Stalker Much + Depressing Day For A Celebration + Secret Finder !

My Paparazzi Girl.

Chapter 5: Stalker Much + Depressing Day For A Celebration + Secret Finder !

The boyfriend members, including you, are going crazy because all of you woke up late when the six boys have a rehearsal today. Jeongmin was taking a shower while the twins are changing and Donghyun is calling for a cab to drive us to thee rehearsal. And as for Hyunseong and Minwoo, they're both pigging out over some chips since their done preparing. {I don't mean to offend any Minwoo or Hyunseong fans, I mean I love both of them} Five minutes later, Jeongmin came out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Like what you see?" Jeongmin began to tease you.

You blushed and so you covered your innocent eyes.

"Put a shirt on," Kwangmin ordered Jeongmin, as he threw a long-sleeve shirt at his face.

"But I can't show ____ my beautiful muscles," Jeongmin whined.

"What muscles?" Minwoo chuckled.

"These babies," Jeongmin said as he flexes his arms.

"That's enough," Donghyun bodded into the conversation. "Your embarrassing ____."

Everyone then looked at you to see you with your eyes covered by your hand. You then slowly put your hands down and then opened your eyes.

"Beside I have bigger muscles than you," Donghyun praised himself as he flexed his own arms.


You guys arrived at the auditorium where Boyfriend would be practicing. The six of them are really working hard to perfect their performance. You decided to buy them some water since their all going to be exhausted after. You found a vending machine and then quickly put some coins in, to get six water bottles. You went back to the room where Boyfriend was practicing. You kind of over heard the twins talking.

"Kwangmin do you like ____?" Youngmin asked his twin brother.

"Of course I do."

You don't know why but when he said that your heartbeat started to raise.

"I mean do you have feelings for her?" Youngmin restate.

"I like ____ but only as a friend and no I don't have feelings for her."

You dropped all six water bottles on the floor and ran through the hallway. Luckily, they didn't see you eavesdropping. But they did hear the water fall.

"Why are their water bottles on the floor?" Youngmin asked.

"Why do I even care if he doesn't like-like me?" you mumbled. "I mean it's not like I have feelings for him. I mean I too only like him as a friend. Only as a FRIEND!"


You stopped running once you heard a sneeze coming behind from a plant. You were curious of why a plant would sneeze.

"I know someone's there," you said to the plant. "Please come out because if people see that I'm talking to a plant, they'll think I'm crazy."

The person obeyed and showed his face. It was Chaeji..

"What are doing hiding behind a plant?" you questioned, confused.

"Uhmm,.." he stuttered. "I wanted to.. uhmm.. ask you if you want to party with us?"


"Neh?" he said. "Eunmi accomplished her mission and so, we went the trouble to buy and cook her some food."

"Ohh. Mollayo, I'm kind of in the middle of working."

"Can we borrow you just for an hour? Jebal!"

"Arasso. Wait for me here, I'll go ask for permission."

Chaeji nodded as you left him there, he started talking to himself.

"That was close! I need to be a lot more careful. Stupid sneeze! Oh wait, there's no real party. I'm going to be busted if I don't think of something."

Chaeji then decided to call Eunmi. After three rings, she finally answered her phone.

"Yobesaeyo?" Eunmi said.

"I need you and Soona to buy a cake, blow some balloons and put up decorations in our hideout."

"Bwoh? I'm already wearing my pajamas, oppa? And what for?"

"Don't ask a lot of question and just do it. And you know how you busted Jaehyun, bring the pictures and the newspaper from yesterday's news. Pali pali!"

"Ara, I'm going. Goshicles Oppa! If we weren't blood related, I could've totally beat you up."

"Too bad, I am. I have to go! Annyeong dongsaeng, I'm counting on you!"


You left with Chaeji to the hideout where the party is being host. You left a note with the Boyfriend members instead of confronting them. They looked really busy and they were working really hard so, you didn't want to bother them. Both of you arrived at the party. Their were a lot of balloons and Soona looked really wiped out.

"I wonder what happen to her?" you thought.

"If you weren't my bestest friend Eunmi," Soona whispered to herself, "I would've not blow so much ballons. Man, my throat hurts. {Literally, this is author's note btw. I'm really sick, anyways, back to the story} It's already been a year since the incident happen. I miss you even thought I know you hurt me."

You went up to Eunmi and asked, "Who did you ruin this time?"

"Jeahyun," she replied while handing you of yesterday's news.

Your eyes were wide open open. Jeahyun was in the front cover on the newspaper, where he has spagetti on his nose and sauce on his chin. He was eating like a pig. "Mianhae ____. I know it hurts to see your idol being trashed but, that's my job. Actually, it's all of our job, which means, INCLUDING YOU!"


The party already ended, as a promise it was only for an hour. Soona was bugging your head a little because she looked so depress at the party. It dind't look like she was having fun. She just tries to force a smile, even if it's not necessary. Chaeji offered to drive to back to Boyfriend's dorm but you insisted not to. Because you want to visit someone dear to you.

*Knock knock*

"If this is about the picture from yesterday's news, forget it!" someone yelled but, it didn't sound like your idol, Jaehyun. "Leave as alone, you filthy reporters and paparazzi!"

You felt really bad so, you decided to leave. But before you can, the door opened.

"Sorry about that," Jeahyun said. "May I help you?"

"Do you still remember me?" you asked.

You went through your purse to find your camera. You brought it close to him and showed him the picture you took with him on the very first day of your job. He took your camera and started skimming through it.

"I remember you!"

"You do?"

"Nae," he replied.

"Your a.. uhmm.. a fan."

"Yes, I'm a very big fan!"

"That's odd," he mumbled.

"What's odd?"

"Nothing. Anyways, why did you come and visit me? I guess you saw the news yesterday?"

You nodded and gave him a frowned.

"Did you change your mind on being my fan?" he asked.

"Why would I? I mean, I idolize you because of your voice and that has nothing to do with you eating like a pig."

"Komawo for being a loyal fan," he said.

You wanted to ask him about the paparazzi, Eunmi, and so you did. "Do you hate the person who did this to you?"

"You mean the paparazzi?" he explained. "Aniyo. Beside, because of her or him, all of my fans know who I really am. A regular guy who eats a lot."

You giggled, "That's also another reason why I idolize you. Your an amazing person."

"Now that I answered your question, would you mind answering mine?"

"Sure. What's your question?"

"Do you like your job as a paparazzi?"


**Author's Note**
Hello everyone! Another update! YEPEEH! X_x Even if I am sick, I wanted to update, hehehehe.. I'm sorry if I made some mistakes. Anyways, enjoy reading! I'll try to start chapter six...
xoxo ♥ boy1a4 .out.
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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 21: Cute story I love it! The pickup lines were great and cute! :)
timeofmylife03 #2
Great story! I'm Filipino too. Teehee. Keep up the good work(:
OMGGGG!!! GREAT story!!! <3 loved it <3<br />
wonwoojpeg #4
Omygawd!<br />
She good!!! :D
<3 <3 <3 i like this story~
thank you! :D
lov4ever #7