Nostalgic (향수의)

The Choice I Made
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(Sam's outfit)


It's the start of something new and it feels so right living here with you~ Ooh~

One of the songs in my favorite chick-flick is playing as background music while I take a shower. It has been my habit to let a song play while I'm in the bathroom. I don't know why, but there's something about music that allows me to relax.

While the water runs down on my body, I practice in my mind the statements I'll be saying at the press conference later. Yes, most part of the press cons are scripted, but there are those reporters who would throw surprise questions that would surely catch someone off guard.

"The press-con will be a lot different from what you are used to. This is cheesier, more personal, and you can expect them to pry into your private life because right now, you're not just a car racer, but a celebrity," Eric reminded me while we were having breakfast.

"I know. This is just the same as the one I did in New York. I can handle this. Trust me," I assured him.

"I hope so," Eric just shrugged at my retort. Well, actually, I almost messed up that press-con in New York. If not for him, I would have gotten into trouble. My temper had got the best of me, I was almost shouting at the reporter who asked, "How many guys have you slept with?" Who wouldn't feel disrespected? Thankfully, Eric was there to calm me down and he made the reporter apologize.

When I entered the bedroom, I found Belle arranging the beauty essentials in my vanity mirror. I don't really put on a lot of make up when I don't have photo shoots. Just moisturizer, powder, light eye liner, and lip balm. I hate being too girly. My femininity must have been downgraded given the fact that Belle and I are the only girls in our car racing team.

"What do you want to wear for today Sam?" Belle asked as she rummaged through my luggage. Even though she's my stylist, I always have a say about what I wear.

"Jeans and a shirt will do. I don't want anything fancy," I replied while applying the lip balm on my full lips. I have fair skin, so having a bare face isn't really an issue. My eyes are pretty naturally so there is no need for eye shadow, only a thin amount of eye liner to accentuate them.

"Again? I don't get you, really. Any girl would die for a body like yours and you just want to wear jeans and a shirt? What's with you and dresses?" Belle asked, expressing her displease by my choice of wardrobe. I do have good body proportions, 34-23-34, and a pair of legs that 'go on forever' as designers I've worked with put it. I'm not an in demand model for nothing, right?

"I don't know. I feel uncomfortable wearing them. Maybe it just isn't my thing."

"Oh well, with that face you will look good even if you wear rags."

"Haha! That's too much flattery but thanks anyway," I told her. I really like Belle, not because she always flatters me but because she's nice. I met her two years ago when my previous coordinator resigned to pursue her studies. I instantly liked her and since then we became good friends. She's Korean, but since she studied in Paris, she's very fluent in English, but since I don't want to lose my Korean tongue, I always speak to her in Korean.

"Here. I picked out your mustard V-neck shirt and your faded, tattered, skinny jeans. Do they measure up to your liking?" she said holding out the pair she picked.

I turned my head to have a look. "Awwwh, you really know me eonni," I replied, smiling from ear to ear. She's like a sister I never had.

"I suggest you pair them with this," she held out my Chanel Frye-harness boots.

"Okay, if you say so," I said, nodding in agreement. I grabbed the clothes she laid down on my bed and got dressed. I pulled the pin holding my Latina (as Belle call it) hair and let the strands fall loose on my shoulders up to my mid-back section. I blow dried my hair and put on my brown beanie.

"Let's go," I told Belle. I grabbed my favorite black leather jacket, my Ray Ban, phone, and car keys. My baby arrived this morning and I can't wait to drive him around South Korea.

Belle was very animated during the elevator ride. She was going on about how excited she was for the rehearsal later because she heard that her favorite Korean boy group will be there. Something about XO, ECO, EXO? Or something along those letters. I couldn't care less because I didn't have any idea on what she was going on about. I have limited knowledge on Korean artists and singers. I only know 2ne1 and Super Junior because I got the chance to meet them up close when they had their Europe tour. I was their tour guide when they had the time to go sight seeing. Apparently for Suju, their manager turned to be a big fan of mine.

