In our own world

First Love

The next morning, Jongin woke up first and saw the angel lying on his chest and smiled. He’s never felt any happier feeling. Krystal looks so pretty sleeping and Jongin loved how Krystal was hugging him- so tight yet gentle due to her soft skin. Krystal started the day by slowly opening her eyes and looked up to meet Jongin’s eyes. “Morning baby”, Jongin said with his husky morning voice making Krystal melt inside. Krystal smiled and planted a kiss on Jongin’s lips. “You look so beautiful in the morning, baby” Jongin said as their lips separated. Krystal blushed and placed her hand over his cheek, and said, “You’re not too bad yourself” making Jongin’s tummy flutter upon hearing her silky yet rough voice. Krystal has never seen anyone who looks so handsome after waking up- that hair, that smirk, that laugh, stop making me melt Jongin. I’m tired of putting myself together. Although it was tiring that she feels every time Jongin does anything; it was more of pleasure rather than tiredness. Jongin then said, “Babe, should we make breakfast…? Or do you have something else in mind?” with a erted face on him. Krystal then frowned at how her best friend turned dirty overnight- but after what happened last night… she herself also has some dirty thoughts. Krystal then said, “Let’s…… do something else, somewhere else”, making Jongin smirk with pleasure, “In the shower?” he suggested. “Why not?” Krystal felt so dirty when she said that but oh well, she wanted Jongin as much as Jongin wanted her. Jongin carried her to the bathroom and started another session of passionate lovemaking in the bathtub.

After they all got ready, they went out to get proper breakfast this time round, holding hands an Jongin occasionally placing his hand on Krystal’s shoulders and kissed her forehead. Krystal felt so appreciated, she’d never want to part with Jongin ever again. Jongin couldn’t keep his hands off Krystal; he’d feel too empty without her. Since it was Saturday, Krystal and Jongin were allowed to arrive late at the company. When they arrived, holding hands, giggling- everyone in the whole of SM knew that they were back together, and definitely official this time round seeing how intimate they look. Their group of friends greeted them, Sulli was the first one to talk, “Wait, how come you guys are together- I mean you guys don’t even talk to each other!” The others laughed since Sulli was the only one who doesn’t know their complicated love story. Sehun, Chanyeol, Suho clapped their hands annoyingly making Jongin frown. Suho felt happy now that Krystal is happier than ever. He has never seen Krystal as happy as she is now- Krystal is glowing with happiness, and even though he didn’t play the main role in that, he was content enough that he did help Krystal to where she is now. Jongin let go of Krystal and hugged Suho, “Sorry Suho. Seriously man, I should’ve…. I really should’ve figured it out first before making any stupid moves. So sorry” Suho then smiled and said, “Its okay man. Just promise me… you both don’t ever break up okay! ” The groups of friends are now really a group of friends now that Krystal and Jongin are talking. They all became closer than ever.

2 weeks has passed ever since Krystal and Jongin started dating and everything felt completely perfect. Jongin sometimes spends the night with Krystal, accompanying her through the night, and sometime Krystal would stay over his place instead to lie in his arms. “Are you hungry, baby? Would you like some pancakes?” Jongin asks Krystal who is still lying on his bed. “I can’t eat a lot though. The coordi is consistently watching my weight” Krystal replied, sulking her face. “The coordi doesn’t know how beautiful your body is…” Jongin started fantasizing and stopped after Krystal hit him- he didn’t even realize she got out of the bed already! “YA, stop being so dirty please. We need to focus on our day” Krystal says while giving him a peck on his cheek before giving him a back hug. “…how can I ever not fantasize about you, baby. You’re too perfect” Jongin compliments Krystal making her cringe. “I am flattered, Jongin… but no, stop exaggerating or I….” “Or you what?” “….err…. won’t eat your pancakes!” After Krystal said that they both laughed and Jongin started making the pancakes while Krystal watches with the back hug still intact. After breakfast, they’d always leave together, and kiss each other before separating to their practices. They would meet each other during break times, and would leave together as well. Some people think they are too clingy and spending way too much time together, but Krystal and Jongin loves the way they are with each other whenever they can.

The first day of a new month came, and their individual schedules came. Jongin and Krystal met up to see their schedules- and they were both clashing. Krystal has practice when Jongin is free, and also vice versa. “Oh no, what to do we do? We can’t meet anymore like this”, Krystal sulked. “Its okay baby, there will always be a time we can meet- we can stay at each other’s places or something”, Jongin comforted her. “Oh ya, true” lifting Krystal’s mood back. They both started reading their full schedule descriptions, and it was written on Krystal’s:

All debuting girl group members of f(x) shall be sleeping at a dormitory next to the SM building. Members must move in within the first week, or headquarters shall take action.

Krystal looked at Jongin with watery eyes and Jongin asks, “Why? What’s wrong baby?” Krystal hands him her description. Jongin reads and even though his heart shrunk a little, he wanted to make his girl happier, “that’s okay, we can still meet up. Babe, we are from the same company”, and gave her a hug. Krystal felt assured and said, “We need to always meet okay, I can’t breathe if I’m not around you for too long”. Jongin laughed and rubbed her head, “Aigoo, my baby is too cheesy already”. They both giggled and hugged each other tighter.

A week has passed without them seeing each other- well, physically. Although they try to Skype every night after their practice, they’d be too tired to talk and may end up sleeping through their Skype session. They were growing apart- and they both felt it, but it was inevitable. They’d try to text as much as they can, but they could only do so little- as both of them are too busy to even hold their phones. In fact, the instructors made a rule not to hold their phones anytime within the practice sessions. Krystal and Jongin both had to face their days alone- only allowed to be in their practicing worlds.

After a month, f(x) was already reaching the end of their debut preparations, and Krystal had a little more free time, but this time round, Jongin, who was included in the new boy group debuting group, had extra practices- since a lot of tests had to be gone through, to filter out the ones who aren’t capable of debuting. 

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Last chapter is in the making~ will be updating soon! Thanks for reading, guys!


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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 30: Love this story❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: this is just too fast
Your the best, I'm going crazy because of your wonderful story, it makes me feel happy whenever I read your stories, FIGHTING!!!!!
krystaljxox #4
Chapter 30: Love love love your story! I've always wanted a fanfic according to real life events! Hope to hear from you soooon! xxxxxxxx
Chapter 30: Kyaaa this is so cute!!
pqpzelo #6
Chapter 30: I simply love this fanfic!
rike-kaistal99 #7
Chapter 29: ohmygod! im fasting here! ..... and finally kaistal back together yeay!
Chapter 29: Omg, im fasting and reading this y story!!In just 2 minutes, they had their happiness;")))
Tenznordonla #9
Chapter 28: updte update update update plzzzz as soon as possible,wait is this story finishd or wat??? but update!!! they seems soooo real,nd this story makesme feel that they are real! UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 28: ayeee kaistal back together again!!!