Confession !

My Paparazzi Girl.

Chapter Seven : Confession !

Donghyun kept quiet and tried to ignore your question.

"Donghyun!" you shouted. "Who's her!?"

He covered his ears because of your loud scream. He hesitated and bit his lower lip.

"Her name is NaJee," Donghyun finally spoke. "She's Youngmin's ex-girlfriend."

"Youngmin has an ex-girlfriend?" you questioned. "What does she have to do with me?"

Donghyun nodded and explained about her.

"Somehow, you remind him of her. You both plead sale's man and woman to lower the price. Your both so innocent. Lastly, she broke up with him from a letter."

"Woah! That's harsh! A letter? She's got some guts."

Donghyun laughed from how you reacted. 

"Yeah, she does.."


Next morning, you were really weird-ed out. You know who? Youngmin.. He suddenly became so close and friendly to you. He would prepare you breakfast and smile at you so big. 

You giggled, "Someone should call 'Batman', you look like 'Joker'." {Batman is bat and a man. BAT-MAN, a super hero. Joker is a freak who smile so wide. JO-KER.}

Youngmin's smile became a frown.

"____, do you know how to draw?" Donghyun asked. 

You nodded and smiled. "I love to draw."

"Jinja?" Donghyun said in relief. "We need someone to draw a poster of us for our upcoming concert."

"I would love to help you guys."

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

Everyone was doing their happy dance when suddenly Minwoo stopped and asked you, "You are a good drawer right?"

"Minwoo!" Hyunseong shouted. 

You chuckled, "Maybe?"

"Mianhae for asking ____," Minwoo apologized.

"_____!" Donghyun called you. "We have a schedule today so you can start on the poster with Youngmin as your apprentice."

"Youngmin doesn't have any schedule?" you questioned.

"He does," Kwangmin replied. "Photo shoot but, after me. Don't worry ____ I'll come back as quickly as I can so that you won't be stuck here with a weirdo."

"Yah!" Youngmin was obviously offended. "I am not weird! Right ____?"

You didn't reply and bowed your head down.

"_____!" Youngmin kept shaking your shoulder. 

"But you are weird Youngmin," Jeongmin said.

Youngmin gave him a glare as Jeongmin quickly fled.

"Scaredy-cat," you mumbled. 

Youngmin heard what you said and also gave you his evil stare. You quickly covered your eyes and kept your head low. 

"Now who's a scaredy-cat?" Youngmin whispered to your ear.


It was just you and Youngmin alone in the dorm. You were working on the poster at the dining table. Youngmin would just watch you peacefully.

"_____," Youngmin called you but, you were really focused on your work that you didn't even bother to speak.

He desperately wants your attention but your not giving it to him. He got impatient of calling and so he threw the pencil you were using from your hand.

"Yah!" you yelled. "I'm trying to work here!"

"Well I'm trying to get your attention!" he shouted back.

You calm down and asked him politely, "What do you need?"

"I need to tell you something," he explained.

"What is it?" you curiously asked.

"Danu dwa yo..."

"Are you saying that because you really like me? Or, are you just saying that because I remind you of NaJee?"


**Author's Note**

Danu dwa yo = means = " I like you! "
Hello everyone! Another update! Sorry for the confusions, you'll find out as the story goes on of what's happening. I gave you guys some hint so, maybe you guys get the idea. Anyways, I need to go now.. Sorry if I made mistakes..
xoxo ♥ boy1a4 .out.
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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 21: Cute story I love it! The pickup lines were great and cute! :)
timeofmylife03 #2
Great story! I'm Filipino too. Teehee. Keep up the good work(:
OMGGGG!!! GREAT story!!! <3 loved it <3<br />
wonwoojpeg #4
Omygawd!<br />
She good!!! :D
<3 <3 <3 i like this story~
thank you! :D
lov4ever #7