LOVE COACH (English Version)

COED SCHOOL-Bbiribom Bberibom


            In the class,


“Sulli, can you accompany me to visit my brother this evening?” Lime asked Sulli. “I really want to go with you but I have tuition this evening. I’m sorry” Sulli explained. “Oh. It’s okay” “I’m really sorry” “No problem” Ken came and interrupted them.


“I can go with you” “Really? Thanks, Ken” Lime replied. Ken just smiled.


            After school, Ken and Lime walked home together. As they were in front of their houses,


“We’ll go there at 2pm” Lime said. Ken nodded and entered his house.


            Two in the evening, in front of their houses, before they go,


“How did we go there?” Ken asked. “I cycle there” Lime answered. “Oh. I’m taking my bicycle for a while” Ken went to the back of his house and took his bicycle. “You had a bicycle? Why don’t you go to school with it?” “I don’t want to. I like walking. Hurry up! Let’s go. You should walk front” Lime obeyed and cycled first while Ken followed her from the back. They went to a hospital.


*Lime’s brother is in a hospital?* he thought.


“We’re here” Lime parked her bicycle under a tree. Ken followed her actions.


            They went into the hospital.


“Hi, Lime. It’s been a while since I saw you” a guard greeted her. “Hi, ahjusshi. I just want to visit my brother for a while” Lime replied. “Oh” Lime walked pass the front counter.


“Hi, Lime. Want to see your brother?” a nurse greeted her. “Yes” Lime kept on walking. Another nurse called her. “Hi Lime” she greeted. “Hi, eonni. I heard you have a baby” “Yes” “Is it a boy or a girl?” “A boy” “Oh. Congrats!” “Thank you” Lime and Ken entered the lift.


“You know many people here” Ken said. “I often come here” she answered. As they arrived at the fifth floor,


“We’re here. Let’s go” Lime and Ken went out from the lift. “Where’s your brother’s ward?” Ken asked. “There” As they arrived in front of a room, Lime turned the door knob and entered the room. Ken followed her. He was shocked. All the patients there were mental illness patients.


“Lime” Ken called. “I’ll explain” Lime answered short. She went to a boy who was leaning against a wall. He was playing with his weird hat. “Sungmin-ah” she called. The boy was excited and went to Lime. “Noona!” the boy hugged her tightly. “Just now I met Nara” “Okay, okay. Have you eaten?” “Yes. I ate with my friends just now” “Is this your little brother?” Ken asked. “Yes. I’ll tell you what happen” she replied.


“Noona, let’s go there” Sungmin took her hand and went to his bed. Ken followed. “Look” Sungmin put his sneaker on his head. “No. This go your feet not head” she took the sneaker. Sungmin took his toys and sat in front of Lime. “Thwis car go vvwroom fast and dush! Hwit the dwoll” he pushed his toy car and hit a doll.


“Okay, okay. Noona went out for a while” Lime caressed his hair and went out with Ken. “What happen to him?” Ken asked. “He had a best friend named Nara. One day, he went to a park with Nara. Nara wants to cross the road to go home when a car hit her. Sungmin was watching the incident. He can’t accept the fact that she died and he become autism” Lime explained.


“Poor him. How old is he?” “Thirteen. He was admitted here early this year. Let’s go inside back” Ken nodded. “Noona, here. A flower for you” Yang Yoseob held Lime a sunflower as she entered the room back. “Seob-I, thanks. I miss you” she accepted the flower and pinched his fluffy cheek. He smiled back.


            Lime and Ken went to Sungmin who was sitting on the bed. Ken sat on the chair beside the bed. Lime was sitting in front of Sungmin on the bed while watching him talking to himself.


“What’s with that kid?” Ken nodded to Yoseob. “He likes a girl. He was on his way to meet the girl and he walked beside a construction area. A metal pole fell onto him. He lost his memories. All he remember is he’s in love but he doesn’t know with who” “How old is he?” “17” “He’s still young but already have problem” Lime nodded in agreement.


“What’s that girl name?” Ken pointed to a girl who was talking and shouting to herself. “Her name is Hyosung. She loves a guy name Lee Gikwang. He’s a playboy. She confessed to him and he asked her to proof her loves to him by jumping into a deepriver. Hyosung was hesitated to jump. He said”




“Hurry up! Don’t you love me?” he smirked. Hyosung was about to jump into the river when an unknown guy pulled her to his back. “Who are you to disturb her life?!” the guy snarled. “Who are you to protect her?!” Gikwang replied.


“I’m her friend” the guy glanced at her. Hyosung saw his name tag that written ‘Lee Howon’. The guy has the same school badge as Hyosung and Gikwang. Gikwang threw a punch to Howon but he avoided it in a flash. Howon punched him and Gikwang doubled over in pain. Howon was about to leave when Hyosung grabbed his wrist.


“Thank you” she said. “Don’t believe at stupid playboy like him!” “Okay. Well, my name is” “Hyosung. And I’m Howon” At the same time, Gikwang stood and took a wooden plank and knocked Hyosung on her head with it. She fell with bleeding head.


-End of Flashback-


“So that’s her story” Lime said. “That’s mean she lost her memory” “Yes. She only remember that incident and still afraid of the knock on her head” “That kid?” Ken pointed to a guy who was on a wheel chair while hugging a photo frame. “That’s Yehyanggi. But I call him Kimchi. The girl in that photo is Sunhwa. It’s like this. He likes her so much and he is Sunhwa’s stalker. One day”



A/N: I’m sorry for making your biases look bad. It’s just a story. I’m sorry! Please don’t kill me! Do watch Super Junior Mini Drama Sungmin of you want to know what I mean by the part where Lime talks about Choi Sungmin’s story. You do know who’s Kimchi right? He’s Double A member.

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