Chapter 11

So Close

"Why did I run?" 

"Why would I run?"

"WHY AM I STILL RUNNING?" Yiyun stopped and put her hands on her knees, catching her breath. She finally looked around, realizing she was about ten minutes from her apartment. She sat down on the curb, running her hands through her hair furiously.

"What's wrong with me?" She asked herself. 

"Did I hallucinate that? Am I dreaming?" She suddenly pinched herself, hard.

"AAAAAH! Aish...I shouldn't pinch so hard..." She tried to remember the redheaded girl but she did it too easily. She remembered her long, beautiful hair........her cold but beautiful brown eyes...........her slender figure................

Yiyun shook her head. She reminded herself that she had Sulli. Then she remembered about the flowers. She ran her hand through her hair again, making it messier. 

Why was life so hard? 

She  needed Suzy. Quick. She suddenly thought of Key. She brought out her phone and dialed Key's number. 

"Key." She said once he answered. "I don't care what you're doing, where you're going or who you're with. I need you to come to the apartment. Immediately." She said.

"Okay. But can you te-" Key started. He was interrupted and the phone went off. Yiyun took the phone away from her ear and looked at it. She tried to turn it one but it only showed an empty battery sign and went back off. Yiyun groaned in frustration. She draped her arms off her knees and put her head between them. She took a quick nap that was disturbed by the sound of a car coming then stopping in front of her.

"Hey! Yiyun! Are you okay?" A familiar voice called. Yiyun snapped he head up and breathed a sigh of relief. She stood up and quickly climbed into the car.

"Yiyun, why were you-" Key started to say but Yiyun interrupted him. 

"Listen Key. I need you to drive me to Suzy's place. Fast." She said. Key frowned.

"I was just there. What's wrong with you? Are you sick or something?" He asked. Yiyun rolled her eyes and took out her wallet. She got out twenty American dollars and put it in Key's lap.

"Just shut up and drive." She said. Key didn't need anymore encouragement. He quickly restarted the car and drove back to Suzy's house.


"I think I'm in-love." Yiyun said simply. Suzy smiled brightly.

"Aww, with Sulli-shi? That's so great! I don't see a probl-" Suzy said but she was suddenly interrupted by Yiyun.

"No. I'm not in-love with Sulli...and that's the problem. I'm in-love with someone else." Yiyun said. She was looking and her hands with guilt. She suddenly looked back at Suzy. 

"I don't even know her name but I think I'm in-love." She admitted. Key, who had been leaning on a wall with his arms folded, suddenly unfolded his arms and frowned.

"Yiyun. Are you talking about...the girl from the picture?" He asked. Yiyun looked at him and nodded. Key shook his head and Yiyun looked back at her hands.

"You must have been hallucinating. She's in Korea, Yiyun-" 

"But I'm not. I saw her. I even pinched myself to make sure I was awake but no Key. She was there. I saw her with my own eyes. She was in Sulli's apartment. I don't know why but she was there" Yiyun said. Key's face suddenly relaxed and freed itself from emotion.

"You want to know her name?" He asked. Yiyun looked back at Key's face, suspicious. 

"...Yes..." She said carefully. 

"Go on a date with Sulli." Key said. Yiyun's face was suddenly filled with glee.

"Consider it don-" she started. 

"I didn't finish." Key said sternly. "Go on a date with Sulli AND ask her to be your girlfriend."

Yiyun's face sank back and she looked at her hands once more. Why was she feeling so sad? She didn't even know the girl's name for pete sake. 

Yiyun was about to nod when Suzy interjected.

"Wait. Key are you really going to make your best friend do something she might not want to do?" She said as she looked at Key angrily. 

"Yiyun." She looked back at the girl. Yiyun's head bobbed up.

"Don't listen to Key. He's an idiot who doesn't understand girls and their relationships." She ignored the 'humph' from Key and kept speaking. 

"I know this sounds corny but follow your heart. Do it before she leaves you. Sulli had her chance with you and she didn't even ask you out. Maybe the mystery girl will like you back." She said. Yiyun forced a smile. 

"I'm sorry but I can't betray Sulli like that. Key's right. I should ask out Sulli and ask her to be officially mine." She stood up, ready to leave. 

"Key, I'm going to the car now. Don't wait for me." She opened the door and began to walk out. Key followed suit but not before Suzy grabbed his arm. 

"What's her name?" She whispered. Key frowned.

"Why should I tell you? You might tell Yiyun." He whispered back.

"Am not! I'm just curious. That's all."

"You sure?"

"I promise."

"Her name is Krystal but I swear, you can NOT te-"

"YIYUN!" Suzy yelled. "HER NAME IS KRYSTAL!!" 

"SUZY!" Key yelled. Suzy looked at Key innocently. 

"What?" She asked.

"You told me you weren't going to tell her!" Key exclaimed.

"Did I?" Suzy pursed her lips. "I don't remember saying those EXACT words. Anyway, you should know by now that you shouldn't trust me. Bye!" She shoved Key out and slammed the door shut, locking it. She smiled to herself. 

'Aww', she thought. 'Yiyun unnie is in-love. Nothing shall be an obstacle between your love, Yiyun! Fighting!'

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jasonds #1
Chapter 26: i am just re-reading this story over and over again...
TwinTurtles #2
Chapter 26: THIS STORY WAS DAEBAK!!!!! LOL amber keeps on getting hurt though! I loved the kryber or yistal interactions. I wondered why didnt amber and krystal get together when they were younger :( thank you so much! In love with your story!
Finished it in one go.
Well, I love it overall.
But how come Amber keep getting unconscious lmao

But still it's so funny~ Especially the "nosebleed after seeing Amber abs" thing.
Great story author! Waiting more from you ^^
Chapter 19: Wait...krystal loves sulli?!!! :O
Chapter 26: Great story plot. I finish it in one go. I like e way they keep missojg one another. Shd this be under er.... m...mature stuff. Keke. I also like e m(x) and e cold winter ringtone. Cold winter cold cold... shivering. ;p then e dance move will be krystal sending icy glares to viewers and tat shd have effects, dun u agree? @@
Chapter 26: End already?... I just wanna say thanks for writing this story.. I have great time reading it... *bow deeply*
areeCX #7
Chapter 25: wahahaha omfg wahahaha seriously itz SO damn funny..:v *my stomach hurtz* xD
DerpinJae #8
Chapter 25: ahahaha xD ur hand clean xD hahaha
you really did "EAT" something sweet ambro xD
Chapter 25: Finger good!!! ... LOL..