9: To See You Again

| R E M E M B E R | P A R T T W O |

I really should be doing homework right now. lol I have two lab reports that I need to do, but I'm writing a chapter instead. XD;

I'm so bad....


"Oh! I'm going to need some of these! And these too! I ran out of this and I'll probably need it." Yunhee said, throwing random ingredients into the basket that Kyuhyun was holding. While driving home, Yunhee forgot that she needed to do some extra shopping to be able to make another meal for BIGBANG and 2NE1. Of course, Kyuhyun decided to help her, which ended up with him carrying the heavy basket filled with vegetables and cans.

"Y-Yunhee-ya... I think you have enough." he said as he struggled to keep the basket off the ground.

Yunhee frowned. "I'm almost out of ingredients though, oppa."

Kyuhyun sighed. "Araso araso."

Yunhee smiled, then placed the another bag of vegetables in the basket while holding onto another one. "That should be it, oppa~"

He sighed, relieved, wiping the sweat off of his forehead since they were at an outdoors market and it was hot outside. "Finally~" 

Yunhee giggled and they walked to the owner to pay for the food, however, Yunhee froze when she heard a female giggling and a man laughing. Her eyes had gone wide and she felt numb seeing them in front of her. The couple walked past them, completely ignoring her. The male's arm gently brushed Yunhee's. She dropped the bag of oranges and grabbed her arm, as if it has been shocked with electricity. 

The guy felt something rolled against his feet. He stopped walking, making his date pout. He picked up and orange and walked over to them. "Yah, I think you dropped this." he said, holding out the orange.

Yunhee didn't turn around to take it from him, instead she ran away as fast as she possibly can to the car. She heard Kyuhyun shouting, but she didn't listen. 'I need to get away.' she thought as she felt her cheeks become wet.

Kyuhyun mentally cursed then picked up the oranges she dropped on the floor. He grabbed the orange the other guy had in his hands, giving him a glare, and took out a 100,000 won bill, handing it to the owner. "That should be more than enough for all of this." he said, running after her with the basket in hand.

The guy looked at Kyuhyun with a confused look on his face. "Was he angry at me?" he asked to no one in particular.

The girl giggled then attached herself back on his arm. "They don't appreciate the small things you do, Jiyong oppa~"

Jiyong chuckled. "I guess so." he replied, but he felt as if his heart had been ripped out when he saw the girl run away. 'Something felt very familiar with that girl.' he thought, then pushed it out of his mind when his date asked him a question.

Kyuhyun ran and stopped a few meters away when he saw Yunhee try to open the locked doors of his car. "Yunhee-ya." he called out, but she didn't hear him and continued to pull on the handle. He took out his keys, unlocking the doors from where he stood. He saw that Yunhee immediately went inside the backseat of the car and closed it, locking herself in.

Kyuhyun stood where he was, a sad, hurt expression on his face. He had knew was that guy was when he first saw him, but he didn't expect for BIGBANG's leader to be here of all places especially with another girl in his arms. He heard screaming and sobbing coming from inside his car, breaking him out of his thoughts. 'You always looked at him from afar, yet I'm right here in front of you and you never see me, Yunhee-ya.'

Kyuhyun sighed, opening the truck and placing the basket in there. He sat on the hood of the truck, deciding it was best to give her some minutes alone before taking her home. He wanted to be in there, comforting her, but he can't stand to see her upset, let alone cry. The first time he had seen her cry, he himself was heartbroken, he didn't know what to do to help her cheer up.

He sighed again, looking at the afternoon sky. She told him the story between her and Jiyong. When he heard it,  he was angry at him for hurting Yunhee like that. The day after, he ran into BIGBANG cause they were doing a variety show together and almost punched him if his hyungs didn't hold him back. He remember that perfectly clear since Leeteuk ended up taking away his laptop for a month, not letting him play any video games, but he didn't care since he mostly spent the month with Yunhee and he was happy.

That's all he wanted; her happiness.

She cried and continued to cry, trying to take all the pain away with the help of her tears. She wasn't mentally prepared to see him and yet, she runs into him at a market near her house with another girl attached to his arm. 

Seeing him just bought back many memories for them together, all of them happy moments they shared before her mother's death, when she had to move away and they started drifting apart. Yunhee tried to keep in contact with him as much as she can; writing letters, calling him, but it all went in vain. The only connections that she had left with him was being his fan... and also Taeyang.

"Youngbae oppa...." It hurt calling him out, him with the rest of BIGBANG and 2NE1, how they were planning on getting the two of them together. When they told her that they were going to do everything to get them together, Yunhee felt... joy and hope. She hoped and prayed from their successes, but after seeing what she saw today, she felt empty, as if all of her hope was taken away from her.

She grasped her shirt, the area above her heart. It felt like her heart exploded in her chest, making it hard for her to breathe. More memories flooded into her mind; his voice, his warm hugs, his cute smile, the way that he would blush, the way he would say that they would always be together....

Even though she was crying, a small bitter smile appeared on her lips. "Jiyong-ah...." she mouthed before she closed her eyes and collapsed.


Yunhee-ya! AHH!

Well, not really a happy way to see each other, but this really helped to get into their head, eh?

Haha. Okay.

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bellavita #1
n_n happy ending love it! good work!!
aww. YES!!!! MUAHHAHAHA !! >=D<br />
Sorry, but I was just happy that she didn't end up with Kyuhyun.<br />
YAY~ =) yess, she's with GD. (y)
shiraishi_fan67 #3
No Kyuhyun and Yunhee? Seriously? ._. Oh well, still a nice ending!~
shiraishi_fan67 #4
Aww... poor her! I wonder who will she end up with? I'm putting my fake money on Kyu! Update soon~
bellavita #5
OMO!!!!!! WAAAAA that was so romantic!!!! <3
Why would you tell ji to leave when he kissed you?<br />
i would've stayed at the moment for years if i was her..<br />
anywayss, update soon :)
I did not see that coming LOL.<br />
I thought she was going to serve some VIP member or something !<br />
Why'd she tell him to leave D;?<br />
Update soon !
shiraishi_fan67 #8
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I didn't know that he would kiss her! I didn't even know it was GD. I was thinking "It's Kyuhyun. It's Kyuhyun" But then I saw GD. So the 800% success rate is bigger than Super Juniors?
Awh! When is the next update?? =(
You got some serious amnesia there Jiyong. LOOOOOL<br />
update soon :D