Scandal !

My Paparazzi Girl.

Chapter Thirteen: Scandal !

It was six o'clock in the morning. You were all packed up and ready to go when you heard noises outside.


"Minwoo! Hyunseong!" Donghyun shook both boys. "Wake up!" Donghyun sweating and shaking in nervousness.

"What's wrong hyung?" Hyunseong lazily stood up.

"I'm trying to sleep," Minwoo whined. "Keep it down."

"Get up Minwoo I have bad news," Donghyun said trying to wake him up.

"What news?" Minwoo suddenly stood up from his bed.

"Let's wake the others first before I tell you," Donghyun explained.

"Oh no!" Minwoo complained. "I'm not waking Youngmin-hyung up."

Donghyun sighed in frustration. "He needs to because it's about him," Donghyun whispered to himself. The three boys went the twin's and Jeongmin's room. They woke Kwangmin up first and then Jeongmin. Unlike Youngmin, Kwangmin is not a heavy sleeper. Their so opposite..

"What's going on?" Jeongmin aske rubbing his eyes.

"I'll tell you after we wake Youngmin up," Donghyun exclaimed.

"Man this dude can sleep," Jeongmin said.

"Youngmin wake up," Donghyun said calmly shaking him. He didn't even budge and kept sleeping.

"Oh My Gosh!" Minwoo yelled. "Is hyung still alive!? Check if his breathing!"

He got a smack from Kwangmin, "Stop being so dramatic. Of course he's alive."

"Just making sure," Minwoo mumbled under his breath.

"Weirdo," Jeongmin said. Minwoo jumped on Youngmin's back an started hitting it. "Wakey wakey Youngmin-hyung," Minwoo sang adorably. But Youngmin still didn't move and kept his eyes shut. "Time for plan B," Minwoo said evily. "I didn't want to do this to you hyung, but you leave me no choice."

Minwoo ran to the kitchen and took out a pair of scissors then ran back to the twin's and Jeongmin's room. He held up Youngmin's Winnie The Pooh Teddy Bear and was about to cut it in half. "Wake up or Winnie The Pooh will lose it's bottom half," Minwoo threatend Youngmin.

Youngmin suddenly got up and glared at him, "You did not just touch my Winnie The Pooh."

"I just did," Minwoo backed-fired.

"That's it!" Youngmin shouted. He jumped out of bed and started wrestling Minwoo to the ground. "One, Two, Three." Jeongmin counted. Youngmin got off of Minwoo and threw his hands up in the air.

"The winner is Youngmin," Jeongmin announced.

Youngmin swiflty snatched his Winnie The Pooh bear from Minwoo and snickered, "This is mine, got it!?" Minwoo pouted and stuck his tongue at him, "Oh yeah, ____ loves me more."

That made Youngmin and Kwangmin stared at each other. "Did we miss something yesterday when we were gone?" Jeongmin suddenly asked. The twins stopped staring at each other and then shot a glare at Jeongmin. Jeongmin whimpered like a dog, "I was just asking."

"That's enough," Donghyun explained.

"I need to tell you guys something." Donghyun pointed at Youngmin, "You really better listen." Youngmin looked confused. All of them went to the living room to discuss what Donghyun is anticipating to tell them. "I read the newspaper today," Donghyun began. "I was shocked at -"

"_____!" Minwoo blurted out when he saw you coming out of your room. He ran up to you and gave you a tight hug. "Let-t goo.." you said breathlessly. "T-too ti-tight."

Minwoo let go of you and step back to give space to breath, "Mianhae."

"Minwoo," Kwangmin said coldly. "You just interrupted hyung." Minwoo turned to the guys and apologized. Jeongmin went up to you and hugged you but, not too tight unlike Minwoo's hug.

"Good morning," he said. "Your up early."

"Oh," you replied. "I heard loud noises so, I decided to check it out."

"Mianhae ____" Youngmin said feeling embarass. "I was wrestling Minwoo."

"Waeyo?" you asked tilting your head to the left.

"Because he was scared to lose his Winnie Th -" Before Minwoo could finish his sentence, Youngmin covered his mouth and said, "He's just makin up some nonsense." Minwoo bit his hand making Youngmin yelp in pain. Minwoo continued, "But it's true, you were scared to lose your Winnie The Pooh teddy bear."

"Minwoo!" Youngmin yelled. His face was turning red. You didn't know if it was because he was angry or embarass, maybe both. You gigled, "Kyeopta!" Youngmin looked at you then blushed. It made Kwangmin really jealous. He now envy his brother.

"Can we listen to Donghyun-hyung now," Kwangmin rudely said trying to ignore your presence.

"Before I was rudely interrupted," Donghyun said while glaring at the inoccent Minwoo. "I read the news and in the front page was our Youngmin who was hugging a girl."

 "Bwoh!" everyone gasp except for you. You kept calmed and just watch their expression.

"I hugged a girl?" Youngmin questioned himself. "Bad Youngmin, I did what? Who did I hug?" Donghyun took out the newspaper showing the picture that you took from yesterday when you pushed NaJee to Youngmin's chest.

"Is there a hidden camera in our dorm?" Youngmin asked.

"Mollayo that's why we need to be careful," Donghyun explained. "Paparazzi's are on to us so, we need to be careful of our actions." You froze up once you heard the word 'paparazzi'.

"_____?" Donghyun asked one he notice you that you were still as a statue. "Is something wrong?"

"A-aniyo," your voice cracked a bit.

"Anyways," Donghyun continued, "I have one more thing to tell you. I got a call from the CEO, he said we're going to be interview by the press about this problem. I want all of you to answer truthfully and honestly. And for Youngmin, think carefully before you talk." Youngmin felt nervous. *Beep* Your phone vibrated as you got a text. You excused yourself and went to your room. You looked at the caller ID, it was from you dad.

"This can't be good," you thought. You read the message, your father told you to go to your hide-out, he wants to tell you something. You went out of you room and told the guys that you have to go somewhere. They didn't question you because they have their own problem and they need to think of a way to get out of it. You arrived at the hide-out and went inside. You saw your dad sitting on a chair. "Feeling better?" you asked.

He stood up and grasped at your arm. "Are you doing your job properly?" he questioned. You tried to free yourself but he was holdin it too tight.

"Nae, I've decided to leave today. I posted a scandal about one their members."

"Aniyo," your dad said coldly letting go of you, "I want a scandal that involves all of them. Your not done with them yet. And I want you to do it by the end of the week."

"This friday?" you asked. "Wae? I can do it by tomorrow on Wednesday." "Aniyo," your dad exclaimed.

"Your forgetting the contract. Your only going to be their personal assistant for a month and the contract ends this Friday. So, you can easily flee from them by the time you bust them. Understood?"

You nodded, "I'll do my best."

You were about to leave when he grabbed your arm, "Don't fall for one of them!"


*Author's note*

Hello Readers and new readers ! I'm using an ipod again as usual.. Another update!.. Sorry if I made mistakes. Enjoy reading.... kekekeke...

xoxo ♥ boy1a4 .out.

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 21: Cute story I love it! The pickup lines were great and cute! :)
timeofmylife03 #2
Great story! I'm Filipino too. Teehee. Keep up the good work(:
OMGGGG!!! GREAT story!!! <3 loved it <3<br />
wonwoojpeg #4
Omygawd!<br />
She good!!! :D
<3 <3 <3 i like this story~
thank you! :D
lov4ever #7