Chapter 23

So Close


Krystal looked at Yiyun. A rush of pure joy filled her.

"Yi-Yiyun? Are you awake now?" She asked. No response.

"Yiyun? Can you you hear me?" Krystal tried again. Still no response.

Krystal sighed and stood up to rinse the towel again. It slipped out of her hand and landed on Yiyun's shoulder. As she reached for it, one of her fingers brushed against the blonde's cheek.

Still no response.

She poked Yiyun's cheek.

No response. Krystal pursed her lips, thinking. She leaned over Yiyun, her hair cascading over her shoulder. It fell onto Yiyun but Krystal ignored it. She gently Yiyun's cheek.

"You don't feel that?" She whispered. After receiving no response, she cupped her hand on Yiyun's neck and ran her thumb along the blonde's firm cheek bone.

"Not even that?" She whispered quieter. She paused for a moment, gazing upon the sleeping blonde's handsome face. She unconsciously leaned forward towards Yiyun.

"I wonder..." She muttered.

"If you'll..." She leaned closer.

"Feel...this..." Her face was less than an inch away from the blonde's when...

"Ughh...." The blonde groaned and opened her eyes. The first thing she saw literally took her breath away. 

Not even an inch away was a goddess of beauty with long red hair like an aura around her head. 

All she need to do...just sit up a little...

Suddenly the redhead jumped off of the bed. 

"Kr-Krystal? What...ugh..." The blonde tried to speak but ended up groaning because of her ribs. 

The redhead regained herself from her momentary shock and rushed to Yiyun's side.

"Yiyun? Are you okay?" She asked, cautiously. Yiyun, who had squeezed her eyes shut due to the pain, opened them and tried her best to smile. 

Her cut lip wouldn't let that happen.

"J-just wait here. I'll go and get some...some medicine." Krystal stuttered. She cursed silently as she ran out of the room to the kitchen. 

As she was trying to find some pain medications, she knocked over some bottles and in the process of picking them up, she knocked more over. Growling in frustration, she faced away from the counter and sat down on the ground, running her hand over her head.

"It must be because of the close kiss...aish, Yiyun...I never thought you would make my hear beat so fast and make me feel so nervous..." Sh muttered to herself. After taking a few deep breaths, she stood back up and looked for medications again, this time, calmer.

She found one and read the name. 

"Tranquility: For pain and fevers." She said to herself. She frowned. 

"Why does this sound so familiar?..." She asked herself. She heard a groan from Yiyun's room and pushed away her hesitance. She ran back to the room with the medicine firmly gripped in her hand. 

"Here Yiyun." She said as she took two pills out of the box. She put both in Yiyun's mouth and let her drink some water from the water bottle on the bed-stand.

Yiyun sighed as she laid back down. Krystal grabbed the medicine to put it back when the name of it caught her attention.

"Tranquility...why does that seem so familiar?..." She asked herself. She heard a groan from Yiyun and looked at the blonde.

"Ahh...Krystal...I don't feel good..." She said. Then Krystal remembered.


" really hurts." A handsome brunette told her brunette friend. The friend tsked and frowned.

"You'd think that by the time you're sixteen, you'd grow up and stop playing on the monkey gym." She said.

"Aish! Krystal! I get it, okay? I just didn't like the way the guy was looking at me." The handsome brunette said. Krystal laughed.

"Amber, are you talking about the six year old telling you that you couldn't swing from the top of the monkey gym?" She asked. Amber frowned and looked away.

"Aigoo, how cute." Krystal said reaching for some pain medications. She grabbed one and read it out loud. 

"Tranquility: For pain and fevers...this'll do." She muttered to herself. She walked towards the latter with a glass of water. 

"Here, pabo." She said. Amber frowned.

"Tch. You're so annoying." She said. She popped the pills into and gulped her water. She set her glass down and sighed.

"Don't tell me mom about this." She told her friend. Krystal shrugged. 

"There's a really cute purse at the mall..." She said, pursing her lips.

"" Amber said rolling her eyes. She stood up to go to the living room and watch tv. 

"Oh, c'mon. It's really cheap and it would make me happy!" Krystal argued. That was when Amber fell. Krystal gasped and ran to her side.

"A-Amber? Are you okay?" She asked, panicked.

"Ahh...Krystal...I don't feel good..." Amber said. Amber's mother ran downstairs.

"What happened? I heard something fall." She said. Her eyes traveled from a panicked Krystal to and dazed Amber.

"What happened?" She asked again. She rushed over to her daughter's side. Amber started to giggle uncontrollably. She muttered something but it was slurred.

She acted drunk.

"Krystal, tell me what happened." Amber's mom demanded. Krystal began to get nervous.

"Amber was being an idiot again. She challenged a little boy who told her she couldn't climb the top of the monkey gym. Long story short she fell and needed some pain medications so I gave her some." Krystal blurted out. Amber's mom's eyes narrowed.

"Did you give her some pills named Tranquility?" She asked. Krystal nodded slowly. Amber's mom sighed and shook her head. She stood up and began to go upstairs. Before taking the first step, Amber's mom looked at Krystal.

"She's allergic to that medicine. It makes her have a strange reaction. Like she's drunk with beer without drinking anything. She also forgets nearly everything that happens while she's like that. Please Krystal. Don't give it to her again. And don't worry. She'll be back to normal in a couple of hours." And with that she went upstairs leaving a confused Krystal and a semi-drunk Amber.

Amber giggled.

" izzz...Amberrr..." She slurred. She looked up at Krystal and smiled widely.


Krystal dropped the box of the medicine. She turned around and looked at Yiyun.

"Heeheehee...I like...rred...heeheehee..." Yiyun slurred.

"Sh*t..." Krystal muttered.

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jasonds #1
Chapter 26: i am just re-reading this story over and over again...
TwinTurtles #2
Chapter 26: THIS STORY WAS DAEBAK!!!!! LOL amber keeps on getting hurt though! I loved the kryber or yistal interactions. I wondered why didnt amber and krystal get together when they were younger :( thank you so much! In love with your story!
Finished it in one go.
Well, I love it overall.
But how come Amber keep getting unconscious lmao

But still it's so funny~ Especially the "nosebleed after seeing Amber abs" thing.
Great story author! Waiting more from you ^^
Chapter 19: Wait...krystal loves sulli?!!! :O
Chapter 26: Great story plot. I finish it in one go. I like e way they keep missojg one another. Shd this be under er.... m...mature stuff. Keke. I also like e m(x) and e cold winter ringtone. Cold winter cold cold... shivering. ;p then e dance move will be krystal sending icy glares to viewers and tat shd have effects, dun u agree? @@
Chapter 26: End already?... I just wanna say thanks for writing this story.. I have great time reading it... *bow deeply*
areeCX #7
Chapter 25: wahahaha omfg wahahaha seriously itz SO damn funny..:v *my stomach hurtz* xD
DerpinJae #8
Chapter 25: ahahaha xD ur hand clean xD hahaha
you really did "EAT" something sweet ambro xD
Chapter 25: Finger good!!! ... LOL..