First Case !

My Paparazzi Girl.

Chapter One: First case.

  You're a normal teenager. Tricky, loves to play soccer, creative/good at drawing, idolize Jaehyun {made up character} and most of all; you LOVE your Dad! Your mom passed away since you were three years old. You do everything your dad tells you to do because you don't want to cause him any trouble. Many people adores you because of your kindness. But what they don't know is that your a devil; you ruin celebrities and make their fans sad. It started when your dad got sick and he ordered you to take his place. He was the leader of a group called " Release The Stink Hole !" It's a group of four paparazzi, including your dad, that gets attach to celebrities to crush them.

You were called over to their hideout to give you your first mission. You were really nervous and sweating like crazy. You finally came to an abandoned building where they told you to go, and went inside.

'Gosh! It's really dark in here!' you thought. 'Where are they?' You were walking slowly through the hallway when you saw an opened door. You peeked inside and saw a boy dressed in a suit and two other girls dress in the same black dress. 'Why are they wearing the same clothes? Am I going to wear that dress too? COOL!'

"I guess our visitor has arrived!" one of the black suited man announced. He looked at you from head to toe.

"Uhm, you must be the members of my father's group?" You questionned.

"Nae! You must be ____?" one of the -dress girl said. "Your father mentioned you to us so, don't get creep out if we know your name. I'm Eunmi, by the way."

She gave you her hand and you gladly took it. The other two members also introduced themselves. Soona is the other girl's name while the other boy's name is Chaeji. You got to know a little bit about each other. Like how Chaeji and Eunmi are brothers and sisters. Whereas Soona and Eunmi are the bestest friend. Your conversation didn't last for awhile and they needed to give you your first mission. They led you to a room full of cameras and photos of many celebrities. Some of the pictures had an "X" marked in red pen. You guess that they were the people who lost their career, which was caused by your father's group of course.

"____!" Chaeji called out. They were surrounding a table which had a case on top.  "We will give you your first mission."

You went over to them and waited for them to open it. Eunmi opened the lock and slowly lifted the case. You were shaking in nervousness. You were wondering who you needed to destroy first. The case was now fully opened as you went closer to take a better look at the picture inside. Your eyes widen in horror.

It was Jaehyun, your favourite singer ....

**Author's Note**
Hello everyone! I'm so happy that I have people who wants to read my story so, here is Chapter One! I'm sorry if it's a short chapter, it's because I have a lot homework and I  wanted to update quickly because I don't want you guys to wait for too long. I'm also sorry if I made mistakes. Anyways I'll really try my best to update A.S.A.P
xoxo ♥ boy1a4 .out.
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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 21: Cute story I love it! The pickup lines were great and cute! :)
timeofmylife03 #2
Great story! I'm Filipino too. Teehee. Keep up the good work(:
OMGGGG!!! GREAT story!!! <3 loved it <3<br />
wonwoojpeg #4
Omygawd!<br />
She good!!! :D
<3 <3 <3 i like this story~
thank you! :D
lov4ever #7