Chapter 13

So Close

"Yah, what's with all the screaming and laughing?" Sulli asked, walking back into the room. 

Everyone was dead silent. 

"Hey...why is it suddenly so quiet in here?" She asked. Krystal and Yiyun were staring at each other and Key kept glancing back and forth between them. He finally looked at Sulli. Empathy filled his eyes.

"H-hi. I'm-" Yiyun said she was interrupted by Krystal.

"Amber?" She asked again. Sulli looked confused. 

" did you name?" Yiyun asked. All four people showed confused faces.

"Wait...Yiyun is...Amber?" Sulli asked Krystal. 

"That's," Key pointed to Yiyun. "Your lover?"

"What?" Yiyun asked, obviously not understanding what was going on. Krystal's eyes widened and her cheeks heated up. Sulli frowned.

"I thought Amber-shi was dead, Krystal." She said. Krystal looked at Sulli, her eyes filled with fear.

"She is. At least that's what..." Krystal squeezed her eyes shut. "Aish...those little devils lied to me." 

Key stepped away from the wall and stood in the middle of all three girls.

"Let's get this straight." He said. He pointed to Yiyun. "What's your real name?"

"Yiyun and Amber but I like Yiyun better." She answered. Key looked at Krystal.

"You know her as Amber, right?" He asked. She nodded. Key looked at Sulli.

"And you know her as Yiyun." Sulli nodded, looking at the confused blonde girl. Yiyun/Amber kept glancing at Krystal. Something in her eyes made Sulli feel a mixture between jealousy and hatred towards the redhead.

Key shook his head then looked at Yiyun/Amber.

"Explanation's all on you, bro." He said. The blonde girl's eyes darted between three expectant faces.

"Where have you been Amber?" Krystal asked. She folded her arms, angrily while making the room drop a few degrees. Yiyun shivered.

"Were you planning on two timing both of us?" Sulli asked folding her arms too. Yiyun gulped. Key tried to hold in his silent chuckles. Suddenly the door knocked. Yiyun ran for it, secretly grateful for the temporary escape from the scary women. 

"Suzy!" Yiyun exclaimed. Suzy was standing in front of the door, a smile plastered on her face.

"Unnie! What a coincidence! I came here to borrow a couple mangoes!" Suzy lied. She had know Yiyun and Key would be here.

"Suzy, I'm so glad to see you." Yiyun breathed. Krystal and Sulli immediately got jealous. Suzy raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" She asked. 

"I need you to help me with something." Yiyun said. Suzy glanced inside the room. She saw Key who was silently telling her to run with his eyes. She then looked at the two girls. She swore she saw lasers shooting out of both of their eyes. She looked back at Yiyun's pleading eyes and nodded. Yiyun grabbed her hand and exited the apartment.

They walked towards an isolated corner then Yiyun let go of her hand.

"Those girls were literally about to rip my head off. I needed to get out of there. Ottoke? I need to go back there but I'm too scared, Suzy. Ottoke? Otto-" Yiyun blabbered.

"Yiyun! Just explain them your side of the story." Suzy said calmly. Yiyun ran her hand through her hair frustratingly. "I don't know what's going on but explaining it would help."

Yiyun groaned. 

"I don't have time. Besides, I'm as confused as you. I don't know what's going on. This isn't some movie or fanfiction-" (a/n: lol) Suzy interrupted Yiyun again.

"Stop! Aish, you're making this complicated. Just tell me what you think is going on." She said.

"I think that I'm about to be hurt or worse by one of them."(a/n: a little foreshadowing never hurt :3) Yiyun complained. "I'm scared."

"Okay. We understand that. Now we need to find a way to explain to them that you're innocent." Suzy said.

"Yaah, you're sounding like I did something bad." Yiyun complained.

"You might've." Suzy said simply. She waved off Yiyun's upcoming protest.

"First of all, is that redhead girl Krystal?" She asked. Yiyun nodded. 

"Aigoo, unnie has good taste." She said. Yiyun rolled her eyes.

"What does this have to do with my little predicament?" She asked. Suzy shrugged. 

"Nothing. Just trying to calm you down. Now, when and where did you first meet her?" She questioned. Yiyun blushed. Suzy saw it then began to interrogate her even more.

"So let me get this straight." Suzy summed it up all in her head. "Krystal knows you but you don't know her?"

"Yes." Yiyun answered. 

"She calls you by your other name, Amber?" Suzy added. Yiyun cringes but nodded. Suzy pursed her lips, thinking.

"She doesn't seem like a stalker...she must have been your friend." She said. Yiyun shrugged.

"I wonder..." Suzy got a devious looking face full of curiosity and wonder. "Quick! Think of the first thing you can remember. The first childhood memory." 

As expected from Suzy, Yiyun groaned and rubbed her temples. 

"I have a headache, Suzy." She complained.

"C'mon, unnie! You can do it!" Suzy urged. Yiyun kept scrunching her face until she looked like she remembered something.

"Actually..." She began.

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jasonds #1
Chapter 26: i am just re-reading this story over and over again...
TwinTurtles #2
Chapter 26: THIS STORY WAS DAEBAK!!!!! LOL amber keeps on getting hurt though! I loved the kryber or yistal interactions. I wondered why didnt amber and krystal get together when they were younger :( thank you so much! In love with your story!
Finished it in one go.
Well, I love it overall.
But how come Amber keep getting unconscious lmao

But still it's so funny~ Especially the "nosebleed after seeing Amber abs" thing.
Great story author! Waiting more from you ^^
Chapter 19: Wait...krystal loves sulli?!!! :O
Chapter 26: Great story plot. I finish it in one go. I like e way they keep missojg one another. Shd this be under er.... m...mature stuff. Keke. I also like e m(x) and e cold winter ringtone. Cold winter cold cold... shivering. ;p then e dance move will be krystal sending icy glares to viewers and tat shd have effects, dun u agree? @@
Chapter 26: End already?... I just wanna say thanks for writing this story.. I have great time reading it... *bow deeply*
areeCX #7
Chapter 25: wahahaha omfg wahahaha seriously itz SO damn funny..:v *my stomach hurtz* xD
DerpinJae #8
Chapter 25: ahahaha xD ur hand clean xD hahaha
you really did "EAT" something sweet ambro xD
Chapter 25: Finger good!!! ... LOL..