you like or admire. 

"I know i look really good but you're breakfast is getting cold."

I broke away from the eye contact and blushed. He chuckled and drank his juice again as he leaned onto the bar, scrutinizing me intently. 

"Yah, aren't you going to get me something to drink?" I asked him.

"Give you kindness and you ask for more? Tsk tsk. Here." He held out his bottle of juice. Unconciously, I just took the bottle and drank. Hongki looked shocked and his mouth dropped. He snatched back the juice. "I was kidding you know!"

"Then get me something to drink! Please~"

He looked at me as if I were a weirdo and made me some tea. He set the cup in front of me. He drank his juice again. My eyes widened. He drank from the bottle before, then I drank, and now he's drinking it again. Ah we just had an indirect kiss! Agh! Now I realist why he he looked at me all funny but since he knew, why is he still drinking from the same bottle? I don't understand him. I started to laugh. I don’t know why, but I just did.

Hongki's POV

Yoona stared at me. Yes she did. She just stared at me. I'm in a good mood today. ^-^ I looked into her eyes. She is so cute. This is so amusing. She's still not looking away. It reminded me of the kiss. I have to break the eye contact before she stars to to think something is wrong.

"I know i look really good but you're breakfast is getting cold."

She broke the eye contact and blushed. 
She started to eat again. I leaned against the counter, and surveyed her silently. 

She asked me to get her a drink. I looked at her sketically. Sheesh. I handed her my juice for fun. It was meant to be a joke. To see her reaction. But who'd know shed just grab it and drink. Id thought she would yell and be surprised or something. It's so weird. I snatched back the juice. I drank again, totally forgetting about what Yoona had just done until she started to look at me. She had stopped eating and was staring at me with open. How could I have forgotten? Aish.

She started giggling. What the heck? My heart started to beat really fast again. Nowadays this has always been happening. It can't be I'm falling in love with her?



i updated after a long time. :/

sorry this is so damn boring


working on my SHINee fic.

so probably won't updated as much


but updates will come!

thank you. pls comment and subscribe.

(cmon guys, i know you can do better than that!)

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thecoolauthorstories #1
Chapter 29: I meant *Great*
thecoolauthorstories #2
Chapter 29: Cute ending, anyway I hope you write more Hong Ki and Yoona stories. I like how I read the sequel before the first story and now it felt a bit strange like I'm reading a backward book lol. But I enjoyed this story, geat job!
thecoolauthorstories #3
Chapter 23: This story is really good though I felt like you putting those random emoji like :) or xD seems really weird and doesnt seem natural. We dont want this to feel like a chat room when we read it. And why does this feel a bit like Boys Over Flowers at the beginning? I do like how you described Hong Ki in here though it was really realistic.
Im_Jiyeon #5
Chapter 18: Argh !!!! Spazzing ****** so cute^^
Im_Jiyeon #6
Chapter 6: Nice story!! Love it^^
Im_Jiyeon #7
Kinda feels like boys over flowers....
Ft island,I finally found youuuuuu!!!
Ft island,I finally found youuuuuu!!!
snsdrocks4orever09 #10
3 words to say to about your fanfic I love it. !!! Plzz make more. Xoxoxo