Our Permanent Assistant !

My Paparazzi Girl.

Chapter Seventeen: Our Permanent Assistant !

The boyfriend members finally woke up and was shock to see a girl in their dorm. "Uhmm...Miss?" Donghyun asked curiosly. "Who are you?" "I'm Kiruu," she replied. "Your new assistant, PERMANENTLY." "Ohh.." he said. "Donghyun-imnida." "I know," she exclaimed. "I already know all of your names, your manager told me." "You've talked to him?" Jeongmin questioned. "Where is he?" "He's said he'll come home soon," she explained. "He actually called me on the phone all of sudden and asked me to be your assistant and I agreed, so here I am." The boys nodded. "I bought some groceries here's the receipt," she said handing Donghyun the receipt. He's eyes widen and exclaimed, "This is triple the amount of what we paid when we bought groceries with ____. What is this? Body lotion? Perfume?" "I need my essentials too you know?" Kiruu rudely replied before walking to her room. "I like ____ better," Minwoo said to the other members. "I agree," Hyunseong said nodding his head.  "Me too," Jeongmin added. "She's not girly and plus ____ is polite unlike Miruu." "Whatever," Kwangmin said coldly. "I still hate her." He then walked to his room. On the other hand, Youngmin mumbled, "But deep inside, I know you still LOVE her." ~ You told Jaehyun what happened and both of you decided to go back home. You were about to open the car's door when you spotted NaJee.  You ran to her and asked, "What are you doing here?" "I need to talk to Youngmin," she simply replied. "Why do you care?" "I know everything," you exclaimed. "I mean, I know what really happen that day." "What are you talking about," she questioned. "And how? You weren't even there." "I know someone who was there," you stated pointing at Jaehyun who was now walking towards you. "Aren't you that singer?" NaJee asked. "What are you doing here? And you were there?" "The truth is," he began to explain. "I gave you the break up note, I also gave Youngmin one too." Her eyes widen and yelled, "Why!? Who are you to do that to us!?" "Mianhae," he softly said. "I guess I gor jealous because I really like you." "I don't even know you," NaJee calmed down a bit. "I guess you can call me like those other people who has a crush on idols who doesn't even know you exist," he chuckled a bit. "I'm your fanboy." NaJee flushed red and forgot about being mad at Jaehyun. "I understand," she replied. "I can't control how you feel. And I'm flattered that you like me, but I like someone else." "I'll help you get him back." ~ "Hurry up!" Donghyun called the members. "We can't be late for the interview." The boys came running and left to go to their interview about the scandal. They were inside their van when Kiruu kept nagging about how long ride is because she wants to get her nails done during Boyfriend's interview, since she thinks its going to boring there. They arrived on time and dressed up nice for the press.  "Be careful of what your going to say," Donghyun adviced the other members. "Think before you speak." They all nodded and gave him a nervous smile. Everyone sat on their seat from oldest to youngest. "You may start asking question." "This question is for Donghyun," one of the female reporter said. "Are you alright with the fact that Youngmin is dating someone?"  "Actually," he explained. "I'm not sure if they are dating and if they are, I'll approve their relationship, since he is in an appropriate age to date." The reporter nodded and wrote something down her paper.  "This question is for Hyunseong," a male reporter said. "Do you think this issue will affect many fans which can get you antis and what is your opinion?" "I think it will get us antis," he explained. "But, it's alright because all of us knew that if we become an idol we'll also enter showbiz and we knew that we'll encounter this kind of situations. It's totally normal, and we don't blame Youngmin for this, since it's his decision and it's not wrong to fall in love. I believe in him and I support his decision." As Youngmin listened to Donghyun and Hyunseong's answers, he couldn't help but smile so big. He was thankfull to have them by his side. "This question is for Jeongmin," another female reporter said. "Was this the first time that Youngmin brought a girl to his room?" "Nae," he began. "Youngmin is not the type to bring girls over and I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. And if he did bring her to mine and the twin's room, I'm sure they didn't do anything bad. Please don't judge Youngmin from one picture." "Arasso," a male reporter with a hat said. "This question is for Minwoo. Your the maknae of the group. Do you agree witg Jeongmin who is saying that Youngmin is not guilty or guilty because he might have done something with this girl?" "I agree with hyung," he said. "Youngmin-hyung wouldn't do those kind of things. And beside, that picture doesn't have enough proof that he did something with the girl in the picture. You can clearly see that the girl trip just by looking at her feet. Anyways, Youngmin-hyung is not guilty, who's with me!?" "I am!" Donghyun, Hyunseong and Jeongmin shouted at the same time with their eye smile and raising their hands up high. "Let's have a five minute break," the person in charge of the interview suggested, "then you can interview the Jo Twins." Boyfriend members walked inside an empty room to take a break and drink water. "Komawo everyone," Youngmin said while smiling.  He was tearing up. "Dude!" Jeongmin yelled. "Don't cry, be a man!" Youngmin wiped his tears and gave everyone a hug. "Boyfriend!" someone called them which made their heads turn the person's direction.  "____!" Minwoo squealed while jumping on you. "I missed you so much!" "Jinja!?" you said in relief he was still on top of you. "Your not mad at me anymore." "I was never mad," Minwoo stated while getting off of you and helping you up by grabbing your hand. "What are you doing here?" Kwangmin asked coldly. You looked at him to see that he was boiling in anger. "Kwangmin..."

**Author's note:**

Sorry I'm using an ipod again because I wanted to update. Anyways, sorry if I made mistakes and hope you like this chapter. Just a reminder, this fanfic is going to end soon. About three or four more chapters!

xoxo ♥ boy1a4 .out.

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 21: Cute story I love it! The pickup lines were great and cute! :)
timeofmylife03 #2
Great story! I'm Filipino too. Teehee. Keep up the good work(:
OMGGGG!!! GREAT story!!! <3 loved it <3<br />
wonwoojpeg #4
Omygawd!<br />
She good!!! :D
<3 <3 <3 i like this story~
thank you! :D
lov4ever #7