Chapter 6

So Close

When I logged on I found out I had new comments and nearly 40 subscribers already!! Wow....quadriple update!! Heehee...I love reading your comments :D <3


Krystal rode a cab to Victoria's Bar. She entered the place feeling moody and glum. Victoria unnie spotted her immediately. It's kind of hard to miss a bright red beautiful girl walking into a dark bar, but then again, most of the people there were drunk or getting there.

"Krystal? Are you okay today?" Victoria asked when Krystal sat down. Krystal shrugged and pointed to multiple bottles of beer behind Victoria.

"Vic noona? I'd rather not talk about it. It seems to be getting worse. Just please give me a beer." Krystal said. Vic noona nodded and handed her a bottle.

"Do you have someone who can bring you home?" She asked once Krystal took a sip of the beverage. Krystal didn't answer but instead pointed to some waiting customers. Vic noona gave one more glance at Krystal, then left to serve the other customers.

Krystal forgot how much beer she had. She was too dizzy to count the empty bottles in her hand. She was about to put her head down when she suddenly heard loud laughter. She frowned. It seemed familiar somehow. She looked up and saw Key. Although it was obviously Key who had laughed, she looked at the handsome blonde guy next to him. 

Or should she say, girl.

Completely forgetting about her beer, she jumped off the stool she was sitting on and ran towards the girl. She was in front of her when she realized...

"Donghae?" He looked at her and smiled. He didn't seem to recognized her. He had only seen her in her uniform and her hair had been up in a bun and now it was flowing freely. He smiled at her.

"Hey, baby." He said, trying to sound suave. It wasn't working. Her face suddenly burned with fury. She turned around hurriedly and accidentally bumped into another blonde. Why were there so many blondes??

She heard a low apology but she ignored it, walking away then sitting back down on her stool. She quickly took out a stash of money and slammed it to the table. Luckily, Vic noona was on her break already and some other guy was working the counter. If she had been there, she wouldn't be permitted anymore beer.

The guy saw the amount of money and widen his eyes. He quickly obeyed her orders and began giving her beer bottles, two at a time. Krystal drank them greedily and finished them in seconds. She ordered for two more and the guy obliged.

On the other side of the bar, Donghae was quietly watching the redhead who had stormed away and bumped into Yiyun. Yiyun had been coming back with three beer bottles when the redhead suddenly turned around and left. Yiyun apologized but the redhead didn't seem to acknowledge her. There was something familiar about her...

"Oppa! This guy named Nichkhun is hilarious!" Key exclaimed. He gestured towards a dark haired guy. "Tell him about the cat and the turtle. It's totally-"

"Key, I have a feeling you know that girl at the edge of the you?" Donghae asked. 

"I now know her as a total ..." Yiyun muttered without looking. Key looked at the direction of Donghae's staring. His eyes widened.

"That's the girl from earlier! How can you forget?!" Key yelled. Once he got a death glare from Donghae, he backed up.

"She's drinking way too fast and way too much. No girl should drink that much..." Donghae said.

"Yaah! I can drink as much as she can." Yiyun complained. She silently opened up all three bottles of chugged all three of them at once. 

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" Someone chanted. Yiyun gulped faster until people started gathering around her, forgetting about the redheaded girl. 

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" They kept chanting. Yiyun finished it and finally gulped for air. Someone got her another three and she gulped those, faster than the last two.

"Woooo!!!" The crowd cheered when she finished the trio. Another person was about to hand her more but Donghae grabbed them.

"You want her to get alcohol poisoning? Leave her alone!" He urged. He looked back at Yiyun. 

"Hey are you okay?" He asked. She smiled then burped. 

"Anything a man can do, a woman can do better..." Yiyun said. The she passed out. Donghae picked her up while Key grabbed the three beers and drank the last of the red champagne.

"AaaaaAAAAAHHHH! You IDIOT. You should know not to give such a young girl so much alcohol! Aish!"

