
I'm a nobody

"Stupid Sehun and his stupid problems" Baekhyun muttered to himself, walking through the hall back to his room, eyes fixed to the floor, slowly picking up his pace so other students would stop staring at him. 

"Stupid idiot" he continued before he turned the corner and went straight into someone, dropping his stuff on the floor 
"Really?" he groaned, crouching to the floor to pick his stuff up, not expecting the person he bumped into to help him. Most of the students in the school didn't like him anyway. 

"Why am I always bumping into you?" Chanyeol asked, bending down to help Baekhyun who only sighed and shook his shoulders 
"I don't know" he replied, Chanyeol handing him one of his books with a frown on his face; Baekhyun was acting strange this afternoon. 

"What's wrong?" he asked  
"Me and Sehun got into a stupid argument for stupid reasons" Baekhyun replied 
"... Okay maybe I was the one who kept shouting at him... but I'm fed up" Baekhyun exclaimed, picking the last of his books up and standing upright. 

"Come with me" Chanyeol said, leading him outside and away from everyone else 
"Where are we going?" Baekhyun asked 
"Away from everyone else so you can calm down and then tell me what happened" Chanyeol replied, leading Baekhyun to the sport field and sat him down, giving him time to calm down before he finally spoke up once again. 


For the past ten minutes Sehun had been sat there. When Baekhyun walked out he wanted to go after him but he didn't, he stayed where he was. Was it because of pride? Or was it because Sehun knew he was right? Was he right? That Sehun always made it about him instead of listening to and helping his only friend. 

You're not the only one here who's had a hard life 

"I'm an idiot" he muttered to himself and banged his head on the table, finally admitting to himself that yeah... maybe Baekhyun had been right. Everything was always about Sehun and never about him. That was when Sehun grew worried; what if Baekhyun ditched him for Chanyeol because of their argument? What if he refused to speak to him because of the argument? Sehun told Baekhyun everything about his past and told him everything that he had felt, what if Baekhyun told everyone? 

No. He wouldn't. Baekhyun promised Sehun he wouldn't and if you break a promise... well then you're a foul friend. Baekhyun had promised Sehun that he wouldn't tell people about him. Sehun promised Baekhyun that he wouldn't let people bully him because of his past and would always be there for him when he needed someone to talk to. Some promise keeper he was! 

Gathering his stuff, he stood up and groaned at how stiff his body felt. He was going to find Baekhyun and put it right. Apologise to him and tell him that he was being a lousy friend and hoped that Baekhyun would forgive him. But where to go? The school was huge and the surrounding area around it was even bigger. He didn't know if Baekhyun was going to be in his room or somewhere else. 

Was he with Chanyeol? The only way Sehun could find that out was to go ask Luhan and he didn't really want to speak to the boy thank you very much! Sighing in defeat, Sehun decided to just go back to his room and wait until dinner that evening to see if Baekhyun would turn up then. 


"Then I stood up and got my stuff... kind of had a go at him one last time and left him there" Baekhyun said, finishing his story whilst Chanyeol sat there nodding 
"No offense, but it sounds like you didn't really give him a chance to speak. You told him you hated the fact that it was always about him. From the sound sounds of the argument, you made it all about you without letting him speak" he finally replied and Baekhyun nodded in agreement. 

"I feel like a " he muttered 
"Go talk to Sehun about it then. He's probably feeling the same way right now" Chanyeol said 
"But what if he doesn't want to speak to me?" Baekhyun asked and Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders 
"You'll never know if you don't try. Come on, dinner will be on soon and you can speak to him then" he said, getting up and helped Baekhyun up before the two went inside. Baekhyun actually remembering to thank him this time.


Sehun didn't feel like eating this evening. The food on his plate looked horrible and he was sure he found a hair floating around in there somewhere. For a school who boasts excellent schooling results and sporting results, the same couldn't be said about their cooking! 

So he just sat there picking it, ocassionally stabbing pieces of the food with his fork. He was nervous. He was waiting to see if Baekhyun would come and eat with him, or whether he would ditch him for someone else. Sighing to himself, he frowned when he saw his journal just appear in the middle of the table, where did that come from? 

"I accidentally picked it up with my stuff" Baekhyun said, setting his tray down and sat across from Sehun who's eyes widened and he quickly pulled the journal towards him 
"Don't worry, I didn't read anything in there" Baekhyun said and Sehun nodded, putting the journal down on his lap so he at least knew where it was now. 