We found Eric sitting in the lobby reading something on his iPad. He raised his head when he noticed our presence.

"Are you ready to go? Your Porsche is parked at B11," he said while fixing his polo shirt.

"Porsche? I thought they were sending the Ferrari?" I replied, already missing my favorite baby.

"Fred told me that the Ferrari is being fixed. Something went wrong with its engine."

"Oh! I hope they fix it soon."

We proceeded to the parking lot and I quickly spotted my yellow Porsche. The happiness I feel when I see my babies is incomparable.

"South Korea won't be as foreign now that you're here," I said while patting its hood as if it would talk back to me. If it did, it would be super creepy. I saw Eric and Belle exchange glances and I knew they were holding back their laughter. Okay, I admit it. I go crazy when it comes to cars.

We left the hotel in an instant. The concierge told us the shortcuts around, but they were too risky as we might lose our way, so we took the national road. The van Eric and Belle were riding was in front of me and another van which the other members of my team were riding was following behind me. You might ask, what my team is doing in Korea when I don't have a race. Actually, it's a vacation for them and they're leaving a week after.

We arrived at the SME's premises and entered as fast as we could to avoid the crowding reporters. Thankfully, there were only a few of them so they were easy to ditch. Once inside the building, I couldn't help but be amazed. The structure looks small from the outside but it's actually bigger inside. Posters of good looking people are hung on the wall. I spotted Si Won oppa and Henry oppa. They are members of Suju that I got close with.

Eric and I rode the elevator to the tenth floor where the meeting would be held. As soon as we stepped out of the elevator, we were greeted with warm welcomes and a bouquet of flowers from a pretty lady who I presumed to be the secretary.

"Annyeonghasaeyo Samantha-ssi. I'm so glad that you have accepted our offer," a man, probably in his late 50s or early 60s, approached me and shook my hand.

"Samantha, this is SME's CEO, Lee Soo Man," Eric introduced the man shaking my hand.

"Oh, forgive my rudeness," I said right away and bowed knowing that I was being rude for just standing there. I properly introduced myself. "Annyeonghasaeyo, my name is Samantha Kim. My Korean name is Kim Soo Jin. Nice to meet you Mr. CEO."

"It's alright. The pleasures is all mine Ms. Kim. Shall we get inside and start discussing your upcoming projects and also have the contract formally signed?" he said, gesturing to a room full of people.

The room looked like a conference room with a 21" flat screen TV. The table, or should I say desks, were U-shaped. I sat down beside the CEO, feeling all eyes on me. Good, now I'm underdressed, I told myself when I noticed that all the people inside the room were wearing formal wear.

I didn't have much to say in the contract signing. Eric did all the talking. I trust him in matters like these. He knows what's best for me. I'll just ask him later what projects are lined up for me for the next two years. Yes, my stay in Korea is only for two years because that's the only period given to me by the company handling me in Italy. I was supposed to use it to rest and go on vacation but I hate being idle.

After the contract signing, we toured the building. I couldn't help but be fascinated by the posters on the walls. How on earth does this man find these dazzling creatures?

Eric and the CEO were talking animatedly about something, so they didn't notice me lagging behind. While scanning every picture on the wall, I felt the need to answer the call of nature. I didn't want to in on their conversation so I opted to ask the pretty secretary who was following us.

"Excuse me Miss, where's the comfort room?" I shyly asked.

"We passed by it earlier. Do you want me to accompany you?" she said in a sweet voice.

"Please," I smiled back, appreciating her kindness.

She lead the way to the comfort room in silence. I was about to ask her name when she turned around and looked at me in awe.

"Miss Sam, I'm a big fan of yours. I always watch your races. I have never missed one. I've been dying to ask for your autograph for a while ago, but with the CEO around, I can't," she spoke very fast that I had to take my time understanding what she said.

"Really? Thank you! It's my first time to meet a fan in person," I smiled back, a wider smile than earlier.