There was a woman behind the counter, presumably the owner, yelling at the guy who had been serving people and pointing at the redheaded girl. She was out cold with a bottle of beer still in her hand and her face against the cold marble.

Key went over to talk to her and after pointing at Donghae, who had Yiyun draped over his shoulder, standing in front of the exit, the owner relaxed a little. She nodded at Key and he carried her more like a groom and his new bride.

Both Donghae and Key got into the car and dumped the two girls in the backseat.

"So..." Donghae started. "You do realize you'll have to sleep with me tonight, right?"

"What?!" Key exclaimed. Donghae slapped his head. 

"Shush! Aish, and get your mind out of the gutter! I meant sleep in the same bed with me nothing else like what you were thinking, ert." Donghae hissed.

Key blushed.

"If it's okay with you, I would like to sleep on the ground. Im not comfortable with sharing a bed." Key said. Donghae sighed with relief. 

"I didn't want your little melodramatic moments while I'm sleeping. I was actually going to sleep on the floor if you picked the bed..." He said grinning evily.

Key complained the rest of the ride about him not mentioning that he would get the whole bed and he would occasionally get the violent pat on the head telling him to shut up. 

They dragged themselves with the girls into the apartment and dumped both girls on Yiyun's bed. They both raced to the Donghae's room but Donghae flopped on the bed first. Key complained some more and grabbed some extra blankets and a pillow to make a bed on the ground. Key fell on the blankets, exhausted. He reached in his pocket to take out his phone and text Suzy. He hadn't texted her since he and Yiyun came to Korea. Ooooh, she was going to be mad...

Key patted his empty pocket and frowned. He patted his other pocket and realized that his phone was missing...

"Aish! Donghae? Donghae!" Key called but Donghae was out cold and already snoring. He stood up and grabbed Donghae's phone then walked into the hallway. He searched Donghae's phone for his contact and once he found it, labeled 'Blonde Dino Diva', he called his phone. Expecting someone to answer the phone, he waited. He suddenly heard music. It was coming from Yiyun's room. He opened the door and found his phone on the floor with his ringtone 'Cold Winter - m(x)'. He quickly picked his phone up and headed out. 

He stopped in front of the door. He turned around and looked at the two girls sleeping. Krystal had a smile on her face and her head was on Yiyun's chest. She was hugging Yiyun tightly. Yiyun was holding her just as tight. They looked like the ideal couple.

Key couldn't resist.

He unlocked his phone and pressed the camera app. 

"Ha, du, set.." (a/n: one, two, three in Korean). There was a distant click and Key saved the picture. He left the room with an ear to ear grin.

"Kryber. I ship it. I ship it so hard, I luxury cruise it..." We his last words before he went to sleep.

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jasonds #1
Chapter 26: i am just re-reading this story over and over again...
TwinTurtles #2
Chapter 26: THIS STORY WAS DAEBAK!!!!! LOL amber keeps on getting hurt though! I loved the kryber or yistal interactions. I wondered why didnt amber and krystal get together when they were younger :( thank you so much! In love with your story!
Finished it in one go.
Well, I love it overall.
But how come Amber keep getting unconscious lmao

But still it's so funny~ Especially the "nosebleed after seeing Amber abs" thing.
Great story author! Waiting more from you ^^
Chapter 19: Wait...krystal loves sulli?!!! :O
Chapter 26: Great story plot. I finish it in one go. I like e way they keep missojg one another. Shd this be under er.... m...mature stuff. Keke. I also like e m(x) and e cold winter ringtone. Cold winter cold cold... shivering. ;p then e dance move will be krystal sending icy glares to viewers and tat shd have effects, dun u agree? @@
Chapter 26: End already?... I just wanna say thanks for writing this story.. I have great time reading it... *bow deeply*
areeCX #7
Chapter 25: wahahaha omfg wahahaha seriously itz SO damn funny..:v *my stomach hurtz* xD
DerpinJae #8
Chapter 25: ahahaha xD ur hand clean xD hahaha
you really did "EAT" something sweet ambro xD
Chapter 25: Finger good!!! ... LOL..