Both of them just sat there for a moment without really saying anything... well this was awkward... 
"Sorry" they both muttered at the same time 
"What are you apologising for?" Baekhyun asked 
"For being a lousy friend and not helping you when I should have" Sehun replied to which Baekhyun shook his head. 

"I should be the one apologising. I was too hard on you back there and didn't give you a chance to speak before I walked out of the library" he said 
"But you were right though, I always make it about me instead of trying to help you out" Sehun muttered  
"I was over reacting about that" he said and Sehun shrugged his shoulders. 

"Are we still friends?" he asked 
"Of course we are! You think I was going to ditch you just because we had an argument?" Baekhyun replied and laughed when he saw Sehun nod his head 
"No you dummy, I wouldn't dtich you just because of one argument" he said before turning to his food and making a face.

"Whoever made dinner tonight it a horrible chef" he said 
"Well, we could go to the restaurant nearby. It's pretty cheap and the food is great" Sehun replied 
"Really?" Baekhyun asked 
"Yeah" Sehun replied and with that Baekhyun shot out of his seat. 

"Well what are you waiting for then? Come on" he said, grabbing his tray and running over to the bin to chuck his food away whilst Sehun laughed at him and got up himself, making sure his journal was tucked safely underneath his arm before he walked out of the hall himself. Chanyeol and Luhan had watched the scene, Chanyeol smiling at the fact that the two of them were getting along once again. Luhan? He was watching with a frown on his face. What would it take for Sehun to like him? To treat him like a friend as he did with Baekhyun instead of hating on him all the time? 

Hey guys!! :D 

Little warning now, I may not update next week until Friday. Possibly tomorrow but after that not until Friday at the latest because I have coursework, I have to go on a trip to look at a bunch of universities and exam revision. Oh what joy(!) 

Until the next chapter!! 


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EXO-l_army1 #1
Chapter 49: this fic was sooo good! I can actually relate to sehun's old self~! But anyways this fic's end was pretty good! *thumbs up*
ChocoChen21 #3
Chapter 28: Finally BAEKYEOL is official!!!

oh, and Luhan is slowly going in Sehun's life~

I also walked in on a "confession" scene of a friend XD
I was singing Growl at the top of my lungs.... why didnt hear me, i never knew XD
ChocoChen21 #4

I WAS SO CLOSE TO CURSING MY TEACHER but i had to cool mah self down so i wont get expelled >3<

I hate math too.... so yeah hahaha

Well then.... i envy Baekhyun here too....
ChocoChen21 #5
Chapter 10: Ok even thoug i just commemted a few minutes ago, i cant stop *^*
Waaaah~ sehun gwaenchana~ uljimayo huhuhu TT3TT

God how dumb can his dad get? I can feel the pain ahfhdjsnxjdja

Yes luhan , go after your bae and help him, i dont like it when the maknae of exo cries, infact i dont like it when anyone cties TT TT
ChocoChen21 #6
Chapter 9: Ok why did i just read this story now?? I feel so stupid....

Ok, for the past hour reading chap 1-8, here are my thoughts:
>i know how sehun feels sometimes... whenever i was depressed i had a blade in my hand.... but i never cut myself.... just stare at it.... then sometimes just press it against my wrist, not too hard at least...
>im same with baek too, i approach people who look alone and make them my friends (like this school year :3)
>i like how Sehun teases Luhan hahaha XD "Han~ Han~" hahaha
>chanyeol chanyeol chanyeol..... what are we going to do to you xD, and baekhyun is just like "please notice me senpai~ please notice meee~~"
>Jungmo you little er!!! Want me to hit you instead?!? ONE MEASLEY KICK IN THE BALLS AND I CAN MAKE YOU CRY FOR YOUR MOMMY!!!

Ah yeah hahaha sorry for the curses ^3^
And im loving the story right now, byeeee~~
ai_nuru #7
Chapter 40: I tried to understand, but seriously I can't. I don't the part when Luhan start falling for Sehun. I mean, just like that? I don't see something fluff in here, all I know, it's all about sehun's family and how much important Baekhyun was for Sehun, I couldn't find HunHan =[ Sorry but yeah you did a great job for be an author ^^
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 46: YOU RUSHED THROUGH IT ! so much stuff unexplained , how did luhan fall for sehun without showing ? Why sehun kissed and have no feelings ?
manolita #9
Chapter 46: OMG HUNHAN FINALLY ;;;;;;