She produced a pen and paper from her pocket and prodded me for an autograph.

"What's your name eonni?" Obviously she's older than me. I'm only 20, Korean age of 22. Yeah, I'm young. I started to love racing when I was 11. I was not really into cars before. What I love was motocross riding but my Dad disapproves of it, saying that it's too extreme and dangerous. He said that if I really wanted to race, then I should join the car racing industry. My thirst to conquer roads and tracks got the best of me. At 14, I was already riding a Ferrari and having my first race. I didn't win, but I got the bronze cup. As a rookie, that's already a big achievement and that made me even more determined to get the championship title. Thank God I finally won the Gold Cup when I was sixteen, and since then my winning streak has never been broken.

"Choi Soo Hee," she said.

Soo Hee eonni, stay pretty and kind! Smile always! —Samantha Kim

"Thank you so much!" she said. I felt as if she was hesitating on whether or not to hug me. To her surprise, I hugged her.

"You're so sweet, Soo Jin-ssi."

"Oh, it's nothing," I offered a smile, realizing that she called me by my Korean name. "So, where's the comfort room?"

"Oh, how forgetful of me!" She said face-palming and I laughed at her quirky action.

We walked along the corridor and were about to turn left when her phone rang.

"Excuse me," she asked me and I nodded that it was alright. She talked on the phone for a minute or so and then turned to me. "Will you be okay by yourself? The CEO wants me to go back to his office to get some files," she said apologetically.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I pretty much know my way around. I just turn to the left, right?"

"Yes, and the comfort room is at the end of the corridor."

"Thank you," I told her and turned around on my heels. As I turned left, I bumped into someone.

"Crap, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking," I apologized immediately to the stranger. When I looked up, I felt my jaw drop when I saw his face. God, that's one gorgeous creature. As I took in his face, he suddenly looked familiar, but I couldn't point out where I had seen him. Probably on one of the posters I saw a while ago, I decided.

"Next time, look where you're heading. God gave you eyes, use them," and after saying that, he left without a single glance at me.

"Huh! Jerk! I shouldn't have apologized. I mean what will he lose if he says it's alright," I hissed through my breath and stomped towards the ladies' room.

I didn't want my day to be ruined, so I tried to forget what had just happened. Thankfully, Eric called and diverted my attention.

"Where are you? We are in the lounge. We have to go to the press conference now," he said over the phone.

"I'm in the ladies' room. I'm coming now."

As soon as I arrived, Eric ushered me to the back door of the building. The team followed us closely.

"Why aren't we using the front door?" I asked, confused as to what was happening.

"There are a lot of people in the lobby. It's impossible to get through."

"Reporters? Ugh, those people really don't know the meaning of patience. I mean, they could've just waited for the press conference," I said, starting to get annoyed.

"No, not reporters, fans. I'll ride with you so that we can review what you wi

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Hi pals! I changed the title if you don't mind. I'm planning to make spin-offs that's why. Keke~


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P.s: love how the story is going... update soon!
Chapter 20: I'm confused. Are these quadruple update? Hmm. :D
Chapter 15: wa. i wish i'm the type of girl that every guy falls for.
but kris and sam, please stop acting like you hate each other..
Chapter 15: Yay, your back! XD
I really like the last part, if Kris was the one who dragged her. *sigh. I hope they use that moment to talk. They really need to clear things up between them. Then maybe after that they can kiss? LOL

Thank you for the update author! :D
Chapter 9: wow, this was such a plot twist. i really like how this story is developing. just one question, why did that lady say grazie? isn't that italian (or something)? >.<
Chapter 8: Say whuut?! *dumbfounded
Chapter 2: This is great so far! but I totally died at the description of Luhan. he would be so mad if he saw that haha >.<
hi,need a poster/backgraound/chara.chart/banner for your amazing fic/story??

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update eager to read the next chappie^^
KK-Chang #10
|| update soon ;) i want them rite now, cuz it's so excited. will anywaz keep up the good work... (...i loveeeeeeeee it,really good]