Chapter 16

So Close

"She needs a blood donation." 

"I'll do it."

"Are you two related?" 


"It wont work as well if you tw-"

"I don't care. Take as much blood as you need."


Krystal grabbed the collar of the doctor.

"I don't want to repeat myself. Take my damn blood. If that girl dies, it wont be the only death today, you understand?" Krystal growled. She roughly let go of the collar and sat down in a chair. She rolled her sleeves and laid her arm on the arm rest. The doctor shifted uncomfortably.

"You can get arrested for threatening a doctor." He said.

"You can get arrested for killing someone." Krystal replied sharply.

"It'll be indirect." The doctor stated.

"It won't be if you keep on refusing to give her blood so why don't you stop protesting and take my blood." Krystal said. The temperature, which was already low, dropped. The doctor shivered. 

"Let me go and get my tools." He said. He left the room and Krystal sat back, exhaling. She looked worriedly at Yiyun. The blonde was a very sick pale color. She was wiped free of the blood but her hair was still stained. 

Krystal reached for the blonde's face and carefully nudged a stained lock of the not-so-blonde hair away from the girl's face. She accidentally brushed her skin on Yiyun's forehead. 

It was cold.

A tear escaped Krystal's eye but she quickly wiped it away.

"You idiot." She whispered, Yiyun's cheek.

The door opened and the doctor walked in.

"I'm going to put this on your arm." The doctor said. "It's going to sque-" 

"Hurry up and do it." Krystal interrupted. The doctor quickly tied a piece of fabric to Krystal's arm. Krystal took a deep breath as she felt a needle plunge into her arm. 

Slowly, but surely, she began to become dizzy. She was very sleepy too. 

"I'm done." The doctor said. His voice was very far away, like he was on the opposite side of a tunnel. 

"Are you okay? You seem a bit pale." He asked. Krystal nodded sluggishly. The doctor frowned not believing her. Nonetheless, he walked to the other side of Yiyun and inserted some blood into the girl. Yiyun regained a bit of her color. It wasn't much but it was enough to make Krystal sigh in relief.

"I'm going to go and get you some food. I still need a lot of blood." He said. Krystal only nodded, already getting a migraine. When he left, Krystal smiled at Yiyun. Then, she passed out.


Key ran as fast as he could towards Yiyun's hospital room but Sulli quickly out paced him. She reached the room and a few seconds later, so did a tired Key. 

A doctor was shaking Krystal's shoulder, a plate in his other hand.

"Hey! Doctor! I'm here to give my friend a blood transplant." Key rolled his sleeve up. "Take as much as you need."

The doctor frowned. 

"This girl," he pointed to Krystal. "Already volunteered to donate blood the Yiyun." 

Key and Sulli gasped. 

"Are you insane?!" Sulli yelled. 

"She's anemic, you idiot! Are you trying to kill her?" Key exclaimed. The doctor's eyes widened. He mentally face palmed himself.

Key ran over to an unconscious Krystal. He shook her violently then, when he didn't get a response, he looked at the doctor.

"Take my blood and give it to both girls." He said. 

"Are you anemic too?" The doctor asked. 

"No." Sulli and Key said at the same time. The doctor looked at Sulli. 

"Do you want to donate blood too?" He asked. Sulli blushed and shook her head.

"It's my time of the month. I don't think I should." She replied. The doctor rolled his eyes and grabbed his tools.

"Let me rinse these then." He said as he left the room.

Key sighed and moved Krystal to the bed. He sat down on the chair she had been sitting on and Sulli just sat on the bed, facing Yiyun.

"I wonder what happened. Yiyun told me on the phone that she was with Krystal so maybe she knows." Sulli said. Key shrugged. 

"Whatever it was, it was bad. That cut on her head doesn't look like it's going to be going anywhere for a while." Key muttered. Suddenly 'Let it go' rang from Sulli's bag. Key gasped in happiness.

"I love that song!" He exclaimed. Sulli rolled her eyes and dug out a phone. 

"Isn't that Krystal's phone?" Key asked. Sulli nodded.

"I was at the apartment when it rang. I answered it and came here." Sulli answered. She looked at the caller ID on the phone and frowned.

"'Annoying Nerd'. That's weird." She muttered. She answered it and a handsome voice started talking on the other line.

"Krystal. I'm in China right now but I'm not sure where you are. Where are you? I need to talk to you." The male voice said.

"Hello?" Sulli answered. There was a pause.

"Who is this?" The male answered.

"This is Krystal's friend. She's in the Ajol-Lama National Hospital. You better come here quick." Sulli responded.

"Okay. Thank you." The line ended and Sulli locked Krystal's phone. 

"I wonder why he's labeled 'Annoying Nerd' in Krystal's phone." Sulli muttered. Key shrugged, having heard her mutter.

"Maybe that's her brother." He suggested. Sulli shook her head.

"She has a sister, not a brother." She replied. The door opened revealing an impatient doctor. Without saying anything, he took pints of blood from Key and gave them to both Krystal and Yiyun. The doctor pointed to the tray of food.

"Eat that. You'll feel better." He said. Key nodded, too tired to say anything. As he ate, the doctor cleaned up his utensils and spoke.

"That should be enough blood for a while. Yiyun has some internal bleeding a four broken ribs. Her arm is only scratched and she has a potential scar on the right side of her stomach where her ribs are broken and I'll need to stitch it later. Don't stay too long, she needs to rest." And with that, he left.

Key sighed and Sulli smiled.

"Thanks for being awesome Key. You're a very good friend." Sulli said. Key shrugged.

"Yiyun makes you happy so she needs to be kept alive." He said. Sulli smiled and looked at Yiyun. She reached for her cheek and it. It was slowly becoming warm.

"Yiyun has no idea how happy she makes you, does she?" Key asked. Sulli shook her head.

"I was going to confess to her today but..." Sulli stopped. Key looked at Yiyun. 

"The idiot doesn't even know."

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jasonds #1
Chapter 26: i am just re-reading this story over and over again...
TwinTurtles #2
Chapter 26: THIS STORY WAS DAEBAK!!!!! LOL amber keeps on getting hurt though! I loved the kryber or yistal interactions. I wondered why didnt amber and krystal get together when they were younger :( thank you so much! In love with your story!
Finished it in one go.
Well, I love it overall.
But how come Amber keep getting unconscious lmao

But still it's so funny~ Especially the "nosebleed after seeing Amber abs" thing.
Great story author! Waiting more from you ^^
Chapter 19: Wait...krystal loves sulli?!!! :O
Chapter 26: Great story plot. I finish it in one go. I like e way they keep missojg one another. Shd this be under er.... m...mature stuff. Keke. I also like e m(x) and e cold winter ringtone. Cold winter cold cold... shivering. ;p then e dance move will be krystal sending icy glares to viewers and tat shd have effects, dun u agree? @@
Chapter 26: End already?... I just wanna say thanks for writing this story.. I have great time reading it... *bow deeply*
areeCX #7
Chapter 25: wahahaha omfg wahahaha seriously itz SO damn funny..:v *my stomach hurtz* xD
DerpinJae #8
Chapter 25: ahahaha xD ur hand clean xD hahaha
you really did "EAT" something sweet ambro xD
Chapter 25: Finger good!!! ... LOL..