
I'm a nobody

Finding out that Sehun had freaked out and ran away, Baekhyun was quick to go around the hospital and check to see if his friend was hiding somewhere else around the perimeter. With the help of Chanyeol and Luhan he was able to move around the place quickly, obviously going to places he was allowed to go to, and was able to determine quickly that perhaps Sehun had gone straight back to school instead. 

He wanted to go back straight away. He wanted to leave as quickly as he could and get back to school to resume his search for his friend. However Chanyeol had managed to convince him to wait until Minseok was patched up. 

Of course Minseok would be unable to help, but adding Jongin to this would add to the number of people who would be able to help Baekhyun find his friend. 


Returning to the school, Luhan's first destination was to go look on the roof. If Sehun was at the school then this would surely be the place he would go to in order to escape. 

"Sehun!" he called out, bursting through the door and skidding to a stop, taking a look around 
"Sehun" he called out again and slowly walked around to see if Sehun was hiding anywhere. 

When he couldn't find him, Luhan ran back down and outside to the tree where he had found Sehun the previous day. Alas, just like his adventure up on the roof, he could not find Sehun and had to reluctantly go tell Baekhyun the news. 

"Sehun, Sehun open up!" Baekhyun shouted, continuously banging on the door to Sehun's room but was getting no answer. 

"I don't think he's in there" Chanyeol piped up making Baekhyun scoff before he hurried down the hall to his room 
"Trust me, he could be in there. He would happily sit in his room and ignore me for the whole day if he could" he replied, sifting through his drawers, looking for something.

"So you came back to your room because?" Chanyeol asked as Baekhyun found what he was looking for and quickly flashed it to him before scurrying back down the hall to Sehun's room. No, Chanyeol didn't want to know why Baekhyun kept a spare copy of Sehun's room key with him. 

"If he's in there and won't open up, then I'm going in" Baekhyun said simply, opening the door up and running into the room 
"Sehun I swear to God if you're hiding me you better hope I don't find you" he called out, he and Chanyeol quickly checking the room and the bathroom to see if Sehun was hiding himself anywhere. 

"It doesn't look like he even came back here" Chanyeol said, Jongin and Luhan running into the room to see if Sehun was there. 

"Well what do we do now?" Baekhyun asked 
"The best thing to do would be to tell the headmaster surely. If Sehun has ran away we'll need all the help we can get right?" Chanyeol replied and waited for Baekhyun to nod his head before they moved on. 

"I'll go do it" Jongin said and ran down the hall 
"Me and Luhan will look in the area around the school, see if he's hanging around there" Chanyeol said and with that dragged Luhan out with him. 

Remaining in the room, Baekhyun's eyes fixed onto the journal laid open on Sehun's bed. He knew that was an extremely private thing, Sehun would never let him read it. He knew that if Sehun found out he had read it, he was going to be extremely moody and probably not speak to him for a while. However, if reading the journal meant it could help them in any way in finding Sehun well then he was just going to have to read it. 


"Find him?" Luhan asked, stopping by the entrance of the school where Chanyeol was waiting 
"I thought I did, but it was a false alarm" Chanyeol replied making Luhan sigh as the two of them headed back in to tell Baekhyun and Jongin. 

Where could Sehun had gone? Where was there to go? Seoul is a big place, yes but did he know someone who he could go to in situations like these? Was he safe? Was he hurt? So many questions rushing around that the sooner they found Sehun the better!

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked, seeing Baekhyun charged forward not looking the happiest of people. Instead of answering him though, Baekhyun blanked Chanyeol instead, going straight for Luhan and hitting him across the cheek. 

"You absolute jerk!". 

Violence never solves anything... shame Baekhyun doesn't seem to know that...

This will carry on to the next chapter... and the chapter after that which I'm looking forward to actually. 

Until then!!

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EXO-l_army1 #1
Chapter 49: this fic was sooo good! I can actually relate to sehun's old self~! But anyways this fic's end was pretty good! *thumbs up*
ChocoChen21 #3
Chapter 28: Finally BAEKYEOL is official!!!

oh, and Luhan is slowly going in Sehun's life~

I also walked in on a "confession" scene of a friend XD
I was singing Growl at the top of my lungs.... why didnt hear me, i never knew XD
ChocoChen21 #4

I WAS SO CLOSE TO CURSING MY TEACHER but i had to cool mah self down so i wont get expelled >3<

I hate math too.... so yeah hahaha

Well then.... i envy Baekhyun here too....
ChocoChen21 #5
Chapter 10: Ok even thoug i just commemted a few minutes ago, i cant stop *^*
Waaaah~ sehun gwaenchana~ uljimayo huhuhu TT3TT

God how dumb can his dad get? I can feel the pain ahfhdjsnxjdja

Yes luhan , go after your bae and help him, i dont like it when the maknae of exo cries, infact i dont like it when anyone cties TT TT
ChocoChen21 #6
Chapter 9: Ok why did i just read this story now?? I feel so stupid....

Ok, for the past hour reading chap 1-8, here are my thoughts:
>i know how sehun feels sometimes... whenever i was depressed i had a blade in my hand.... but i never cut myself.... just stare at it.... then sometimes just press it against my wrist, not too hard at least...
>im same with baek too, i approach people who look alone and make them my friends (like this school year :3)
>i like how Sehun teases Luhan hahaha XD "Han~ Han~" hahaha
>chanyeol chanyeol chanyeol..... what are we going to do to you xD, and baekhyun is just like "please notice me senpai~ please notice meee~~"
>Jungmo you little er!!! Want me to hit you instead?!? ONE MEASLEY KICK IN THE BALLS AND I CAN MAKE YOU CRY FOR YOUR MOMMY!!!

Ah yeah hahaha sorry for the curses ^3^
And im loving the story right now, byeeee~~
ai_nuru #7
Chapter 40: I tried to understand, but seriously I can't. I don't the part when Luhan start falling for Sehun. I mean, just like that? I don't see something fluff in here, all I know, it's all about sehun's family and how much important Baekhyun was for Sehun, I couldn't find HunHan =[ Sorry but yeah you did a great job for be an author ^^
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 46: YOU RUSHED THROUGH IT ! so much stuff unexplained , how did luhan fall for sehun without showing ? Why sehun kissed and have no feelings ?
manolita #9
Chapter 46: OMG HUNHAN FINALLY ;;;;;;